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Birthday Present from Rob

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Will one night change a friendship to something else?
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It was my birthday and I was heading home in a taxi, because I knew Rob would already be there waiting. We'd arranged to meet at my flat after work, but the manager had decided to do bag searches at closing time and as assistant manager, I had to stay and help. She knew it was my birthday and that I had a night out planned, so I'm convinced that she did it on purpose.

The taxi crawled in the rush hour traffic and I could picture Rob sitting on my doorstep with his overnight bag, muttering under his breath. The man has no patience.

We've known each other since school, so that's about 15 years now. Back then, you couldn't have got a more unlikely pair. Rob the handsome, sporty guy, who everybody wanted to hang out with and me, Chris, the skinny, shy boy whose head was usually stuck in a book. We were made to sit together on first day of term, mainly because my surname is McKay and Rob's is McLean, but for some reason we hit it off and have remained friends ever since.

Over the years, Rob has stayed over at my parents' house when his parents were away, we've been camping together and we even had a holiday in the Mediterranean when we were 18. Spending so much time together means I've often seen Rob naked and fantasied about our friendship turning into something else, but he only ever seemed interested in girls. Shame really, as his cock is a thing of beauty, thick and long, at least 5 ins soft, but, although I've only seen him erect once, it's etched in my memory.

When we were 16, Rob got hold of a porn dvd from somewhere and we watched it one afternoon in my room, when no one else was home. It wasn't very good, but we both sat and wanked to it, although it wasn't the film that turned me on, but the sight of Rob's cock, growing to a hard 8ins as he stroked it.

What I really wanted to do was bend over and take it in my mouth, but I thought Rob might punch me, so just imagined it in my head, watching as Rob's hand moved faster on his cock, till he came with a yell, sending a huge amount of thick, creamy, cum all over his chest. That sent me over the edge too and I covered my own chest and stomach with a huge load that seemed to go on forever. Rob must have been watching, as he said " Mm, impressive, McKay. How long have been saving that up?"

I probably looked embarrassed, but nodded at his chest "You can talk, McLean. You've got a fine mess there as well. "

It never happened again, but that afternoon replayed in my head many times over the years, as I wanked in bed at night.

Rob was the first person that I came out to, just after my 19th birthday. When I told him that I was gay, a look passed over his face that I couldn't read and just for a moment, I thought that I'd lost him, before he grinned and hugged me.

"I'd kind of suspected, but it makes no difference, you're still my mate."

So nothing changed and our friendship continued.

Rob went off to university, while I went straight into a job, but whenever he was home, the two of us would catch up and have a few nights out. Even if I was seeing someone, I still made time for Rob, which didn't always go down well, but Rob had a reputation as a womaniser, so no threat to whoever I was seeing. Rob meantime had his own dating method, he always picked up the most unsuitable girls, slept with them once, then never saw them again.

Now that he was home permanently, we had got into the habit of meeting up on a Friday night, having a few drinks, then going on to a club with some friends, where one or both of us might get lucky. Saturday we texted or Facetimed for a post mortem on Friday night, before getting together again on Sunday morning for coffee and the Sunday papers, either in town or at my place.

The taxi eventually reached my street and I could see Rob pacing the drive. When he spotted me, he called "Hurry up, McKay, I'm desperate for a piss."

I quickly opened the door so he could rush down the hall to the toilet and as I hung up my jacket, I heard him pissing long and loud behind the open door.

He reappeared as I carried in his bag from the front door. It weighed a ton.

" What have you got in here, McLean? "

He took it from me, unzipped it and produced a bottle of wine, which he handed to me

"Thought we might have a sneaky glass before the others get here."

I could also see his football kit poking out of the bag.

"Don't tell me you're going to football practice in the morning."

He gave a smile

"Well it depends on the hangover."

I went off to have a quick shower, while Rob opened the wine in the kitchen and laid out some nibbles for the gang.

As I crossed naked from the bathroom to the bedroom, Rob appeared from the kitchen with a bowl of nuts and as he passed, gave my behind a slap.

" Nice arse, McKay. We'll have to see if we can find it some action tonight."

I shook my head

"Don't bother McLean. I'll be happy with a fun night out."

Anyway, I knew from past experience that Rob's choice of guys for me wasn't any better than his choice of women.

The others arrived soon after, some bearing presents and after a few drinks we headed off to my favourite Italian restaurant, where we had a table booked, then on to a club.

Everyone kept buying me drinks, so I said to Rob that he needed to look after me and not let me get too drunk.

He slapped me on the back

"Don't worry, your Uncle Rob will make sure you get home safe. Just enjoy yourself."

We had a great night and as the Birthday boy, I was getting attention from a couple of different guys and although I lost sight of Rob for a while, apart from spotting him wrapped round some girl on the dance floor, he was there to walk home with me when the club closed.

On the way, I did say to him

" What happened to the girl you were with. I thought you'd be going home with her tonight."

He shook his head

"No, I promised to look after you and that's what I'm doing."

I did wonder though, who was looking after who, because Rob seemed a bit unsteady on his feet, which wasn't a surprise, as he'd helped me out with all the shots that people kept buying me.

When we reached mine, we headed straight for bed. Rob never seemed to mind sharing my bed. I think we've known each other so long it doesn't matter to him.

As I undressed, I was watching him hauling off his clothes, dropping them in an untidy heap and as he stood there in his boxers, I admired his fit body and the considerable bulge of his cock. He looked up unexpectedly and said "What? "

To cover up, I said the first thing that came into my head

"I was just wondering where my present is, McLean?"

He looked at me, bewildered "Your present? Oh, it's in the other room. I'll just go and get it"

He disappeared through the door, leaving me a bit confused, because we never ever gave each other presents, so I wasn't sure where this was going.

I carried on getting undressed, while some rustling noises drifted through from the kitchen, then silence.

Sitting on the bed in my briefs, I was beginning to wonder if I should investigate, when Rob suddenly shouted "Here I come"

A moment later he appeared in the doorway, totally naked, with a big purple ribbon from somebody's present, tied round his cock and a smile on his face.

"Here you are McKay, Happy Birthday."

I started laughing, as he came closer to the bed and stood there, his semi erect cock about a foot from my face.

He looked down at me "Help yourself."

I was a bit uncomfortable now and said "Stop mucking about McLean."

But he carried on standing there. " No, seriously, this is your present. Go on, get your lips around it. I know you've always wanted to."

That was true, but I didn't want a drunken moment to spoil our friendship, so didn't move.

" Just because you didn't get anywhere with that girl tonight, doesn't mean I'll suck you off instead. "

He looked hurt. "That's not how it is at all. I just want you to get some cock on your birthday." and he took a step forward, his cock now inches from my face.

It was so tempting that, before my sensible head kicked in, I quickly hauled the ribbon from his cock and took him in my mouth, swallowing him to the hilt. The size and thickness of his cock completely filled my mouth and I felt his large mushroom head nudging the back of my throat. My nose was buried in the surprisingly soft, black hair round the base of his cock, as I breathed in the scent of him.

Forgetting about whether this was right or wrong, I deep throated his cock, saliva dripping down my chin as I struggled a bit with the thickness of him, but determined to enjoy this moment.

Rob was making little noises deep in his throat and I when glanced up, he was standing there with his eyes closed and a big smile on his face.

Suddenly, his eyes flew open. Looking down at me, he pushed me off his cock and back on the bed, climbing on top of me, before bending down to kiss me passionately, exploring with his tongue, as his hands roamed over my chest.

He broke off the kiss and travelled down my body, kissing and sucking on my nipples, then continuing down over my stomach to my groin pulling off my briefs as he went.

When he flicked his tongue round the head of my cock, then proceeded to swallow my whole length, I nearly came right away. I watched his head bobbing up and down between my legs, as he worked on my shaft.

It wasn't the greatest blow job I'd ever had, but it was Rob down there, my best friend and the person I'd felt closest to my whole life, so for me it was like all my dreams had come true.

His head came up from what he was doing and he gave me a long look, before grabbing my legs, pushing them upwards, so my arse was exposed. He knelt down between my thighs and I felt the first touch of his tongue, as he explored my twitching hole. This was so wrong, but felt absolutely amazing, as he teased and probed, getting me wet and ready for his cock. He came up, still holding my legs, his erect cock bobbing with excitement, the precum dripping from the head, before he plunged deep inside me, filling and stretching my hole.

It had been a while since I'd had a cock the size of Rob's up there and for a moment, I couldn't breathe with the sensation of being well and truly stuffed by him.

He began pumping his hips, fucking me fast, slamming into my man chute like his life depended on it. His eyes were closed in concentration as he rammed me, burying his cock to the hilt in my arse.

I felt his balls slapping against me with each thrust and my own cock was bouncing all over the place.

As I grabbed hold of it and started wanking, Rob opened his eyes and seeing what I was doing, pushed my hand away to take over, jerking me in time with his thrusts.

He slowed down a bit and by the look on his face, was obviously enjoying the sensation of his cock sliding into me. His eyes were fixed on mine and I held his gaze, noticing that his eyes were shining as he smiled down at me.

Although I wanted this moment to last forever, I also wanted to have his cum inside me and a few minutes later he obliged. Somewhere between a groan and a yell escaped from his mouth and I felt hot liquid shooting up inside my back passage. That also made me release my own load, which went everywhere on my chest and face.

Rob's orgasm seemed to go on forever, till he was spent and collapsed between my legs, his head resting on my chest and his cock still deep in my hole.

When I put out a hand and stroked his hair, Rob raised his head with a stupid grin on his face, then stretched forward to kiss me, his own hand cupping the back of my head, as we indulged in a long slow snog.

We stayed like that till his cock softened and plopped out of my hole, which seemed like a good opportunity to tidy up and settle down for the night.

Although I'd shared my bed with Rob many times, this was different. When he slipped under the covers, he snuggled up behind me, draping one arm over my chest and his cock pressed against my bum cheeks.

After I'd switched off the light, I lay quietly, listening to him breathe and just when I thought he'd drifted off to sleep, he gave my chest a little squeeze and whispered

"Thankyou, Chris."

I put my hand over his and that's how we went to sleep.

Next morning, I woke to find the bed empty and the house was quiet. Pulling on my dressing gown, I put my head round every doorway, but no sign of Rob. In the kitchen, next to the kettle, was a piece of paper with Rob's scrawl on it.

' Gone to football practice. R.'

Nothing else.

To say I was disappointed was an understatement. After the amazing sex the night before, I was imagining us waking up together and going for an action replay, so I could feel Rob's cock inside me again, filling me with more of his seed. Although Rob was always a man of few words, the note he'd left was short and to the point. I'd expected at least an x at the bottom.

Well no doubt he would text or call later.

After showering, getting dressed and breakfast, I headed into town to buy groceries, then came home and attacked some chores.

When I sat down for a sandwich later, there was still no word from Rob. Football practice was over ages ago, but he might have gone for a pint with the lads, so I was hopeful of a text later.

By late afternoon, I still hadn't heard anything, which was not like him at all, so sent him a quick text.

' Hi Rob. Did your head hurt this morning? How was football?'


Then I started thinking, which is always a bad idea.

Was he regretting last night, or had he really just been using me for a bit of relief? Was this the end of our friendship? Maybe he was just embarrassed?

All sorts of things kept going through my head and I couldn't really settle for the rest of the day. After a frozen pizza and a glass of wine in front of the TV, I had an early night, still tired after being up till the early hours.

I slept surprisingly well and got up early, expecting to hear from Rob about where we were going to meet, but by 10.30 there was still nothing.

I sent him a text, asking if he was still sleeping, which went unanswered.

I decided to phone our friend Anna, to find out if she'd seen him out and about Saturday night.

Apparently she'd spotted him in a club, wrapped around the blonde girl from Friday night and they'd left together in a taxi.

Well that let me know exactly where I stood. For me sex with Rob on Friday had been special, but for him it looked like it had just been a casual fuck. Only it hadn't felt like that. The look on his face when he was inside me, gave it away, or at least that's how I saw it.

This was the worst thing that had ever happened. Yes, I'd had the most amazing sex of my life, but it looks like I'd just lost the best friend I'd ever had.

The rest of Sunday dragged by, till I gave up and had another early night. I'd sent one more text in the early evening, asking if he was ok, which also went unanswered, so decided he didn't want to speak to me.

Back at work on Monday, I struggled through the day, my mind mostly on Rob instead of running the store and by the end of my shift, I'd decided that I was going to do nothing else and hope that things would resolve in time.

I'd only just got home and was thinking about what I was going to eat, when the doorbell rang. There stood Rob, looking downcast and miserable.

"Hello. McKay. Can I come in?"

I just nodded and led the way into the kitchen, leaning against the counter, with my arms folded.

He started to speak quietly

"About Friday...."

I decided to get this over with and cut him off

"Yes, I know it was a huge mistake and I should have stopped you, but it happened. I've no idea why you did it, apart from being drunk, so I'd understand if you just want to walk away. Although our friendship is really important to me, going back to being just friends might be a bit weird for both of us."

A couple of times he'd looked like he wanted to interrupt and when I'd finished, his head was down.

He looked up and sighed

" No, McKay. You're the one that doesn't understand. Friday night is what I've been waiting all my life for. I want you. "

My heart leapt.

"How long have you felt like that."

He looked straight at me.

"Probably forever, though I didn't realise it, till that day when you told me you were gay."

I was struggling with what to say

"Why did you never say anything, or do something about it?"

"Come on, McKay. You know my Dad.

He'd have killed me if I told him I was gay."

That I could believe. Rob's Dad wasn't a nice person and I'd been on the receiving end of his bad mouth a number of times, when we were younger.

He didn't like me much and hardly spoke when I was over at Rob's.

I remember once knocking at the door to collect Rob and his Dad answered.

He left me standing there and I heard him shout upstairs

' Rob, your girlfriend is at the door.'

Rob came out looking totally embarrassed and apologised, but I told him it didn't matter.

Another time I was waiting outside for Rob, when I heard his Dad say to him

'I don't know why you hang around with that little sissy boy.'

Rob, bless him, replied 'Because he's my friend, okay.'

So I could understand that Rob would have pushed his true feelings down.

He looked so dejected standing there in front of me but so sexy with his untidy, dark hair and 5 o'clock shadow, I just had to walk across and comfort him.

As I took him in my arms, I whispered in his ear

"I'm yours any time you want, you stupid bugger."

We hugged each other without speaking, but comfort soon turned to something else, as I felt his hard cock nudging my thigh through the thin material of his suit.

I kissed him hard on the mouth as my hand slipped down and unzipped his trousers, then I dropped to my knees, freeing his huge, thick cock from his underwear, before sliding my lips down the length of his shaft.

As I sucked on his cock to get him even harder and wet, my other hand was busy undoing my belt and zipper.

I stood up letting my trousers fall to my ankles, followed by my briefs, then after a kiss on his lips, told him

"Fuck me, McLean."

Turning round, I braced myself against the worktop and waited for Rob to enter me. He lifted up my shirt tail and I heard him spit, then two wet fingers probed my hole, before being replaced by his cock. This time he nudged in slowly inch by inch, till he was buried to the hilt.

He rested on me for a minute, his hands sliding up under my shirt to caress my skin. I was enjoying this but needed to be pounded, so tightened my arse muscles round his cock.

He got the message and began slowly moving in and out of my hole, till he built up a rhythm and speed, banging me against the kitchen counter.

He held on to my waist to support me and give himself better purchase, as he thrust inside me, stretching and filling my arse hole with his huge cock.

Suddenly I felt his body stiffen and he gave a low moan, as he filled me with his hot seed. He jerked as he released wave after wave of cum and I could almost feel it shooting far up inside me.

When he finished, I put my hand back and held him there inside me, my arse impaled on his mighty cock and I wanted it to stay there forever.

Rob had collapsed over me and his breathing was still ragged. After a couple of minutes his voice in my ear declared

"That was even better than Friday. I love being inside you, Chris."

I patted his bottom

"Hey, I love you being there."

He reached round and took hold of my cock but I brushed his hand away.

"Later, but right now I want to enjoy this moment."

As we stayed slumped against the kitchen counter, Rob was idly running his hands over my skin and I could feel him getting hard again.

I suggested we move to the shower and clean up, where we squashed in together, soaping each other, poking fingers into private places and passionately kissing, while the warm water sprayed down on us.


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