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Bite-Sized: One Big Step Ch. 10

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Monday. Drew deflowers Cherry.
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All characters are at least 18 years old. This is a non-canonical story related to the Family Morsel series.



Cherry and I were quiet on the walk to school. She was still afraid of breaking the tension and I was still afraid of... her. Seemed ridiculous: big tall guy afraid of a tiny girl. Or maybe it wasn't fear. After all, we'd sorta settled things last night. No, maybe it was because we were in this huge unknown point in our relationship. Like, other than kinda ignoring what happened, how did we proceed? She'd freaking initiated an encounter right in front of our parents, for crying out loud. The girl's boldness seriously knew no limits. I took a deep breath. But how could I ignore what happened? I still remembered everything so vividly.

As soon as Cherry had fled her bedroom, I'd collapsed against a wall, ridden with guilt. I was a monster, after all. She'd urged me to touch her body and pretend I didn't have her permission, and against my better judgement I'd listened to her. But she'd come to her senses, realizing how much of a pervert I was, and run away. For the best, really. I didn't want her anywhere near me if I was so sick in the head.

I heard Leon calling after her, his voice and mom's fading away as they followed her out of the house. I didn't know how much time passed, but the next thing I knew, Leon had taken me by the shoulders and slammed me against the wall. If I'd had a shirt on, I expected he would've opted for grabbing my collar instead.

"What did you do to her?" he snarled. I'd never seen the calm and amiable Leon like this, eyes full of righteous fury, and it was terrifying. I had no idea what he was capable of, though if it concerned his only daughter, perhaps I could come up with a few possibilities.

"I..." I choked out before faltering, still caught up in my own guilt.

"Leon, he didn't do anything!" Mom was at his side, both hands on one of his arms and being firm but not forceful, trying to avoid violence.

"Impossible," Leon growled. "He's in my daughter's room, and suddenly she screamed in terror, running out with her face covered in tears." Now addressing me, his nostrils flared as he glared at me. "You must have done something. Speak! Did you touch her?" When I only gulped in response, his grip on me tightened. "Did you touch her in her sleep?" I bowed my head in shame, and he slammed my shoulders into the wall again.

"Leon, back off," mom said sternly. "Let him explain himself, there has to be a misunderstanding here."

Leon sighed angrily and relented, releasing me and taking a step back. Mom moved to hug me but he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder, nodding at me to defend myself.

"She wanted it," I mumbled faintly, and suddenly I was back against he wall, Leon's arm crushing into my throat.

"That's what they all say!" he hissed. "I don't care that you're Coco's son, I will end you--!"

"Leon, let him go!" mom shouted. When he didn't, her voice lowered yet took on a much more threatening intensity. "Let. Go. Of. My son."

Leon looked over at her and her dark expression before turning back to me. Taking a calming breath, he released me again, scowling deeply. Wonderful, because of what I'd done, now the two of them were fighting. I really was such a self-centered asshole, ruining the lives of everybody around me just for some quick pleasure. Finally free, I coughed and slumped to the floor in defeat, and mom quickly knelt next to me and took me in her arms.

"I think we all need some space," she declared, her voice raised just enough to be pointedly directed at Leon. "You should go call them. We'll need help searching for her."

He glowered at me for a moment longer before taking another slow deep breath, his anger fully tempered. If only I could control my emotions as well as he could, we wouldn't be in this mess. He stalked off, leaving me with mom as she continued to cradle me. After a while, when I finally got over the shock, I clutched the arm she had wrapped around my chest.

"It's alright, baby, just breathe," she murmured. She was right, I wasn't really breathing. I forced myself to inhale deeply, and it came out choppy. Instead of taking a moment for myself, my busy mind had to focus on something, and scrutinized what mom had said.

"Where's Cherry?" I whispered.

"Don't worry about that right now--"

"You said we had to search for her."

Mom let go as I got to my feet, her hands fluttering about a bit while she hesitated. "Cherry's missing," she finally said, and the pit in my stomach only grew deeper.

"This is all my fault. I have to find her," I rasped, moving to leave. Mom putting a hand on my chest made me realize I was still topless.

"Baby, are you sure you're in good shape for that? Why don't you just take a moment and talk to me about--"

"We can talk later. I need to find her." With that, I returned to my room to put something on before heading out.

"Drew?" Cherry said softly, snapping me back to reality. We'd arrived at school and were standing outside as everybody filtered in. I looked down at her and she stood on her tiptoes, tilting her head up at me. I smirked as I realized she wanted a public display that we were together now. God, I was gonna get so much shit from the boys on the team later.

I leaned down and kissed her, a simple one on the lips, and she beamed when we parted. The school bus pulled up behind us and the twins stepped off, Brie's eyes brightening when she saw us. Cherry, however, immediately broke off and hurried inside.

"Is... Is she okay?" Brie asked me faintly as we watched her disappear into the crowd. "We saw the kiss from the bus, so I guess you two are fine now, but..."

"I'm still trying to figure out if I'm in good standing myself," I confessed.

"You still haven't told us what hap--" Stef began.

"Not now, guys. We need to sort through all this. I'll explain everything at some point, okay?" They nodded, and I looked back at the school, wondering if Cherry really was back to normal.


"So folks are sayin' that you and Cherry are a thing now. Word?" DeShawn asked.

We were practicing layups and bantering between points. Of course, the guys were doing their best to pretend this wasn't just an interrogation.

"You guys gonna make a big deal out of it?" I muttered.

"She a real shawty, for real," Marcus chuckled. "I 'unno man, you think that's a big deal?"

"Only thing ain't big is that tiny bod," DeShawn agreed. "You tapped that yet, bruh?"

"We're taking it slow," I grunted, and the guys laughed and jeered.

"Damn, she ain't puttin' out? Bet money she scared of that pipe you 'bouta lay."

"Ey yo, but she your stepsis, isn't she?" Marcus pointed out before laughing. "Damn, Drew, you nasty."

"Man, fuck off. She's not my stepsister yet. And besides, she's not my real sister, and that's all that matters," I barked. Knew I was gonna get ambushed like this.

"'She's not my real sister,'" Brandon repeated, shaking his head. "That's what they all say, dawg." That's what they all say! Leon hissed. "So when we gonna see you two on the hub?"

There were cheers all around, and I shoved past two of them and did a dunk, snapping the hoop off. I tossed it to the ground and grabbed my bag from the bleachers, storming off. "Sorry 'bout that," I sneered.

If things between me and Cherry were simpler, I might have been able to deal with their bullshit. As things were, I wasn't having any of it. And of course, the revelation I'd had yesterday didn't help. The revelation that I was all in.

We'd found Cherry in the neighborhood after she walked out from some bushes. Her feet were all cut up from running in the street barefoot, and after we'd taken her home, I couldn't bear to look at her as everybody fussed over her. I retreated back to my room, relieved that she was okay, but now yanked back to the events that had led to all this. I sat on my bed, stewing in my thoughts. I was still ridden with guilt, but a part of me was also angry at her. She'd told me I had her consent. It wasn't fair that she'd changed her mind afterwards. But her eyes... It hadn't seemed as simple as her just deciding she didn't like what happened. It was like I'd done something else to her, something I wasn't aware of.

There was a knock on my door, and when I didn't answer, it cracked open. Please don't be Leon or Cherry.

"Can I come in?" mom asked softly. I was silent, and she came to sit on the bed with me, wrapping me in her arms and using one of her hands to hold my head as she pulled my face down to her chest. Her soft bosom against my chin and cheek was comforting, invoking nostalgia of days long past. I sighed as she petted me, letting myself sink into the moment as it engulfed me. She kissed the top of my head before speaking again. "I believe you."

I took a deep breath, trying to keep my mind blank as thoughts of earlier began filtering back in. "Why?"

"Because you're my son, and I know you'd never do something like that."

"Meaning if I weren't your son, you'd think I did it too?" I chuckled.

"You will always be my son," she said, and I might have laughed at her dodging the question if her words hadn't been so reassuring. I nodded into her chest before straightening up, and she let me go and gave me a gentle smile.

"It's just... I was already so careful," I said miserably. "Even when she told me it was okay, I still..." I laughed humorlessly, shaking my head. "'Life is too short to live in fear. There's nothing wrong with being a pervert, Drew. I trust you.' That's what she said when she told me to do it. And it just keeps replaying over and over in my head, because I believed her." I swallowed, feeling like there was a whole watermelon in my throat. "You didn't see the way she looked at me, mom. She..."

I was back in mom's arms once more, my tears falling to her sternum as she petted my head again. I didn't enjoy looking this weak, but I'd both had my heart broken and been threatened with death today. I needed my mom. She let me work through the emotions, releasing me when I pulled away on my own. Taking my hand in hers, she rubbed the back of it for a moment. "Have you talked to her?"

"How could I talk to her," I grumbled.

"Communication is key to a--"

"Communication is key to a successful relationship," I sighed, nodding in exasperation as I sprang to my feet. "So yeah, I just walk up to her and say, 'Hey, so I know you accused me of molesting you, but I think it's time we talk about my feelings.' Seriously?" I paced around, and mom said nothing as she let me vent. "I mean, what's the point of talking about it? We're through after this, right? It's over." I leaned against my closet, dropping my forehead against the side. Was that...? It was. That was the worst part. "It's over..."

When I finally turned to look back at mom, she smiled at me again. "Just talk to her. I don't think the conversation is gonna go the way you think."

"Why's that?"

"Because she's going to be the one asking for forgiveness."

I grimaced skeptically. "You can't know that."

"Call it female intuition."

Cherry being the one who's sorry? Well, I suppose she did break my trust. As things stood, I wouldn't be able to look her in the eye again. Not to mention, her dad was ready to kill me. Wasn't gonna forget that any time soon. "Even if she does ask me to forgive her, I don't think I can."

"I think you will." Her smile turned wistful. "It's easier to forgive people when we love them."

I froze. "I don't love her, mom," I stammered.

"You don't? Is that why you put all your trust in her, risking your reputation and conscience to please her?" she murmured. I swallowed, unable to break eye contact. She held out her hand, and I walked over to her so she could take my hand again. "You're my son; I know you. I know you put more thought into serious things like this than maybe you should. I know you were afraid going through with what you did, that you knew the consequences, should everything go wrong. And you did it anyway." She patted the back of my hand, then smiled. "Oh, but you don't love her."

I clenched my jaw and stared at my feet. "Why do you have to be right all the time, mom?"

"It's not easy, I'll tell you that much," she joked, and I chuckled. But holy shit. I loved her. I had to have been crazy to trust her as I did, just like mom said. I... loved her.

I stood outside our house now, setting the memory aside as I desperately tried not to drown in all these feelings. I needed to slow things down so I could think everything through. Don't get caught up in Cherry's whirlwind. Just take some time to get your mind right. Simple.


A knock at my bathroom door almost made me jump. It was just about midnight, and our parents were asleep. Perfect time for Cherry and I to be alone. Or rather, perfect time for Cherry to corner me.

"Drew? It's me..." came Cherry's soft muffled voice. I groaned to myself. Looks like I wasn't getting that time to myself to sort things out.

"Yeah. Yeah, come on in."

She opened the door and my jaw dropped. She was dressed in white lingerie, complete with elbow gloves, stockings, and garter belt, the lace hugging tight the already small curves of her petite body. The delicate material left very little to the imagination, but even so, this vision of her was magnitudes more enticing than her naked form. My erection was a monument to my weakness; I was incapable of resisting her. Even from this distance, I could see her trembling before she puffed up with fleeting confidence and approached me.

Stopping at the foot of my bed, her face twitched with sorrow when she saw me shuffling away from her ever so slightly. Her hair looked like fire pouring off her shoulders, and God, did she look incredible. I was supposed to be clearing my mind, but my libido enshrouded my thoughts with a lecherous haze in an instant.

"What are you doing here?" I breathed.

She inhaled shakily but exhaled smoothly, swallowing before giving her answer. "I'm here to give you what you want, and to take what I want." Ominous. Enticing.

I gulped. "And what does that mean?"

She idly twirled a lock of her hair before climbing onto the bed with me. Before I could bring myself to react, she was straddling my legs, sat on my growing hardness. Setting her hands on my bare shoulders, she bit her gradient lips and looked at me with wide innocent eyes. They were so green, like a sea of jade that I was sinking deeper and deeper into, and I leaned forward before catching myself.

"Cherry, no," I rasped. "Not now. We both need some time."

"You're afraid it'll happen again," she deduced, and I lowered my gaze. Nailed it in one. She closed her eyes, looking a bit pained, then suddenly picked up my phone. Raising it to have me unlock it, she quickly opened the voice recorder app and made a new entry. "I, Cherish Valentine, am of sound mind and judgement, and am willfully engaging in sexual acts with Drew Hammond with full consent." She finished the recording with today's date, then held it out to me.

"What, you want me to do one too?" I asked, unsure of her intentions.

"No, I'm just giving you this statement for posterity. You don't have to do one. I trust you." I felt myself tense at that last part, and she noticed. Tears started gathering in her eyes as she looked down in shame. "I'm sorry. I've... I've ruined that line forever now, haven't I?"

I sighed, gently resting my forehead against hers. "I'll get over it, just gimme some time. But I forgive you, Cherry. You hear me? I mean it. I don't want us to be afraid of each other." She nodded and wiped her tears away, and we parted. She look at me almost... mournfully, and I decided enough was enough, the mood had to lighten up immediately. I used a finger to flick her nose in a downward swipe, and she giggled before biting her lip and twirling her hair some more. "So..."

"So." She took a deep breath and kissed me, a traditional one. My back was against the headboard, and she put her hands on my chest and held me there, beginning to grind on my lap. My arms came up to wrap around her, pulling her close to me. Oh God, she was so tiny. Can't wait to split her open. It's her first time, gotta take it easy with her. But we'll break her in afterwards. Yes, yes, all in due time. For now, I was just going to enjoy my petite virgin stepsister taking the initiative. Absolute pervert.

She climbed off, backing up and throwing the covers off of me, revealing my hardness poking out from the leg of my boxers. Licking her lips, she lay down and tugged my underwear off, getting front row seats to my cock springing up right in her face. Her eyes crossed to admire it, hot and sturdy and twitching at her breath. With her small soft hands, she reached out and took me in her grip, the excess sticking out for her to run her nose along the length of as she breathed in my musk. She sighed in satisfaction, eyes still crossed as she stuck her tongue out and pressed it to the underside of my manhood, slathering me with an upward stroke and forcing a moan out of me. On the way back down, she took me in her mouth, bulging her cheeks as she began to suck on my tip.

This was the first time she was actually sucking my cock, since I felt the sleep play blowjob didn't really count. And she was really sucking, using suction to pull me inside in addition to moving her head. She didn't get very far, though; small mouth, big cock and all that. She was gagging soon enough, globs of saliva pouring out of her mouth and rolling down my sex, tears running down her cheeks. Her eyes crossed again before she finally pulled off, coughing and gasping as she wiped her forehead. Her lipstick was smeared in such a delectable way that my lust took over, and I held her by the back of the head and forced her back onto my cock. She made a panicked sound but didn't fight me, even when her eyes began rolling back. I thrust in deeply and she retched, then went silent as I felt her throat sensually wrap around my tip. I let her up and she gagged again, taking shallow breaths as her eyes fluttered.

Letting her rest against my chest while she recovered, I stroked her hair and whispered words of comfort to her curled up form, occasionally kissing the top of her head. When her breathing was back to normal, she held one of my hands, weaving our fingers together and pulling it to her chest.

"We're not done," she managed.

"We're not?"

Her thighs were wrapped around my member, adding her nectar to the mix as she rubbed them together. Oh. Oh, this was happening. She straightened out of my embrace, kneeling over me as she stared down at her true objective before sitting down behind it. With the full length lined up against her belly, we could see just how deep I'd go, reaching past her lowest rib. God, I'm gonna enjoy this. This was gonna cause her a lot of pain. Good.

"Cherry, maybe we shouldn't--"

"Ready, Drew baby?" she murmured, desperately trying to mask her anxiety as she stared into my eyes.

"Hold on, I don't have any condoms--" I protested.

"I'm on the pill," she said quickly, as if she'd anticipated my excuses. And excuses they were, because I was dying to get in her. "I... I want my first time to be pure. And I want it to be with you. I don't want anything between us." Fuck, hard to argue with that.

I gulped and nodded, having trouble deciding whether to watch my cock ruin her, or her face as I did so. She, on the other hand, had pinned me with an unwavering gaze as she pulled her panties aside and lowered herself onto me, wincing as the tip began spreading her open. She was so tight that I had to hold myself steady so that I didn't slide to the front or back. This feeling of forbidden pleasure was intoxicating, the anticipation killing me as I yearned to just defile her. Just before the entire head entered her, she pushed back up on her knees.


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