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Birthday Pool Party Ch. 40


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Josh takes hold of my hips as he starts increasing the speed of his thrusts, grunting each time his hips impact with my butt. Soon, he's fucking me with a rapid pace, causing my big tits to jiggle and slap into each other. I pull my lips back, baring my teeth as I take it from behind, loving every second of this.

"You like fucking your slutty girlfriend, hm?" I ask as I tighten my hole for his pleasure.

"Yes." he moans as his fingers dig into the light skin of my hips. "God, yes!"

"Call me a slut!" I order as I push my hips back to meet his latest thrust, welcoming his entire length into my sheath.

"W-what?" the shy boy asks nervously. Fortunately, he doesn't stop fucking me.

"You can do it, Babe." I whisper as I look at him over my shoulder. "Talk dirty to me. Tell me I'm a slut."

"Y-you're a slut." Josh mumbles softly. I can barely hear him.

"Fuck, yes!" I groan as I look straight ahead again, my long hair hanging down my bare back. "Say it again!"

"You're a slut, Ashley!" he practically shouts as he slams himself to the hilt inside me.

"Yes!" I scream, throwing my head back as I feel his cock stretching me. "Again! You're gonna make me cum!"

"You're a slut!" Josh tells me while he fucks my brains out. "You're my slut!"

"Mm, I'm your blonde, big-tit slut, aren't I?" I ask as I feel my orgasm inches away.

"I love your big tits, Ashley." he gasps. "Your sexy, slutty body is MINE!"

I open my mouth wide as I try to scream, but no sound comes out. Instead, my body shudders, tits swinging and toes curling as Josh holds my hips and continues drilling me. My vaginal muscles are convulsing, gripping Josh's cock in my velvet warmth.

"Holy shit, that felt good." I gasp as I hang my head down between my shoulder blades and continue taking dick. "I wanna cum again!"

"Cum for me, Baby." Josh whispers as he runs his hands up my sides, his fingertips lightly dancing along my soft skin.

"Be rough with me!" I hiss as a lock of my blonde hair tickles my cheek. "Spank me! Pull my hair! I want it rough!"

"O-okay." he mumbles while bringing his hand down on my butt. I barely feel the impact.

"You won't break me, Josh." I say with a giggle. "Spank me! Nice and hard!"

Josh responds by slapping my ass, making me cry out and beg for it harder. He finally gets into it, slapping my ass cheeks as I scream for more. I cum again, and while I'm moaning in orgasmic bliss, Josh grabs a fistful of my blonde hair and pulls my head back.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" I chant, my mouth hanging open and eyes half-closed as my back arches.

"Shit, Ashley," he gasps urgently, "I'm gonna- Ah!"

"That's it, Baby, let go!" I encourage as Josh starts squirting inside me, my pussy drawing out his orgasm. "Cum for me! Cum inside me!"

He releases my hair and grabs onto my hips as he keeps himself buried up my cunt. His body shudders against me, his breathing heavy as he groans. I feel each twitch of his cock as his balls unload their contents inside my tight, teen twat.

"Wow." is all Josh can say as he grips my butt cheeks and eases himself out of me.

A mischievous smirk crosses my face as I spin around and pounce. Josh gasps and buries his hands in my hair as I slurp his still-hard cock into my mouth. I moan and drool as I clean his cock, happily swallowing down our combined love juices.

I suck, and I suck, and I suck some more. All while Josh keeps one hand on my head as his other plays with my hanging boobies. Eventually, he softens between my lips, so I engulf his entire length and give him a nice tongue bath before letting him fall from my mouth.

Josh falls back on his heels, gasping for breath as he looks down at me. His soft, wet cock is dangling between his legs. I smirk up at him before hopping out of bed and placing my hands on my hips as he admires my nude frame. Then I spin around and head for the door.

"Where are you going?" he asks weakly.

"I have to pee and clean my pussy." I answer. "I'll be right back, Baby."

"Okay." Josh replies.

I walk down the hallway naked as a jaybird before turning to enter the bathroom. After squatting to pee, I clean up my pussy and wash my hands. Then I return to Josh's bedroom and get under the covers with him. Soon, we're snuggling as my bare breasts press into his chest.

I'm pretty sure I doze off for a little while. When awareness returns to me, I can feel Josh's fingers running through my soft hair. I coo happily as I press my body against his, my arm wrapped tightly around my loving boyfriend.

"How long was I out?" I eventually ask.

"About forty-five minutes, I think." he answers as he kisses the top of my head.

"Mm." I moan, sitting up and raising my arms above my head as I stretch. I giggle when I catch Josh staring at my tits. "Wanna fuck them?"

"W-what?" Josh wonders in confusion.

"My tits, Dummy." I giggle cutely as my hands grab my boobs. "Do you wanna fuck my tits?"

"Yes." he nods. "I do."

"Smart boy!" I exclaim. "Here, let me suck you hard first."

Pulling the covers back, I expose Josh's naked body. I lick my lips as I kneel on the bed perpendicular to Josh. Leaning my head over his lap, I take his half-hard dick between my lips and start sucking while he plays with my tits.

Thirty seconds in my talented mouth is all that it takes to get Josh fully erect. Getting between his legs, I grip him by the base and rub his tip along my nipple. Then I place his cock in the valley between my breasts as I wrap my big titties around his shaft and look up at him with my big, blue eyes.

"Damn, this feels good." he groans as he looks down at my sexy pout.

"I love feeling your big cock throbbing between my tits." I coo as I hump my chest up and down, giving Josh the titty-fuck of his life.

"Oh, wow!" he gasps as he leans his head back and focuses on the sensations.

"Just don't cum yet, Baby." I whisper as I hold my breasts around his shaft. "Remember, you need to fuck my ass tonight."

"O-okay." Josh moans, his breathing heavy.

Leaning forward, I let a dollop of spit fall from my mouth and land on his cock. Using my saliva as lube, I continue to work my breasts along his length, my warm tit-flesh caressing him, pleasing him. My nipples are hard and my pussy is soaked.

"Ready to get some ass?" I wonder, giving Josh a sexy wink.

"Um, yeah, okay. Yes." he stammers.

"Aw, don't be nervous." I smile as I keep his cock encased in my cleavage. "I'm the one about to take it up the ass!"

"I've just never done it before." Josh replies as he watches my boobs pleasure his dick.

"You've had a lot of firsts with me." I say happily. "It's time for one more. We just need some lube."

"Lube?" he asks with a confused frown.

"Well, yeah!" I laugh as I let go of my breasts and sit up. "It's not like my pussy, it doesn't lubricate itself!"

"Oh, right." Josh blushes.

"Got anything we can use?" I ask as I grab a tissue from Josh's bedside table so I can dry off my chest.

"I, ah, I, um, I might have some petroleum jelly in the drawer." he reluctantly admits.

"You use it to jack off?" I inquire with a giggle.

"Yeah..." Josh trails off.

"No need to be embarrassed!" I insist as I open the drawer in his bedside table. "I play with myself all the time."

"You do?" he follows up with.

"Yup!" I answer as I withdraw the container of petroleum jelly. "Sometimes I'll be watching a movie with my parents and sister when I feel the need. I rush to my room and rub my clit until my pussy juice stains the sheets."

"I only think about you when I do it." Josh tells me.

"Oh, Josh! That's so sweet!" I exclaim as I lean over and peck his cheek. I can't say the same, and I'm hoping he doesn't ask. I really care about Josh, but well, Steven is Steven.

"So, um, how do we do this?" he wonders.

"Put some of this on your cock." I instruct, handing him the jelly as I roll onto my tummy. "Get nice and slippery for me."

"Okay." Josh replies before going silent for a minute. Then he speaks up. "Ready."

"Great!" I giggle as I get up on all fours. "Now, put some on your finger and push it up my butt."

"Really?" he responds in a shocked voice.

"Yes, really!" I shake my head at his innocence. "Do it!"

I wait patiently as Josh prepares his finger. Soon, I feel his hand on my backside. I push my ass back against his hand, encouraging him to proceed. I groan softly when he finally slides a lube-coated finger up my butt and starts pushing it in and out of my tightest hole.

"I, um, I think you're ready." Josh says as he pulls his finger out of me.

"Okay, grab on and shove it in!" I instruct. "Just go slow so I can get used to you."

I lower to my elbows as I grab a pillow and slide it between my arms so I can hug it to my chest. Josh settles into position behind me as I let out a breath in anticipation. I shiver when I feel the head of his prick press against my asshole. He takes a moment to gather his courage, then my boyfriend pushes forward, sinking his manhood into a woman's ass for the first time.

"Fuck!" I grunt as I feel cock stretching my butt.

"You okay?" he asks in concern.

"I'm good, keep going!" I hiss as I hug the pillow tightly. He's not as big as Steven, not nearly as big, but still, there's a dick in my ass.

"Fuck, that's tight!" Josh groans as he struggles to work another inch of cock into me.

"You like that tight hole, Baby?" I ask as I bare my teeth, my leg shaking slightly.

"It's so good!" he gasps as he spreads my ass cheeks and shoves his entire length up my butt.

"FUCK!" I screech through my clenched teeth.

"Do you need me to pull out?" he inquires, his balls resting against me.

"Fuck, no!" I exclaim. "Fuck me! Fuck my ass!"

Holding tightly onto my butt, Josh slowly pulls himself back until his cock is almost exiting me. Then he thrusts back inside, making me grunt again. It takes Josh awhile, but his pace eventually does start to increase. Soon, I'm repeatedly taking it up the ass like a good slut.

"You feel so good!" Josh gasps as he drills me.

"Oh God, so do you!" I moan as I hug the pillow tightly, my blonde hair framing my face. "Fuck me! Fuck me up the bum!"

Josh is grunting and groaning heavily, his sweat landing on my bare back as the minutes pass. I can feel my pussy juices flowing, my orgasm approaching from having a nice cock up my butt. Leaning forward, I bite down on the pillow, screaming into it as I cum hard.

"I'm close." he warns me as he releases my butt cheeks and grips my hips so he can fuck me extra hard.

"Cum in my ass!" I beg wantonly. "Please, fill your girlfriend's slutty butt! Please!"

He slams himself inside me, holding his cock balls-deep as he groans and shoots his cum up my backdoor. I throw back my head and scream, another orgasm coursing through me as I feel warm semen coating my bowels. Only when he's completely drained of fluid does Josh pull out of me.

"You've got cum running out of your ass." Josh chuckles.

"I know, I can feel it!" I giggle as I wiggle my bum.

"Hold still." he instructs.

I immediately comply, staying still as Josh grabs some tissues from his bedside table. A laugh escapes my lips as I feel him wiping up his cum from my butt hole. When he finishes, we both stand up and exit the bedroom; a two-person shower is in order.

Josh and I grope each other quite a bit in the shower as soapy streams run down our nude bodies. I wash Josh's cock before spreading my butt cheeks and allowing the spray to clean the cum from my rear hole. My sexy boyfriend shuts off the water and helps me out of the shower.

Once we're dry, we return to Josh's bedroom and get under the covers. I lay my head on his chest as he holds me close and runs his fingers through my blonde hair. I sigh in contentment as I run my toes along his calf.

"I need to get home." I mumble sadly.

"Do you have to?" he asks. "My parents won't be home until tomorrow afternoon."

"Yeah, I promised my parents I wouldn't stay the night." I sigh.

"I'll miss you." Josh tells me.

"I'll miss you, too." I answer, kissing his chest. "How about I call you from my bedroom before I go to sleep?"

"I'd like that." he replies.

Sadly, we both get out of bed and get dressed. I catch Josh checking me out as I pull up my panties, then again when I'm putting my tits in my bra cups. I just shake my head and hope he enjoys the show. I can't blame him, I sneak a peek at his butt as well.

Josh drives me home and I give him a long, passionate kiss before heading inside. I spend a little time with Melissa and my parents before turning in for the night. Stripping down to my birthday suit, I climb into bed and plug in my phone.

Keeping my promise, I call Josh. He's also in bed, and I instruct him to get as naked as I am. We both masturbate as we listen to each other moan and talk dirty. Well, I do most of the dirty talk, he's still not very comfortable with it. At least I manage to convince him to call me his slut again.

After a nice orgasm, I say goodnight to my boyfriend and hang up the phone. I text the Sluts goodnight before setting my phone down on my bedside table. Then I curl up under the covers, a smile on my face as I fall asleep.


The first thing I realize when I wake up Sunday morning is that I'm not alone in bed. There's a warm body pressed against mine, and my semi-conscious mind manages to temporarily delude me into thinking it's Steven. It isn't. The small breasts pressing against me confirm that it's my other love, April.

I really do love April. Yeah, I miss Steven, but April is here for me. I'm her number one. A small smile crosses my face as I feel April's head on my large breast. The soft breath from her half-open mouth is warm across my chest. Opening my eyes, I glance down at her blonde head as my hand grips her bare shoulder.

"April?" I whisper softly as I gently shake her small body. "April, time to wake up."

"Mm?" she grunts in her sleep.

"Wake up, Whore!" I laugh as I reach down and smack her pantie-clad bum.

"Ow!" April squeaks as she shoots up, her bare breasts jiggling on her chest as she looks down at me with a pout. "Bitch!"

"You loved it." I tease as I sit up and brush my blonde hair back behind my ears.

"Whatever." April rolls her green eyes as we sit back against the pillows, side-by-side.

"So, um, I have a question." I state. April and I are both only wearing panties, our tits out and proud.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" she wonders, her wavy blonde hair framing her face.

"How did you end up sleeping in my bed last night?" I inquire with a raised eyebrow.

"Right. That." April winces, looking over at me guiltily. "You don't remember?"

"I, uh, don't really remember much about last night." I admit.

"Exactly!" she exclaims. "We went out drinking and were so wasted we didn't even go clam diving afterwards!"

"Clam diving?" I cover my hand with my mouth as I start laughing.

"Yes! Anyway," April continues, speaking rapidly, "we were making out in the car, good thing the driver didn't crash while he watched me suck on your titty."

"My boob was out in the backseat of our ride home?!" I gasp as my jaw drops.

"You don't remember?" she frowns.

"No!" I insist.

"You pulled your dress down and pushed my face into your cleavage." April giggles. "Then the driver gasped. I looked up from your boobs and asked him if he was enjoying the show. I could see him nod, so I pulled out my tits and shook my chest for him."

"Slut." I smirk before frowning. "I can't believe a stranger saw my boobs. Shit."

"Relax, they're just tits." April rolls her eyes again as she reaches over and squeezes my breast. "And you made sure I showed him more than just my nips."

"What does that mean?" I ask in confusion as I playfully slap April's hand away.

"You started fingering me." she explains. "It felt so fucking good, I was moaning and begging for you to keep doing it. The driver said we were so hot, and you pulled my legs open to try and show him my beaver."

"I did not!" I gasp, placing both hands over my mouth.

"You did!" April laughs. "And the driver whined that he couldn't see, so you said you'd make it up to him. You pulled your fingers out of me and pushed them into his mouth."

"Shit!" I cry out as I rub my hand over my forehead. "Shit, shit, shit shit!"

"Don't worry, we didn't fuck him." she assures me. "He dropped us off, we tipped him, and left him with a case of blue balls."

"Oh, good!" I whisper, letting out a breath.

"Then we got home at like 3:00AM, and we were both really tired, and really fucking horny." April smirks. "We started pulling each others clothes off, it was great!"

"I thought we didn't fuck last night?" I ask.

"We didn't." April sighs. "We didn't, because once we were down to our bras and panties, you kind of threw up."

"I don't remember that at all." I admit. I don't feel hung over either.

"You got it all down your chest." she winces. "I got you to the bathroom and held your hair back so you could get the rest out. You must have had a lot more than I did."

"I guess so." I reply with a shrug.

"I got your bra off and washed your titties." April tells me.

"Thanks for helping me." I say with a smile.

"Anytime, Babe." she responds as she lightly massages the back of my head while kissing my cheek.

"What happened next?" I wonder.

"I got you to bed." April shrugs before looking over at me sadly. "I went to climb in with you, but you reminded me of our conversation, so I headed over to the couch. I took off my glasses and my bra, then tried to sleep on the couch. I'm sorry, Stacey, but I couldn't sleep, so I got in bed with you."

"I guess it's okay." I tell her while biting my lower lip. "We did have an agreement."

"You agreed." she mumbles, turning away from me.

"April..." I trail off weakly as I gently caress her shoulder.

"I just want to spend every night with you." April mutters, her hair obscuring her face.

"Look at me." I instruct while placing my fingers beneath her chin and gently turning her head. I take her face in both hands, my baby blues looking into her green eyes. "I love you, you crazy bitch."

"I love you, too." April whispers, tears forming in her eyes.

"Listen," I begin firmly, "I'm with you because I want to be with you. I love you very much. I'm just not ready for us to be sleeping in the same bed every night like some old married couple, okay?"

"Okay." she frowns, looking away from me as the tears fall.

"We'll get there." I promise as I lean forward and peck her pink lips. "Just not yet."

"What about Steven?" April asks in a small voice as she grips my wrists in her small hands.

"I'm still in love with him." I admit as my fingertips caress her face. "But, I'm with you now."

"Are you gonna fuck him?" she asks plainly.

"If Lexi lets me, yes." I answer.

"You keep wondering if Lexi is okay with it, but you never asked if I am." April points out, her thumbs caressing my palms.

"A-are you okay with it?" I stammer.

"Do you promise you won't leave me for him?" she wonders.

"I promise." I say sincerely.

April makes a small noise, low in her throat, before leaning forward and pressing her lips firmly against mine. I clutch at her pretty face as we begin kissing passionately. April's tongue probes my lips before slipping into my mouth as I moan happily.

It isn't long before the undies fly off, leaving April and I completely naked. The tiny, naked nerd climbs on top of me and suckles at my breast as she shoves two fingers into my hot snatch. I gasp her name as I bury a hand in her wavy, blonde locks.

Wanting more, I lightly push on April's shoulders, encouraging her to go down. Fortunately, my sexy girlfriend takes the hint and starts kissing down my belly. Getting between my legs, April plants a kiss on my shaven pubic mound right before she buries her face in my box.


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