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Blackmail Psychology Ch. 03

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An eventful Saturday for Ana as Andrea's pet.
9.3k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 08/02/2022
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The following morning Andrea woke up around seven o'clock to the sound of her teacher whimpering on the ground next to the bed. As punishment for refusing to lick her fingers clean after playing with herself, poor Ana had been required to sleep on the floor. Andrea had given her two blankets with a pillow and said her "pajamas" for bedtime would be nothing but the white thigh-high stockings from her schoolgirl outfit. She was otherwise completely naked.

After getting up and walking around the bed, Andrea found Ana sitting against the bed frame. Her arms were crossed and resting on her knees. Her eyes were puffy and her face was tear-streaked.

"What's wrong, Pet?" Andrea asked. She seemed authentically concerned.

Ana looked up and saw Andrea's scantily clad body for the first time. With some disappointment in herself, she couldn't stop from thinking her student was beautiful. She was only a little over five feet tall, and not too far over a hundred pounds. Such a petite feminine body. Her most striking feature to Ana in that moment was her incredibly pale skin. It contrasted beautifully with her dark purple hair, which was hanging over her surprisingly large breasts for her small frame. Ana had a moment of wondering why she always dressed so conservatively to hide her breasts. To top things off, Andrea was wearing nothing but a light blue bra and thong set, which matched the color of her eyes perfectly.

"I," Ana began to say. I hate what you've been doing to me. I hate how you've turned my body against me and made me feel like there's some sick part of me that's enjoying all of this. That was what she wanted to say, but she thought better of it. She was a captive in her own home and Andrea was her captor. "I had a really hard time falling asleep." Andrea adopted a cheerful expression on her face before responding to her teacher.

"Oh, well how about you go pee if you need to and then come up on the bed with me? You were a good girl taking your punishment without any complaint last night," Andrea stated. "And today you get to start with a clean slate." Good girl. There were those words again. To Ana's pussy that phrase was more energizing than a morning cup of coffee.

Andrea crawled back onto the spot where she had been sleeping and tossed the covers in Ana's direction, inviting her to come lay next to her. Ana stared forward with a glazed look in her eyes. Was she really considering laying next to her half-naked student? If not for how groggy she was she would have pondered just how big of an ethics violation that would be with the university. But her sleepy brain decided becoming entangled in the comfort of her own bed was too good an opportunity to pass up. After relieving herself in the bathroom, Ana crawled onto the spot Andrea had beckoned her towards and began slithering under the covers.

"Good girl," Andrea whispered, much to the delight of her teacher's all too easily aroused body.

Ana settled her head on a pillow and faced away from her student, but Andrea began wrapping her body around her teacher's. Within a few seconds the two were spooning, though the size difference of their bodies made it somewhat comical to consider Andrea as a big spoon. It didn't take long for Ana's breathing to become shallow with arousal. She hated to admit how good it felt to have a warm body pressed against hers, even if it was that of a small woman. It had been far too long since she had gotten to experience physical closeness like this with someone.

"What were you planning on doing today?" Andrea sleepily whispered into Ana's ear.

Ana thought of her most typical Saturday activities. Four hours of focused work in the morning and a trip to the gym in the evening. Those were her main habits every Saturday and Sunday. But how was she supposed to reply with her body becoming more aroused by the second? Andrea had now snaked her bottom arm under Ana's neck and was gently grabbing Ana's breast. Her other hand was firmly pressed to Ana's hip and threatening to slide lower. Ana took a deep breath to gather herself for a reply.

"I was planning on working on my dissertation in my office most of the morning, Andrea," she softly said. "And then I usually go to the gym in the evening."

"I can work with that," Andrea sleepily said as she tightened her grip on Ana's breast.

I can work with that? How long was Andrea's ownership of her daily activities going to last? But that thought was cut short because Andrea's hand did indeed slide down lower. Ever so slowly Andrea let her small delicate fingers slide towards her teacher's vulva and settle on her swollen clit. No rubbing, just gently pressing on her most intimate part. Ana involuntarily thrusted her hips towards her student's fingers but quickly found herself shut down.

"None of that. You haven't earned any pleasure yet today," Andrea drowsily said in her quiet tone. "Stay still and we can rest here a bit longer."

Ana's jaw clenched up. Her pussy was aching for a more sensual touch. How was she supposed to rest in such a state? She chose to shut her eyes and take some deep breaths. It was a bizarre situation to be in. Her mind was desperate for more sleep after an incredibly uncomfortable night. But somehow her body had the energy to beg for attention between her legs.

Over the course of the next thirty minutes Ana continued taking deep breaths and eventually settled into a nice relaxed state. She could have done without needing to keep her hips tense to prevent herself from lewdly thrusting into Andrea's fingers, but aside from that she was appreciative of the comfort the bed covers provided her. And she appreciated getting to have a warm body cuddled against her, even if it was someone as morally corrupt as Andrea.

When it was nearing time to get up and start the day Andrea stirred from her extra sleep. She withdrew her fingers from between Ana's legs, which Ana immediately felt grateful for. It was nice to finally be able to relax her hips.

Without saying anything, Andrea stepped off of the bed and went over to the dresser, where she had placed her clothes from yesterday. The first item of clothing she put on was her tight-fitting yoga pants, which required her to shake her hips a bit to fully slide up her legs. Ana, who had now sat a bit more upright at her spot in the bed, caught herself lustfully staring at Andrea's large breasts as they bounced back and forth. She quickly made herself look away. What was this? Some form Stockholm Syndrome where you found your captor sexually attractive? Or perhaps being in a perpetual state of arousal since yesterday afternoon was making her go insane. Ana chose to get off the bed as well, which prompted Andrea to speak to her.

"You may put on whatever clothes you'd like, no bra or panties though," she said with quiet authority.

Ana sighed. Of course she wouldn't be allowed to wear any underwear. She had a moment of wondering what other basic items in her everyday life she would be deprived of.

"Yes Andrea," she said with hidden irritation.

Ana sauntered over to her spacious walk-in closet. What items of clothing did she own that would be good to wear without underwear, if any? Loose pants, that was a given. She considered herself lucky that walking around in yesterday's tight-fitting jeans hadn't resulted in a visible wet spot on her crotch. Next she needed a top. Thin material was out of the question seeing as the stiffness of her nipples wouldn't be subsiding anytime soon. A black cotton shirt would have to do. After sliding off her thigh-highs she began getting dressed, and not long after that she exited the closet. Once back out in the bedroom Andrea felt the need to comment on her choice of clothing.

"I liked the schoolgirl outfit a lot more, too bad we can't take you out in public like that," she said. Ana got a sinking feeling in her chest. She had zero doubt Andrea would make her dress like a slut in public if she had the option. "Do you usually eat breakfast before working?"

"No, Andrea. Just coffee."

"Coffee sounds nice. Is there anything else you need to do before leaving?" Andrea asked. That prompted Ana to wonder if there would have been anything unique about today if not for being blackmailed by her student.

"No Andrea, I like leaving for the office shortly after waking up," she meekly replied.

"Fair enough," Andrea stated. "I like one tablespoon of creamer in my coffee, go make us some. I'll keep hanging out here." She hopped back up on the bed now that she was fully clothed. Meanwhile Ana left for the kitchen without another word.

Once Ana was standing in front of her coffee maker a realization that she was oddly calm came over her. Perhaps Andrea stating that she was starting the day with a clean slate alleviated some of her anxiety. She reflected on how moments to herself had been so fleeting since Andrea had approached her in the office yesterday. It felt like a lifetime had passed since then, but really it hadn't been much longer than twelve hours. If not for being so exhausted, her psychologist's mind might have thought a bit deeper on why her perception of time was so distorted. Instead she just focused on the task of making two cups of coffee.

It didn't take long for the coffee to finish, and soon Ana was back in the bedroom with a cup for Andrea. Something that immediately stood out was her student had made the bed. For some reason that caught Ana off guard. What reason did Andrea have to be kind enough to tidy the bed for her? Perhaps it didn't matter though. The task at hand right now was drinking her coffee and leaving for the office.

"Thank you, Pet," Andrea cheerfully said as she accepted her coffee.

Pet. Ana nervously wondered if there were any arousing buzzwords she had yet to discover. Andrea patiently sipped her coffee while Ana wasted no time drinking all of the contents of her cup. She didn't mind the extreme heat of the coffee on her tongue if it meant being perked up just a little bit after such a rough night of sleep. Not long after Andrea finished her coffee, the odd pair found themselves in the common area of Ana's apartment as they got ready to leave.

"Almost ready?" Andrea asked.

Ana surveyed her belongings to make sure she was ready to go to her office. Laptop, water bottle, purse, keys. It was safe to say she was ready to leave, but knowing she would be accompanied by Andrea was making her nervous. Would she get to write alone like she always preferred? That was the whole premise of her accepting the teaching job this semester.

"Yes Andrea. I'm ready," Ana said.

"Great," Andrea happily said as she walked towards the front door. Once it was open she spoke to Ana again. "Actually, go get your collar. I want you to have it in your purse any time we go out."

"Yes Andrea."

Any time we go out. As in, there would be future times they went out together? Ana had a moment of feeling sick at the thought of her arrangement with Andrea continuing past this weekend. But she also had to think back to where she had set down the collar. She had been permitted to take it off before bed and set it down on the lower shelf of her nightstand. A quick trip back to the bedroom would be needed. After fetching her collar like Andrea asked, Ana found herself back at the front door. She was itching to finally leave.

"Good girl. After you!" Andrea cheerfully said as she held the door open for her pet.

Good girl. Hearing that praise made Ana shamefully happy. After walking out of the apartment with Andrea in tow, she wasted no time locking the door to her apartment. But when she went to put her keys back in her purse, Andrea stopped her.

"I'll take those," she said as she held out her open hand. Ana complied with little enthusiasm, realizing she was handing over access to not just her apartment, but also her car and office. Andrea tucked the keys away into her own purse before speaking to Andrea again.

"Same as before, Pet. Walk a few steps ahead and act natural."

As unnatural as their situation felt, Ana joked to herself that at least it felt more natural than yesterday. While she was still feeling imprisoned by Andrea's threat to reveal her extracurricular activities to the university, she felt oddly relaxed at that moment. Perhaps it was the anticipation that she would get to escape into her work not too long from now.

Shortly after leaving the apartment, Ana found herself outside her car. It looked like their trip back to campus would more or less be a repeat of last night with Andrea in the driver's seat. But Andrea's insistence on accompanying Ana to her office was still making her tense. The click of the locks signaled that it was time to enter the car. Once seated and buckled up, Andrea spoke to her.

"Pants around your ankles like last night, Pet. And hands on your head."

"Yes Andrea."

Ana sighed and obeyed. It wasn't fun, not in her conscious mind at least. But at least obeying the command wasn't brand new to her. To her pussy, on the other hand, the novelty of being forced to do something sexually humiliating hadn't worn off in the slightest. She patiently sat in the passenger seat as the uncomfortable heat between her legs continued to build. Then Andrea fired up the ignition to drive the two of them to campus.

Given the convenient location of Ana's apartment, it was only a five minute drive to the university and then five more minutes of walking to get to the office. The two of them walked there without a word spoken between them, which didn't do anything to soothe Ana's apprehension. It wasn't until they were actually inside the office and Ana was anxiously setting up her laptop that Andrea broke the silence.

"Clothes off, Pet."

Hearing those words made Ana tremble. But I'm supposed to be here for work! She froze for a few seconds, which elicited an impatient reaction from Andrea.

"You've been doing so well today. Don't keep me waiting."

"Yes, Andrea," Ana shakily said as she kicked off her sandals.

From there she stripped off her only two items of clothing. It was a fairly quick task, and soon she found herself completely naked in front of her student. In her own office. On the university's campus. There was an added uneasiness about doing something so humiliating outside of the safety of her apartment. But of course pondering her situation only made her cheeks flushed and her most intimate part wet with arousal. Well, wetter than it had already become from the embarrassing car ride. And having her underwear privileges taken away wasn't stifling her arousal either.

Ana hated that it hadn't even been 24 hours of being Andrea's pet and she was already becoming accustomed to feeling deeply betrayed by her own body at every turn. The initial shock and anxiety had now subsided for the most part. But realizing that only added a new layer of shame in her mind. Ana's absorption into her thoughts was broken when Andrea held out her hand.

"Give me your phone so I can put in my number," she ordered. "So you can call me if there's an emergency."

In case of an emergency. Maybe Andrea wasn't quite as cruel as she had been letting on. Ana reluctantly unlocked her phone and handed it to Andrea, who then started typing her number into Ana's contacts.

"How long were you hoping to work, Pet?" Her tone had now shifted back to being more cheerful.

"Four hours, Andrea."

"In that case, I'll be back to pick you up," she began to say as she looked at the phone. "A little after noon."

Then Andrea handed Ana's phone back to her before picking up the sandals and clothes she had just taken off. Ana's pulse quickened. Would Andrea be taking those with her? Was she about to be left stranded in her office without any clothes? Her fear was confirmed when Andrea started walking towards the door.

"You might want to lock the door behind me," she said with a smirk. "Oh, and put on your collar. I want you wearing that the whole time I'm gone."

With wide eyes and pouting lips, Ana replied by saying, "Yes Andrea." She reached into her purse to grab the collar. But her facial expression prompted Andrea to say one last thing to her before leaving.

"Don't look so sad, Pet. I'll be close by in case anything comes up. Have fun working!"

And with that, Andrea shut the door at almost the same time Ana pulled the buckle into place on her collar. Her heart rate was still highly elevated from the shock of seeing her clothes being taken away. For four hours she was going to be like this? Naked in her office and unable to leave unless she was okay with anyone in the building seeing her stripped of all her clothing? What if she needed to pee?

Calm down. Ana took some deep breaths and tried realizing she needed to get to work. With shaky hands she opened her laptop and tried thinking back to her usual checklist of activities for Saturday morning work. E-mails came first, that would be easy enough. But not before getting up and locking the door to the office.

As Ana pulled up her university e-mail account she breathed a sigh of relief. Just eight messages to sort through. There had been much worse days on that front. The first message was a request to serve as a referee for an academic journal. That could be ignored for the moment. Next were a couple of questions from undergraduates in her senior project class. Answering those would only take a few minutes each, which she quickly worked through. Aside from that, no other e-mail messages were in need of immediate attention. She had gotten off very lucky this morning.

With e-mails out of the way, next would usually come prep for client sessions during the week. But her next therapy session with a client would not be until Tuesday. She could push off prep until tomorrow, meaning she could get to work on her thesis introduction. She could pick up where she had left off yesterday, when she had been interrupted by a detestable young woman in the form of Andrea.

Now that she had calmed down a bit more she pulled out the printed versions of her past publications from her desk. With one last deep breath she prepped for immersing herself in her writing. She would need to summon all the focus she had because of the highly unfamiliar distractions she was currently dealing with. She was still trying her best not to think of what would happen if she needed to use the restroom.

Her best attempt at focusing wound up working to her favor. Over the course of the next hour, Ana found herself quite capable of forgetting about the odd circumstances that had led to her current state. While being stripped and collared was taking its toll on poor Ana, once she was immersed in her writing and reviewing research papers all the stress took a backseat.

Ana realized that her stresses about Andrea's wicked hold over her were becoming lighter the more she focused on writing her thesis. She joked with herself about how this was probably a sign that she was meant for a life as a psychology researcher. In the face of horrible circumstances such as being blackmailed by a student, immersing herself in writing still came naturally to her. She continued like that for some time, fervent typing interspersed with reading papers she had printed out and marked up with various notes in the margins. But then a feeling she had been dreading in the back of her mind started to make itself known. She would need to pee soon.

A mild panic came over Ana. Walking outside of her office and down to the bathrooms at the end of the hallway was out of the question. Where did that leave her? Maybe pondering that wouldn't be needed, Andrea did say she would be close by in case anything happened. She grabbed at her phone to text Andrea.

Ana: I'm going to need to pee soon, Andrea. Could you please bring me back my clothes so I can go to the restroom?

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