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Bipartisanship and Romance Pt. 04

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Deals get cut, feelings get hurt, a trip starts.
9.9k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/31/2021
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This is part four of the story of Maddie and Ted. I know the politics aren't perfect before anyone comments. In some places, it is generalizations about how we think Washington works. In others, this story is the fantasy of how Washington should work. I'm just having fun. I hope you are too. Enjoy!


The lead-up to the meeting was tense. The speaker wanted complete secrecy. We held our meetings at night after the press had left. Raj, Eddie, and I were the only ones technically invited. The Republicans were so confident that this would get a quick death that they had scheduled the meeting for Friday, December 10th, the same night as the Congressional Christmas Party. They didn't expect us to go late. The Speakers plan was for us to go into the meeting, and then she would make a statement announcing her full support of the negotiations and the project. Several leadership members, including the House Majority Leader, Stan Houser, would come in and knock it out. It seemed like it could work. Raj, as ever, was confident in victory.

"Oh, my God, I can't wait to see the look on their faces." He said before shoveling Chinese food into his mouth. He followed it up with a muffled, "Glorious."

We were in Eddie's office on the night before the meeting. Because Eddie had been a marine and sat on both a veterans committee and a defense spending committee, we figured his office was the least likely to be bugged. My chief of staff Mike, Eddie's boyfriend, and Eddie's chief Eric Russell, a former marine like Eddie, were also there. Eric was reading over the proposal and making notes. Mike was preaching caution.

"Look, we may win the shock value fight, but there is going to be a cost. There is no way the Farmer is going to let you guys hoodwink him for free. You need to be ready," he said, looking right at me, "to give up on something. Maybe your education bill." Kyle Farmer was the minority leader. He was a rarity in politics, a Republican from California.

"But what we are proposing is just an increase in cost to insurance companies and making them promise not to leave people in the lurch when they most need them." Eddie countered.

"Insurance companies give to Republicans more than Democrats. Farmer is going to protect his guys. Also, you know they are going to sneak those costs back on consumers. I'm just saying. There may be a cost." Mike said.

"We can't know until we get in the room," I said. "Let's all head home, get some rest, and come do this thing tomorrow. No slip-ups now. We are almost there." And with that, our little meeting broke up.

The next morning I snuck out of Maddie's room early and headed into the office. I got there before any of my staff. I wanted to get my head straight and not have to worry about running into someone and spilling. Mike called me from the outer office when it was time to head down.

Raj was already there, and Eddie was shortly behind me. We walked into the conference room together. Kyle Farmer sat at the middle of the table. He had salt and pepper hair slicked back and dark tan skin. For a guy in his late fifties, he looked great. Seated next to him was Mark Grast. Grast was Florida Republican and a firebrand. Only a few years older than me in his late thirties, he had made a Reputation on committees for screaming down the witnesses. If he was here, it meant this meeting was about to get noisy. With them was a Kansan named White, who I didn't know and next to him, because of course, she was, was Maddie. I had to do everything in my power not to smile and wave like an idiot. She nodded an acknowledgment to each of us, although her eyes lingered a little longer on me than the others.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, gentlemen, finally," Farmer said, standing to shake our hands. "You caused me some trouble over the holiday."

"Well, sir, we hope it didn't ruin your meal," Raj replied.

"No, no. Although I think it increased the heartburn." Farmer said to some lite laughter. "So, why don't we get started?"

"There's no reason to start Kyle," Grast sneered. "This meeting is already over."

"Oh," Eddie said, "So you agree to the proposal?"

"No, there is no proposal. There is just a fucking waste of time." Grast almost shouted. The whole room seemed stunned. Farmer cleared his throat.

"I think what my colleague so rudely was trying to say is that you don't seem to have your side together on this. You three started making some noise, and now nothing. Maybe you all were out on a limb too much." Farmer said, almost like he felt bad for us. Just then, the door swung open, and Stan Houser walked in. Behind him was Dale Parker and, I shit you not, Gus Hankin.

"What limb would that be, Kyle?" He asked. Farmer jumped up to shake his hand.

"Stan, I didn't know we would be having other guests. Please come in and sit down." Farmer waved them toward the empty chairs.

"Well, after the Speaker's statement, I thought I better see how the big deal was going," Houser said, a slight grin on his face. Farmer froze for a moment and then looked around the table.

Grast chimed in, "What fucking statement?"

Farmer found what he was looking for, a TV remote, and pointed at the screen on the wall, up popped CNN. The chyron said it all before he got the volume up. SPEAKER ANNOUNCES PLANNED DEAL ON PREEXISTING CONDITIONS.

The announcer was saying, "having just left the podium where she announced she was pleased to back the bipartisan negotiations taking place right now and that she felt confident in imminent success."

Farmer turned off the TV, put his fists on the table, and shook his head. To my surprise, he looked at Houser, and a smile crept onto his face.

"She wasn't hanging them out to dry." He didn't say it as a question.

"Tempted though she was, she couldn't say no to Mr. Kahn's million-dollar smile," Houser said. I had to cover my mouth with my hand to stifle a laugh. I then felt a foot kick me under the table and looked up to see Maddie scowling at me.

"Bullshit!" Grast sneered again. "We aren't signing on to this shit." He stood up.

"Shut up, Mark. And sit down. This is a negotiation now." Farmer was still smiling as he sat down. "Ok, but we get to make the announcement."

"No way! It was our idea. You're only here because we ratcheted up the pressure." Raj said, almost coming out of his chair. Houser put his hand on Raj's arm.

"We approve the text, and we have people there when you make it," Houser said, keep his hand on Raj.

"I gotta give my people something. Grast is a dick, but his guys will howl if we don't give them something." Farmer said casually.

"Hey, fuck.." Grast started to say, but White cut him off.

"Will you shut up, Grast. Jesus, I'm tired of your victim shit. You guys bitch and moan and make us look bad." White had turned almost red, and his fists were clenched. "We are making you a deal." Before anyone else had a chance to speak, I threw out the first thing that came to my head.

"Congresswoman Crawford announces the plan with Mr. Kahn and leadership present," I said, almost too fast. The room stopped, and everyone looked at me. Maddie seemed to be the most perplexed.

"What the hell for?" Grast barked. He thought he should be making the announcement, probably so that he could editorialize while he was doing it.

Before I could speak, Gus Hankin raised his voice, "Because we're giving you the hard cap on the transportation bill. States now don't have to make special concessions. The lowest bidder gets federal construction contracts. Provided none of you fuck with my unions." Houser looked mildly surprised but didn't say no. Instead, he looked at Farmer.


Farmer looked at his people. White seemed genuinely pleased and said yes. Maddie also agreed. Grast was breathing heavily and staring at the table, looking like he wanted to punch someone. When he felt Farmer's gaze, he half flicked his fingers to show consent. Farmer stood up. Houser did the same.

"Well, Stan, looks like you have yourselves some good boys. These three Amigos got the job done. Also, can you please ask Carol to swing by my office when she has a minute?" He held out his hand, and Houser took it. Grast bolted out of his chair and hit the door before anything else was said.

An hour later, Maddie and Raj were at a podium with House leadership flanking them. She did great and even gave Raj a turn at the mic. I was coming to understand that he did have a million-dollar smile, though I would be damned if I would ever tell him that. He would be insufferable. I hung around the office, finishing some paperwork. My rental tux was in the bathroom, so I didn't need to go home before the Christmas party. Several people swung by to say congratulations. I thought Maddie would stop by, but she didn't. Eventually, it was time to head over to the Capital for the party.

The Rotunda was full of men in black ties and women in ball gowns. There was a band playing Christmas music softly to one side. White coated waiters were weaving between the guests with trays of champagne and hors d'oeuvres. I got a martini from the bar and went to look for my friends. I wanted to see Maddie and talk to her. I heard Raj call out.

"Ted, Ted! Here he is. My man. Dealmaker extraordinary!" Raj said as he slapped me on the back. A group of Congressmen and women surrounded him, along with some staffers. Dale Parker was there with his wife.

"Yep," Dale chimed in. "I thought we were done when Grast started making demands. But, Ole Ted here nailed him."

"Come on, guys, we all got it done. We worked the plan, and we cut a good deal." I said, trying to deflect a little. "Hey Raj, have you.."

"Over there." He said, tilting his glass. "You are one lucky man."

"Tell me again how you guys came up with your plan, Raj," said Alexa Sanchez-Cruz, the young Congresswoman from Brooklyn. She was staring at Raj the way hungry people look at food.

"Of course, my dear, but first more champagne!" he said with a flourish. I went off to talk to Maddie.

She was standing near one of the bars. Raj was right; she looked breathtaking. I came to a stop and stared at her for a moment. She was in a black floor-length gown that seemed to sparkle as the lights hit it. It almost looked like liquid. She was speaking to Carol Gower, and the two were sharing a laugh as I approached.

"Ah," Speaker Gower said as she saw me, "one of the Three Amigos. I understand you were instrumental in our wonderful deal today."

"I just wanted to make sure that we could prove that bipartisanship could still work. I came over to thank Congresswoman Crawford for her help today." I said.

"I was just complimenting her. I haven't been able to get Gus Hankin to agree to two deals in one session of Congress, much less in two weeks. I simply had to come to talk to the Gus Whisperer and find out her secret," said Gower.

"It's a gift," Maddie said with a laugh. "Besides, if I go spreading around how to do it, I won't be special anymore." We all laughed. Speaker Gower excused herself, and I turned to Maddie.

"You look stunning. I really don't have the words." I said.

"Thanks." She replied, staring into her drink.

"I also wanted to tell you that you did amazing on the speech today. I was hoping to see you after, but I stayed around the office."

Again all I got was a quiet, "Thanks."

We stood quietly for a moment before I said, "I'm getting the sense that I pissed you off, but I can't imagine what I did." She glared at me for a second and then grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the Rotunda. When we found a quiet hallway, she stopped.

"Hell yeah, I'm pissed at you. I don't need my boyfriend trying to save my bill. I fucking got elected. I got it through committee, and I damn well could have gotten it through the House. I'm not a damsel in distress for you to save. That and you lied to me. You broke the most important rule. When we are naked in bed, we're Maddie and Ted. You lied." She was almost in tears.

"Maddie, I'm sorry. Gower read us the riot act and made us swear. I didn't want to have you know and then put you between your team and us. They have to trust you." I said.

"Well, that is my choice! You were talking to me, Ted, not the Republican Party. We don't have secrets, not there. It's the only way this will work. There has to be a place for you and me." I felt devastated.

"Maddie, I'm so sorry. I just, I just didn't know then. Please." I moved forward to hold her. "I love you, and I promise never to take that place away again."

She stopped me before I could hold her, "I also don't need you playing hero to my bill. I'll never get anything passed if people think you need to swoop in to save my legislation."

"That's not what happened," I protested.

"Really? Because it sure seems like it." Some fire had returned to her eyes.

"No, no. I didn't even know you would be there. We only knew about Farmer. I didn't even know Haskin was coming until he walked in. When you guys started asking for something in return, I panicked. I didn't want my education bill torn apart, and with how pissed Grast was, I assumed he was going to come after me. But you and Haskin were in the same room at the same time again. I figured if I started the ball, having you two there would give it credibility." I finished with a shrug.

"And then Haskin backed you up without any questions.." She trailed off with realization dawning in her eyes, "Which made it look like the plan, which made Farmer grab it. Which saved your bill."

"I swear, I wasn't trying to play superman; ask Mark. The night before, he had warned me that education was going to be the price. Raj thought that the shock value was all we were going to need, but Mark knew." I moved forward to hold her, and this time she accepted. She put her head on my shoulder and let out a sigh.

"Ok," she said and looked up and kissed me. "One. When we are naked in bed, we are Maddie and Ted. Fuck it up again, and I swear I will walk. Two. Sorry. I don't particularly appreciate feeling helpless, and it never occurred to me that you were the one out on a limb at that moment. Three. I love you too, and thank you for finally saying it. It took you long enough. Four. Let's go back to the party, eat, drink, and mingle and then take me home and make love to me all night. Deal?" Her pinky was up

"Deal." I gave her a pinky swear.

After about an hour of schmoozing with party elites gorging myself on small puff pastries, I caught Maddie's eye. She gave a slight nod of the head toward the door. I gave some goodbyes and Merry Christmases on the way out, and she went to get her coat. We walked about a block away from the Rotunda and hailed a cab. The ride home was excellent. We necked like teenagers. Maddie seemed insatiable. Our tongues danced around each other's most of the ride home. The only break was when I moved down to kiss her neck, and she moaned. This bought a polite cough from the driver but didn't end the make-out session. I made sure to tip the guy extra when we got home.

The House was dark. I hadn't seen Eddie at the party, so maybe he was in his room. Raj, I knew, would party till dawn if there was fun to be had. Maddie barely stopped when she got through the door. She slipped her coat off and threw it on the couch, and made a b-line for the stairs. I saw her go into my room and followed. She turned and practically threw herself into my arms.

"Even though I was mad at you," she whispered in between kisses, "I still wanted to look fucking great for you tonight."

"Oh my god, you were the most gorgeous woman there," I said before giving her neck the kiss it needed in the cab. I, of course, was also trying, and failing, to get my tuxedo jacket off. Maddie helped push it down. She then reached behind her head and released a clasp. With a soft whish, her gown pooled on the floor. She stood there in nothing but a thong and heels.

"Jesus," I whispered. She came into my arms again, this time leaving a hand between us. She began working on the buttons on my shirt. I kicked off the rental shoes and slid off my suspenders. Maddie had my shirt open. She began to kiss down my neck and onto my chest. She took one of my nipples into her mouth, and I moaned. I worked to get my pants off. Maddie came back up to eye level.

"I want you. All night. Love me. Take me," she said in a husky voice.

"Yes, mam," I replied.

I backed her toward the bed. When she was seated, I began to push her upper body back while I reached down with my left hand and began to slide down her panties. My mouth went to her breast, and I sucked on her nipple. My left hand moved down to her pussy, and I began to trace my finger around her slit. Occasionally, I would let the tip of my finger between her folds. I then began to kiss my way down her body. I was eventually kneeling, her legs on my shoulder with her heels still on. I began to kiss her mound. I ran my tongue around her. She was writhing and moaning. Her hand was in my hair.

"Oh, please, don't tease me. Please," she cried.

I dove my tongue into her pussy. I went as deep as I could and then worked it back out until just the tip was inside of her. I used my thumb to gently circle her clit. When I went in the next time, I felt Maddie press on the back of my head. I added pressure to my thumb.

"OH FUCK," she cried out before reaching over for a pillow. "Oh shit. Oh, fuck yes."

After a few more penetrations with my tongue, I moved up and circled her clit with my tongue. She moaned from underneath the pillow. I gently sucked her nub between my teeth and ran circles around it with my tongue. Again there was pressure on my head. I began to lap at her clit, rolling my tongue around the sensitive area. I slowly inserted first one finger, then two into her pussy. Slowly I began to pump them in and out as I worked on her clit with my thumb.

Maddie moved the pillow off of her head, "Oh god, Ted. Fuck. Keep going, keep going. Shit, your gonna... oh god, fuck..." she trailed off.

I felt her pussy clench around my fingers, and she pulled the pillow over her head again. My tongue stayed glued to her clit. I could hear muffled cries from under the pillow.

"Cumming. Oh fuck, god. Cumming. I'm cumming. Oh.." she moved the pillow off of her head. "Fuck. Get up here."

Needing no further encouragement, I kissed my way up her body. When I made it to her mouth, she ran her tongue around my lips, getting some of her juices. She kissed me hungrily and scooted further onto the bed. I worked my boxers off and was kneeling between her legs. I was rock hard. She grabbed my cock and began pulling toward her pussy. I edged forward and felt the tip start to slide into her. She was so wet. I leaned forward and felt her legs wrap around me. She was still wearing her heels, and I could feel them against my ass. We both moaned as I slid inside her. I began to move my hips. For a while, we just stayed like that. Kissing and moaning as I pumped my hips. She broke our kiss.

"Ted, I really do love you."

"I love you too," I replied as I dove into her neck and kissed her. I began to thrust a little bit fast. I was in heaven, but I didn't want it to end too soon.

"Yessss." She hissed.

I went back to her mouth and kissed her again. Picking up my pace just a little, you could start to hear a lite slapping sound. Her hands were on my back, and I could feel her nails leaving marks all over it. Our breath was coming out in pants, broken only by the occasional gasp or cry. All too soon, I felt my balls begin to tingle. Maddie sensed my change of pace.

"Yes. Cum in me. Oh, please, Ted. Please cum in me," she panted.

"Oh, Maddie. Oh, god, yes. Oh, FUUUUUUU..." I moaned out as I began to cum inside her. She clamped down on my spasming cock hard. I could barely move as she used her muscles to drain me. I collapsed on top of her.

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