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Blood Relations Ch. 04

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Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/10/2014
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Serena awoke to an arm draped around her waist. She wasn't used to sleeping next to anyone and it made her a little giddy. Turning around, she looked at Adam who was deep asleep. Carefully lifting his arm she slid out from under him and stood up. He let out a groan and rolled over. She was sure nothing was going to wake him up.

When she walked into her sparkling clean kitchen Serena's smile grew. She thought she could get used to this, waking up to a gorgeous man who also cooked and cleaned. She checked her phone and saw it was already eight. Her smile turned into a frown, she hadn't bothered to set the alarm not wanting to wake Adam if he had turned up, but assumed her rhythm would mean she would have woken earlier than this.

With the intention of only taking a half-day Serena didn't bother to shower. She remembered Piper's casual attire from last week and decided to wear work out clothes to work, that way when she was finished she could go straight for a jog.

After she brushed her teeth she was quick to head downstairs. As predicted nobody was there to notice her tardiness. She fired up her computer and debated on checking her e-mail. It had been a few days. Her student account showed nothing new. When she brought up the log in screen for her personal address Serena couldn't bring herself to login. Today was a good day and she didn't want to start it off by bringing herself down.

Serena wasted no time diving right into work. Piper was right about not needing to work forty hours to keep up to date on all the accounts. Everything was entered in the spreadsheets and Serena was back to updating files. She kept her music turned up and when the door opened Serena didn't bother looking up from her screen.

"You're a little early for a Friday," she said. "It's barely 10 am."

"I am surprised to see the habits of the other employees aren't rubbing off on you," Malcolm said.

Serena looked up and stood at the same time.

"I'm sorry I thought you were John."

Malcolm looked her up and down.

"Well I suppose that's one way to approach casual Friday," he said.

"I didn't know you were coming by today," Serena said. "I am ahead on my work, so I was planning on taking a jog as soon as I left here."

"John said you are quite the worker," Malcolm said. "I know I stressed the importance of taking this job seriously, but I know that you have been. Please feel free to adjust your hours accordingly and dress how you see fit. I want you to feel comfortable here"

"I do," Serena said. "Thank you."

"We never got your direct deposit set up," Malcolm said. "So I am here to drop off your check."

"Thank you," Serena said.

"There is a bank in town where you can cash that if you like," Malcolm said. "Maybe open up an account too. Then I won't have to have this delivered each week."

Serena took the envelope from Malcolm's hand.

"Big weekend plans?" Malcolm asked.

"I have few things I plan on doing," Serena said.

"Maybe Sunday night you could come for dinner again?" Malcolm asked. "I know Kay would love to see you."

"I would love to, but I have a full plate," Serena said. "Maybe next week?"

"You could bring Mr. Parrish," Malcolm said.

Serena could tell speaking those words was difficult for Malcolm. She wasn't sure what Malcolm's plan was with that and gave him a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe it's time me and him buried the hatchet," Malcolm said. "Is that still a saying?"

"Yes," Serena said.

"Bring it up to him," Malcolm said. "He knows how to get in contact with me. Maybe you should use some of that check to get yourself a new phone, one that actually works out here."

"That's not a bad idea," Serena said.

"Have a pleasant day," Malcolm said. "Really you're the boss at the moment, so close up shop whenever you think necessary. I care much more about you getting the work done than the amount of hours you put in."

"Thank you."

Malcolm nodded his head and turned around. The door closed and Serena sat back down. She opened up the envelope and her jaw dropped. There was no way this figure was right. Serena stood back up and ran outside just as Malcolm was getting into his car.

"Sir this isn't the amount we discussed," Serena said.

"Well, you worked all last weekend and you've accomplished what I thought would take months in days. I believe that kind of behavior should be rewarded."

"Does this mean...if I finish everything early my internship is over?"

"Quite the contrary," Malcolm said. "Once everything is digital, this job could be done from anywhere. If you decide you want to spend the rest of the summer working for me from France I would oblige your request. Plus, I am hoping that this might make you consider becoming a full time employee after you graduate. We could set up an office for you anywhere in the world."

Serena was ecstatic. She was about to thank Malcolm and speak his praises, but then it dawned on her how weird this was.


"You're a hard worker," Malcolm said. "And a trustworthy individual."

"There are lots of hard workers out there," Serena said. "Why me?"

Malcolm looked at her with concern. He opened his mouth, but then closed it again.

"Your background check revealed a great loss in your life," Malcolm said. "I don't want you to interpret this as pity, because it's not. I just think you deserve some good things to happen to you."

"Lots of people have loss," Serena said.

She watched as Malcolm broke.

"You remind me of someone that I used to know a long time ago," Malcolm said. "I suppose that might make me treat you a little differently, but I never want to come off...what was the word...creepy? I guarantee if you ask any of my other employees they will tell you what a caring employer I am. I would like to see you succeed."

Serena nodded her head. That was as close to the truth as she was going to get right now. Malcolm returned her gesture and climbed into his car. Serena turned and went back into the shop. She wanted to go on her jog, but decided depositing the check was more important first. She grabbed her purse and closed up, hoping that John wouldn't mind when he finally showed up.


The sun was down and Serena was getting anxious. When she got back from the bank and her jog Adam was gone. She thought she would have made it back to the loft before he left for work, but it had been so long since she had taken a jog and apparently she had too much energy to burn.

Glancing in the mirror Serena realized she missed one section of her hair. She grabbed the curling iron and twisted the lock around the rod. Her make-up was light as usual, but her red and white dress made her small frame look curvier than it really was, she knew the red heels would make her legs look longer and go better with the outfit, but Serena dreaded the way her feet would feel at the end of the night so instead she went with her plain tan sandals again.

Serena locked her door and headed down to the street. It was just after ten, probably still too early for a big club crowd, but that only meant Serena would get some time to chat with Adam. It beat sitting at home on a Friday with her book.

The streets were more crowded than they were last week at this time, but that wasn't saying much. Serena wondered what it would be like to vacation this way, sleeping all day and staying awake until dawn. She shook her head, sleeping until nine was snoozing for her. Before she went away to college Saturdays at seven was standard for her.

The door to Serena's room flung open. She was putting in her earing and turned to smile at her mom.

"I was just coming to make sure you were awake," she said.

"Wide awake and ready to go," Serena replied.

"Aren't most seventeen year olds supposed to sleep in until noon?"

"Most seventeen year olds are idiots too," Serena said. "Doesn't mean I have to fit the mold."

"Sometimes I don't know whether to thank God I ended up with such a responsible child or question why my little girl went from twelve to forty and skipped her rebellious years altogether," her mother said.

"Are you sad we never got to do the fighting stage?" Serena asked.

"When I was your age I was sneaking out to see boys, drinking, smoking pot, hating my mother."

"How about tonight we split a bottle of wine in the backyard then?" Serena asked. "When you head inside I can wait five minutes and then we can yell at each other?"

"If you were any other girl I would say no," her mother said. "But that does sound like a fabulous idea."

"When are we leaving?" Serena asked.

"I thought we might take this weekend off..."

If Serena's mother was really looking for a fight than this was a good way to get one.

"The whole reason we moved here was to be closer," Serena said.

"But you've been here a month," her mother said. "Have you made any friends?"

Serena glared at her mother. Colorado was the final move before Serena turned eighteen. Her mother promised in exchange for Serena's agreement to try and make a real life here, but since senior year was already half way over she doubted it would happen until she started at the community college in the fall.

"Well what if we explored the town just the two of us? A woman at work told me about this amazing bakery. We could grab some cupcakes to eat with that bottle of wine."

"Maybe we could stop on our way," Serena said. "Dad always enjoyed cupcakes."

Serena watched her mother give a pressed lipped smile and nod. That was the end of their discussion.

"Hey watch it!"

Serena was snapped out of her memory and back to the present. She tried to apologize to the girl she just bumped into, but they had already disappeared down the street. She approached the entrance to the club, there was no line and the bouncer waved her right inside.

The dance floor was empty. The VIP tables were more than half filled though, but the lights were too dim to see who was sitting there. It didn't matter, the only person Serena expected to know would be working behind the bar. She spotted an empty seat and grabbed it.

"What will it be?"

A female bartender came over and put a napkin in front of Serena. She looked around for Adam, but he wasn't back there.

"Are you twenty one?"

Serena grabbed her clutch and pulled out her ID.

"The bouncer sees a pretty lady and always lets her in," the woman said. "My boss would kill me if I served a minor."

"Your boss?" Serena asked.

"You are looking for Adam," she said. "He's on table duty until midnight. I'm Grace, hopefully I can help you out in the meantime."

Serena wondered how often girls showed up to stalk him. Based on Grace's demeanor she figured often.

"I'll just have a beer," Serena said.

The bartender opened her mouth, but then shut it right away and walked to grab Serena her drink. Serena looked over at the VIP tables, she could see people moving around, but again it was too dim to try and figure out where Adam was. Serena felt a little self-conscious. She was alone in a bar, something she would have never considered doing before. She wished she had brought her book or a newspaper, anything to distract herself.

"Is this seat taken?"

Serena turned around to see a young man smiling at her. He was nice looking, but nothing to distinct about him.

"All yours," Serena said.

He slid into the chair.

"What are you doing out here all by your lonesome?"

"Who said I was lonely?" Serena asked.

"Fair enough," he replied. "I'm Ted."


"I've heard of you," he said. "I'm a local, the tourists don't start showing up until after midnight."

"Is there like a community newsletter or something?" Serena asked.

He laughed.

"More like I'm friends with John," Ted said. "He mentioned working with you. We have a private table. Why don't you come and say hi?"

Grace came back and dropped off her beer.

"You need anything?" Grace asked Ted.

"Na," Ted said. "Truthfully I saw her sitting all alone and thought I would be her knight in shining armor, but it turns out I sort of know her."

Grace laughed.

"I'm sorry if you sort of know this guy," Grace said.

She leaned over the bar and gave Ted a playful slug.

"I'll come back with you," Serena said. "Maybe I can surprise John?"

"I pointed out I was coming to talk to you," Ted said. "I don't think he realized you were his boss."

Serena was about to point out she wasn't his boss, but realized she sort of was. Either way, she was happy to not sit by herself. She grabbed her drink and Ted stood up too.

"So has John filled you in on my life story?"

"Actually tonight is the first time I've seen him since he started working with you," Ted said. "All I've heard was that his boss was some hotshot college girl with a killer work ethic."

"So he thinks I'm working him too hard?"

"Let's just say he's not used to eight hours in an office," Ted said.

"He mentioned he's kind of the odd job guy around town," Serena said. "What about you?"

"I haven't figured out my main goal," Ted said. "But my dad owns one of the bars, so I work there a lot. Now that I'm thinking about it you were there with Piper last Friday. I would have introduced myself but you never came to the bar."

"We were betting for drinks," Serena said. "She's an awful pool player."

"I like where your head is at," Ted said. "Maybe once our table time here expires I can take you on."

Serena nodded as they walked up the booth. She spotted John right away, with two other guys she had never met before.

"Turns out the beauty at the bar is already acquainted with out dear John," Ted said.

"Serena I didn't you were coming here. I stopped by the loft earlier," John said. "I would have invited you over. You really have to get a working phone."

"Actually I did that today," Serena said.

She pulled out her tiny gray flip phone.

"Did you get that from a phone museum?" Ted asked.

"It makes and receives calls," Serena said. "That's it."

"Wow," one of the other guys said. "A phone that actually serves its purpose."

"Have a seat," John said.

Serena slid into the booth next to John. Ted sat down next to her. It was a semi circle with John in the middle.

"This is Brody and Alex," John said. "Guys this is my ball busting boss, Serena."

"Ooooo," Alex said. "So you're the slave driver?"

"What????" Serena asked.

The guys started laughing.

"Don't mind them," John said. "I happen to love my job."

"Alright. I have three vodka redbulls, two jager bombs, and three shots of jack."

Serena looked up to see Adam passing out the drinks. The two of them locked eyes and his went wide with surprise.

"We have a new member," Brody said. "Tell the waiter what you want."

"Actually," Ted said. "I wanted a vodka monster, I hate redbull."

Serena looked at John.

"Don't be a jerk Ted," John said.

"What?" Ted asked.

"What is the most difficult drink to make?" Brody asked. "Whatever that is, the lady will have one."

"Knock it off Brody," John said.

"Serena can I talk to you for a second?" Adam asked.

"Sure," she said.

Ted got out of the booth and Serena followed Adam to the edge of the VIP section.

"What are you doing here?" Adam asked.

His voice was harsh.

"I came here to see you," Serena said.

"Oh yea?" Adam asked. "I found out you closed the shop early and didn't bother to come see me after? I looked all over for you before leaving for work."

"I wanted to let you sleep," Serena said.

"Now you're hanging out with these assholes?" Adam asked.

"I just met them," Serena said. "I was alone at the bar, waiting for you. It's not like I have a ton of friends."

"How did you get here then?"

"What's with all the questions?"

"Did you walk here alone?"

Serena watched Adam's features tighten in anger.

"I'm an adult," Serena said. "It's not that late."

"I already told you," Adam said. "Don't go outside alone after dark."

"That's a stupid rule," Serena said. "I thought you would be happy to see me."

"I am," Adam said. "I am...it's just, this isn't the best night."

"Do you want me to leave?" Serena asked.

"Not by yourself," Adam said.

"So then you would rather I sat at the bar alone?" Serena asked.

"I would rather you didn't come here at all," Adam said.

"Let's get something straight," Serena said. "I agreed to date you, but that doesn't mean you get to order me around. I don't belong to you. If you think for one second that bullshit is going to fly you have another thing coming."

Serena didn't bother waiting for a response. She wasn't as stupid as everyone seemed to think. If Adam was going to spend the summer being a controlling dick she could find better ways to spend her time. Ted scooted over and Serena slid in next to him.

"Trouble in paradise?" John asked.

"Nope," Serena said. "Can I have one of those jager bombs?"

Serena reached out to take one, but Brody grabbed it away and downed the shot.

"Just an excuse to make him work a little harder," Brody said.

"I thought Adam was just a bartender," Serena said.

"He owed John a favor," Ted said. "We may be having a little fun with him this evening."

"I like fun," Serena said.

Adam came back with a new drink and sat it down in front of Alex.

"Vodka monster," Adam said.

"Where's my drink?" Serena asked. "The most difficult one to make?"

Adam gritted his teeth at her. Serena just smiled up at him and batted her lashes.

"Right away," Adam said.

He stormed off.

"So I know what John and Ted do," Serena said. "What about you two?"

The conversation stayed light for the next hour. Every time Adam came around one of the guys had some new ridiculous drink order. Serena was a little impressed Adam was taking it in such stride. She was on her second of whatever drink Adam was bringing her, and was pretty sure there wasn't any alcohol in it.

"I have to ask," Serena said. "Why are you four enjoying tormenting Adam so much?"

"We all grew up together," Brody said. "Adam was always sort of an asshole."

"Think he was the prom king, football quarterback type," Alex said. "We were the band nerds."

"Still holding on to High School revenge?" Serena asked.

"Don't listen to Alex," John said. "Adam was always nice growing up."

"He didn't really become an asshole until he opened the club," Ted finished.

"He didn't really become an asshole until he got involved with that girl," Brody said.

"Josephine?" Serena asked.

"Let's just say we take loyalty very seriously around here," John said. "Some people still feel a little betrayed by Adam's choices."

"So instead of talking to him about your issues you choose to order him around?"

All of a sudden Serena didn't appreciate the group she was associating with.

"I wish it were that simple," John said. "Since he's been back this is the most time any of us have spent with him."

"I kept asking him to run with me," Brody said. "He always had an excuse."

"He pretty much keeps to himself outside of work and his sister," Alex said. "I would take the asshole jock over the absent zombie."

Serena found that so sad. She wondered if Adam was aware he was cutting people who cared about him out of his life. Serena looked out the corner of the booth and spotted him walking towards them with a tray of drinks.

"Alright gentlemen," Adam said. "And lady. We are getting too busy. The table is yours for the rest of the night, but your open bar is over at one. Katrina will be your server from here on out. I wish I could say it was fun, but I hope to never serve you guys again."

He put what looked like pina coladas in front of everyone, except Serena. Her drink was blended and pink. A napkin dropped in her lap.

"Thank you man," John said. "This was pretty awesome of you to hook us up like this."

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