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Blue Bloods Meet Castle Pt. 06

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Four from Rizzoli and Isles join in the fun.
14.8k words

Part 6 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/14/2016
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One of my readers requested adding pictures of the new characters, but this is not allowed by Literotica. When a new character is introduced, I will put in parenthesis the character's real name so you can look them up on the internet.


Kate arrived at the precinct early on Monday morning. She knew it was going to be strange without Javier and Lanie to lean on. She depended on them for more than just their contributions to the job. Over the years, they helped her through her troubles when it came to her mother's dead. Lanie was very helpful when it came to men ion her life, especially sorting out how she felt about Castle. She was stable now, leaning more on Castle and Alexis. Still she was going to miss them.

She dressed in a smart white, warm turtleneck. It hugged her figure and made her feel confident. She had a velour jacket over it and black dress slack finished her wardrobe. She sorted through the open cases, she was glad the slate was bare, with Detective Bell (Jon Michael Hill) Sherlock Holmes (Jonny Lee Miller) and Joan Watson (Lucy Liu) wrapping up the three major murders they were investigating, they only had a potential manslaughter case and a suspicious suicide to run down this week, but it was early.

All of a sudden there was a racket out in the squad room. She got up and went out to see what was the problem. Detective Kevin Ryan (Seamus Dever) was introducing himself to who Kate presumed were the group from Boston. She stood back and took in the group. She immediately caught sight of Jane Rizzoli (Angie Harmon). She saw her folder and her photo didn't do her justice. She was tall and lanky. Her jet black hair flowed down her back in large, thick waves. Her tiny waist and tight ass made her wonder if she was into women or not. Beside her was the only man coming over, it had to be Frankie Rizzoli (Jordan Bridges), Jane's younger brother. He had that Italian look and she loved that. He was ruggedly handsome and from what she saw, he looked well put together. Across from him was the dishwater blonde, she had to be Dr. Maura Isles (Sasha Alexander). She was petite and slight of built. Her large breast rivaled Jane's, either large B's or small C's. Her slender built were accented by very shapely legs and a gorgeous ass. Her wardrobe put everyone in the whole building to shame. She heard she was a fashion butterfly; she's really fit in with Joan Watson and her step-daughter Alexis Castle (Molly Quinn). The last, but not least was a very gorgeous black woman; she had to be Nina Holiday (Idara Victor). Three things caught Kate's attention, first were her very, large, full breasts, had to be at least a D cup. Her large, gorgeous bubble butt, couldn't be called big, it was just nice and round and full, she's love to get her hands on them. She knew without a doubt, Castle would drool over that ass. The last thing that attracted Kate was Nina's shoulder-length black crimped hair. It was fashionably done in a mass of waves and moved with her body movements.

Kate stepped towards the group and flashed her pearly whites and put out her hand to Jane. She found her very more attractive up close, her dark eyes and deep, bedroom voice made her moist before releasing her hand. Maura was the complete opposite and knew she would be a challenge for Rick and the way she carried herself, she would meet her match in Sherlock Holmes. She talked briefly with Frankie and found him charming and very easy to like. Unlike his sister, he was very talkative, she noticed, just like herself, Jane was taking in her surroundings, getting the lay of the land, so to speak. As for Nina, she was bubbly and had a great personality. Kate knew Nina was in trouble if she fell under the spell Castle could spin, and if she was bi-sexual, Alexis would be itching to get her hands on her. She stared at the luscious body beneath her simple outfit; she could just see Alexis and Nina, one milky white and the other coal black frolicking on the bed together. She bit her lip and shook her head as she chased the image out of her head.

Kate called down to the Medical examiner's office and got Dr. Sidney Perlmutter on the line. "Could you please come up to my office and show Dr. Isles her office and give her a tour of your operation?"

"Yeah, like I have nothing better to do. I'll be there in a few." He hung up before Kate could give him a piece of her mind.

Maura saw Kate wasn't happy, "It isn't necessary Captain Beckett. I can find it on my own; oh and please call me Maura."

"Not a problem Maura, you'll find out that Sidney is a very sour man, it's just the way he is. Please call me Kate, no need for you to call me Captain."

Kevin came in, "Captain, we caught a double murder, who do you want me to take?"

Kate looked to Jane and Frankie, "Would you both like to hop on it with Ryan?"

Jane shrugged, "Sure, why not, might as well get our feet wet right away. I guess we'll talk later. Come on Frankie, I call shotgun."

Kate was there with Maura and Nina and as they left her office, Sidney arrived and took Dr. Isles down to autopsy. Left with Nina, Kate showed her to the I.T. group. She introduced her to the man in charge, "Please show Ms. Holiday the ropes. She should be up to speed in just a few days. She'll be working primarily with the detectives, so please help her along." She turned to Nina, "Happy to have you on board Nina, I hope you like it here. We're a close knit group and I believe you'll fit in well."

"Thank you Captain, I'm sure I will."

Kate left and headed back to her office to give Frank (Tom Selleck) a call and let him know how it went. He got him on the line, "Good morning Commissioner; the group from Boston arrived this morning. They seem rather professional and just to let you know, if you flash them your panty dropping smile, Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles could very well be under you before the month is out."

He chuckled, "If I remember Kate, I have all 35,000 of the NYPD under me. Hopefully I can swing by next week and meet them. I'll call before showing up. I gotta full slate this morning, but thanks for the call Kate, keep me posted." He hung-up before she could reply.

She hung up, second time today that happened, not happy. She buried herself in paperwork and early afternoon Kevin, Jane and Frankie returned.

Kevin took a seat at his desk and showed Frankie to Javi's desk and Jane to Kate's old desk. He went in to report to Kate and updated her on the case. The three of them worked on the whiteboard and Kate sat back and just watched how efficient they were.

Kate came out later, "Not to seem nosy, but are the four of you situated in living conditions?

Jane came over, "Yeah, it was all set-up before we left Boston. We basically switched homes. Seeing Frankie and Nina are engaged, they will be putting up camp at Javier Esposito's apartment. Maura and I will be at Lanie Parish's apartment."

Kate smiled, "I think you and Maura got the better of the two places. Lanie's place is gorgeous and she doesn't live too far from Castle and my place.

Jane looked at her, "Aw, I don't wanna sound stupid, but who is Castle?"

Kate chuckled, "Sorry, Richard Castle, he's my husband. We worked together her for several years before he wore me down and we got married. Old habits are hard to break, he still calls me Beckett and I call him Castle."

Jane nodded, "Sounds really romantic, calling him by his last name and he calls you by your maiden name, but each his own. If there isn't anything else, I'd like to take off and get unpacked and situated, Captain?"

Kate was going to tell her to call her Kate, but held off. "Okay, I don't see anything that won't hold till morning, have a good evening Jane." She turned and returned to her office before anything more was said.

Over the next several weeks everything went rather smoothly. Seeing it was the dead of winter and it was exceptionally cold, luckily for the NYPD, the murder rate was down, they commented that it must be too cold to be out and murder people.

April came and it warmed up and so did the murder rate. The 12th caught a few tough cases and Kate called in Holmes and Watson to consult a two of them.

Maura was enchanted by both Holmes and Watson; she fawned over Sherlock, loving Englishmen. She was drawn to Watson too and as the week ended and one of the two cases was solved, between Maura and Sherlock, they almost solved the case without help from anyone else.

Maura came over to the squad room and waited for Sherlock and Joan to finish up with Capt. Beckett. As they came out, Maura flashed them both a huge smile, "I was wondering if the two of you were free tonight? It's been a long week and after solving this case, I'd really love to celebrate. With it finally warming up, I'd love to see some of the New York sights, if you wouldn't mind?"

Sherlock turned to Watson, "You know Watson, I'm not much into visiting tourist sights, but wouldn't mind meeting the two of you later for dinner."

Joan nodded, "I'd love to show you around Maura, anything special you'd like to see?"

She shook her head, "No, not really, I'll leave it to you. I know you're a lifetime New Yorker; I leave it in your hands. Afterwards, I'd love to cook for the two of you, what do you say?"

Sherlock turned to Maura, "How about the two of you spend the day together. I'll take a rain check, but I'd love to savor your cooking, how about tomorrow evening, say around six?"

Maura was beaming, "That sounds fantastic, I'll text you my address and see you then."

"Very well Dr. Isles, I'll see you then. Have a good evening Watson." He turned and felt without anything else being said.

Joan gathered up her purse and jacket. Maura took in her figure as she did this. Joan was wearing a black sleeveless shift. Around the arm holes and the hem were large scalloped black material. It was very fashionable and the hem ended at mid-thigh. Her long, silky black hair was pinned up in a loose bun with two large chopsticks holding it in place.

As for Maura, she was dressed in an olive green shell, tucked into a black, pleated skirt that ended at her knees. Her dirty blonde hair was brushing the tops of her breasts in thick waves and her feet were, as always in black hi-heels.

The headed out and Maura turned to Joan, "So where are we going first."

Joan gave her a sly smile, "It's a surprise, I called for an Uber driver and he should be waiting for us downstairs. They left and Kate came out and saw Jane, Frankie and Nina, "So any plans for the weekend?"

Frankie looked to Nina, "No, not really, I thought we'd just hang out, rest and catch up on some shows on our DVR, see you all on Monday." Frankie and Nina left.

Kate picked up her stuff and walked to the elevator with Jane.

Jane pushed the button for the ground floor, "So tell me Kate, what are you doing this fine spring weekend? Anything exciting?"

Kate chuckled, "If I know Castle, he'll have some kinky things planned. He always makes our weekend special. The only problem is that by the time Monday morning rolls around, he had me so worn out, I'm almost happy to come back to work."

Jane let out a disgusted laugh, "Yeah, well I wouldn't know anything about that. I can't remember the last time I had anything even close to something considered physical contact."

Kate turned to Jane, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not offering Rick to you, but you would be doing me a huge favor if you came over tonight and dress sexy. It will throw Rick off and he'll either cream in his shorts or he'll make a move on you."

Jane's jaw dropped, "And you don't have a problem with him making a move on me, not that I would welcome it, but let's say he did, you wouldn't mind?"

It was Kate's turn to let out a disgusted laugh, "Mind? Hell, I'd welcome it!"

The rode down the rest of the way in silence and as they exited the elevator, Jane turned to Kate, "I'm not saying I'd allow your husband to make a move on me, but I would like to see how he operates, I'd love to stifle his challenge."

Kate chuckled, "Oh, no you don't Jane. He's a real smooth operator and before you know it, you'd be in bed with the both of us naked with you, having a threesome you'd never forget."

Jane's jaw dropped, "Are you saying you're bi-sexual Kate?"

She giggled, "Ah, yeah gives me twice as many to choose from, doesn't it?"

"Mmmm, I never thought about it!" She looked Kate up and down and smiled lightly, "I don't know, I could be persuaded, if the mood is right."

"Come on Jane, I see the way you and Maura are. You can't tell me the two of you haven't done at least to a little exploring."

"Oh on occasion, after a little too much wine, maybe, but never all the way. Why are you offering?"

Kate turned to leave, "Show up tonight decked out and you'll find out."

Jane yelled on the sidewalk, "I just might!"

Kate headed home and as she opened the door she yelled out, "Castle? Where are you, I have some interesting news."

He strolled into the living room and kissed her and as always, made her melt. "So what's the big news you have?"

"You know I've been keeping the Boston exchange personnel under wraps. Well tonight, Detective Jane Rizzoli just may be stopping by. I also hinted that if she did, we'd relieve some of the stress she's been experiencing, if you get my drift."

He hugged her tightly, "Have I told you lately how much I love you Kate?"

She chuckled, "Oh yeah Rick, but I never tire hearing it. I have to change, I told her to doll-up and I wanna put her at ease." She slipped off her clothes and hopped in the shower. She hurried up and slipped into a tiny pair of silky boy shorts and an extra-large satin pearl colored blouse. She didn't bother with a bra; she hinted to Jane about a little girl on girl and wanted her to get the message.

Rick mixed a pitcher of margaritas and chilled a couple bottles of wine. He whipped up a few hors D'oeuvres and settled down to a large glass of scotch on the rocks.

Kate came into the room, her hair was piled high in a messy up-do and she looked extremely sexy. She glided over to Rick and slipped onto his lap. She grabbed his drink, took a sip and lazily wound her arms around his neck. She snuggled up against him and peppered his cheek, chin and neck with tiny kisses.

Castle let out a growl and slowly spun her around and slowly lowered her to the cushions. Just as her back hit the cushion, the doorbell rang. He let out another growl, this time of frustration. He sat up; releasing her and sitting up went to answer the door.

Kate giggled, "Are you sure you wanna answer the door sporting that large lump in your pants?"

He grinned back at her, "Why the hell not Beckett? You did suggest that she dress sexily. I'm just preparing for what I hope to be a very interesting evening." He opened the door and his grin turned to a broad smile as he started at the raven haired beauty.

Jane stood there in a velvet dress. The top was stretched across her upper arms. Her shoulders and upper body were bare. The dress was pulled severely at the waist, showing off her large C cup breasts and luscious hips. The skirt of full and billowed out around her very long, shapely legs and they were encased in a smoky black pair of sheer stockings.

Castle turned to Beckett, "Kate, I believe your co-worker is here." He turned back to Jane, "Please come in, I'm Richard Castle, Kate's husband."

She put out her hand and shook his hand with a firm grip, "Nice to meet you Mr. Castle, "I'm Jane Rizzoli, the detective from Boston working now with Captain Beckett."

"Please, call me Rick, Jane; it is okay to call you Jane isn't it?"

She chuckled in her low, husky voice, "Of course, I'm not big on formality." She turned and took in Kate's outfit, "Um, it seems I'm sort of overdressed. You did say to dress up, and seeing this is the only dress I brought with me, well I guess I'll sort of be uncomfortable this evening."

Kate stood up, flashing her sexy panties beneath her silky blouse. She came over to Jane and flashed her a sexy smile, "I changed my mind and decided to go casual. If you'd like, I could find you something less formal to wear."

Jane looked her up and down, "No that's okay, I'll just sit here in quiet discomfort."

Kate led her into the living room, "Care for a drink? Rick has wine chilling and a cold pitcher of Margaritas. As for the quiet discomfort, I would never pictured you that way...ever!"

She nodded, "Okay, good point, I'll take a margarita, extra salt, if you have it."

Rick fixed her drink as she took a seat on the sofa and Kate sat down beside her, "I'll take one too Castle, no salt, extra ice, if you would." She picked up the platter of cheese and other tidbits and offered them to Jane.

She grabbed a couple and placed them on a napkin and rested them in her lap as she took the drink from Rick. She took a sip and smiled up at him, "Perfect Rick, why does your wife call you by your last name?"

He laughed out loud, "Why does everyone always ask that? I used to help out in solving cases while I used Kate and the twelfth for research in writing my books. I called her Beckett and she called me Castle. After we became romantically involved, well it sorta stuck."

She looked up at him, "Now I get it, you're the idiot who killed off Derrick Storm. I was so pissed off when you did that." It suddenly hit her and she looked to Kate, "Ah, ha so you're Nicky Heat, I get it now."

Kate was defensive, "What the hell does that mean? She's just a character in his imagination, nothing like me."

Rick had to fight back a laugh and suddenly he was facing Kate's wrath.

"What was the stifled laugh all about Rick? Are you saying I'm more like Nicky then I think?"

He turned to Jane, "So what do you think Jane? Did I portrait her to a tee or am I way off?"

Jane put up her empty glass to Rick, "I could use a refill. As for pegging Kate and Nicky, I'd say as far as the professional detective, you're spot on. As for the personal side of Nicky and Kate, I don't have enough to go on. Maybe after tonight I can give you a more objective analysis." She took the fresh drink from him and flashed him a sexy smile. She took a sip of her drink and continued to stare up at him over the rim of her glass. She nearly choked on it when she felt Kate's hand on her knee. She lowered her drink and looked to Kate.

Kate's hand slid a little higher, "Well if I'm going to be compared to Nicky Heat, I guess I should act like her." She looked up to Rick, "Don't you agree Castle?"

He nodded and took the drink from Jane and grabbing her hand, he drew her to her feet, "I just love this song Jane, how about a dance?" Rick didn't wait for a response and pulled her tight against his hard body. He barely moved, more swaying and grinding.

Kate stood up and closed in on the two of them. She plastered her belly and chest against Jane's back. She wrapped her arms around Jane's belly and ground her pussy up against Jane's tight, bubble butt. She was amazed how firm Jane's body was. She knew she was fit, being close to six foot tall and always wearing slim slacks, she knew she was fit. Kate lowered her head and planted her lips on the nape of Jane's neck. She loved how long and slender Jane's neck was. She couldn't wait to unpin her long black hair and see it tumble around her soft, shapely shoulders. Her lips began to roam. She nipped and her tongue darted out and left a line of wetness from her neck, up to her ear. She tugged at her earlobe and smiled when she heard Jane take a quick breath of air into her lungs.

Jane slowly let it out and rolled her head around. Her head stopped moving when she felt Rick's lips close over her plush pillow lips. She parted her lips to moan, but was invaded with Rick's tongue, She fought with his tongue and finally allowed him to enter her mouth. She sucked on his tongue and groaned out when she felt Kate's lips and tongue leave her ear and move down her neck again. She let out a gasp when Kate's lips pressed against her collarbone and across to her bare shoulder. Her moaned got louder and longer when she felt Kate's fingers slowly lower the zipper on the back of her dress. She pulled away from Rick, just enough for her dress to fall to her waist, baring her firm, high-standing tits.

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