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Blood & Carrots - Silverpaw Ep. 09

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Episode 9: From the past to the future.
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Part 9 of the 22 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/19/2020
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"Happy anniversary, darling. Have you thought about me these last decades?" I spoke the words bitterly, my arms folded as the white fox strode into the field before the three of us.

"Every day..." Elias folded his own arms as he spoke out to me gently, his blue fires already rolling from his tail and ears.

"Leave us, incapacitate any who interfere, but do not kill them." I barked out the orders and the twins slipped into the darkness.

"Sarnai... for the love of the gods... do not do this." The fox growled the words and I could see the pleading look in his eyes. I felt my gaze soften for a moment. I simply wanted to rush back into his arms and be held by him, told it would be alright and he would keep me safe.

The voices hungry for blood drowned out the thoughts and I shook my head before showing him a hateful glare. "You say you think of me daily... does that include when you make love with that rabbit and cat?" I spat the words out, clenching my fist as my flames burst forth, going straight to a bloody red.

"Regardless of whom I have laid with, I still love you... You still have my heart... so please come back to me!" The fox shouted the words, his own fires intensifying and turning white. I could feel his power had grown as the angel had warned me. I knew already he was beyond me and I couldn't beat him in a one on one fight.

"Then give me your heart, Elias! I will carve it out here and now before I pierce my own. Let us die together as husband and wife!" I barked the words out, showing him a wide hungry grin, my tail wagging eagerly.

His head shook and he gave me a deep frown. "Sarnai... my love... you truly have gone mad... please, shut out the demons and come back to me!"

"Master!" I lifted my ears, hearing the rabbit call out as she rushed to join us along with a small group of my husband's family members, some I recognized, others unfamiliar to me. Everything came to a head at that moment.


The resulting struggle was one you already know. I woke in the guest bed feeling weak and drained. She had beaten me, she used his power to do it, but she had bested me. I sat through the lecture and the scolding this fledgling gave me, knowing she was within her rights, then I was alone with my husband for the first time in half a century.

He clasped my hand in both of his, kissing my fingers gently. I could smell that rabbit upon him, as well as Katrina. At that moment I didn't care, he was with me and saying he loved me, saying he missed me. It was all I wanted, the voices of madness could wait, for now, I was content to enjoy the moment of respite with my husband.

"What will you do?" He asked me gently after a time.

I didn't have an answer for him, I didn't feel I had a choice in the matter. Alice had bested me and I had given myself to her under my word in exchange for my family. I shook my head, still feeling weak. "That's up to your rabbit now, isn't it?"

"Alice will not try to control you, Sarnai... that isn't the kind of rabbit she is. She simply seeks to keep us at peace," The fox spoke the words in a strong confident tone at me.

I met his eyes and could see he had changed greatly in this last half-century. He was so much stronger in a lot of ways. I gave him a weak grin and folded my arms. "Time will tell I suppose... for now... well, can you forgive me?"

"There is nothing to forgive... that was not my wife's doing. You were guided by your demons, not your own thoughts." He barked the words at me in a matter of fact tone.

"Ever the optimist, my... husband? Can I even call you that now?" I tilted my head curiously.

"You can... if you still wish to. You must understand my position though, Alice and Katrina have my heart now as well, I will not give either of them up." The fox set me with a strong look that said he meant what he said.

I could feel his resolve and will, I knew he would reluctantly cast our relationship away for them if I tried to argue the fact. Oddly enough it didn't bother me, on the contrary, I felt a sense of relief that he had managed to grow such a strong love in the shadow of my madness and torment I had forced upon him.

"For better or worse... isn't that how the mundane say it?" I spoke the words with a smile.

"Indeed... both in sickness and in health..." He took my hands and kissed my fingers once more.

I bit my lower lip, feeling his touch against me and thinking back to the sensations I felt as Alice pulled my energy forth. She flooded me with emotions she had siphoned from Elias when she did so, I recall feeling his longing and desperate love for me. I closed my eyes in focus before shifting to pull from his grip.

Elias looked at me curiously as I pulled from him, then moved my palm to his chest, gripping the silk shirt he wore and tugged upon him. "You've talked enough... just kiss me you dumb dog." I barked the words, gripping his shirt and jerking him forward.

The fox stood and without another word was over me, his arms wrapped around me before his mouth was against my own. I threw my arms around him, drawing him close to me as we kissed deeply for the first time in half a century. I felt his will wash over me in the comforting manner he used to do when I woke from nightmares.

Our tongues pushed out after a few moments, flicking and teasing against one another, then my eyes widened as I felt something else pushing into me. I shuddered and let out a soft gasp, feeling power flood into my smaller body, as if the fox were forcing his own lifeforce into mine. "W-what... are you-"

He pushed his lips to mine again to silence me before continuing to kiss me and force his energy into me. I dug my fingers hard into his back and broke the kiss after several more moments, panting heavily as I blinked up into his blue eyes, trying to process what had just happened.

"F-feel better?" He panted the words, giving me a grin, looking obviously winded.

"What in the nine hells did you just do, Elias? I... I feel invigorated like I just fed and woke from restful sleep!" I barked the words out, my emotions shifting to concern as I drew him to my chest, holding him as he panted weakly in my arms.

"Just a little trick I picked up while you were away, love... I wanted to share some of my lifeforce with you and make you feel better." He growled the words proudly and I felt him nuzzling at my breasts through my sleep gown.

I could see a lot had changed in my time from him. For the first time in centuries, my mind felt clear after receiving the rush of energy. I lowered my ears and frowned, holding my husband to my chest gently. He had expended a lot of his energy and before long he had drifted to slumber in my arms, laying against me in the small bed, his leg draped over mine.

We laid there for a time, hours with nothing but him in my arms. I held him and stroked his soft white hair and ears, thanking the gods to have him in my arms again and feel this moment of clarity, even as the energy dwindled and the darkness slowly crept back into place.


"You tried to kill my Master and broke my fucking arms. You think I'm going to so readily forgive you?" Katrina folded her arms, giving me a strong glare, her wiry black tail whipping about as we stood in the field of grass alone together. Alice had just finished having a heart to heart with me about things, when the cat came to speak with me, insisting she had time alone with me.

"I can make no excuses, my sister. I only hope you can forgive me in time." I growled the words and bowed my head. It was awkward trying to be so humble, but I had no rank or right to be haughty. The cat had seen me at my worst through the years and had more than enough reason to hate me.

She sighed and ran her fingertips through her red hair, the locks looking shorter than they had been when I saw her last. "Alice says... it's not your fault, and that I shouldn't resent you." She fixed me with a glare and shook her head. "But... what I can't forgive is how you hurt my lord... he, I and Alice are only about ten years old you know. I had to watch Elias suffer and be tormented by your actions for nearly fifty years before she came along. Even afterward I could still see the pain in his eyes."

I lowered my head and growled. It pissed me off to be scolded by her, she was still a fledgling compared to me and had no right to talk to me in such a manner. Then I dashed those thoughts, realizing that was not my thoughts and the thoughts of the demons in me. This ordeal had slapped me back to reality enough to distinguish my own thoughts from the madness.

"I have nothing I can say for myself, Katrina. I am a terrible wife and an awful Marquess. I could sit here and roost upon my nightmares and madness, but it is just an excuse for my own short-comings." I growled and gave her a deep bow. "I only pray I can earn your understanding and trust in time."

The cat clicked her tongue and moved a palm to my face, I blinked as I felt her lift my gaze to look upon her. She was a timid little thing when I left, but here she was radiating confidence and strength. Her copper and green eyes met mine and she gave me a nod. "Alice and Elias say they can trust you, so I will do the same."

"Thank you, sister. I will try my best to not disrupt your life." I spoke the words and stood once more, looking down upon the smaller female.

Katrina gave me a shrug and turned her back, her tail flicking about. "If you hurt him again... all bets are off... I can feel Alice gave you back most of your power, but that won't save you from me if you break his heart again, that's a promise." The cat showed her sharp teeth as she spat out the declaration and stomped away before I could answer her.

I frowned and stood there in silence in the field of burned grass and uprooted earth. The wind kicked up and whipped my hair about and I shook my head slowly. Everyone in this house had a right to hate me and would be on edge. I suddenly longed for my old home and the company of my family from Silverpaw.

Resigning myself I walked through the field and moved to the overlook that stood before the large city in the distance. I recalled when it was just a small boomtown of wooden shacks and storefronts when we first settled this land, a nostalgic smile crossing my face.

My ears lifted as I felt a presence and turned to look over my shoulder, seeing the large wolf and the only other male amongst them walking towards me. I could clearly smell Alice upon him as well as the fallen angel, it was obvious that the rabbit got around.

"Have you come to begrudgingly welcome me and threaten me as well?" I called out dryly while looking back over the city, folding my arms.

"Welcome you, yes. Threaten you, no." The wolf shrugged and stood next to me and I could see he was even taller than my husband, a large male to be sure and well built. I felt nostalgia staring upon him but couldn't quite put my finger upon it.

"Well thank you for the welcome, I will try my best to not be a pain or disrupt your life too much." I clicked my tongue and turned my focus back towards the city.

"I also came here to thank you." He growled the words out as he looked upon the cityscape.

I barked out a laugh. "Whatever for, wolf? Turning your life upside down?"

He set his amber eyes upon me and shook his head. "I never knew the details, but Elias told me last night it was you that gave him my information as well as how to find me and guide me."

I flicked my tail and cut my brown eyes to his, cocking a brow. "Vietnam... so you were that soldiers from then, eh?" I giggled and ran my fingertips through my hair giving the dog a coy grin. "It's a small world indeed... Well, I'm glad I was able to help at least one being in my delusion of madness."

"Why did you not just put me down?" He asked me curiously.

"What's your name, Wolf?" I responded without answering him.

"It's Alex." He looked away from my strong gaze and I showed my sharp canines.

"Well Alex, I make it a point to not kill those that stand by my side in combat." I flicked my tail lazily and looked at him out of the corner of my eye.

"I do not remember any of it, but I'm glad I was able to fight by your side. Glad I was able to help in some way and know that night's rampage wasn't just the death of my friends." He sighed as he folded his arms and lowered his head.

"You are a mighty warrior now, wolf, I can feel that. I would very much like to spar with you sometime if you are willing. I'd very much enjoy seeing how you've come along since that time." I gave him another grin, trying to lighten the mood as best as I could.

"That sounds fun, yeah let's do that sometime!" He barked the words out and clapped a hand over my shoulder. I yipped out from the heavy blow then gave him a smile.

"Thanks for not treating me like some deranged monster, Alex," I called out as he turned away from me to walk away.

"We're all monsters, Sarnai. I know what it's like to lose myself... it happens a little bit with every shift... I'm just glad everyone is alright." He hummed the words in an almost childish tone before moving back to the house.

"Yes, I suppose everyone is alright..." I nodded as I spoke the words to myself and turned on my heel, walking back to the manor behind the wolf.

I walked into the foyer to see him and the celestial embraced. I cocked a brow as they kissed and then parted from one another's arms. "Yes, I will join you in your bed tonight. Will Alice be joining us as well?" The golden-haired angel titled her head while speaking to the wolf, a loving smile on her face.

"I'm not sure, I guess we will find out." Alex spoke the words then turned to see me standing there, a curious look on my face as I eyed the two of them.

The celestial nodded to me and turned back to the wolf. "I wish to greet our new sister, I will be up in a few." The wolf gave her a nod and moved upstairs without another word.

I watched the retriever approach me, her tail wagging as she spread her charcoal wings out before folding them against her back once more and offering me her hand. "Hello sister, nice to meet you, I'm Gloria."

I looked to her hand and hesitated before grasping it. I winced at the burn but shook it firmly a few times before parting grips and flexing my fingers to get the stinging to stop. The dog frowned and drooped her ears. "Oh, I'm sorry, Sarnai... I forgot about that."

"Think nothing of it. It is a minor thing compared to what I put you and your family through a few nights ago." I spoke the words and gave her an apologetic bow.

The dog giggled and put her hands in front of her, folding them. "That is in the past now, sister. Now you are family and I welcome you with open arms."

I tilted my head curiously and looked her over. She stunk of that wolf and once again I smelled the rabbit upon her. I was starting to realize a trend here. "You are... fallen, yes?"

Gloria looked over her shoulder at her wings, as if she had forgotten the shade of them. "Ah, yes I am. This is the price I pay to be with my rabbit and wolf." The retriever giggled the words and gave me a lazy smile. "It is a price I gladly pay to be with them, they bring me such joy, all of the family does."

I frowned at her earnest response and felt the guilt crush me at the prospect that I had wrought so much pain on this happy family. I shook my head and sighed. "Again, I'm sorry..."

"Do not apologize, Sarnai... you are family now." The angel clasped her hands as if offering a prayer. "My lover has told me of your troubles and I will do everything in my power to help heal your heart, ask of me anything."

I couldn't help but grin at the angel's innocent words and found myself unable to resist. "So you, the wolf, and... her? All three of you?"

She blushed but nodded. "Yes, Alice is my girlfriend and Alex is my boyfriend. I love them both very much."

"Wait... you're the fallen angel her and Elias stood up for, are you not?" I barked the words, realization dawning upon me.

"Why yes. Alice, Katrina, Alex, and even Elias. They all came to my defense. Why even lady Lorelai came to help. Truly I am blessed to have them all at my side." She hummed the words and clasped her hands once more.

"S-so... you and Elias?" I frowned and tilted my head.

"Me and Elias?" The angel looked upon me curiously, putting a finger to her cheek.

"Is he having sex with you as well?" I asked her dryly.

The terrier's cheeks darkened and she shook her head quickly. "Oh my... N-no... I only lay with Alex and Alice. Elias only lays with Alice and Katrina to my knowledge."

"I see... but Alice lays with all of you in some capacity or another?" I folded my arms, tilting my head curiously.

"That's right, I do." I heard the rabbit's voice come to me from behind and I jumped slightly.

I jerked my gaze back to her with a huff, irritated at being startled. "How long have you been there?!" I growled the words, my eyes shifting slightly to red.

"About the time you asked about if Gloria was banging Elias." The rabbit spoke out casually, then nodded to the retriever.

Gloria gave the rabbit a brilliant smile and quickly slipped into her arms. I watched the two embrace and kiss quickly before the dog gave me a gentle smile. I watched the angel move up the stairs and slip out of sight, leaving me and Alice alone in the foyer.

Alice stared at me for a long moment before speaking out. "If you have questions about me, you could ask me directly you know."

"I wasn't trying to snoop, it just came up." I barked the words and shoved my nose up into the air.

"Indeed..." Alice frowned and set me with a disappointed look. "Sarnai... why do you think I insisted you stay here?"

"If I recall your own words? To keep an eye upon me and make sure I would not be a threat to Elias and your family." I parroted the words and set her with my own annoyed look, my hands moving to rest upon my hips.

"More than just that... but yes." Alice sighed and folded her arms over her stomach, I watched the position change her posture, her breasts pushing out heavily. It was an odd sensation, I had never looked upon another female like that other than Lorelai.

"I apologize..." Alice spoke out gently, her eyes meeting mine, acknowledging she knew what I was doing.

"Why are you apologizing, my Marquess?" I called out, reigning in the gawking and returning to my forced formality.

"I forced that spark of desire into you when we were embraced a few days ago. It was not malicious, but it probably reawoke some things you had dormant for decades. Things... he helped you with." She spoke the last of the words with hesitation, her eyes averting.

"It was not intentional? I assumed it was some sort of test." My words came out calculated as I flicked my tail.

"No, Sarnai... it was just something that happened..." Alice met my eyes for a long moment as she chose her next words, "I have a request."

"I am yours to command, Marquess. After all, I am yours." I spoke the words with a dutiful tone in my voice.

"I do not mean to keep you as a slave, fox. Only try to keep you in check for a time, do not think I will force things upon you." The rabbit frowned and set me with an annoyed look.

I scoffed and ran my fingertips through my hair, giving her a haughty glance. "Fine then... what is your request, rabbit?"

Alice set me with an irritated glare at my haughty shift of attitude. "I have business to attend to and will be out of the house for a few days. I request you do not lay with my master while I am gone."

"I did not think such a thing was even on the table," I spoke the words thoughtfully.

"I would prefer not on a table, desk, or bed." She gave me a small smile.

I barked a laugh and rubbed the back of my head. "Ah... he still likes those sorts of positions does he?"

"He does..." She showed me a grin and I saw her gaze soften. "Especially the desk..."

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