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Boy Scout


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One day later, Nick closed on the sale of his marital home, using a power-of-attorney from his wife to sign as her attorney-in-fact. She really should have read everything she had signed. Thanks to the separate financial power-of-attorney, Nick was able to deposit the home sale profit check in his personal account, after endorsing on behalf of his wife as her attorney-in-fact, and close the joint accounts. Three days after that—still in the first week of Linda's trip to La Belle France—the construction crew had leveled the house. They cleared the debris in a few days. The site preparation work began after that. Unfortunately, the tree with the tree house that was perfect for children had to go. The new plat had a gazebo going there.

Unfortunately, at that point, when the entire site of what had once been Nick and Linda's happy home was just a big square of dirt, construction stopped. Seems that something had gone wrong with the permitting process. Nick, and his law school friend who worked in the county permitting officer, were certain that the problem would resolve itself a couple of days after Linda got home from France, just as soon as the proper forms were received and approved.

In all this time, Nick did not take any calls from Linda. He stopped sending her text messages, did not respond to e-mails, and did not respond to voice mails. Some of her friends and family called. Nick sent curt message in reply that he was busy and travelling, mostly to keep them from trying to drive by the house and see him. El Diablo called him on the burner phone and told him that Linda and Dwayne seemed to be under stress and was not looking so good. Maybe she suspected something was wrong. Nick asked how he knew that. El Diablo just said that he had friends and family all over the place, even in Europe.

He did ask Nick if he was interested in recovering Linda's engagement and wedding rings. When Nick said no, El Diablo asked if he minded if someone else acquired them.

"Hell no!"

"Good. I might know someone who would like them."

On a Wednesday, two days before Linda was due back from Paris, Nick was in Harry's office.

"I don't know how the heck it happened, but here is the divorce decree. It's way faster than normal for this kind of case, and Seth wouldn't tell me anything. I don't want to know, and I'm not asking. Count your lucky stars, and congratulations on being single again. Here's a copy I'm going to send to your ex-wife. I'm sure she'll be thrilled."

As Nick got to his car outside Harry's office, his phone rang. He did not recognize the number but, when he answered, he recognized El Diablo's voice.

"Nick, you should take a vacation. Right now. Go to the kind of place where there are lots of people. People who know you and can say you were there."

El Diablo hung up. Nick realized that it had been a while since he saw some college friends who lived in New York City. Fortunately, their schedules were light over the next few days, so he went up by Amtrak that same day, went to some shows, went to some museums, and went with various combinations of friends to lunches, coffees, and dinners, much of which he paid for by credit card. He also tipped generously at his hotel so that all the staff knew who he was. While there, he express-mailed a copy of the DVD showing him burning her wedding dress and wedding album to the house of Linda's parents.

Late on Sunday afternoon, after enjoying a coffee and cake in Little Italy in Manhattan, Nick's phone rang. It was his father-in-law.

"Nick? Where are you? Linda's going crazy. She's in the hospital."

"Yeah? What's wrong with her?"

This was getting interesting.

"She got back from her trip on Friday, but she and a coworker apparently got kidnapped from the airport. They were both drugged and only got out this morning. The coworker was beaten nearly to death. And Linda . . ."

Here, her father's voice faltered. Once upon a time, Nick would have been sympathetic.

"What happened to Linda?"

"She woke up to find herself covered head to toe with tattoos. Tattoos saying horrible things. Like that she is a slut and a whore. And as soon as she woke up to see that, some guy with a mask came in and punched her in the nose, breaking it, and then gave her two black eyes."

Impressive, Nick thought. Really, it was a cherry on top of the sundae. He would have been happy with Linda's realization that he had betrayed her in court, just like she had betrayed him in the marriage, but this just was a rainbow-unicorn orgasm of joy. It would have been worth an immortal soul, if he had one to give.

"Sorry to hear that. I'm out of town at the moment. What would you like me to do?"

Nick could tell there was surprise on the other end of the line.

"You're her husband! She's your wife!"

"Sorry, no. We got divorced. The order was issued last week. She's been cheating on me with the guy she's travelling with."


"What part wasn't clear?"

Nick knew that he was being needlessly cruel now but did not care.

"I've got video. I can send you a copy, if you want."

There was silence on the other end of the call. Nick wondered if his father-in-law was having a heart attack.

"She and I are done, so you'll have to take her home. She's not my problem now."

"YOU DID THIS!" his father-in-law screamed.

"Me? I've been up in New York since Wednesday, celebrating the divorce. Look, I know you're upset, and I hope Linda gets better soon, but I don't think we have anything more to say to each other."

He hung up the phone. It occurred to Nick at that moment that the stress of city life was too intense lately. He sent an e-mail to Sven saying that, after all, Sven and the firm could go fuck themselves, respectfully. A quick Internet search revealed that there was an REI store in SoHo, so Nick outfitted himself with brand new hiking and camping gear. Linda had never liked to go camping, so this was a chance to reconnect with his scouting past. The hotel was very accommodating about storing his luggage for a while for a modest fee, and before he knew it, he was on his way up to the Adirondack Mountains to bond with nature until things calmed down. Fortunately, he had his passport, in case he had time for a side trip to Canada. And it turns out he did.

For most of the next eight weeks, he had turned his phone off. At first, it seemed that some crazy woman had stolen his ex-wife's phone because there were dozens, if not hundreds—he wasn't counting—of messages that seemed to involve unhinged screaming and crying. He had only listened to one or two before deleting the rest. Lots of bonkers e-mails, too. Her account must have been hacked. How was he supposed to find time to read all that? He hoped that whoever the crazy woman was that she got the help she so desperately needed.

So it was that eight weeks later, Nick met Frank for a drink. Harry was there, too.

"Just so we're clear," Harry said as they sat down, " I terminated our attorney-client relationship just after I gave you the divorce decree. I notified you by certified letter. You might not have checked your mail yet."

"Not yet," Nick admitted.

"Serious shit storm, my friend," Harry said. "Frank, what would you say?"

"More like a shit typhoon."

"I like that. Shit everywhere anyway. Lots of destruction."

Harry downed his bourbon and asked for another immediately.

"You start, Frank."

"So, Monday morning, the former Mrs. Buford goes by the old homestead with her parents. We had not gotten around to taking the external camera down. When she sees the vacant lot, she has a complete meltdown. Drops down on her knees, sobbing. Goes into a full fetal position. Winds up kicking and screaming like a toddler in a shopping mall in the late afternoon. Then the work crew pulls up with the equipment, and she loses it again. She loses it for a third time when the construction workers see what's tattooed all over her face and start laughing. Got to say, the work is so good, the text shows up very nicely on camera: "Slut," "puta," "whore," "I love cock," and that kind of thing. Face, neck, hands. And that's while she's got the raccoon eyes from getting punched, plus the tape for the broken nose."

Harry picked up the story.

"That afternoon, she and a couple of big firm lawyers show up at my humble office coming on strong. They didn't have an appointment, so I made them wait for 15 minutes. Made sure my Glock was loaded and accessible in my desk. Thank God we're in Virginia, you know? 15 minutes later, they are all yelling at me, talking about emergency motions and bar complaints and contempt proceedings. I have to admit that I had trouble not looking at the ink all over the face. It was done very clearly in red and blue ink so it can be seen at a distance. When I was able to refocus, I asked what exactly the problem is. What statement in any of the pleadings was false? They all stopped and looked at each other. So, I asked whether there was a dispute that your ex had committed adultery. They all said yes. So, I turned on the video, which I had cued up while they were waiting, and good old Linda is clearly bouncing up and down on the sexual organ of someone not her husband in the marital bed. They apparently had not reviewed everything in the case file yet. Everyone just looked embarrassed then. Then, Linda starts yelling that you didn't even give her a chance to explain. And I said you didn't care what the reason was, just that you did it. She recovers and starts goes on about how she never agreed to let you sell the house and what was the story with you burning her wedding gown, photos, and album? That stuff was all her personal property. I showed her the copies of the powers-of-attorney, one of which was for the specific purpose of the sale of the home. I showed her the Property Settlement Agreement, which gave you the right, at your sole discretion, to dispose of her personal effects, and told her she was lucky she had her clothes. I asked if she was denying it was her signature on the documents. She said no, but that she had never agreed to any of what they said. So, then I asked if her whole defense was that she had never read the stuff that she signed. I asked her to imagine how the cross-examination would go, if she challenged anything in court. She stopped talking then. I also pointed out in the affidavit she signed where she admitted that her lover was upstairs at that very moment she signed, and I asked if it was untrue. That was when she passed out. He attorneys tried reviving her, but I just called 911. She refused to go to the hospital with them. But then she started screaming about the tattoos and about her boyfriend getting beaten up, and I said that had nothing to do with you, as far as I knew, and you were out of town anyway, and maybe Dwayne had pissed off some other wife's husband by banging her or some other woman who thought Linda was taking Dwayne away from her. I told them they knew where the Fairfax Police Department was, if they had a criminal case they wanted to discuss."

"Sorry I missed all that."

"It gets better," said Harry. "So they were still going on, talking about filing a motion for reconsideration and all that kind of stuff. That's when I told them that, just that morning, I had received an anonymous e-mail with links to several videos of Linda and Dwayne in your bed when they started going at it again before Paris. The message said that the videos were going to go to everyone Linda knew and that you, Nick, knew nothing about it and would not be able to stop them from doing this. And that they were friends you had helped once. And that they would protect you. And that they would hit the send button that very day if she didn't just let things go. You know anything about that?"

"I've been out of town, Harry."

"They took off after that. Haven't heard from them since. And nothing has happened in the court house."

It was Frank's turn again.

"They must have gone to the cops because a couple of detectives came around. They wanted copies of the videos and the report. Then they lost interest. Neither Linda nor Dwayne could say what happened. Just that they got into a taxi at the airport, and the next thing the guy knew, he was in the hospital. With Linda, she woke up in a sleazy hotel, got punched in the face, and then went to the hospital. The room was billed to her credit card, too. Plus room service and the minibar."

This time Nick told him that the hotel manager said that New York cops had checked up on his stay at the hotel, and that his New York friends had been contacted, too, but they had all vouched for his very active schedule in the city.

"Word is," Harry said, "that your ex is hiding in her parents' basement while she undergoes laser tattoo removal treatment. Problem is that they charge by the square inch, and she is covered from head to toe. That got to cost tens of thousands of dollars."

"That's a shame," Nick said.

Harry glared at Nick. Frank just kept his lips pursed to avoid laughing.

"And what happened to meathead?"

"I understand he got pretty messed up," Harry said. "Lots of physical therapy in his future. Head's a bit damaged. Multiple concussions. Probably will have some difficulty getting another paralegal job. Their firm let both of them go, too. Seems their relationship fell apart during the trip, and somehow that adversely affected the entire arbitration. Stuff was missed, exhibits were not ready. Witness outlines had problems. They lost on the merits. The client was not happy. The firm had to offer human sacrifices to keep the client for future work."

"Someday, Nick, you'll have to tell us how you managed this," Frank said.

"Managed what? I'm a Boy Scout."

Maggie was waiting in the car when he left.

"I'm a bit jealous. No one asked me whether I actually notarized the documents or whether she read them before signing. I was ready to say that I observed her examine each one before signing, but that I could not estimate how much time she spent doing it."

"We should discuss this at dinner. I need to treat you and the boyfriend to thank you for your help in getting me my freedom."

Maggie turned to him and looked over her sunglasses as Nick backed the car out of the parking lot.

"There is no boyfriend, you idiot."

Nick braked hard and looked at her.


"Now shut up and take me home so you can begin a rather long and grueling process of apologizing to me."

"Okay," Nick smiled, but I have to stop at the Post Office first.


"I'm sending a post card to a friend," Nick said as he pulled it out of the glove compartment. It had the Boy Scout logo on the front. "I'm asking her if she feels safe now."

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SteelPaperTSteelPaperT1 day ago

Finally one who got what was coming

OldmantruckerOldmantrucker3 days ago


bigurnbigurn5 days ago

OK ... One of my, rare, 4 Star ⭐⭐⭐⭐ reviews ... Obviously, the punch in the nose and two black eyes were going to happen. The tattoos were a nice touch. No mention of groin damage, so ol' Dwayne got off light.

ttt59ttt5910 days ago

Beyond outstanding!!!!!! Please keep writing!!!

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

What a great BTB! *****

rbloch66rbloch6624 days ago

I’m not sure I agree with her getting harmed and tattooed… it seemed a little excessive. Dwayne fully deserved whatever he got. Having her sign everything the way he did was brilliant. Everything she lost from that move would have been enough for me. But I guess it doesn’t hurt to send a message if someone needs to get knocked down a few degrees.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

WOW! Ok, a new standard has been set on the BTB-o- meter. 5 HUGE STARS. Thanks for the laughter. DMW aka Sumnut96. Ps a rainbow-unicorn orgasm of joy may just be the funniest fucking line I’ve ever read.

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Awesome. "I love it when a plan comes together...", Hannibal Smith.

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 month ago

You know they get along so well, they really get each other, and their communication is stellar. Where did it all go wrong?

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 month ago

Cinco estrellas…

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I loved it, 5 stars. One hell of an over the top BTB for both the ex-wife and her new ex-boyfriend.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

You had me crying with laughter. This was more than just a BTB, this was a NHEL (Nuke Her Entire Life). You have a wonderfully warped sense of humor that i completely understand and agree with 100%. It is a spectacular asset to have when becoming an author and you use yours so well. I look forward to getting engrossed in the rest of your work as I feel I would enjoy it very much. Thanks for the laughs and the entertainment, you are a true original.


Buster2UBuster2Uabout 1 month ago

LOL 10 Big Blazing stars for the funnest, BTB story that I have ever read! The most complete and total burn job I could ever imagine. This story was better than a Abbot and Costello movie it was so funny. Holy Moly such a complete and total burn. He got the wife to sign away their house then he sold it and they mowed it completely down! LOL gosh that is so so funny. Excellent Job, my friend. Perfectly well done. Buster2U

KahunabobKahunabobabout 1 month ago

Fun little palette cleanser for a lunchbreak :) Thanks!

I have to agree with Onbothsides' comment about a week earlier: don't do the tattoo thing again. To me, it felt like a wee bit too much. And I laughed out loud at their comment about still having enough left over for the hitman 😂

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Not to long moved along quickly covered the basics ok you should send to Bear he would like it! *****

ImshakenImshakenabout 2 months ago

Thanks for the laughs! This pie in the sky story was juicy and had me smiling and anticipating the results of the story. MC had some real karma going for him. (Pays to be the protagonist in this particular story) :o) A developer calls wanting to buy his house to tear it down at just the perfect time and miraculously there doesn't seem to be a problem with immediately demolishing the house .... MC knows a PI who who's thrilled to do favors for MC... A well connected bartender feels he owes MC a huge debt and orchestrates pain delivery to the cheating spouse... MC knows a notary who's willing to certify and testify in a less than honorable way...

5 stars twice because I had to log in. Thanks for sharing such a fun creation!!!

t8ntliklyt8ntliklyabout 2 months ago

Don't know how I missed this. Well Done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Ah, another damned Linda! Note to file: never ever date a woman named Linda! (JK, all you Lindas out there!)

Some suggestions for improvement: 1) When she wakes up in the hotel and has Dwayne's "part" stitched into her ass. 2) Nick switched out her bcp's with placebos, so she's knocked up. 3) She and Dwayne both have HIV. 4) I guess you can see where I'm going with this. )))

Yo folks! Its fiction and in this case can be read as comedy! Why is anyone butt bent? You support cheaters?

OK, deep calming breath. Hold it. OK, now exhale slowly....)))

In real life, however, if you rip someone's heart out and then stomp on it just for effect, you might just find their reaction a tad bit less than rational. In fact, I'm told in Italy years ago, it was a defense to murder to catch your spouse in bed with another.. So all would be cheaters, take note. Deep calming breath....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I love sluts getting burned but this is a bit over the top. Might have been just about right without the physical beating and tattooing. The bulldozed house would have been enough.

onbothsidesonbothsidesabout 2 months ago

Don't do the tattoo thing again, OK? After spending the tens of thousands for the removal, she may still have enough for the hitman.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

4* - lost a star for the tattoos. Especially on her face. Permanently disfiguring someone is too much. I know it's just a story, but that was over the top. I swear, I did like the rest though!

AmbulAmbulabout 2 months ago

Absolutely a top notch fabulous tale. I loved it. The full-body tattoo treatment was a stroke. Over-the-top for sure, but the plot was very well developed and the details made the whole thing very believable.

Moonbat74Moonbat74about 2 months ago

Fuck yes. BTB for the ages. 5 stars!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

So this is one of the best BTB stories on this site. Too bad it's not in LW where it belongs. I think it's been missed by many who would enjoy it and rate it 5 stars...and it'd be ranked even higher.

Now...I just took some time and scrolled back through some of the comments. I like to do that from time to time. I just know one of rhe regular stupid assholes is gonna comment.

And well...someoneother didn't disappoint. God what a fucking douchebag asshole he is. Literally. If you read this? Go fuck yourself. I don't mean figuratively. I mean go grab the big 10 inch dildo that you own (we all know you got one so don't try and deny it). And lube it up. And then go fuck yourself.

I also find some of comments from some of the "popular" authors to be...wierd.

Things like "yeah I guess it was pretty good. Except I could have done without the violence and tattoos...blah, blah, blah. But I guess it was ok."

Those kind of comments come across petty and with some envy behind them. Jealous much?

And yeah...Randi your name jumps out here.

Cagi posts a story about some stupid whore who thinks it's ok to fuck friends or force her weak ass husband into a poly relationship he doesn't want? And shit you can't jump up and down complimenting the brilliance enough. Such great writing and story content with all of cagi's stories, eh?

I see how it is.

medicationtime1medicationtime1about 2 months ago

Best story I ever read.

Serves the evil cheaters right

Absolute justice.

Hats off to the great author.

rbloch66rbloch663 months ago

This would make an awesome comedy movie. Maybe Zach Galifinakas as the MC, Maya Rudolph as the wife, and Adam Scott as the douchey boyfriend.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Ouch...... a veritable orgy of over-the-top vengeance. But saved by a tongue in cheek humor.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Man, I just thought the tattoos were just over the top cruel...

Then I thought better of it.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Her law school just might not be better than his after all. I can't imagine a good lawyer not reading documents before signing them -- although I suppose there was the excuse of a slightly "distracting" guest upstairs while signing.

This was quite possibly the best "burn" I have read here on this site -- if not, it was definitely in the top two.

And, it was all (well, almost all) conducted "legally", at least the parts the MC could be proven to "know" about.

I find myself wanting to believe that it could actually happen this way (outside of fiction, that is).

Excellent job! (5* ++)

Taco76310Taco763104 months ago

As a former Boy Scout, Jr. Scout Master, Order of the Arrow, and a cheated husband well done. The tattoos an exceptional touch.

ViolentKnightViolentKnight5 months ago

This needs to be made into a movie. The only question I have is who'd play the role of Linda?

5 stars.

silverthorne16silverthorne165 months ago

Revenge was a bit over the top, but still good. I'm surprised he didn't sue her law firm. Since she and her lover used their work emails to coordinate their affair, it should have been a slam dunk!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Funny as hell! If only real life had that kind of karma. )

Of course, reality would be just a but different.

Given that the videos could do little more than the tattoos had already done, and esp. with no job, Linda would still probably file suits claiming fraud in the inducement, etc. Of course, NO ONE would ever sign the papers she did, knowing the real facts and as spouses have a fiduciary relationship, MC hopefully has the $ stashed real well as he'll probably need a new career as well. But still, a very funny read.

desecrationdesecration5 months ago

That was creative and ambitious in how it attempted to tie together many threads and tropes of this subsubgenre. For me with the house destroyed, divorce not raping the man, and the man moving on to a better lady love, the revenge is complete. In a practical sense, revenge does not exist in life; you can only create a deterrent through retaliation: the Lex Talionis as always is the most accurate law.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Tagged the bitch good!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The tattoos were a bit over the top, but I liked it otherwise!

Kernow2023Kernow20236 months ago

loved the story

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Loved it!

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA6 months ago

My third read and it keeps getting better. Also it is a shame that these stories don't have the capability to publish pictures as the ones after would enhance the BTB aspects. I assume that no follow up conversation and state of being on the cheater is coming? Shame as she probably is a psyche mess.

Pinto931Pinto9317 months ago

Loved it. Especially not being able to comment if she knew what she was signing.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Classic BTB

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This is the 3rd or 4th time I read this and I enjoy it every time. Well written and Linda and her boyfriend got exactly what was due to the. I particularly liked how he got her to sign all the documentation, very well planned. 5 stars

Chimo1961Chimo19619 months ago

This is good. Well done, lots of new tricks

OOAAOOAA9 months ago

GREAT STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAHAHA what a outstanding boy scout!!!

PurplefizzPurplefizz9 months ago

What can I say? Lord Baden Powell was a military mind, anybody that knows the genesis of the “Scouting for Boys” organisation will understand that, it began as a quasi military organisation, my own Promise was to God, my country and the Queen, not too different from a member of the HM armed forces tbh. To be labelled a “Boy Scout” has become a slur, but it teaches you self reliance and to think - not follow. Too many people forget that.

Great story and a class 1 BTB example, 5⭐️ thanks for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz.

60022Mallard60022Mallard9 months ago

Enjoyable OTT fluff!

arnowolarnowol9 months ago

Wow..., I love this story! 😊😊😊

This is now the fifth story I have read by Griscom, and I think he has become my favorite author. And there are still so many of him that I haven't read yet and I'm looking forward to it.

Rocky62Rocky629 months ago

For a while where i was figuring she be nabbed in Europe and sold to whoring over there somewhere for a while, reemerging eventually so hubby could see her horror. Lover boy could disappear to a gay whorehouse forever and then to the fishes of the Mediterranean

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Just awesome!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Funny as hell, and a TRULY MONSTROUS BTB. SO GOOD!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Funny as hell.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Anonymous from a month ago: Henna would NOT have the same effect. The goal was make her suffer through very painful and expensive laser treatments to remove the tattoos. The public humiliation is just a nice bonus!


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

When are women going to learn that feeling safe is irrelevant. What matters is being safe. If you’re committing adultery, you might feel safe, but you’re actually not safe!


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I loved it. Shows that cheaters don't win. I really enjoyed the broken nose and double black eyes. The cherry on top. :-) It really pays to have friends in low places, that know other people. I gave iit 5 BIG stars.

rbloch66rbloch6610 months ago

That was hilarious!!! Nothing about this was realistic, and that just made the story so much better. It’s a lot of fun to wonder’what if,’ sometimes. 10/5

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I did like it. I thought the tattoo was too cruel though. Henna would have the same effect. Would keep the broken none though.

All in all excellent.

BlueHemiBlueHemi11 months ago

Great story. And I love that you put the motto of the SAS in there. Fantastic.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Elaborate and original BTB. Seems a bit fanciful, but hey it's fiction!

WisquejacWisquejac11 months ago

Hilarious. Thanks.

cybertron84cybertron8411 months ago

reread.. still a 5 star

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Excellent plotline plus superb writing. Eight stars.

RePhilRePhil11 months ago

Tattoos have been done and always seem to be over the top. Great writing nice balance between narration and dialogue, often hard to pull off

NickTeeNickTee11 months ago

I loved the tattoos on her face. Should have done her tits, ass and cunt as well. Pity we didn't get more details on her reaction and after-life..

mariverzmariverz11 months ago

aun sigo riendo cada vez que la leo

TonyspencerTonyspencer12 months ago

Beautiful work. Love your style!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

What a piece of work!! What a story!! Not sure if I agree with all the revenge on the wife, but so be it. Wonder what happened with him & Maggie. 5 stars for a well thought out story. Bob

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Too over the top for me…but nice story.

DevotedWifeDevotedWife12 months ago

Wow! Fucking brilliant!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

What a half hearted attempt at revenge.

Couldn't he have burnt her properly?


Well there is always someone who thinks it wasn't enough revenge!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


I have read very few stories on this site as well thought out as this one was.

Congratulations on such a fine piece of work.

Calico75Calico75about 1 year ago

I know it is brutal revenge but so gratifying! And no one died! Excellent! Keep 'em coming!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very good story and well written. One of the better BTB stories I have read. This is the first one I have read of this author. I will look at his other stories now too. 5 stars

jlg07jlg07about 1 year ago

2nd read and just as awesome!

UpperNorthLeftUpperNorthLeftabout 1 year ago

Wow! Even if an actual nuclear device were detonated, it would be hard to administer a burn more severe than this one. Medical grading of burns stops at 3rd degree — this would rate at least 4th or 5th degree. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Over the top. But it could happen. Besides, its just fiction.

KaeyoKaeyoabout 1 year ago

Cheated on checklist:

Get drunk - check

Have “friends” in low places - check

Burn wedding dress and pictures - check

Agree to physical damage and punishment - check

Sell beautiful home to sleazy developer - check

Downgrade to an apartment - check

Hook up with old girlfriend who is pining for him - check

Written nicely, but too far over the top. The only thing missing was him screaming to the sky “I will have revenge!!”

inka2222inka2222about 1 year ago

Amazing BTB (from this author, not a big surprise, but that does not make it any less wonderful). 9.5 stars out of 5, losing 0.25 stars of bonus because the boytoy's testicles weren't damaged to go with his damaged-more-than-before head; and 0.25 because IMHO Maggie should have gone after a guy who values her, not an ex who conveniently became available. Hey, gotta find at least something to criticize, eh?

As said, no, this isn't "over the top" or "too much" as some claim, because a narcissistic sociopath like her would have done that AND worse to him at a drop of a hat if she could, with zero hesitation, empathy or feeling - except HE did not do anything to deserve ANY of he damage and she did. Even "simply" being cheated on produces trauma symptoms similar to PTSD, according to mental health professionals. Never mind what she'd do to him in divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Oh me likely a lot

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Pretty well written. I believe Nick was a bit over the top. I like how he profited big time but I was a scout when younger and being that vindictive was too much.

Schlouis57Schlouis57about 1 year ago

J'ai adoré. Très bien écrit et documenté.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Over the top BTB fiction, fun read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Go for the extreme burn, tattoos! Pain getting them, shame having them, pain and expense removing them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Alittle to long with all the BS, But Finally a no BS Story and burn the bitch

Kayla0902Kayla0902over 1 year ago

I loved it! She deserved everything she got for betraying her vows, violating their marital bed, trust, etc.! Hard to feel sorry for someone who destroys the person they claim to love. She would have taken everything from him in the divorce if she had the chance. I just don't feel that it's right to reward her behavior by allowing the courts to do so. She could have divorced him if she wanted another but instead she decided that she could have her cake and eat it too!

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

2nd reading for me and this is so good. just would have gone for magic marker or regular ink verses tattoos.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


mariverzmariverzover 1 year ago

esta es la definición de BTB jajajaa

gracias por una divertida lectura

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

There are a number of comments that say hurting the slut is bad, but hurting the other man is ok. This attitude is absurd! Do women not have agency?!? Should they not be held accountable for their choices?!? The wife is the traitor-the other man is just the enabler. Whatever punishment the other man receives, the cheating wife should get four fold! Short of death or maiming, full body tattoos are actually a pretty good punishment. It will take a lot of time and money to remove them. Modern tattoo removal, via laser, is basically burning off layers of skin. She will have full body scars, and lose of sensation!


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is the way!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was a very amusing and great story.

servant111servant111over 1 year ago

Had this one in my favorites list for a year or so now....I just keep coming back to it because it is probably the tightest, fast paced, well written BTB I have read on this site. I find though that this one is best enjoyed when I am sitting in my favorite chair in my man cave before a roaring fire on a cold blowing winter night when the thunderstorm is booming outside,,,, After all "It was a dark and stormy night..." (Chuckle,,)

5 stars of course and a big thank you...!!

TLHianhinTLHianhinover 1 year ago

I didn’t expect the head to toe tattoo job. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story where the husband took no prisoners, so to speak. However, I thought that not only tattoes from head to toe, but physical confrontation with her by his friends was a bit on the much side. 5 stars Bob

BabalooieBabalooieover 1 year ago

Another fine five star job

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I loved it. Gave it 5 stars. Great BTB. It's good having friends in low places.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really good. A real BTB. They know they have been punished and the punishment will keep on giving. Awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Now that's revenge lol, don't know if I could ever do that, but I know I'd dream about it! The tattoos were a nice touch, haven't read that anywhere else lol

rn2711rn2711over 1 year ago

Too much for me

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I loved it!! I give it 5 stars, but wish I could give more. Nice BTB. :-)

AllNigherAllNigherover 1 year ago

Enjoyable fantasy. Would have looked more on the Paris trip and the freak out there as well as there post butn pain. But fun story

CindyTVCindyTVover 1 year ago

Fantastic BTB - I wish I could write my stories half as good as yours! 5*

EastCoaster1EastCoaster1over 1 year ago

This was a GREAT story, in the realm of " BTB" !

Having been a Boy Scout myself, the one phrase from Scouting that best describes what Nick most took to heart in his life was the motto "BE Prepared".

And he was.

5 stars.

Buster2UBuster2Uover 1 year ago

Whoa! The Very best BTB stories I have ever read! 10 stars to the Writer! Not only was his wife totally tattooed head to toe, and her wedding dress and wedding album burned in the fire pit, but her home was sold and totally destroyed by bulldozers so she came home to an empty lot! LOL total Burn! She went to Paris with another man that she was banging and screwed up what they were officially supposed to do. They both got fired and she lost everything. Too bad this stuff doesn't happen more often in real life! Great Story, Great Writing, Great Burn and sounds like all the bases were covered by the writer. Total Destruction! Wow, Fantastic writing. I loved the happy ending. Thank You for the Great Effort. Great Job. Thanks #Buster2U

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved this story. Wife thinks she can do as she pleases with no effects. He asked her not to go on that trip & she laughed in his face. The anom below who thought the BTB’s unwarranted- I suppose he’d wait 4 her with open arms while saying how not nice she was. Bullshit! He took his hurt, abandonment, & betrayal a step further. And she paid for her actions. 5 stars. Bob

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownover 1 year ago

I can just imagine the outrage from the anonymous (with their multiple profiles) simp beta bitches... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A fine story overall; I'm all for BTB when it's warranted as it clearly is in this case but I find myself disturbed by the author's attitude to violence against women. The house sale and demolition is a nice touch, though.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

reread for me and this belongs in the TOP ten list of BTB stories. I would have settled for India Ink Tattoos that would have in a couple of months worn off.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

And Hannible in the back saying I love it when a plan comes together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

As subtle and as effective as a blunderbuss at close range. Liked it a lot!.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A bit over the top! Loved it.

Karn9Karn9over 1 year ago

Love it great story! Allways be prepared! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Full Marks! 5-Stars! One of th best in this genre!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A classic burnt bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow what a psycho!

Maggie seems to be the typical moth who's attracted to the flame but thinks she won't get burned. Poor Maggie! You should've ran when you saw what he's capable of.

tanglosaxtanglosaxover 1 year ago

Second time I read this gem. Made me laugh out loud. Thanks, Griscom. Absolutely 5 stars. Tanglosax

SkubabillSkubabillover 1 year ago

I just re-read this. Still a fantastic story. The epitome of BTB.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fantastic just fantastic

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

One of the (IF NOT) the BEST BURN THE BITCH stories EVER! The degenerate, creampie eating CUCKS, "cheating WHORE wife Apologist", Limp Dick GIRLY MEN and their Three Hole Cum Dump Wives are screaming at their monitors and pounding on their keyboards while giving you a 1 Star! Unfortunately just like their pathetic marriages ..... it's not working (4.65 score as of 1/16/2023)! A win for the good guys!

Well Done Griscom!

shopratshopratover 1 year ago

We really need a new category for over-the-top-100%-down-to-the-ground comedic burns like this. You and Vandemonium1 should be among the founding members, of course. :-) This story was spectacular!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Harsh but well written. Hard to imagine the wife, a lawyer herself, was stupid enough to sign all those documents. But hey she trusted her husband and had her lover hiding upstairs. Massive burn. The house stuff seemed excessive.

juanviejojuanviejoalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

An insidious work of art.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Masterpiece from beginning to end.

No mercy for cheaters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Brutal. Not sure I understood his past relationship with Maggie? They were friends, then became lovers? But then split because he found Linda? And she demanded he not interact with Maggie?

Hiram325Hiram325almost 2 years ago

One of the best BTB stories on Lit.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 2 years ago

Great !!!! I would have gone for magic marker or just some ink that would wash off or wear off in a couple of weeks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

For those saying this story is fake, they would be WRONG, this really happened, well not the black eyes and nose, but the woman did have "I AM A CHEATER" tattooed across her forehead.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrsonalmost 2 years ago

One of my favorites! Such a wonderful BTB!

colescuttlecolescuttlealmost 2 years ago

A very-well-written Loving Wives comedy classic curiously posted in the Non-Erotic category. Can only imagine that many keyboards have been organically rendered inoperable in BTB households around the globe.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great story, not sure about any of the legal stuff

And where was the boyfriends car during the "honey I'm home segment"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

To the anonymous that had respect for Nick killed by the tattoos. Read the story, Nick had nothing to do with the tattoos. Just the broken nose and black eyes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I loved it. Not only was the BTB one of the best I've read, but having friends in low places does help when you need it. :-)

It was funny at times too. Loved how the story unfolded. I gave it 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I have an answer for this question. Anonymous3 months ago

A brisk read, with only one nitpick, but it is a pet peeve of mine. Why would Linda, who is supposed to be intelligent, have sex with Dwayne in her home and not his? Dwayne is single, so there is no reason not to, and Linda is taking a huge risk by having her lover come over where family, friends or a neighbor could drop by unexpectedly. I realize it's a convenient way for the writer to record things to get proof, but just once I'd like to an explanation for this idiotic choice used in story after story.

The answer is that the woman prefers to have sex in her own bed. All women do, that why this forum is full of cheating wives who have sex in their own beds (husbands bed for disrespect of the husband).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The tatoos killed my respect for Nick

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesalmost 2 years ago

Enjoyed the story. Shows what a "Boy Scout" can accomplish. Thanks for your writing.

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