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Blood Moon Ch. 02

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Syra finds Dominic's secret and meets Lucian.
1.9k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 12/18/2009
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Syra tried her best to see through the curtain of her hair and the sting of her tears as she ran through the corridors. She had never been so embarrassed or mortified in her whole life. Now the entire work force would know that she was attracted to Dominic, and that she wasn't an Ice Princess like everyone thought. This meant more advances from the men and more difficulty getting along with the women who worked here.

She continued to run, out of the compound and headed for the woods, the one place no one knew she ever went to, so it was the last place they would look for her. In all of her twenty-one years had she ever wanted someone as bad as she did Dominic, and with what had happened five years ago, she knew he would never want her. Memories started to flow over her as she tripped on a branch and tumbled down a large hill, her roll stopped by a large rock to her side. Gasping for breath she kept running trying to force the memory away, trying to keep from reliving that night. Her efforts were to no avail as she again fell, this time in a clearing. Night had already settled in, and the darkness mixed with the biting cold wind only helped to make her memories more real. She remembered coming home and seeing her family dead on the floor, remembered the rouge vampire that had stood in the corner smiling. She felt his claws as he dragged them down her side, and his fangs as the buried themselves in her arm, tearing away flesh. She could feel the pain and fear as he pinned her to the ground and began tearing away her clothing, the hope she felt when she grabbed the broken leg of a chair, and the victory she got as she stabbed him through the back as he tore into her throat with his teeth. She felt the pain of the change again, fangs ripping through her gums, her senses heightening.

Syra touched the scar on her arm and struggled against tears that threatened to fall. She knew that Dominic wouldn't want her; she was a created vampire, not one that was born. Other men didn't want her, fear of her killing them or disgust at her scars. The men who did look at her were known to be violent and abusive. She had kept her secret about Dominic since she had met him when she had first come to this place, and now everyone knew. She shuddered as cold settled into her body, making the freezing wind feel too hot on her skin. Tears that she had never shed now tried to pour down her cheeks as she curled into a ball on the dried grass and closed her eyes tightly. She wondered what it would feel like to freeze to death, knowing that she couldn't. Even if she wasn't born a vampire, she was still one and that meant she couldn't die.

As she lay there, Syra allowed herself a few minutes to think of Dominic. She didn't really know much about him other then the fact that he was always surrounded by women and was the best fighter at SEA. He was sexy and from the rumors she heard, very good in bed. There had been several nights she had fallen asleep thinking about what he would be like, and more then a few times she dreamed of him, always waking before she came. Like now, she could feel herself drifting to sleep as she thought of him, wishing that she would have one chance to be with him, that he would be the first to take her. Then her eyes slid closed and she fell into darkness.


"Has anyone seen Syramalik?"

Several people turned to Dan when he asked the question. Most of them had a look of confusion on their faces.

"Did you check her room?" someone asked

"Yes and she isn't there. Nor is she anywhere to be found in the compound." Dan answered

"She probably ran off somewhere else after her little secret was found out."

Dan looked over at the speaker, a kid named Ron who had been with the team for two years and felt like something bad had happened.

"What secret would that be?" Dan asked

"That she likes Dominic and lusts after him." Ron answered causing several people to chuckle. Dan on the other hand was not amused in the slightest.

"You realize that it is fifteen degrees outside and if she left in her training outfit her body will have to use blood to keep warm? That and the fact that she hasn't fed means she could end up going into a bloodlust?"

Silence again filled the room and this time no one even seemed to be breathing.

"We need to go out and look for her. If she is out and about that could cause a lot of problems, especially since the Vampiric Council is coming her and will be here soon."

No one said anything as Dan left, but instead began to bundle up in warm clothing, grabbing a few bags of blood each incase she was in a bloodlust. Dominic was in the men's locker room, when he heard Ron and several other guys talking in low voices. He crept closer to hear what was being said.

"I don't understand why we have to look for the crazy bitch anyways. She is a liability to the place." Ron said

"I agree. Plus I just can't stand how uppity she acts. Like she is better then all of us." A guy called Greg stated

"After we find her we should teach her that she isn't. You know, show her that she is still a female and should learn her place." Ron laughed as he said his

Several of the other guys nodded and Dominic felt anger over take him. He didn't like the fact that Syra was attracted to him, but he couldn't simply allow her to be injured. The way these men were talking, they planned rape and that alone made them want to rip out their throats. The fact that it was Syra didn't matter, it was just the idea. Dominic left quickly deciding he would find her first, just to make sure nothing happened. He was half way across the front field heading to the street when he saw a group of figures walking from the woods, one of them carrying a woman. This was the Vampiric Council, and they had Syra with them.

Dominic stepped forward and looked at the man carrying Syra. His hair was the same shad of Dominic's only the eyes were different, a deep emerald green. Dominic smiled showing a hint of fang.

"Prince Lucian, I will take the girl now." He said

"Now brother, why would I want to hand over this lovely creature? She is unclaimed and one of us, I was thinking she might like to join us at Court."

Dominic growled low in his throat and Lucian chuckled, his eyes alight with amusement.

"Should I take that to mean that you mean to claim her?" Lucian asked

"No! I will not be claiming her; however I have a problem with you fondling my co-worker. Please hand her over." He said again trying to keep from growling again.

"Seeing as I am already holding her, after I had to put her under a forced sleep to keep her from attacking us. And she is unclaimed and untouched, therefore making her claimable to any vampire or demon who wishes to do so. You know you and her are coming back with us, and if she is not protected then she will be in danger. So if you will not take her then I will." Lucian stated, staring hard at Dominic

Dominic felt panic flash through him as he thought back to the time he had been at Court. It was true that if a female did not have a protector or was part of the royal family, then they ended up being abused. He didn't want that to happen to Syra, it would break her and she would never be able to work again. She did need a protector as she would be new to the Court ways, and though he didn't want to do it, Lucian had never been his first choice in the list of people that he could give her too. The look in his brother's green eyes told him if he did not claim her now, then he would, leaving Dominic with no real choice in the matter.

"Then I, Prince Dominic LeSabor, claim, Syramalik Veghan, as mine."

Lucian smiled as he handed Syra to his brother, trying to stop himself from laughing. He knew from the woman's mind that she greatly wanted Dominic, yet he had never shown any interest in her. This was an interesting development if he did say so himself.

Dominic held Syra carefully in his arms, surprised that she was so light and yet she could pin him. It was easy to tell by looking at her face that she was in a forced slumber, her face was too relaxed and she was very pale, leading to the fact that she would be in a bloodlust when she woke up. He hadn't brought any blood bags with him, leaving him only one choice. Dominic concentrated hard removing the sleep spell Lucian had woven in her mind and braced himself when she started to struggle violently in his arms.

Syra awoke, hunger ripping through her, her body starving for blood. She could smell blood under the skin of whoever was holding her, could hear the pulse of the coursing life giving fluid. Her fangs slid free of her gums and she leaned up quickly, sinking her teeth into the persons neck. Pleasure flooded her at the sweet metallic taste that flowed into her mouth with each strong pull she took. Strength came back to her body as did sanity, and it was then she realized that it was Dominic that held her, Dominic who's blood was now flowing in her veins.

Syra licked the puncture marks in his neck then pulled back looking into Dominic's eyes. His face had a fine sweat covering his body and his breath was heavy. His eyes were hooded showing no emotion, his mind closed tightly.

"I am sorry Dominic. I...I didn't mean for that to happen." She said softly

"It's fine. Can you walk?" He asked

Syra nodded and he set her on the ground, holding her a moment to ensure that she could stand. It was then that she noticed the other men slightly behind them. She looked over each of them, felt the power that radiated from them and lowered her head knowing who they were.

"I am sorry that you had to witness my moment of weakness. I hope that you will forgive me this lapse." She spoke gently and with respect in her voice

"There is nothing to be sorry for, my dear, though I find it strange that you speak with reverence to us and not to my brother. He is a prince you know." Lucian said

Syra looked from the green eyed man in front of her to Dominic, her eyes widening slightly as she noticed the resemblance and could now feel the power from him. A blush stole over her features and she bowed to Dominic quickly thoroughly embarrassed for not noticing it before.

Dominic heaved a sigh and glared at Lucian who just smiled like they were sharing a secret.

"Let us go to Dan's office we have much to discuss." He said.

He turned and walked to the compound, leaving Syra to follow some distance behind the whole group. She wondered why they were all here but was sure she would find out soon.

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NikkiAKLNikkiAKLover 11 years ago

I'm liking this story but you NEED an editor and a proofreader.....

SenieceTaOSenieceTaOover 12 years ago

yep im liking the take on this story .. she still needs to toughen up and i wish Dom was more like his brother.. he's playful in a wicked way :)

AlydenAlydenalmost 14 years ago
Good story

They are few grammar errors to be fix but all good. Its good story which is I like. :)

canndcanndover 14 years ago
great story

The story is captivating. I really want to know when did she meet Dominic...was it only through work she knows him? Why did he hide his being a prince?

I think an editor would be good b/c there are quite a few mistakes and it detracts from such a great story...with all the work that goes into writing a story like this, it would be good to make sure small things like grammar and spelling mistakes are fixed.

I look forward to reading on!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
i do so love lucian!

I absolutely adore this story! I hope you continue soon. Though I love Dominic, I'm liking how mischievous Prince Lucian can be :)

erin1955erin1955almost 15 years ago

I just bloody love this a bit miffed that he doesn't like her.

PennLadyPennLadyalmost 15 years ago
Still good

Still good, still needs some editing. I didn't notice so many long paragraphs, and that's much easier on the eyes. I find it a little hard to believe that in six years (Syra became a vampire at fifteen, right? then later it's stated that she's 21) Syra has become the 2nd best agent at this place. But it makes for a good premise.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

I realyy enjoyed reading this chapter. This is turning out very unique and interesting. Only one, little suggestion...please make your chapters just a bit longer.

DaniellekittenDaniellekittenalmost 15 years ago
As Fate said, much better than the first

keep going.

cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 15 years ago
Much better editing than the first chapter.

Still some awkward sentence structure but you are improving. Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Have to have more!

I'm so intrigued with the way this story is starting out hope you continue quickly.

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