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Blondie Protects Her Son

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Blondie’s son gets in trouble and she has to get him out.
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Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/14/2023
Created 09/05/2023
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I'll Do Anything To Protect My Son

By Photodude2020

This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal.

Codes: MMF, Rom, Cons, Voy, Oral, Anal, Mast, Inter

I was really shaken up when my teenage son Alex told me that he'd gotten into trouble. "I'm sorry Mom," he said. "I don't know why I did it, but I was at The Music Store. I took some CD's and put them in my jacket pocket. I got caught trying to leave and they called the police. The cops that came were the two black policemen that come into your Catering Shop all the time."

I knew whom he was referring to. James and Derek were city policemen who stopped in regularly. I have to admit that they looked very handsome in their uniforms. They were both in their mid-twenties, over six-foot tall with very muscular builds. James was bald; I suspected he shaved his head because he liked the look.

It wasn't the stereotypically donut shop story either. I was the reason they came in all the time. They were always making lewd comments and undressing me with their eyes as they leaned over the counter. I'm a natural blonde, 5'4" 118 lbs., and I've kept myself in great shape by working out regularly. My breasts are big and full, my tummy's flat, my flaring hips and my ass is firm and high riding. I know the looks I get, but I'm a loving mother and a faithful wife.

I'd been propositioned many times by the both of them and had always put them off by telling them that I was a happily married woman with two kids, and I didn't fool around on my husband. "You don't know what you're missing Mrs. B," James would tell me as Derek nodded his head in agreement, his eyes glued to my breasts. "Once you go black you never go back Mrs. B," he'd say with a big smile. "One of these days you're going to say yes."

Oh yes, I knew exactly whom my son was talking about. "Oh my God, Alex," I said. "What happened? Were you arrested? This could screw up the scholarship you're in line for. What'll we do then? Oh Alex" "Mom, they didn't arrest me," he told me. "They talked to the owner and told him I was a good kid who'd made a mistake. They said they'd manage it with my parents. The owner told them, OK, as long as he was paid for the CD's I'd pocketed. They gave him the money and said that they'd stop by Saturday morning to talk to you. They said that you'd know what needed to be done and to just make sure that you were alone. They said it'd be easier to work it out that way. Do you know what they meant mom?"

I had a sinking feeling as I told my son, "Yes dear, I know exactly what they mean." Then I went on, "they know that it'll be better if your father and sister don't know what happened. We need to keep this as quiet as possible. Your dad would have a stroke and ground you for life and your sister would tell everyone about it. I know these two police officers and I'll do whatever needs to be done to clean up this mess you're in. Trust me honey, everything will be all right. I'd never let anything bad happen to you."

I had a few days to make a plan to get everyone out of the house on Saturday and came up with a trip to visit Dagwood's parents. We hadn't seen then in a while, and they lived about 4 hours away. I made the arrangements, and then on Friday I told Dagwood that I had to stay behind because of a last-minute catering job. He wanted to cancel the trip, but I told him how disappointed his folks would be and convinced him to take the kids and go without me.

They had left early Saturday morning and I resolved myself to do whatever it took to get my son out of trouble. I knew I'd probably have to fuck both of them, but I hoped I could satisfy them quickly and be done with it. Maybe I could get away with just having to give them blowjobs. Like I said, I'll do anything to protect my son. Whatever I had to do would be worth it to keep this incident from being made public and ruining his life.

I heard a car pull into the driveway around 10AM. There was a knock on the door and when I opened it there were James and Derek in their uniforms.

"Hi Ms. B!" James said greeting me.

"Hi guys!" I said, returning their greeting.

"How's your son, he told you we'd stop by this morning, didn't he," James asked.

"Oh yes, he did. He's with his father and sister visiting their grandparents this weekend." I replied. "They'll be back Sunday."

"Good Ms. B. I see you got our message. How about having a beer with us to kind of break the ice, so to speak?" Derek said.

"It's a little early in the day and aren't you on duty," I asked.

"Not at the moment Mrs. B," he said with a big smile. "Aren't you going to invite us in so we can work out your son's problem?"

I wasn't much of a drinker, but I thought that a cold beer would help me get through this ordeal, so I told them that sounded pretty good. I stepped back and they came into the house. I felt a tingling sensation within me as the two huge black men brushed past me. James and Derek motioned me towards the

living room.

James noticed the big screen television we'd just gotten along one wall and asked me about it. I started telling him all about it while Derek went to the kitchen to get the beer. The television had every feature you could possibly dream of, and the picture was crystal clear. I told them that my husband and son were big sports fans and we all loved how the movie looked in it.

Derek came back from the kitchen and handed me a cold glass of beer. It tasted great, really hitting the spot as I tried to adjust to my thoughts of what I'd have to do to get my son out of this fix he was in.

Derek motioned towards the couch, so I walked over and sat down. James sat on the couch with me. Derek sat in a swivel chair across from me. I tried to prolong the inevitable and I asked them about their jobs. From the description of what they got involved in, it was far from glamorous like it's often portrayed.

James and Derek loved telling some of the funny incidents they got involved in. They knew they had time, so they talked for more than an hour as they eyed my body with lustful intent. Derek had kept refilling my glass and I was really beginning to relax. I enjoyed the two men's company, but I knew that eventually Alex's problem and what I needed to do to get him out of it would come up along with their dicks.

They were getting a little hungry, probably from drinking the beer and James suggested they call out for pizza. I could eat with them if I liked what they said. It had been awhile since I'd had pizza. Their offer sounded tempting, so I took them up on it. James went to the phone while I was using their bathroom. When I returned, Derek had poured me another beer. I'd had enough beer and was feeling really buzzed so I just nursed it until the pizza arrived.

The pizza finally arrived. It smelled great when James opened the box. Derek put a couple of big slices on a plate and handed it to me. We sat in the living room, eating pizza, and talking some more. I finished my pizza and took a big drink, finishing my beer off. The effects of the beer had me very relaxed.

"You know why we're here Mrs. B. it's time to convince us to give your son a break." James said almost in a whisper. I felt James's arm around my shoulders pulling me towards him. He leaned into me and kissed me softly on the lips.

It had been so long since Dagwood had kissed me like that. James's lips moved over mine. I tried to keep my lips together, but I could feel the heat in my body rising. I put my hand on James's shoulder trying to keep him at a reasonable distance.

Derek came over and sat down on my other side. James's lips parted from mine. I opened my eyes, seeing him smiling. Derek put his huge hand on my chin and turned my head towards him. He put his lips on mine and kissed me passionately. I felt his tongue slide between my lips, licking them back and forth. I tried to resist but I eventually parted them, so his thick tongue slid deeply into my mouth. He worked his tongue over mine then swirled it around my mouth.

My body was reacting to all the kissing. I knew I had to go along with them, so I wasn't objecting as they took turns kissing me and probing their hard tongues inside my mouth. Derek's hand was at the hem of my skirt pushing it slowly upwards. His strong hand brushing back and forth on my leg. I pressed my legs together to keep his hand from getting any higher but that didn't stop him. He kept rubbing along the top of my leg, inching my skirt higher.

James was kissing me harder, grinding his lips on mine. I felt his hand cupping one of my breasts, massaging and fondling it. My breathing was coming in slow deep breaths as the two men worked on me. I knew I couldn't stop them, but my body was now strangely hungry for their attention.

Derek had my skirt almost pushed up to the top of my thighs. His strong hands rubbing up and down on my legs. I relaxed, letting them part just a little. Derek's hand immediately slipped down between my legs. James and I parted lips. Derek waited a minute to let me catch my breath before putting his lips on mine. He slid his huge tongue between my lips and probed deep inside my mouth. He worked it in and out of my mouth slowly. It was like he was tongue fucking my mouth. I moaned deeply as he continued sliding his tongue in and out.

I was so engrossed with Derek that I hadn't noticed James unbuttoning my blouse. He pulled the blouse from my skirt and spread it wide open. I felt the cool air passing over my chest. James put his hand up to my breasts and squeezed them. The heat inside my body was building. Derek stopped kissing me. He was looking down at his hand up under my skirt, mere inches from my panties.

I put my hand down to his arm, forcing him to stop. He kept his hand where it was at, not pushing up any farther. James kissed me on the neck several times. He put his fingers on the front clasp of my white, lace-trimmed bra. I held his wrist to keep him from pulling on the clasp. My head was clearing but my body was still very aroused. I knew I should get up from the couch and tell them to leave but I also knew that I couldn't do that if I wanted to save my son from getting a police record.

"Hmmm... be a damn shame to get this far and not see those beautiful tits of yours, Ms. B." James whispered. "You do want to convince us to take care of your son's problem, don't you?"

James toyed with the clasp. I released my grip on his wrist letting him pull the clasp apart. My bra sprang apart, my breasts bared for their eyes. I looked down at them. My nipples responded as the cool air whispered across them. They were growing erect, blossoming on their own. James grinned and took one of the nipples between his fingers. He pulled on it gently causing it to elongate.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh.... ohhhhhhhhh," I moaned deeply, watching James play with my aroused nipples.

Derek slid his hand down my leg, lifting my foot up onto the edge of the coffee table. My skirt was still pushed to the top of my thighs. Derek kissed me softly, barely pressing his lips against mine. His hand slid between my legs, gently massaging the bare skin of my inner thigh.

James was kissing my breasts and sucking on my hard nipples. He took turns, doing one breast and then the other. I couldn't hold back. I felt myself slipping into a long slow orgasm. My body squirmed on the couch as it overtook my heated body. Derek's hand was on my pussy, rubbing back and forth over my panties. His manipulations prolonged my orgasm.

"Ohhhhhhh.... Hmmmmmmmmm," I moaned, letting myself enjoy the sensation I was experiencing.

James rose up from the couch as Derek kept rubbing my pussy, keeping me aroused. When I looked up James was completely naked. His huge black cock pointing straight out from his muscular body. I couldn't take my eyes off it. I was mesmerized by its enormous size as I realized that it was twice the size of my husband Dagwood's'. James stood in front of me. He put his hand down to take mine. I put my hand in his and he pulled me up off the couch. I was standing right up next to him, leaning against him to steady myself.

James took my hand and put it on his rock-hard cock. It was so thick I couldn't get my fingers around it, but I could feel it pulsating. His cock felt so hot. He stepped back and I followed him, still gripping his cock. Derek came up behind me, his strong hands on my hips.

"Let's see what the rest of that hot little body of yours looks like, Ms. B!" Derek exclaimed.

I couldn't see his face but I'm sure he was grinning as much as James. I was at the point of no return and the thought that I had to stop this before I let it get any farther along flashed through my mind. Then I remembered the reason I'd arranged to be home alone when they came to see me. Alex, my son needed me to do what I had to do to protect him. I had to do this; there was no other way. These two big black policemen held his future in their hands.

I stood in complete submission as Derek pulled my blouse and bra off, tossing them on the couch. Then his hands slowly unzipped my skirt and pushed it down my legs. Derek lifted each foot one at a time until I'd stepped out of it. He tossed the skirt on the couch with the rest of my clothes. I stood there wearing just my white panties and high heels.

Derek ran his hand over my ass. "Damn that's one hell of an ass!" He exclaimed aloud. "I've wanted to get my hands on your sweet little white ass for a long time now Mrs. B. Got to be some good fuckin'!"

James grinned looking down at my hand, still holding his pulsating horsecock. He pulled the front of my panties outward and glanced down at my trimmed blonde pubic hair. His grin got even bigger. He let go of my panties and they snapped back. Derek put his hands on my panties and started to pull them down my legs. He let go of them and they fell around my ankles. I stepped out of them leaving them lying on the floor. I looked down, seeing the large wet spot in the crotch of my panties. James and Derek noticed it too.

"Spread those gorgeous legs Mrs. B!" Derek ordered.

I spread my legs a little. Derek pulled them much farther apart. He pushed my shoulders forward with one hand, sliding his other hand between my legs. He gently rubbed the lips of my pussy, and I couldn't keep from wiggling my ass. I held onto James, my hands at his waist. James reached between my outstretched arms and grasped his cock near its base. He pointed it up towards my face.

I knew what he wanted, and I put my lips on the bulbous head of his cock, kissing it all over. I had to work my lips around to get it into my mouth. My lips were stretched over his shaft, my tongue swiping along the underneath side. I tried pumping my mouth up and down on his cock, but I couldn't get much past the head. I sucked on the head of his big black cock as hard as I could.

Derek was fingering my pussy, sliding up and down the tight slit. I felt my juices flowing. James held the back of my head, but I still managed to suck his cock as hard as I could. My mouth was making loud slurping sounds.

I felt James's body tensing. His leg muscles were taut. I held his waist tight, my lips clamped onto his thick hard cock. I sucked him until he came. His hot load shot hard to the back of my throat. I managed to swallow it just before he blew his next load into my waiting mouth. My nostrils flared trying to breathe. I managed to swallow James's second load. I was choking a little, so I took my mouth off his cock. His firm grip on my head started to ease.

I pulled myself up clawing at James's chest for support. Derek pulled his hand from between my legs. James's cock was still oozing cum; it dripped down onto the carpeting. Derek held me by my waist, pulling me back against him for support. I managed to slowly get my breath back.

"Fuckin' damn Mrs. B, you suck really good!" James exclaimed.

I looked back at Derek. He was perspiring even though the air conditioner was running. He said, "Come on Mrs. B, you got a lot more convincing to do," as he pushed me towards the master bedroom. I saw James walking slowly towards the kitchen. Derek pulled the blanket off the bed I shared with my husband and threw it on the floor. I kicked off my high-heels and got on the bed, stretching out in the center.

James entered the bedroom carrying a couple of beers. He handed me one and I took a big swallow, washing my mouth and throat. I handed the beer to Derek. He finished it off. James got on the bed; his eyes were focused on my hot pussy. He lowered his mouth to my pussy and started licking it with his strong tongue. He probed it inside me, licking my inner walls.

I saw Derek stripping off his uniform just before I closed my eyes. James worked my pussy over like an animal. He sucked my clit with his lips until I thought I would lose my mind. I had a tremendous orgasm lasting several minutes.


James licked my pussy slower and slower until he finally stopped. I opened my eyes seeing Derek standing by the side of the bed, grinning. His rock-hard cock was as big as James's was.

I wasn't sure I could manage his huge cock up inside me. It was so long and thick, so damn big. He saw the frightened look on my face. He reached for a box on the nightstand and pulled out a large tube of lubricant. I looked up at James.

"Better put plenty on." James suggested. "She got one tight fucking pussy."

Derek squeezed a stream of the lubricant along the top of his hard cock. He took his hand and smeared it all over the long black shaft. He stepped into the bathroom, grabbing a towel to wipe the excess off his hand. Derek walked to the foot of the bed and stood there looking down at me.

He was shaking his huge black cock at me when he grinned and said, "You think you can manage all this?"

"Do I have any choice? You think you can manage this?" I said defiantly as I spread my legs wide and slipped my fingers down over my soaking wet pussy. Derek climbed between my legs pushing them farther apart. His cock looked at big as my lower arm. My eyes were bulging seeing it that close. Derek pushed his wedge-shaped cock between the lips of my pussy. I tried to pull away from him for a second as he pushed his cock into me slow and easy. I felt the head of his thick cock pass through the opening of my pussy and push deeper inside me. My pussy was being stretched as never before. I took a deep breath and held it until Derek had it worked almost all the way in. I couldn't believe he'd gotten it inside me. I exhaled slowly when Derek pulled back. He pulled it all the way out.

I stared at it as he pushed it back inside me. I gasped as he pumped in short, quick strokes. Derek's huge horsecock was like a warm fire in my pussy. He began to take longer and harder strokes inside me. The lubricant on his cock was making slurping sounds when he fucked into me. I felt his hot balls smacking against my ass on every deep thrust of his oversized prick.

"Oh God," I thought. "The things a mother has to do for her children." Here I was on my marital bed letting a huge dicked black policeman fuck me like a common whore. I'd never felt anything like it. He was a real stud, and he played my quivering body like a master musician.

Derek hooked his arms under my legs, so they rested in the crook of his arms. He fucked me slow and easy, then hard and fast until I came. I pushed down with my legs, lifting my ass up off the sheets. Derek slowed his fucking to a leisurely tempo while the orgasm took over my body. I gritted my teeth to keep from screaming out. When my orgasm slipped away, he began fucking me hard again.

Derek pumped me until his whole body went rigid. He shot his load holding my ass up off the bed. He slowly pulled his cock back and then took one deeper plunge. He was panting for breath as he held himself buried to the hilt in my spasming pussy. His arms collapsed to his side; my butt fell back on the bed. He was perspiring so much; streams were running down his muscular chest. Derek managed to drag himself off the bed and head towards the master bathroom.


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