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BloodBorne Ch. 07


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Liam stared at the taught lines of her abdomen as he knelt before her. He noticed the tremble that came with her breaths before moving his gaze to the slight flare of her hips that led to strong but womanly thighs. He moaned as he looked at the black curls that covered her center, then slowly parted them. Even in the dim light, he saw the drops of nectar that coated her. Her musky scent wafted to him, pushing his control to the limit. Liam placed his hands on her hips and flicked his tongue across the button hidden between her silken folds. He felt her tighten her grip on his shoulders as she moaned in surprise and pleasure. He ran his tongue again, adding a pressure that allowed him access to her coated channel.

When her knees, buckled, he deftly shifted so that she leaned against the door. Liam didn't wait until she'd situated herself; he pressed his mouth onto her mound and snaked his tongue along her dripping opening. He drove his tongue in deeper when her hips shot forward, scraping the buds of his tongue along her pleasure button.

"Ah, Dios, don't sop," she begged. Her plea was quickly rewarded with a deeper probe of his tongue before she was slowly filled with a thick finger. She gasped harshly as he stroked her. Her knees buckled again when he added a second finger. The tight fit of him wreaked havoc on her senses. Her stomach muscles and scalp tightened dangerously and her body was in a small amount of pain from the tenseness locking her limbs into place.

He increased the pace of his ministrations as he clamped his lips around her sensitive bud. Without warning, her body exploded in a series of convulsions that made her cry out. Waves of white hot pleasure crashed over her. She lost all sense of time and feeling. It felt as if she hadn't taken a proper breath in years, her chest was so tight. Xan hadn't even realized she'd closed her eyes until she opened them and found herself staring at the ceiling. Apparently he'd carried her to the bed. Had she passed out?

She moved to rest her weight on her elbows and was able to watch Liam peel his underwear off. Damn, he was a magnificent sight. Her eyes traced a hot line of seemingly cinnamon hair from his navel to the copper hair of his groin. Even in the barely lit room, the color was bold and inviting. His cock was hard and bobbed slightly as it throbbed; it became redder as she stared at it and when he shifted, she was able to make out the thin stream of clear dew seeping from the velvet head. A hot wave of desire washed over him as she stared at the pulsing member jutting proudly toward her. She looked up at his face and smiled at his arrogant look.

Liam climbed onto the bed, placing one knee between her thighs. He hovered above her for a moment, staring down into her captivating brown eyes. She reached up and placed her hands on his hips, pulling him down against her. He complied and crushed his lips against hers in a dominating kiss. Liam moaned as her hands moved restlessly along the lines of his body. The moan quickly became a gasp when she boldly reached between them to wrap her hand around his throbbing member. "Fuck yeah," he groaned against her mouth.

She gripped him tightly and squeezed, making him shudder. "Move your hand," he instructed, "Like this," he placed his hand over hers, and together they stroked his aching cock. He groaned again and thrust his tongue into her mouth. He became restless and in one quick move, he sat up and straddled her thigh, placing his knee against her slick center. Liam looked down at their hands as they moved over him for only a second before he moved his hands to her breasts. He massaged the pert mounds and teased the hard peaks as she worked his cock. He groaned harshly when her hand moved faster; the sweet, torturous moments made him buck and grind against her. He moved a hand down to the hot tunnel pressed against his knee and deftly slipped his fingers inside, matching the pace of her ministrations. In moments, they were panting and writhing against each other, desperately close to the edge. "Tell me you want this."

Xan nodded desperately as she moaned, "yes."

"Tell me," he commanded as his fingers probed deeper.

Her eyes screwed shut when a burst of pleasure rippled through her. "Yes, yes, I want this." She gripped his thigh with her free hand as she arched her back. She felt him shift once more and gasped in anticipation when he lifted her legs to wrap around his waist. He slowly ran the velvet head of his member against her opening and she shuddered in response, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Xan buried her face in his neck as he pushed into her. Her lips parted in a moan before moving to his ear. He tortured her with his invasion, inching within her depths at a maddening pace. His grunts and groans only heightened her desperation and soon, she grabbed hold of his hips and pulled him against her. Liam thrust deep in response, filling her almost painfully. She moaned at the tight fit of him then pulled his mouth to hers as he slowly began to move. Slow, grinding thrusts made her pant and cling to him. Her body was on fire as he ground and mashed against her, pushing her closer to the end her body screamed for. Just as she mentally screamed at him to move faster, his hips began to slam against hers. "Yes!" she gasped, "yeah."

Liam groaned harshly as he fought his climax. She was so tight around him, so hot. With every move, she pulled him closer to the edge until he dangled dangerously off the ledge. She clung to him and bit the side of his neck as she moaned in pleasure. His body was tight with the need to come but he held on, determined to get her there first. Xan lifted her head higher and they both cursed as he sank deeper within her depths. Her high pitched gasp snapped his control; Liam thrust within her ferociously, forcing her to gasp with each slap of his hips against hers. Her cries and pleas to never stop shattered any hope of his holding on until she exploded.

His vision went white as he felt his sac tingle. The sensation spread to his cock then to the rest of his body. He was lost. "Oh fuck... Oh fuck!" he shouted at the first delicious contraction of her silken walls around him. He felt her orgasm before he heard her cry out. Liam's body jerked and tensed as his essence shot out of him. He pushed in deeper as his hips continued to move against her. It seemed as if forever passed before he collapsed on top of her. He loved the way she panted against his ear and laughed softly when she shuddered again.

Xan hissed as he slowly withdrew from her. She kept her eyes closed and lay still, spent from the intensity of their lovemaking. She smiled at the realization that this was better than their first time. Would it always get better? She wanted to ask him, but refused to come off the ignorant virgin. That fact that he knew that he was her only lover was enough. She sighed when he pulled her into his arms and rested her head on his chest. "That was amazing," she murmured.

"Was that an actual compliment?" Liam laughed when she bit him playfully. "Yes, it was. You'll be the death of me yet." He smiled when she laughed. He was sure she thought he was making a joke about their constant fighting. It was better that he didn't correct her. At this point, the less they said, the better.

He felt her fall asleep; her body relaxed completely as her breathing evened out. Liam smiled to himself as he placed a kiss on the top of her head. Lying with her in his arms, he was full. The pain, the emptiness, everything that made him a miserable shit of a man disappeared. She'd cleansed him with her touch, renewed him with her acceptance. There was comfort in knowing that she wanted the man, not the fighter. She cared about Liam, not a member of the Brethren. For the first time in his life, Liam felt purpose. He wasn't alone, nor was he a miserable shell of a man.

For the first time, he was happy.

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EroticLitKittyEroticLitKittyabout 12 years ago
Talk about a range of emotions

I think I went through them all with this one chapter from rage and wanting to beat the living shit out of his egg-donor, bitch of a mother and her asswipe boyfriend, to tears at what he'd been through. You are simply amazing and I'm so sad that you might not be posting on the site any more because of some thieving douchebags.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
To kamysimms

Actually I wasn't talking about you I was speaking to those other jerks that decided typing in caps and cursing at the author was ok. I read your past comments but I was more annoyed by the other people. Purefire isn't getting paid to share stories on Lit. How many days have you pushy anonymous people come home from work just to lay in bed and fall asleep. Purfire has a life away from this site and if I was an author and received hateful comments I'd make those bastards wait even longer just because. Purefire I'm still a huge fan and even if it takes a year I will come back every month just to see if you have anything new. Keep up the great work and take your time creating this wonderful world we love to live in. TaraeFresh

PinkPantheressPinkPantheressalmost 13 years ago

I love your writing and would love to see another chapter when you get there until then I will wait.

claireacquiredclaireacquiredalmost 13 years ago
Loved it!

I hope you will continue the story. I've read the whole series over the past week and can't wait to read more.

kamysimmskamysimmsalmost 13 years ago
to all the loud talkers

first of all,i understand that writers have their own lives,and i stated that on many different comments that i wrote on this page, so don't think that i'm inconsiderate when it comes to purefire or any other writer on literotica. i love her stories and would love to hear more from before you direct a comment at ( if it was directed towards me) know what your talking about first.

lili82lili82almost 13 years ago
to Anon from today (11.13.11),

I think that people forget that we here on Lit are given a gift when people take the time out of their lives to post a story on here. They forget that they may have a time-consuming job like taking care of children or a household or they may even be a doctor with a busy practice. They forget that the author may even have a bad case of writer's block or that their computer died or God forbid, a loved one died. So we kinda have to forgive the mean people for not using common sense and for only thinking of themselves. Oh, and if my comment has bothered some of these mean people, obviously I'm talking about you! Purefire, I hope you're ok and take your time if you're having problems. You're a damn good writer and I'd rather wait for something that is substantial than to read a piece of BS that's posted because some people are impatient.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
To all you mean people...

Are you serious? How dare you get pissy at the author for having a life?! You seriously yell at the person who sparks your interest. Get over yourself. The author does the best they can considering they have a real life to lead. Posting to this site is only for their enjoyment of writing and creating a story. If you feel so strongly about about it go start your own story! With that being said thank you purefire for these wonderful stories and while I wait for your return I'll go check out some other entries on the site. Taraefresh

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

please bring Nadia back to the story. Its just not the same without her! Sniff Sniff

kamysimmskamysimmsalmost 13 years ago
are u serious

no story in almost 7 months,i hope everything is okay with u because i am really getting impatient

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Please finish this story!!!! I love it and I would love to read more :) come back to us

kissntell13kissntell13about 13 years ago
Are you coming back?

Would love another chapter! Please post again soon!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Portal? OMG! Please tell me Nadia is going to come back at the end of this series.... she and andre were suppose to have a family already.

BiggestheartBiggestheartabout 13 years ago

I'm seriously addicted more please and hopefully soon!!

mikothebabymikothebabyabout 13 years ago
are you ever gonna write again

we have been patiently waiting for another chapter. If you are not gonna finish, let us know so we can take you off of our favorites and/or stop checking daily for an update

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
more more more!

please write more, its been ages since your last submission!

and we want to know more about drae and nadia!!

kamysimmskamysimmsover 13 years ago
new post new post

over a month , where is the new chapter or chapters shall i say,all this time there should be a chapter 8 9 and

kissntell13kissntell13over 13 years ago
Please post again soon!

Really in need of another chapter (or two, or three, or four...). Please, please, please update soon!

kamysimmskamysimmsover 13 years ago
i agree with beosaevio

talented writer,i'm impatiently waiting for the next's been over a month already.i'm sure you have a life and other things that your involved with, but i'm such a big fan and it's hard to wait to see the next chapter.even more so when the story is about my favorite character of your series.please write more soon

BeosaevioBeosaevioover 13 years ago
Great Read!

I am truly enjoying your work. You should publish this whole series about the Brethren, flesh it out a bit more and you'd have very strong full length novels.

A couple of critiques:

1. There are a few purely grammatical errors/typos that could easily be corrected by an editor. (Raising my hand to

2. Your characterizations are amazing. I read books by authors that are far beneath you in their abilities to bring their characters to life so well that the readers laugh with them, cry with them and mourn for them. (Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince series is one of the best in that category.)

Liam is by far the most complicated and inspiring of the brothers. Knowing his background pulls so much of his abrasiveness into its proper place; one cannot help but want to comfort him and show him that people aren't always as cruel as he has known. Letting Xandra get under his skin and behind his defenses was not an easy task for you to pull off, and you did it with amazing style and grace. You left Liam with his guard in place, but added room under his abrasive shields for her, while also allowing her shields to drop enough to allow him in as well. Bravo! These two are by far my favorite characters since Andrae and Nadia. (Andae wins my heart for being a dark and scary very dominant male... what I wouldn't give to have been Nadia, trapped and made helpless by his rampant sexuality... RAWR!)

I give you five stars and raise you to a sixth. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us. Feel free to contact me if at any time you want to discuss characterizations and/or would like a quick read-through to fix typos that the spell check misses.



kamysimmskamysimmsover 13 years ago
i agree

writers should be able to express what they want and how they want in their stories.purefire is a great story teller and an even better you bring the characters to life in your stories is just as good as the stories i read from famous authors who have their books at major book stores.your pen game is incredible, and you should not have to change how you present your stories because some one has something to say about what what language is used.keep up the good work girl.

MissElf1MissElf1over 13 years ago

I have to comment on the language. I know that Purefire and other authors create an atmosphere and an image with the language they use. Words are used to paint a picture of a character or of a scene. It is not always easy.

This is Purefire's creation and I don't think it is fair for us to criticise the artistic style that is used. Please understand, I'm not trying to offend anyone or tell someone not to share their opinions. I just want others to consider the impact of various words to a story. Would we have gotten the same feelings or images if "darn" or "golly" were used?

I am greatful that Purefire share's the Brethren world with us and I don't feel comfortable having someone dictate the limits of a writer or what words can be used to share their stories. This is an erotic literature site. I can't say that I am comfortable with all the words that I read in stories on Lit, but I am not surprised since this site is for adults.

If I hit a word that I find pushes my comfort zone (or a scene that pushes my comfort zone) I skip over it quickly and go on with the rest of the story. I haven't had that in the Bethren series, but I have dealt with that in some other stories. That is how I handle my discomfort. Then I am able to continue with the story.

Now a compliment to the author. Your plots keep me coming back again and again. Your description of the erotica included in the story is wonderful, but it is the amazing plot that I can't get enough of. Thanks a million.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Foul language is not a turn on exactly!

I like the story as such but I detest any author using this kind of foul language as Xan and Liam are doing and it has nothing to do that they have lived hard lifes - it is just turning me off as a reader.

Secondly I don´t understand why everyone is thinking of Xan being the key when it is quite qlear that Xion is! Please Purefire, stop the f-words, it is lowering the standard of this otherwise nice story!

lostchickenlostchickenover 13 years ago
I loved, loved, loved...

his speech to her. It was so "Liam" lol This was a wonderful chapter, thank you so much for sharing. The dynamics between these two are fantastic, as all the dynamics have been with your work.

kamysimmskamysimmsover 13 years ago
good chapter

good read.liam is a tortured soul and deserves to be happy.please give some more insight into his childhood and all the things he went through.i love your writing and u are one of the best authors on this site.keep up the good work and dont take so long next time.ur readers are getting real restless.take it as a compliment.

mokkelkemokkelkeover 13 years ago

liam happy, finally! he so deserved this, now hope the other one doesn't destroy it because he'll have a raging liam behind his ass then

CinderLawCinderLawover 13 years ago

that is all I can say! I would have given more than 5 stars if i could have.

kris10ekris10eover 13 years ago
i still love you.... slow poke!!

I looked everyday for chapter 7, and I wasn't disappointed when it came but you are going to kill me with this once a month submission shit. We are too far into this story, and addicted! I don't believe its Xan that's the key, so I desparetly need to know how they are going to capture Xion... I think bcs everyone will be protecting Xan and not Xion. Question... are you pronouncing the X with a "h" sound like Xavier or Javier... or a "z" sound like Zion. in Spanish the x and j makes an h sound, but the z sound, sounds much more feminine....

ladybug71ladybug71over 13 years ago
Outstanding story!!

You have an amazing talent as a story writer....I am glad to see Liam find love with Xandra and I am hoping your next story will be Alexis falling in love....let's see if this man of not so many words, can still stay that way after finding his soulmate. LOL!! Thank you for sharing these stories with us!!!!! :)

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 13 years ago
Oh Liam!!!!

I just want to hug him. Love these two!

nonnienonnieover 13 years ago

I have to agree with the other readers that was a well done, great and awsome chapter!

EdwarusEdwarusover 13 years ago
loved it

beautiful chapter loved all the different emotions cant wait for the next one

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