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Born Into Darkness Ch. 03

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"Of course Sonny I'll marry you."
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Part 3 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/16/2014
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Note to My Readers: Sorry for the mistakes this chapter isn't edited, I just didn't want you guys to wait any longer and it's longer!!! Other than that enjoy, vote and comment. Love you guys ♥

Chapter 3

"Of course Sonny I'll marry you." Sophie said as accepted the candy Ring Pop from the twelve year old boy. He broke his arm pretty badly needed surgery; he came out of there laughing and proposed to Sophie when she casted his arm and applied the sling.

"Ok Sonny you need to say goodbye Sophie now, she has to check on other patients now." Sonny's mother said as she tried really hard not to laugh at her drugged son.

Sophie left and walked into the elevator. She placed the candy into her pocket and checked her watch and saw it was time for her lunch break. She pressed the elevator button to the first floor.

Walking off she strolled into the cafeteria and saw Mandy sitting with a man who had his back to her. He looked very familiar; walking up to the table she gasped. It was Dean who was talking to Mandy.

Dean stood up and smiled down at Sophie making her blush. "Dean, what are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"Nice to see you too, o ángelós mou. You forgot something." Dean fished into his jacket pocket and pulled out her wallet.

"Oh thank goodness you found it. I was looking all over for it; I thought I lost it." Sophie tried to take it only to have it hidden behind Dean's back.

"Oh no, please not this again." Sophie said complainingly.

Her reaction made Dean laugh. "I will give you your wallet, if you allow me to take you to dinner tonight."

Sophie put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. "Why do you wanna take me out to dinner?"

"Because glýka you fascinate me."

"What language are you speaking to me in?" Sophie said still with her hands on her hips and eyeballing him.

Whatever Sophie was doing was making Dean smile even more, she was so feisty, yet cute, with her hands on her hips and squinting at him as if she meant business. She reminded him of a baby tiger vicious yet harmless. "You can ask me anything you want if you say yes to dinner."

Sophie opened her mouth to say something only to have Mandy's hand cover it.

"She'd love to!" Mandy said smiling; she gave Dean her address and time.

"Ok than 10pm it is and this... belongs to you prinkípissa." Dean said handing Sophie her wallet. He took her hand and kissed the palm of her hand; his whiskers grazed her wrist sending chills down her spine and igniting something inside her.

As soon as Dean left, Mandy removed her hand away from Sophie's mouth and squealed in delight.

"Ohhhhh... Sophie he's so dreamy and tall! And that ass... you can break a tooth just by trying to take a bite." Mandy said in a hushed tone.

"Oh my goodness I know! And get this, he's Santa Claus!" Sophie said putting the back of her hand against her forehead pretending to swoon, like those black and white she and Mandy love watching together on movie night.

"Now that's weird, you sure about that?"

"I'm positive... I think. Listen I just know ok."

"Okay... You never even told me the whole dream, only how sexy his sleeve was."

"Ok where do I begin..." Sophie said biting her bottom lip. "Ok so I'm at the North Pole studying the auroras and I next thing I know I'm falling through this crack on the ground. I fell on top of animal skin and I thought 'oh my goodness imma die.'"

Mandy rolled her eyes, as she listened to her best friend tell her about this ridiculous dream.

"Cause' only psycho hunters have a pile of animal skin in the corner of a room. Anyways I open the door and I was staring at little elves working on children toys. I walked up to one and it looked up at me with these big creepy eye, like the little rat thing from the movie Madagascar, the one obsessed with the king's feet."

Mandy couldn't help but laugh out loud; not because it sounded silly but she remembered that one day her husband Aaron took the kids to see that movie, only to find Sophie there laughing by herself. Sophie's face was so priceless when she was caught at a children's movie.

Sophie raised an eyebrow in annoyance. "Anyways.... The elf thing started to cry and I tried shushing it but it cried harder. When all of a sudden I felt someone behind me, I looked up to see Santa in person with his sleeves rolled back. And I saw the sick tribal tattoo that covered both arms." Sophie said biting her lip, she wanted Santa to use those to pin her down and do the dirty with her.

"Hellooooo... Earth to Sophie." Mandy said snapping her fingers in front of Sophie's face.

Blushing she continued with the dream. "The little elf that was crying screamed 'yay' and so did the other little elves when they saw Santa. Santa than put a hand up and they all went back to work; Santa growled and picked me up by the scruff part of my winter jacket like a cub. He took me into a dark room and I heard shuffling and next thing I know I'm pinned against a wall in a pitch black room making out with Santa."

Mandy was speechless, her mouth opened and closed a couple times making her look like a fish out of water. "Is that it?"

Sophie wrinkled her nose and shook her head.

"Well than, what happened after you made out with Santa? Wow... do you know how crazy we sound talking about this?"

"Well... we kinda had sex, in the dark."


"What?! It was good sex, it was hot and steamy and so good."

"And a dream..." Sophie crossed her arms over, tucked her chin in and pouted reminding Mandy of her two year old daughter Madison. "And how does this dream relate to Dean?"

"Everything, Dean was Santa. He has tattoos on both his arms and he and Santa had the same eyes."

"You sound crazy."

"No you're making fell crazy, maybe it wasn't Dean, but it was still a pretty hot dream." Sophie said wiggling her eyebrows making Mandy laugh out loud.

"Come on you horndog let's finish our shift, grab bite to eat and get to my house you have a date tonight with Dean."

"Thank god it's Friday."

"Amen sista."


"Do I look ok?" Sophie asked nervously.

"You look beautiful Sophie; Dean won't be able to take his eyes off you during the whole date." Mandy said while coloring on the floor with her daughter Madison.

"Oooo I hope so." Sophie said shimming her chest at Mandy who just shook her head.

Sophie looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a light pink sweet pleated skater dress that fell right above her knee with a pair of black shiny pumps that were about five inches.

She loved how Mandy did her makeup she put a light shimmery silver eye shadow and a thin cat eye. Sophie really couldn't do much with her curly hair so she put it in a messy bun, but it cleaned it up a bit so it didn't make her look like a hobo and she had a couple strings of hair loose that framed her face nicely.

"Aunty Soapy you look like a princess." Madison said pointing to Cinderella in her coloring book.

Sophie cringed at the nickname Madison because Sophie rhymed with Soapy and it made her, she didn't mind; kicked off her pumps and sat on the floor with Mandy and Madison who was her godchild. Madison crawled out of her mother's arms into hers and handed her a crayon so they can color together.

"Honey, there's a Dean Cle-Cl-a-something downstairs... Well don't you look beautiful Soph." Mandy's husband said as he walked into the room.

Aaron couldn't be more perfect for Mandy, besides his godlike features he was the kindest person she ever met. Aaron was an Ancient History professor at U.N.O the University of New Orleans where she was just a week away from graduating; she can finally call herself head nurse.

"Awww thanks Aaron and its Dean Cleisthenes, he's my date."

Madison saw her dad and she squealed. Aaron pretend growled and tackled Madison out of my arms and into his. He rolled over so she was on top of him sitting on his stomach.

Aaron looked at me and smiled "Date huh? Want me to roughen him up a bit; give him the 'one-two' punch."

Sophie laughed. "You could try, but I've seen the guy in a fight and the man's an animal," Sophie stood up and placed her pumps back on her feet. "Well it's go time people."

Mandy and Aaron stood and all three including giggling Madison walked downstairs.

Dean was waiting by the door. He was wearing a complete black suit, probably Armani with shiny shoes. And of course his leather jacket he always seemed to have on; but she did have to admit, he does look sexy in leather, if her dream came true and Dean was really Santa she wouldn't mind at her having him bending her over for being on the naughty list. She giggled, Mandy was right for a virgin she really was a horndog.

Looking at Dean he flashed that dimpled grin she loved so much.

Accidently missing a step, Sophie held her breath and closed her eyes thinking she was going to face plant the floor only to fall into Dean's arms.

"Oopsy." Sophie snickered, Dean on the other hand carried her bridal style and set her on the floor and scanned her body for any injuries.

Dean cupped Sophie's face making her look into his eyes. "Please be more careful mikró."

"Are they going to kiss mommy?" Sophie heard Madison's voice in the background making her pulled away from Dean and blush.

Dean on the other hand smiled and looked over to Aaron and Mandy with little Madison.

"Don't worry I'll keep her safe, you have me word."

"Go have fun kids, remember no glove no love." Aaron said as was Dean ushered Sophie out the door.

Sophie didn't have time to say anything because Aaron, the sly son of a bitch closed the door in time.

Dean slipped an arm around her waist and guided her to a sleek midnight black Lamborghini.

Sophie stopped dead in her tracks and pointed to the car. "Did you steal this car? Be honest."

Dean laughed and shook his head. "No agápi̱, I bought it a couple hours ago just for today." He walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for Sophie to get in.

Sophie narrowed her eyes and slowly got in the car.

Dean walked over to the driver's side, turned the key and reeved the engine making Sophie jump and Dean chuckled and stomped on the gas and sped off into the night.


They arrived to La Maisonette. Sophie looked through the car window and saw people dressed in expensive silk suits and dresses looking down she was wearing a dress she and Mandy found on sale. Her dress was a dirt rag compared to the ones out there.

Dean sensed something wrong with Sophie; he took her petite hand into his and kissed the palm of her hand managing to get her attention. "Sophie I never got the chance to tell you how beautiful you look."

Sophie blushed at the complement. Looking at Dean she realized their faces were inches away from each other. She could feel Dean's breath fan her face; she licked her lips as she moved closer, just as she was about to kiss him the parking valet tapped against the car window.

Dean growled and mumbled how bad he wanted to choke the life of the worthless quim standing outside. He got out the car and somehow managed not to slam the door of his car and walking over to the valet handing him the keys without punching him in the face and relaxing his features before opening the passenger side and helping Sophie out of the car. He tucked Sophie's hand on the crook of his elbow and walked her inside.

Sophie gasped as she took in the beautiful scenery; reminding her of how New Orleans looked when the sun was setting yesterday. Everything was made of glass, gold and ivory form the tables to the high chandelier above her head.

"Wow...this place is beautiful." Sophie whispered to Dean.

"I knew you would like it." Dean said in reply, he smiled as he saw every kind expression play across Sophie's face. She didn't know this but she was slowly worming her way into his heart and making him feel things he never felt before.

Dean and Sophie made their way over to the hostess. She immediately noticed Dean and completely ignored Sophie as a whole.

"Hi welcome to La Maisonette."

Dean nodded and gave the hostess his name and they were given a table right away that was secluded away from everyone else.

Sophie smiled as Dean pulled out her seat for her to sit on. Right away a waiter served them.

"Hello my name is Tony, and I'll be your waiter tonight."

Sophie looked down at the menu; the first thing she noticed was the ridiculous prices. A salad was $57.95 and a chocolate cake was $85.45, what the fuck is the chocolate made from cherub shit? The waiter took her menu and she looked at him frowning.

"I ordered for you Sophie, that's if you don't mind." Dean said smirking as he looked at her confused expression, wanting to kiss her on the forehead.

"If you ordered me a salad I'm gonna hurt you."

Sophie's response made Dean chuckle. "No I didn't get you a salad I ordered us a stake and a bottle of red wine.


"So tell me about yourself Phie."

Sophie scrunched up her nose at the nickname Dean gave her. "Phie, Really?"

"You don't like it?" Dean said dramatically putting his right hand over his heart and pretends to look hurt.

"Ok fine call me Phie, but you also get a nickname it's only fair."

"Fine, surprise me, when I see you again tomorrow." Dean said grinning.


"Yes I'm taking you out on another date. But I'm not going to tell you where we're going."

"I don't know... for all I know you could be one of those psycho killers, like the ones on the Lifetime channel who are smokin' hot and use their look to lure woman and kill them on the spot." Sophie said as she moved her right hand up and down, acting as if she was stabbing someone.

"You think I'm hot?" Dean said winking at her.

Sophie laughed as she shook her head. "Anyways back to the original topic. I'm a student at UNO and graduating next week. I majored in nursing and will officially be head nurse, or as Mandy calls it head bitch."

"I bet you're excited to be graduating?"

"Yes I am. So what do you do Dean?"

Dean had to think for a second, he really couldn't tell her she was a daimon hunter and a rogue god, who's trying to find a way to get into the Underworld and kill his brother Thanatos and his bitch Eris, who he thought was his lover and was foolish enough to let his guard down and she stabbed him in the heart and tried to kill him, only to end up on Earth.

"I'm a wrangler, and ex solider."

"An ex solider huh? That explains some of what happened went down last night. Don't worry I didn't tell anyone including Mandy of what went on that night. But I am curious, what are you really Dean, because you're eyes changed color and you healed me with magic."

He had no excuse to give her; he didn't even know his eyes changed color, but when he saw her hurt and shaking with fear he went with his instincts. He has saved multiple lives, but when he laid eyes on Sophie he felt something inside him he can't even begin to express.

"Are you a vampire?" Sophie blurted out.

Dean looked at Sophie and gave her a bored look. "Seriously, a vampire?"

"Hey, I'm trying to figure you out since you clearly aren't going to tell me what you are." Sophie huffed, crossed her arms and pouted.

Dean's eyes softened at Sophie's adorable expression right now. He sat up and walked over to her side and took her chin into her hands. Looking into her warm brown eyes, he leaned down and kissed her.

Sophie jerked when Dean leaned down to kiss her, she didn't expect that at all, totally coming from left field.

Dean's lips felt so soft against hers, his hand slip up the cupped the back of her head tilting her head up higher so he could nibble her lips. He growled and it sent sensual shivers down Sophie's spine making her moan.

If he thought his urge to bed Sophie was bad, this was even worse. Dean wanted to throw Sophie over his shoulder and take her to his bed where he could pin down her sexy curvy body under his, pleasure this woman making her scream out his name, his whole neighborhood will know his name by morning. Thinking about her screaming his name made his cock start to pulsate in his pants that suddenly became tighter.

Behind them someone cleared their throats. It was Tony holding their food while blushing and looking down at his feet.

Kissing her neck and nibbling the crook of her neck Dean growled "I'm not done with you yet glykýti̱ta."

"No we're not. Not even a little," Sophie said looking into Dean's eye seeing them once again turn a vibrant gold making her gasp. "Your eyes."

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wawferwawferover 7 years ago
Yikes lol

I love the story but you definitely need an editor. I would like to offer my services. My email is 😊

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

EDITOR! Your sometimes garbled sentence structure and total misuse of past/present/future tense, lead me to believe that English is not your native tongue. You need an editor, badly. You have wonderful ideas, it's just that the language barrier keeps you from smoothly and cleanly transferring those thoughts into written word. Good luck!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
You are doing great....such delicious tension.

You are doing great....such delicious tension

wingedangel324wingedangel324almost 10 years agoAuthor
Sorry Guys

Hi it’s wingedangel I’m sorry that it’s too short I’m still new at this just bear with me. I’m typing my story through word doc and I’m guessing 11 pages still isn’t enough, I’m sorry about that and I’m afraid to say chapter four will be the same, I just didn’t want you guys to wait . As for the Greeks

o ángelós mou = my angel

glýka = sweet

prinkípissa = princess

agápi̱ = love

glykýti̱ta = sweetness

Sorry about everything guys. Just comment on the plot and chatracters.

ariesgirlariesgirlalmost 10 years ago

Too short. If you don't mind can you translate the words that aren't English please. From how Dean is using them I think he is using them as terms of endearment but I want to be sure.

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