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Blue Bloods Meet Castle Pt. 01

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The two Crews meet in all sorts of fun, nothing is off limits.
22.5k words

Part 1 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/14/2016
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You can get a background of the Blue Bloods clan if you read my other Blue Bloods story first.


Frank Reagan sat at his desk; he was reviewing the weekly stats of murders and the cases being solved. He was amazed at the closure rate of the twelfth precinct; week in and week out. He picked up his phone and pushed a single button and spoke up, "Baker, please come in here."

She entered the office; her tall, slender stature had always and still struck Frank and made his cock stir. Today she was dressed in a three piece gray skirt suit. Her long, slender legs were the first thing he noticed. They seemed to go on forever, the straight, pencil skirt ended several inches above her knees. Her tight, bubble butt was evident and pushed out the back of her skirt. Her jacket was buttoned and accented her large, full breasts and tiny waist. Beneath the jacket was a tailored deep blue satin blouse, it matched her large blue eyes. As always, her long, silky blonde hair was pulled back tight into an elegant, French twist. In her hands was a pad of paper and her ready pen, "Yes Commissioner; what can I do for you?"

He has several dirty thought about what he wanted her to do for him, but he knew that could wait and would come later, "Baker, get a hold of the Captain at the twelfth and have her come in, I have some issues with her closure rate."

She nodded, "Should I tell her what the meeting concerns?"

He looked her up and down, he had to shake his head to clear it of the naughty thought he had about her. "Oh, yeah Baker, tell her I have issues about her having this Detective Beckett and this writer Castle working with her."

"Will do Commissioner, I'll get right on it?"

He mumbled under his breath, "Oh I'd love you to get right on it and you'd never want to get off."

She turned back to him, she heard him, but acted like she didn't catch it, "What was that Commissioner?"

He smiled wickedly at her, "Oh nothing Baker, that will be all."

She smiled slyly at him as she bit seductively and nodding turned and left.

Later that afternoon Abigail Baker buzzed her boss, "Commissioner, Captain Gates is here to see you."

"Send her in Baker, please join us. I'd like to have you in here, it may get a little intense and I want a third party to cover my ass."

She smiled and thought to herself, "I'd love to cover your ass alright."

He cleared his throat, "What was that Baker?"

She turned beet red, "Oh My God Commissioner, did I say that out loud?"

He chuckled, "Oh yes you did Baker, please let it go for now and get in here."

"Right away sir!" She hung up and feeling flushed ushered the plush black captain into his office. She took a seat to one side; her skirt rode halfway up her long slender legs.

Captain Victoria Gates leaned across the desk and shook his hand, "I'm pleased to meet with you Commissioner Reagan. I hope I can put you at ease about the relationship Richard Castle has with the NYPD."

He nodded, "Well Captain, I'm not comfortable with a civilian riding along with our detectives. It opens us to countless law suits."

"Well Commissioner, I had the same issues when I took over the precinct after the murder of Captain Montgomery. I threw him out, but he came back after pressure from the mayor. He's a very good friend and I have all of the documentation and sign-offs releasing the NYPD from any liability."

"Well I know the mayor likes to poke his nose in on NYPD business. I'll check into it, but the main reason I called you in is, I've saw the incredible closure rate your Detective Beckett is having. With her experience and knowledge, she should be running her own precinct, but before I even put her up for this, I want to be sure that it is her solving these cases and not her husband."

Gates nodded, "I agree, what do you propose?"

He looked her up and down. He'd had a couple of dates with a black woman after his wife died. She intrigued him and he could feel his huge cock stirring in his pants. He looked from her to Baker and back again. He lost his train of thought all he could think of were these two sexy women servicing his stiff cock. He wanted to propose the two of them to come around and kneel before him and get him off. He cleared his throat, "I'm not sure if you know, but my son is a detective at the 5-4. What I'm proposing is to slip up Beckett and Castle. I'd like Detective Beckett work along with my son, Danny for a few weeks. At the same time I'd like to put his partner, Detective Maria Baez with Richard Castle. I want to see if the reasons for these closures are of her doing or his."

She nodded, "I've always wondered too, but I wasn't going to break up what was working. I can see your concerns and why you want to find out if Detective Beckett warrants a promotion."

He nodded, "Thank you for going along with this experiment. Now on another note, are you in any hurry to return to the twelfth?"

She shook her head, "No, not really Commissioner."

He smiled and pushed back on his desk. He looked over to Baker and smiled slyly at her and just nodded.

Baker stood up and slowly unbuttoned her form-fitting jacket. She shook her shoulders and it slipped from her tall, lithe figure. She slowly moved around behind the desk and slowly sank to her knees.

Victoria's jaw dropped and she didn't realize she was holding her breath. She scooted up on the large chair she was sitting on. She leaned over and watched Abigail.

Baker's long, nimble fingers quickly pluck at the buttons on Frank's sharp pin-striped vest. Once having it parted, she went to work quickly at his belt and pants. Once open, she giggled when he raised his ass allowing her to pull them down to ankles. She licked her plush lips and her mouth watered when she saw the huge lump pressing against the boxers he was wearing. Abigail's slender fingers dipped into the gaping hole in his shorts and she let out a groan when she wrapped her fingers around his massive cock. She tugged and pulled and managed to fish his cock out into the open.

Victoria's eyes bugged out of her head when she caught sight of the huge cock resting in Abigail's hand. She licked her lips, suddenly dry and she felt her panties getting wet. She couldn't believe Abigail's long fingers didn't even meet as she gripped the massive cock in her hand. She scooted even further on her chair. She nearly fell off as she watched Baker's head slowly drop down and allowed her hot breath to cover the straining, stiff piece of meat.

Baker's head turned and looked back at Capt. Gates, "Why don't you come over here and help me relax the Commissioner. He's had a very stressful day and I found out long ago, this relaxes him and releases all of the stress in his body."

Before Victoria could react, she saw Baker's lips part and envelope the huge mushroomed head and her tongue flicked out and caught the tiny drip of pre-cum that oozed out of the large pee-hole. Gates looked up at Frank and he was smiling wickedly at her. She stood up and drifted around behind the desk and slowly knelt down beside the gorgeous blonde.

Baker looked up at Frank and whispered, "Raise your ass Commissioner so I can remove your shorts. I think Victoria here wants to join in on the fun." She turned to Victoria, "Isn't that right Vicky?"

Victoria looked from Baker, to Frank and back to Baker. She licked her lips and slowly nodded, "Yes, I'd love to join you. I've never seen a white cock that large before. Oh what the fuck am I saying, I never saw any cock this large before." She tugged at the shorts along with Abigail and dragged them down and off his feet, along with his shoes, socks and pants. She teased him by dragging her nails and very black fingers up his white legs. When she reached his package, Abigail was already there.

Abigail's long, slender fingers had again grasped his swollen cock and she was gently stroking up and down his stiff length. She tightened her grip and coaxed another drop or two of pre-cum from his swollen balls. She looked down at Victoria, "Why don't you suck on his balls, he loved that and makes him even stiffer and harder."

Victoria smiled up at the two of them and lowered her head, parting his legs and her tongue flicked out and tickled and rolled is huge balls around. She rose up and whispered to the both of them, "My God Baker, they are larger than walnuts I buy for Christmas salads I make." She parted her lips wider and slowly drew first one and then the other huge nut into her mouth. She sucked gently and increased her suction and she smiled when she felt Frank's ass lift off his large leather chair.

Baker was sliding her swollen lips up and down the length of his cock. She bathed the entire underside of his cock and her saliva rolled down and gathered at his nuts. She noticed Victoria suck it into her mouth and she allowed the mixture of both of their saliva's mix together and covered his crinkled nut sack. She slid back up and looked up at Frank with those large blue eyes and opening her mouth wide, she hovered over the tip and slowly drew him into her mouth. She took about six inches in, only half of his length and the girth stretched her lips wide. She held it there, her tongue whipped around his girth and she groaned as she felt Frank's hands in her lush hair.

Frank was in heaven, one gorgeous white blonde having half of his cock in her mouth and one raven haired black plush woman with her mouth stuffed with his balls. He plucked away at the tight woven hair and as the pins dropped he combed his fingers through Abigail's extremely thick hair. It fell from atop her head and drifted down across her shoulders and down onto his thighs and her full, straining tits, still confined in her tight satin blouse. He let one hand slip from her hair and twisting his hand around, he palmed her firm tit in his huge hand. It fit perfectly and closing it, he squeezed it. It produced a groan from her throat and her tongue became even more active as she took another inch onto her mouth.

Baker pulled her mouth from his cock and let a long stream of saliva drool out and covered his length. She was gasping for breath seeing she took too much of his length into her mouth and throat.

Victoria saw her opening and releasing his nut from her mouth, she plastered her red lips and black mouth to his cock. She swiped those fat lips up and down the side of his cock. Her coal black fingers wrapped around his cock and followed her lips. She reached the top and pursing her lips, she closed them around the head and took a few more inches into her hot, oral cavity.

Standing beside them, Baker quickly removed her blouse and unzipped her skirt. She wiggled it from side to side and it fluttered to the floor.

Both Frank and Victoria stared at her long, sleek legs. She was about five foot eight. Her panties had a large wet spot, it was easy to see she was extremely excited, her scent filled the office.

Frank reached out and grabbed Baker by the arm and pulled her towards him. He knew she wanted exactly what he was urging her to do. He watched as she slipped out of her panties and approached him.

Abigail threw one leg over his hulky body and in doing so, pushed Victoria back a little. She tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder and looked back. She stared down at the good-looking black woman. Her eyes locked on hers and whispered out, "Help me out Captain, please guide Frank's cock in my pussy. It's so fucking big, but I need to feel it deep in my cunt." She groaned out when she felt Gates grab his cock and with her tiny black hand, it came nowhere close to meeting. She swiped the huge head back and forth, scraping across Abigail's stiff, erect clit. She let out a hiss when she felt it lodged in the tight channel. She slowly lowered her slender body and she shook as her pussy accepted more and more of his cock.

Frank clutched at Baker's lithe body and pulled her hard to his half clothed body. His hands slid up and down her near naked body and gripping her hips, he began raising and lowering her body on his huge cock. He knew this cunt, seeing they did this on a regular basis, bringing in new women and sometimes men to their inner circle. He felt her sink down taking more than half of him into her. His hands left her hips and found the clasp on the back of her bra and deftly opening it, he pulled it off and tossed it aside. He ravished her full, firm tits as she bounced up and down. His lips caught one and his full mustache made her nipples ache even more for attention.

Gates was kneeling there staring in awe as she watched that huge piece of meat disappear into the tall woman, even though her pussy was tiny, it had nearly all of his big cock in her. She leaned in and began lapping away at the cock as it came out and re-entered Abigail. She dropped lower and sucked both of his huge nuts into her mouth. She could only take one at a time. Her black hand slid beneath her skirt that had ridden high on her lush thighs. She pulled her panties aside and sank two fingers deep into her fat lipped pussy. She groaned out and thumbed her clit. She sucked harder on his balls and releasing them, she slid higher and darted her tongue in Baker's puckered hole. She stopped when she noticed Baker suddenly stopped moving her body stiffened.

Abigail twisted her head around and groaned out, "Don't stop Victoria, I love having my ass played with." She groaned out when she felt Gates' tongue begin tickling her butt-hole again and she began riding Frank even harder and faster. She clutched at his bulky body and she let out a loud grunt and started creaming all over his cock.

Frank was close to cumming and feeling Baker cumming all over his cock; he lost it and began pumping his heavy load deep in her clutching pussy. He came and came and came; he felt her body shake as it accepted his cum. He groaned out when he felt Gates grip his cock and pulling it from Baker's cunt. The final couple of squirts shot from his cock and covered Gates' pretty black face.

Victoria was in heaven. She gripped his slime covered cock and swiped it all over her face. Her cheeks; chin and forehead were glistening in his cum and Abigail's juices. She slipped her lips over his spasming cock and sucked what little he still had to give. She released his cock and jammed her fingers deep in her cunt and started cumming all over her fingers. She fell back and rested against the back of his desk. She was panting hard and looked at Abigail's pussy as it dripped with the mixture of the two on the chair. She knelt up and began lapping away at the cum oozing out of Baker. She drank it all down and smacked her lips. She staggered to her feet and pulled down her hiked up skirt. She staggered around the desk and flopped down on the chair she occupied earlier. She watched as Baker climbed off of Frank and without a word began dressing.

Frank did the same and once the two of them were back to normal, except Baker, who's long blonde hair was hanging down, all tousled and having that just fucked look, he rested his arms on the desk, "So Capt. Gates, I'll expect you to inform Detective Beckett of the temporary change and I'll inform Detective Reagan of the experiment. Let's get this moving and I expect it to begin on Monday."

Victoria cleared her throat; she couldn't get her head around what just happened and how he turned from a sex maniac, back to the professional commissioner without missing a beat. "Commissioner, who will be reporting to whom?"

He nodded, "Well seeing I have you here, I'll have detectives Reagan and Baes working under you. This way you can report back to me and I expect an impartial report, got that Captain?"

She nodded, "I understand Commissioner and if that's all, I'll be heading back to the precinct. Thank you for the opportunity to advance Detective Beckett's career and for the very, very enjoyable experience."

He stood up and shook her hand, "No, thank you Captain, hopefully in the future I'll get the chance to sample your charms."

Her smile broke out and she nodded, "I'd love the chance and I'm sure I wouldn't disappoint." She turned and left the office. She floated out and couldn't believe what just occurred. She hurried back to the twelfth and entering her office, she flopped down in her chair and closed her eyes and reran the events in the Commissioner's office. After several minutes she called Kate and Castle into her office.

Beckett and Castle entered; the two of them sat down and Kate spoke, "What did you want to speak to us about Sir?"

Captain Gates took a deep breath, still could not believe what just happened, "As you know Detective, I had a meeting this afternoon as 1PP with the Commissioner. It seems he's had his eye on you and thinks highly of you, but he has some concerns."

"Oh, what kinds of concerns, Sir?"

"Let me first say he is impressed at the closure rate of your murder cases, but he's heard through the grapevine of all of the assistance you've received here from Mr. Castle. He's seriously considering you for a captain's slot and the head of your own precinct. Like I said though, he wants proof you are capable, and are the leading force of your success."

"I understand Sir, but how am I supposed to prove this to him?"

"He has a plan to determine just how effective you are in your murder investigations. At the same time we'll also see how well Mr. Castle here is at assisting in the cases."

Castle looks on, "Captain Gates, if you would please stop beating around the bush, and just tell us what we need to do to advance Kate's career here."

Captain Gates nodded, "Okay, well as of next Monday we will have two new detectives assigned to the twelfth for the foreseeable future. Detective Beckett, your new partner here will be the Commissioner's eldest son, Danny Reagan. He'll help out and his closure rate is second to yours. As for you Mr. Castle, you'll still be based here out of the twelfth, but will have no input to Kate's cases whatsoever. Your partner, so to speak seeing you're not a real detective here, will be Detective Reagan's current partner, Detective Maria Baez."

Kate looked to Rick and shrugged. She turned to Gates, "How long will this experiment last Sir?"

"It's opened ended and the Commissioner will determine from the reports he receives from Detectives Reagan and Baez and me. Hopefully it will be only a few weeks; I would like my precinct back to normal as soon as possible. Seeing this is Friday and our case load is light, why don't you take off for the week-end and come in Monday ready to kick-ass."

Kate and Rick stood up and nodded, "We won't let you down Captain." They turned and left and headed home.

Downstairs in the squad room, Jamie Reagan and his partner Edit (Eddie) Jenko were getting off duty and had the week-end off too. Eddie came knocking at the men's locker-room, "Hey Reagan, want to go to the bar and have a few to celebrate a couple days off?"

He looked at her; he loved seeing her long silky blonde hair down. It's always up during their tour and seeing it down caused a stirring in his loins. Along with her sexy blue eyes and full puffy lips made him want to tear her clothes off and ravish her tight body. "I'd love to Eddie, but I have to head over to Erin's place, I sort of have an obligation to fulfill. Remember telling you the last time we were babysitting at Danny and Linda's place."

"You mean how you were tricked into having sex with your niece?"

"Well I wouldn't call it being tricked, my arm wasn't twisted and if you saw her or my sister, just like you did with Linda, you'd be a willing participant too."

She giggled, "I guess you're right Jamie; that was fun. I never knew messing around with another woman would be so much fun and Danny, wow that was fun too. So what are doing at your sister's place?"

He cleared his throat and turned red, "Well I sort of agreed to be the guinea pig. Erin wants me to be the subject and her daughter Nicky the student. She figures with her in college now, she wants her to know her way around a man, if you get my drift."

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