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Bosom Buddies Epilogue


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I kept scooting back, sliding my cock across her belly and finally positioning myself at the entrance between her legs. As I hiked up Stephanie's miniskirt around her hips, the sensitive tip of my penis bumped up against her boiling wet cunt.

Once she saw what I was up to, Stephanie's eyes went wide in shock. "Oh my God! Can we do that? Can we really do that? Liz?"

Stephanie and I turned our attention to my wife, who was gripping the fabric of Talia's blouse with white knuckles, trying to stave off an orgasm as the other girl inserted a second finger into her snatch. Liz just nodded her approval to us, dazedly muttering, "I want to watch."

That was all the permission I needed. Slowly, smoothly, I pushed the entirety of my granite hardness into Stephanie. As she and I watched each subsequent inch of me disappear between her legs, Stephanie just kept moaning, "I can't believe we're really doing this... I can't believe we're really doing this..."

"Neither can I," I assured her. "But we ARE."

And we DID. I fucked Stephanie while her best friend—my wife—watched us do it. It felt absolutely spectacular. Liz was my soul mate and my one true love, but Stephanie was my first. And you never really get over your first.

Feeling left out, Corrine sat her naked body down on the carpet beside me, smiling with pride as my eyes were inexorably drawn to her tits.

"See anything you like?" she asked, spreading her legs apart squeezing her breasts together.

"Hell yes," I answered.

Then Corrine scooped up her tremendous tits and offered them to my hungry mouth. In a daze, I suckled the plump, juicy nipples between my lips, relishing every delicious second of it.

Continuing to fuck Stephanie, I shifted my weight onto one hand, reaching out with my other to play with Corry's poor, neglected pussy.

Everything was pretty overwhelming: Liz, Corry, and Stephanie's combined moans filling the air, the wet heat of Steph's body clenching at my cock, and the feel of Corry squirming on my fingers while her tits smothered my face.

It took all my willpower, but somehow I managed not to cum. Chalk it up to getting older, I suppose—better self-control during sex. Still, all that self-control was only gonna do so much for me. These girls were way too hot.

Beneath me, Stephanie's body went rigid as she cried out in ecstasy. I slowed down, gently rubbing my pelvis against her for a few minutes as she was wracked by short little tremors—orgasmic aftershocks—until she finally collapsed with a long, happy sigh.

I quickly pulled out, hoping to give my throbbing cock a moment's respite from all the wild stimulation.

Corrine, however, had other ideas. She immediately shoved me onto my back and climbed aboard, sheathing me inside her boiling hot cunt.

"Holy shit..."

I groaned as Corry's fingernails scratched at my chest. She was already hot-to-trot, and wasted no time warming into things. Right from the get-go, that woman started bouncing on my cock like her life depended on it, grunting and screaming as she went.

Her pendulous breasts swung crazily towards my face with each powerful thrust. God, I'd missed those things. I made a game of catching her nipples with my tongue every time they bounded in my direction.

Behind me, I heard Liz whisper, "Let's get on the sofa, I want Ian to see." Talia let her fingers slip out of my wife's pussy, and the two of them hurriedly repositioned themselves on the couch, right smack dab in my field of vision. Everyone in the room turned to watch as they continued cuddling together, Talia growing braver and braver the closer Liz got to orgasm.

I twitched as one of Liz's juicy nipples fell from Talia's mouth with an audible plop.

"You are so damn sexy," she muttered. Liz just threw her head back and mewed happily, enjoying the feel of Talia's fingers returning to her cunt.

Arousal coursed through my veins like fire. Spurned on by the view of my wife's glorious naked body, I grabbed Corrine by the hips and slammed myself up into her. Our fucking grew ferocious, and Talia made sure to match our frantic new pace, fingering her own big-breasted lover with manic intensity. Liz and Corry even started a moaning contest, playfully trying to outdo one another with their loudest, boldest, sexiest screams.

"Oh fuck, I'm so close!" Corrine exclaimed. I was too—it felt like I'd been on the verge of orgasm ever since Liz had first initiated this whole crazy scenario—but I'd come too far to give in now. I was determined to be the last one in the room to climax, so I closed my eyes and focused with all my might on keeping it together.

Corrine wasn't helping. She yanked my hands off her hips and crushed them against her chest, belting out a shrill series of yelps as she came with me buried to the hilt inside of her. Even through the pillow of her breasts, I could feel Corrine's pulse, racing along at a million miles a second.

"Mmm!" Liz gasped, exploding into her own orgasm mere seconds later. Talia instinctively raised her lips to Liz's, kissing passionately. Unthinking, or perhaps just grateful, my wife kissed her back, liberally slipping in some tongue.

Corrine fell to the ground beside me, letting my rock-hard dick slip out of her. I let out a frustrated groan as I felt her two enormous boobs mold against my shoulder.

"You still haven't come?" Talia asked in disbelief, quirking an eyebrow at my throbbing erection.

"Neither have you," I grinned.

She repositioned herself on the couch, letting her unbuttoned silk blouse fall open wide enough to show me every inch of her body. That shiny red thong was taunting me...

"Well, I have been a bad girl," Talia continued. "Fooling around with your wife and all. Maybe you should come over here and punish me."

Those intoxicating, exotic eyes flashed with desire, and her red lips curled into a devilish grin. I was so aroused, I was hardly able to walk. Nonetheless, I climbed to my feet and managed to cross the short distance over to where Talia was laying beside my wife.

"Get up," I commanded.

She obeyed.

"Turn around."

Talia obediently spun away from me, presenting me with a breathtaking view of her nice, firm butt.

I playfully shoved her forward, bending her over the backrest of the couch. The outline of her pussy lips was clearly visible through the fabric of her thong underwear. I took a step forward, so that my naked erection was rubbing against her genitals through the brief layer of silk.

Nearby, my wife looked up at me from the couch, still recovering from her recent orgasm. She smiled encouragingly.

"What do you want me to do next?" Talia asked, her voice quaking slightly with anticipation.

I pulled her thong aside and pushed the head of my cock into her wet, eager gash.

"I want you to moan for me."

She was only too happy to oblige. The second I was all the way inside Talia, I knew I wouldn't be able to last. My body was begging me to end it all, my mind screaming at me to just let loose and fuck my exotic lover with total abandon until I burst.

And that's exactly what I did.

With one hand holding firmly onto Talia's beautiful ass cheeks, and my other hand reaching around to frig her engorged clit, I started fucking her like there was no tomorrow. I didn't care about self-control anymore; I just wanted to fuck her as hard as I could, as fast as I could.

Talia continued moaning for me as I pounded her senseless. I watched with delight as her blouse kept scrunching up higher and higher on her torso, until it was riding up around her armpits. Her soft, creamy breasts shuddered and bounced with my every thrust.

In the end, I suppose I got lucky. I wasn't trying to hold back my orgasm anymore, but apparently Talia was even hornier than me. Splayed out in front of her eyes were four of the sexiest women in the world: Amy, Stephanie, Corry, and Liz—all of them buck naked, all of them smelling of sex, and all of them watching us fuck. Talia cursed as rapture overwhelmed her—

"Damn you guys, you're all so—so fucking HOT!"

And she came like a crazy person, slapping the sofa with her hands. The sound of her orgasm instantly triggered my own. I yanked my cock out of her pussy, slapped it down into the crease of her ass, and roared out a howl of pleasure as I ejaculated all over her slender back.

Talia went limp, still bent over the back of the couch.

My dick kept spurting for what felt like a solid minute. At last a final, heavy stream of cum flowed out of me and dribbled down across Talia's ass, positively soaking her thong.

"Wow," Amy said at last. "I don't think I've ever seen a guy cum that much."

Liz walked over to give me a hug, and I glowed at the familiar pressure of her epic tits squeezing against my body.

"How are you feeling?" she asked sweetly.

"How are YOU feeling? You just watched your husband have sex with a bunch of other women."

Liz looked around at our friends, considering, then planted an explosive kiss on my lips. I swear I already felt myself coming alive again.

"I'm okay," she said at last. "I'm not okay with you going around screwing 'other' women—but these aren't 'other' women. They're special. And I wanted you to have something special for your birthday. Besides, I know how much you've always wanted to do something like this."

"Dreamed, is more like it," I grinned.

Stephanie shook her head in amusement, adding, "I STILL can't believe we all just did that! I've been wanting to have sex with Ian again ever since high school. I just never said anything, because he's been with Liz the whole time."

Liz released me and walked over to give her BFF a naked hug. "Aw, I'm sorry honey. You should have told me, we could have worked something out."

"I didn't want to make you feel weird!" Stephanie exclaimed. "Besides, I've had other boyfriends and stuff over the years. It's not a huge deal, it's just—all that stuff that happened between us in high school, I just always fantasized about doing it one more time."

"ONE more time?" Corrine exclaimed. "Who said anything about ONE more time? The night is young! I guarantee you guys—between the five of us, we can definitely get Ian rearing to go again."

"I'm already getting there," I said, which prompted a cheer from my beautiful friends.

"First, I think I need a shower," Talia muttered, her cum-spattered body still draped limply over the couch.

I gave her a pleasant pat on the rear, saying, "I think I'll join you."

"Me too!" Liz said.

"And me!"

"All of us!"

Talia shook her head, laughing, "Guys, my shower is tiny. There isn't room for two people to fool around in there, much less six."

But we tried anyway.

Talia was right, of course. Her shower was basically the size of a phone booth. To fit everyone inside, we had to comically jam ourselves together like sardines. It wasn't exactly easy to get clean, but then getting clean wasn't exactly our priority.

As the lone male, and the birthday boy to boot, I was the natural center of attention. I was bombarded by a constant assault of gropes, licks, and kisses. But I didn't get ALL the fun; the girls spent plenty of time pinching and tickling one another as well.

It was Corrine who finally took the initiative to actually get us all clean. She picked up a bottle of coconut-scented body wash and held it high overhead—

"Okay, close your eyes, everybody!"

She poured it all over us. Seconds later, our six hot, soapy bodies were sliding back and forth together. I felt someone's hand grab hold of my rapidly-thickening penis, helpfully coating it with Talia's body wash until it was nice and slippery. Then I felt another hand down there as well—someone else's, this time—and then another. I closed me eyes and leaned back, enjoying the relaxing attention of so many slick, soapy fingers stroking up and down my cock.

"I missed you guys so much," I sighed. Then someone bit me on the nipple.

By the time that shower ended, I was anxiously awaiting round two. We all hurried into Talia's bedroom, not even bothering to towel off, and flopped our wet, naked bodies down onto her queen size-bed.

With five girls on top of me, it was hard to see where one person ended and the next began. We rolled around together, tearing up the sheets. Writhing and touching and moaning in a messy tangle. As soon as I started paying attention to one girl, the others would swarm around me like a school of hungry piranha.

I was in heaven—and not just because I was having a six-some with the hottest women in the world, but because I was back with my friends again. Back with the best friends I'd ever had.

The best friends I'd ever had.

It was crazy, when I thought about it like that. These women were so central to my life and the man that I became, and yet our "clique" in high school really only lasted a couple of months; October to June of our senior year. Before then, we weren't even acquaintances, and afterwards, we all went our separate ways. Nearly thirty years of life, and I was still hung up on those few precious months.

I appreciatively held their bodies close to mine.

Nobody was in a rush to cum this time around, and we all settled in for a long, playful night of lovemaking. I lost track of time, my hands and lips roaming from one beautiful woman to the next—way more than I could handle all by myself, but I was game to try.

Since I'd kind of neglected Liz when we were all in the living room together, I took the opportunity to remind my wife just how much I adored her body. She cooed as I trailed kisses down her back and across her ample buttocks.

No fewer than three of the other four women were caressing my cock as I did this, so I turned to my lovely companions and politely asked, "Sorry ladies, but would you mind if I took a moment to have sex with my amazing wife?"

They released my penis and contented themselves with kissing and groping the rest of me as I rolled Liz onto her side and lifted her leg over my shoulder.

"Mmm..." she sighed as I entered her. We kept things slow and sensual, rocking back and forth with controlled thrusts.

"I love you so much," I said, reaching down to caress her enormous breasts.

"Did it turn you on? Watching Talia touch me like that?"

"Oh yeah. That's gonna give me fantasies for the rest of my life."

"Me too," Talia cut in.

Corrine took my free hand and placed it on her chest. Stephanie teasingly bit down on one of my ass cheeks. Amy was massaging my balls.

My thrusting hips reflexively began to pick up speed.

"How come we never did this back when we were in high school?" Amy asked. "I mean, the six of us, all together at once, like this."

"We were all just kids back then," Corrine answered. "We didn't know what we were doing."

"And we know what we're doing now?" Stephanie asked, giggling.

I looked around at all my beautiful lovers and replied, "All I know is I never want this night to end."

"Me neither," Liz panted. "This is so much fun."

"Thank you for sharing your husband, honey," Stephanie grinned. The others all echoed her comment.

My wife started to answer them, but her words were cut short mid-sentence by the approach of a very nice, gentle orgasm. I took my hand from her breasts, gently strumming her clit until—

She came with a long, satisfied sigh.

"Thank you, sweetie," she said to me, finally re-opening her eyes. "That was wonderful."

I pulled my glistening cock from her vagina, and suddenly had four pairs of hands reaching for me all at once. This was getting ridiculous.

"Ooh, I just thought of something!" Talia cried.

With a naughty twinkle in her eyes, she hopped off the bed and circled around to her closet, retrieving a box from the top shelf.

"What's in there?" Amy asked.

"Goodies," Talia explained. "Condoms, massage oil, my vibrator, some stuff you straight folks probably wouldn't be into, AND—"

She reached inside that devious little box and took out a pair of fuzzy purple handcuffs. "How 'bout it, Ian?"

Everyone chuckled. I just shrugged and said, "Go ahead."

Liz got the privilege of shackling my wrists to the bed's headboard. The other four women surrounded me on the bed, looking over at every inch of my helpless naked body. My cock pointed straight up at the ceiling, eager for some attention.

"Should we blindfold him, too?" Corrine asked.

"I've got a better idea," Stephanie answered. Then she straddled my face and lowered her delicious cunt onto my mouth. I moaned happily.

"See? Much better than a blindfold."

Robbed of both my sight and the use of my hands, I could do nothing but lie there and enjoy each and every surprising new sensation as the other women teased and tormented my body.

Anonymous lips and tongues moved up and down my shaft. One girl—I think it was Talia—started rubbing her slick gash up and down my thigh for stimulation.

Then I heard Amy say, "Okay, step aside, I'm the only one who hasn't had a turn with this guy yet."

She gave my penis a squeeze for emphasis, and I felt the two mouths slip away as Amy's toned thighs straddled my hips. She reached between her legs to grab hold of me, gently guiding me into the softness of her opening—


She sank lower and lower onto me, sighing contentedly, like an athlete, soaking her exhausted muscles in a Jacuzzi.

I was dying to see what my gorgeous red-headed friend looked like down there, slowly rising and falling, carefully impaling herself on my shaft over and over again. My thigh was now soaking wet where Talia continued to gyrate on it.

Well, if I wanted to get a look at Amy riding my cock, that meant getting Stephanie off my face—and the only way I could think to do that was to provide her with a good, strong orgasm.


Stephanie shuddered as I curled my tongue up to her clit. I rocked my head back and forth, licking and sucking on every sensitive millimeter of her crotch.

Off to my side, I suddenly heard faint buzzing, followed by a steady stream of moaning from Corrine. I could only assume she had decided to borrow Talia's vibrator until the other women were done with me.

Stephanie grabbed onto the headboard of the bed and began rocking her hips, eager for more stimulation. She was so anxious to cum, she got sloppy, rubbing her cunt back and forth across my entire face, making it nearly impossible for me to keep my tongue where it belonged.

Sweet honey poured down over my cheeks, soaking the pillow beneath me.

"Ohh... oh yes..."

I forcefully curled my neck, shoving my face up into her crotch, licking her clit with abandon—

"Oh GOD! YES!"

She collapsed, suddenly struck down by a lightning bolt of a climax. Exhausted, Stephanie crawled off my face, finally giving me a clear view of the action down below—

And I nearly came when I saw what was happening.

First of all, Amy and Talia were kissing. And I don't mean the kind of playful, platonic kisses that teenage girls share at slumber parties, either. I'm talking about the kind of horny, desperate kissing of two sexually active women right on the verge of orgasm. Those two were I going at it. Totally lost in a fugue of pleasure, Amy tongue-wrestled her beautiful bisexual friend, all the while bouncing up and down on my cock.

Talia was writhing on my leg, grinding her clit against my thigh. Above, her hands were overflowing with Amy's naked breasts, which she was frantically kneading between slender fingers.

Off to the side of the bed, Corrine was reclining in Talia's desk chair while my wife of six years knelt on the ground between her legs, attentively massaging the blonde woman's cunt with Talia's vibrator.

"What the—?"

Corrine interrupted me with a squeal of delight, throwing her head back in ecstasy and squirming in the chair.

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