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Birthday Gifts Fit for a Prince Ch. 07


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"Release her."

Within seconds Nahid had been untied and her first act of freedom was to bow before him.

This is how it should be, he knew, and yet something in him wanted her to take a swing at him.

"My Prince is most generous," she praised.

Her heartfelt words were more than mere lip service. Having never been punished she had suffered greatly through it. Men had come from far and wide to sample the concubine they coveted above all others. Her hands had gone numb with fatigue and still she remained, restrained and forced to serve. She vowed never to cross him again no matter the provocation.

He waited until she had risen to her full height before disabusing her of the notion.

"Jade acquired your freedom. You would do well to thank her when next you see her."

Immediately she burned with rage.


Always Jade.

And now she had so much influence that she could make the prince offer leniency when he never had before.


She dropped her eyes so that he could not see her anger. Gratitude warred with resentment and she fought to subdue both emotions.

"Naturally," she concurred.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
finish !!!!

,please finish it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I hate to sound annoying by begging you to write but I have to do just that- when will you update this story?? Please don't make it a year long wait like the last chapter, or a three year long wait like The Prize please! Your readers eagerly await! I check your page every week hoping to see an update!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Write moreee

This is one of the first stories I read on here you gottaaaa finish it soon please :) :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

So so good. So glad to have you writing again.

All I can say is PLEASE don't make us wait too long for the next chapter! Your writing is so compelling.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

This by far is the best ive yet to read....plz write more and soon!

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