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Billie's Journey Ch. 03

Story Info
Billie gets a visit from her husband's boss.
4.3k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 04/12/2008
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A week after her visit to the neighbor's, Billie received a package in the mail. She knew who it was from as soon as she saw the return address, and did not open it for two days. Then, one night when her husband went to sleep early she could not stand it anymore, and ended up opening the box.

Inside were three outfits; the first was a waitresses' uniform, with a tight vest, a loose, pleated mini skirt, a half cup push up bra with matching thong and garter belt and stockings. The second was a mini skirt, much tighter, another similar bra and a skin tight, thin t-shirt that said, 'porn actress in training' on it, and the third was, of course, another miniskirt and a tight, light blue strapless halter top -- the type of thing they had called a 'boob tube' back when she was younger.

She shivered as she looked down at the sexy little things -- other than the bra and panties she enjoyed, she had never worn such things at all, not even for her husband.

She slipped into a small grocery store that morning and got herself a bottle of the tasty liquor mix Chris had had, and she had finished several drinks by 11:00 when Daniel Morris rang on her doorbell.

Billie Jenkins had forgotten about her husband's boss coming to pick up the work he had finished -- some type of reports-- he had had to leave unexpectedly late the previous afternoon and had not been able to take it to the office.

There was another man with him, a bit taller and wider in the shoulders but just as good looking. Billie peeked at the men from behind the door, not really wanting the men to see what she was wearing. After a couple drinks she had opened the package again, and had begun trying on the outfits. She knew who they were from, but she told herself that she would just wear them for her husband.

She had grabbed the long robe when she came downstairs, and now here was Mr. Morris, the owner of her husband's company, a man she thought was way too handsome and whom she didn't really trust. It seemed as though he was always staring through her clothes, and what she had on today was not very modest at all, unlike the clothes he was used to seeing her in. Thank God she had grabbed the robe, she thought to herself. There was no way she wanted her husband's boss to see what she was wearing.

"Um, hello, Mr. Morris," Billie said, trying to keep her voice straight but not opening the door any wider.

"Well, hello, Billie," Daniel Morris smiled into the woman's eyes. He noticed that she had on more makeup than usual, that her generous pouting lips were glistening with pink lipstick. He had always thought this woman was gorgeous, but had also always thought her completely unapproachable. But already she was making his inner animal take notice. "Won't you let us in while you get the files? This is Ed Kransky, he is a rather large client of ours." He smiled, and his eyes said, 'A lot depends on it'.

He finally smiled when she nodded, and she held the door open for them, letting them into the house. He smiled down at her -- she had on rather fancy shoes, but also wore a long robe that went to below her knees. She had the robe tied at the waist, and one hand clutched the top of the robe closed.

The thin fabric of the robe, and the fact that it was tied tightly at her waist, accentuated her large breasts. The two men exchanged a look. It was obvious that the woman had something on under the robe.

She had on a short miniskirt, her thighs naked and smooth. The mini skirt was quite tight, and just came to mid thigh. She also had on a light blue tight knit halter top, with no straps -- the tight halter top was all that covered her massive, swaying breasts as she offered them drinks -- that and the robe, but she noticed the men staring at her prominent bosom nonetheless.

"Yes, that would be great, Billie," Mr. Morris said about the drinks. "That's a nice robe you have on," he said, watching her swaying ass as she led them to a bar in the den. He noticed that as well as the drinks she poured them she poured herself a stiff long island iced tea.

"Well, thank you Mr. Morris -- I got it for Christmas," she finished lamely, trying to think of some reason she would be wearing a robe in the middle of the day. The men were clearly staring at her massive jugs, and she realized her thick nipples were clearly visible even through the fabric of the robe and the halter top beneath it.

Well, it was rather sheer, she thought, and hoped that men had not noticed her stiffening sensitive buds.

Billie fixed them a drink, and poured herself another and took a long sip out of it. Mr. Morris was telling her about Mr. Kransky's boat, and how she would have to see it.

She nodded, and poured herself another of the long island iced teas, then noticed the men staring at her chest. She looked down, and was shocked to see that the robe had falled open a bit, revealing a generous amount of cleavage and th bare edge of the little halter top that was squeezing her large, firm breasts into such great prominence.

"Do you have a dress on under that robe, Mrs. Jenkins?" Kransky smiled down at her, his brown eyes suddenly staring straight into hers.

"Um, well, I was just trying on some Halloween outfits," she said quickly, trying to think of something. She readjusted her robe, and then took another drink as she looked around the room, trying to ignore the fact that the men were staring holes in her.

"Do you not like that one?" Morris asked, guiding her out from behind the counter so she stood in front of the two men. Billie stood there miserably while the men asked her questions about the outfit, and she shook her head and sipped her drink, then shot a look of thanks at Kransky when he refilled it from the pitcher on the bar.

She finally shook her head -- "I, I just thought this one might be a little inappropriate, you see, so I'm not sure about it." She was aware that her robe had slipped open a bit further again, and knew she should actually hold the robe together. Her cleavage was slightly on display, but she told herself she did not want to seem like a prude.

"Well, we can give you our opinion on it, how's that sound?" Kransky said.

"Umm, I really don't think that would be a great idea," Billie stammered, and saw the quick look of anger in Kransky's eyes, and the quick smile on Morris' face; "I'm sure your husband wouldn't mind. Fred's always been a team player, and after all, how bad can it be?"

"Don't worry, dear," Kransky smiled at her like a kindly uncle, the flash of anger just that -- now his brown eyes were quite nice. "It's no big deal," he said, and he casually reached out and began tugging at the sash which held the robe closed.

"Well, I'm still not sure," Billie said, biting her lower lip. She stared down at Kransky's hand gently tugging the sash, and a soft shiver raced through the young wife.

She heard Kransky saying he weas sure, if the deal went through, they could wrangle an extra weeks vacation for 'good ole fred', but her head was buzzing, and in the end all she did was stand there until Kransky's gentle tugging finally resulted in the knot coming loose.

Morris took her drink and refilled it while Kransky helped her peal the robe from her fine shoulders. Billie knew she should not have let Kransky take her robe off, and a stronger shiver thrummed through her now pulsing body as the big bald man through her robe over the bar.

She did not know what to do with her hands, and she stood there blushing furoiously as the men surveyed her. She smiled her thanks when Morris handed her back a full glass. Her head was spinning slightly, and her gut was twisting in a horrible fashion.

She had on a short miniskirt, her thighs naked and smooth. The mini skirt was quite tight, and just came to mid thigh. She also had on a light blue tight knit halter top, with no straps. It clung tightly to her gently rounded tummy, and was cut so that it hugged every curve of her belly and big breasts.

It lifted the heavy globes slightly, pushing them up and in, but did very little to conceal them. Her big strawberry sized nipples were very stiff, and easily visible. Billie's throat felt tight, and he mouth was dry. She could feel her pulse in her pussy and her big tits, and it was making her head light and her breath short and sharp.

"Well, that is quite a dress, isn't it, Morris?" Kransky finally said, staring now at her long legs, revealed perfectly by the short tight skirt. "You've got great legs, Mrs. Jenkins -- I'd hire you for my own secretary just for those."

"Um, well, I . . . thanks for the compliment, I guess," Billie said, not sure how to respond, or how long she was supposed to stand here on display, and all the time her belly writhed harder and harder. The men commented on her legs, and had her turn around, also complimenting her on the way the miniskirt showed off her 'slammin ass', as Kransky put it, and then said that her breasts looked marvelous in the little top.

"So, what are you supposed to be, a whore? A little cock hungry whore?" Morris asked at one point. Billie blushed deeply, and said, in what she hoped was a joking manner, that he shouldn't be talking to her like that.

"Oh, don't worry, Mrs. Jenkins, it's all just fun and games," Kransky said, staring directly at her heaving tits as they swayed and wobbled beneath the tight halter top. "We're just getting to know one another, and I must say I am glad we dropped by -- it's improving my whole outlook on this deal."

And they continued to compliment her on the dress, every once in a while saying something vulgar, like the top made her tits look like they were made to be played with.

Finally, she could not stand it anymore -- she told Daniel Morris where the files were, and while he was gone Ed swigged another drink. "I wish my wife would dress up like that," he said, and reached out casually and pressed the side of his cold glass against the tip of her breast through the thin halter top. He rubbed it strongly against her stiff nipple, but pulled the glass away voluntarily before she could manage to try to push him away.

There was a long silence in the room -- Billie nervously put on another layer of the shiny pink lipstick - and then Mr. Morris was walking back in. He laid the files on the bar, and Billie fixed them all another drink, and then went and sat on the couch, trying to keep her hands from trembling as she nursed on the drink.

The men came and sat down on either side of her, and Billie smiled at them, feeling shaky and odd. She wished she hadn't drunk so much. She really wished she had not tried this dress on, or that she had gone to change it when she had the chance.

"So, what were you two talking about?" Morris said, finishing up his drink and laying it on the table.

"We were talking about her dress some more," Kransky said, still sipping his. He was staring her in the eyes, and then boldly slid his eyes down past her big breasts to her long thighs, exposed by the short skirt.

"Well, it is very nice," Morris said, also lazily surveying her body. Billie bit her lower lip and shifted on the couch as the men stared at her with their hard eyes, paying special attention to her long legs, exposed beautifully by the short skirt or her big, cantaloupe sized breasts smashed by the tight blue halter top.

"I was telling her my wife never dresses like a little slut or a whore," Kransky said, "Even for Halloween." He reached up casually and began drawing a finger along her bare arm. "Just seeing you, dear, makes me want to do more business with this company."

"Um, well, anything I can do to help, I know it's very important to my husband," she said, trying to remind them that she was married. Kransky's fingers on her bare arm was making her shiver, and making her body a bit flushed. Surely they could not think anything was going to happen, Billie thought to herself. She didn't mind if they stared a little, but nothing else!

"So, does wearing that dress make you feel like a slut, Billie?" Morris asked from the other side of her. "Does it make you want to be treated like that? Like a little cock hungry whore?"

"Ohn, Mr. Morris, I really don't think you should talk to me that way," Billie said, and tried to ignore the fact that he had just called her a whore and slut -- it reminded her of the little porn store where this had all started, and the words themselves made her head spin, made her belly hot and trembly. To change the subject looked back at Kransky. "We really are willing to um, to, you know, to go all the way to prove that we want this contract," she finished lamely, blushing deeply when she realized what she had just said sounded like.

"Well, I would like to feel how soft your legs are," Kransky said, smiling down at her. He took his hand away from her arm, and slowly reached down, slipping his hand onto her thigh just above her knee.

"Umm, I don't think that's what I meant, Mr. Kransky," she muttered softly as he slid his hand a bit further to the inside of her thigh just above her knee. She shifted uncomfortably, and his hand slipped upwards just a bit.

"I, umm, I really don't think you should be touching me like that," she tried again. Her hands were clasped in her lap and she stared down at his hand as he began rubbing her silky skin softly.

"Oh, it's all just a bit of fun, Billie, I'm sure Fred wouldn't mind," Morris said from the other side of her, and then his hand was also coming down on her thigh just above the knee. The two men talked about how smooth her skin was as Billie sat there mortified.

She shifted again as the men's hands made her start to sweat just a bit, and she was too aware of how large her breasts looked in the tight halter top. Then she realized what Kransky had just said, "Just how big are your breasts, my dear?"

"Um, they -- they're DD's," Billie said, squirming about on the couch. The men's hands continued to climb higher up her shapely legs, and they were both squeezing and rubbing her muscular thighs with a bit moiré force now, and going a bit higher up her thighs with every rub.

"I'll bet they're very sensitive," Kransky said, "Look at how hard your nipples are already, you can see them right through that little shirt you have on."

"I'll bet she wouldn't mind if you felt one up, would you, Billie? One for the company, so to speak," he laughed, and squeezed her thigh harder. Billy squirmed, but just tried to smile at the men.

"Would that be OK, Billie? Do you think your husband would mind if I just gave it a quick pinch?" Kransky said. He lifted his hand off of her thigh, and Billie watched out of slitted eyes as he raised it slowly.

"I'm not sure if that would be a good idea, but, umm, but I guess if Mr. Morris thinks it would be OK with my husband, then, umm, I guess it would be OK," she finished lamely, and watched with an apprehensive look on her face as Kransky's strong, thick fingers began rubbing her stiff nipple through the thin halter top.

"So, you never answered my question, Billie," Morris said, his hand now rubbing her thigh from her knee almost all the way up her thigh to her short skirt. "Does that dress make you feel like a slut? Like you'd do just about anything for a stiff fuckin cock?"

"Uhn, ohnnn, no, Mr. Morris, please, don't talk to me that way," she said,, and tried to ignore the fact that Kransky was twisting on her stiff, thick nipple with more force, enough to make her breath catch in her throat. She felt his fingers encircling her large, round breast, felt Morris' hand slipping up higher, higher up her thigh till his thumb brushed the edge of the short miniskirt.

Billie twisted and writhed gently on the couch -- she found she could not even protest that Kransky was now openly mauling her breast, and he casually slipped his hand to her other mound. "These feel tremendous, Mrs. Jenkins," he said. "Whets the matter? You seem like you can't catch your breath?"

"Maybe it's the halter top, Ed -- it does look awfully tight," Morris said, and pushed the girls skirt up just a bit higher. She shifted on the couch, and seemingly by accident her thighs parted a bit further. Morris smiled like a wolf, and his hand slipped further down between her thighs. "Why don't you pull it down for her?"

"No, no, I don't think you should do that," Billie gasped -- "Please, um, maybe I could . . ."

"Tell you what dear, just rub our cocks for a minute or two, and then we'll go -- it'll just be a bit of fun, the company will get the contract, your husband will get a fat bonus, and everyone will be happy -- don't you think your husband would like that?"

Billie tried to concentrate harder on what the man was saying, but his hand was still rubbing and squeezing her swollen mound, making soft lightning bolts pulse through her chest when he squeezed her nipple. She squirmed on the couch, and gasped, "And I won't have to take my shirt down?"

"No, not at all," Kransky said, switching his hand once again to her right breast. He immediately began kneading it with even more force, but the gorgeous, exotic looking brunette just sighed and panted softly. He then began pulling her nipple out from the globe hard, making her have to lean back to keep her balance. Morris' fingers again were easing the hem of her skirt higher and higher, his hand growing as bold on her silky thigh as Kransky's was on her pulsing, swollen titties.

"Why don't you start rubbing our cocks for us, Billie? You won't have to show your tits, but you know you dressed up like a slut to be used, didn't you? Didn't your husband tell you we were coming by today?" he said, and cupped her entire breast in his hand again, started squeezing the giant, softly firm globe in big handfuls.

"I . . . I forgot," Billie said in a daze, and reached out with trembling hands till she was slipping her small hands onto the huge lumps in the men's trousers. My god, she thought, did all men have big cocks except her husband? She tried not to think at all as she began rubbing the big shafts through the trousers. Kransky's hand began squeezing harder, and Billie tried to keep her breathing even, tried not to let her eyes roll up into the backs of her head as he mauled her sensitive, super soft breast.

She felt Morris' hand easing her short skirt up a bit higher, and once again as she shifted and squirmed on the couch her legs spread a bit further apart. "That's a good girl," Morris smiled down at her. Billie smiled weakly, trying to tell herself she was going to regain control of this situation somehow. Then she felt Kransky's hand against hers as she rubbed his cock through his pants -- a moment later he had opened his trousers and his cock sprang out.

"Ohnn, oh my, you didn't . . . ohn, unhhh, uhn, ohnnn, noo, you didn't say I would have to feel it naked!" Billie gasped, but her small sweaty hand had already encircled Kransky's fat, angry red cock and she started sliding her fist up and down his nine inch shaft.

Morris slipped his hand a bit higher, so that his fingers were actually pushing beneath her skirt, and Billie said softly, "Mr. Morris, I wish you wouldn't do that," she said, and then gasped and could not stop moaning softly when a second later he had released his cock also.

Billie sat there miserably as the men mauled her lush body, her hands almost of their own volition jacking the stiff shafts. Morris smiled at her; "Your rather good at taking orders, aren't you, Billie? I think I will have a job for you." He said, and smoothly lifted her leg up, and laid it so that it was laying over his. This caused her skirt to ride up almost to her crotch.

He slipped his hand back to the inside of her thigh, and slipped it smoothly upwards. Billie blinked and breathed a huge sigh when Kransky finally hooked her top with two fingers and pulled it down, causing her big, naked breasts to pop out of the tight little garment. It stayed around her belly, and her breasts bounced like water balloons, and then continued to sway because of the motion of her hands.


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