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Breaking Barriers Ch. 08

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A transman and his boyfriend's first time.
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Part 8 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/27/2018
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"A person." Kip's flat statement rang in his mind as he considered the threatening man's sentence.

"What the fuck are you?" he had asked, just another variation of the same tune many people had asked him over the years as he was caught in androgyny. Although, from the look on the man's face, it wasn't a good enough answer.

"You don't belong in here," the man said. "I didn't even know dykes came here."

"I'm not female." Kip tried his best to keep his voice steady and even, glancing at the door.

The man tightened his grip on his arm. "Well, then you have something seriously wrong with your dick, then." He laughed at his own bad joke as he got closer. "Maybe I need another look."

"Please, just let me go. My boyfriend is right out there and he's waiting for me." Kip tried to wrestle out of his grip, and with a final twist he wrenched free, but the man was still standing in his way. His eyes darted around the close-quartered room. Should he try diving for it and fight if need be?

"Boyfriend, eh? Must be a special brand of guy to be into you. Is he gay? Does he know he's dating a little dyke?"

"Stop calling me that." Kip's voice took on a bite as his eyes narrowed in anger. He wasn't a girl, and he didn't like girls. Not in that way, at least. "I'm a gay male, and so is my boyfriend. Now please, get out of my way." The guy took a step forward and Kip's bravado started to melt. The panic rose in his chest and he didn't know what to do with it. He cursed himself for being so stupid, and he cursed guys like him.

The panic that fluttered within him died as the door to the bathroom opened and he saw Vale's face peering in. He saw the look of confusion and suspicion flash over his boyfriend's face as he took in the scene.

"Is everything okay here?" Vale walked in, but kept the door open with one hand. The guy between them studied Vale's sturdier frame and must have decided that it wasn't worth it, because he silently turned away and went to the urinal. With his heart racing, Kip darted around his hulking mass and grasped Vale's hand, leading them both out of there. A few urgent strides took them around the bar and further into a quiet corner of the lobby.

Vale squeezed his hand. "What happened? You're breathing really fast and you're freaking me out."

"Am I?" Kip checked his breathing, taking a few deep breaths before continuing. "Sorry. It's just that..."

"Did that guy do something? Did he hurt you?" Vale's brows came together in a mix of concern and mounting outrage. Kip moved to quickly soothe him, grasping him in a hug.

"No," he said. "He might have, if you hadn't shown up, but I like to think I can fight my own battles."

"But you don't have to now," Vale said, tightening his grip on the smaller man. "There's a difference when you can be in real danger. I guess I didn't really realize it until now - how vulnerable you are."

Kip stepped back to look at his face, but kept their arms entwined. "Hey, let's not get carried away." It was easier to say now that his heart rate was returning to normal, but there was still something nagging at him. What if this situation had been worse? What if he had gone non-verbal, and wasn't able to let Vale know something? It would have been so easy and quick to sign everything to him, unbeknownst to his potential assailant. Vale must have seen the concentrated look on his face.

"What is it?"

"I know I said you didn't have to, and that's still true, but how do you feel about learning sign language?" Kip asked.

"Well, I don't know. Languages aren't really my strong point, but I can try. Is that something you need?"

"I used to think not, but it could be helpful. Sometimes when I'm overwhelmed or stressed, I go non-verbal. It's just a defense mechanism that I can't really control. It also happens when I'm exhausted."

Vale nodded. "I recall. You function so well it's hard to remember sometimes how hard everything is for you, especially speaking and following conversations." He quirked a small smile. "I promise I'm trying to keep that in mind."

"You do better than a lot of others." Kip reached up and gave him a small kiss. Vale smiled mischievously.

"How many others?"

Kip scoffed and rolled his eyes, taking him by the arm and leading him out the door of the club. "Not in that way."

* * *

The door slammed shut with a quick kick as Vale and Kip dragged themselves into the apartment living room. The alcohol and adrenaline drain made Kip feel heavy and sleepy, and Vale struggled with the younger boy's near-dead weight as they both giggled. Perhaps it was the roller coaster of emotions, or perhaps just the exhaustion settling in the dark hours of the morning. Either way, both were feeling a little bit loopy as they made their way towards Kip's bed.

They collapsed together on top of the comforter and Kip made futile attempts to wiggle out of his clothes. Vale watched for a moment, barely suppressing a giggle at the frantic twisting and groaning. Kip looked over at him with an arm still caught halfway in the crook of the sleeve and his other hand tearing at jean buttons.

"Fine," Kip muttered as he went slack and turned his head away. "You do it."

"With pleasure." Vale helped him out of his sleeveless hoodie and the thin t-shirt underneath, and then shucked his jeans cleanly off. He carefully lifted out the STP device from Kip's underwear and wrapped it in a hand towel, tucking it into the cubby of the end table. His own clothes quickly followed suit down to his underwear, and then he helped his tired, drunken boyfriend under the covers.

"Thank you." Kip yawned and snuggled against him, feeling loose and deep within himself.

"Do you think you'll get sick?"

"No." It was Kip's turn to chuckle. "I'm not quite that far gone. Maybe with one more drink, I would have been."

"Alright, just checking on you." Vale planted a quick kiss against the dirty blond locks matted to his forehead. He wanted to ask if he was okay from the brute they had encountered earlier in the bathroom, but figured it must not have weighed so heavily on his mind because he heard the soft telltale snores. He gathered up the sleeping form of his boyfriend in his arms and nuzzled against the back of his neck. Amidst the very subtle scent of his lavender shampoo, Vale fell asleep as their breathing synced in the early morning hours.

It felt all too soon when he awoke to Kip tossing in his sleep, trying to hide from the morning light under the covers. Vale chuckled and immediately felt the usual morning discomfort. He playfully grasped a murmuring Kip and prodded him with it.

"Hey!" Kip swatted futilely at the larger man spooning him. "You're poking me."

"I know. It's a heat seeking missile, so..." He lined it up in the warm crease between Kip's legs and they both giggled. Vale mentally kicked himself for leaving his boyfriend's underwear in place from last night. "Are you awake yet?"

"I wouldn't say that. Do what you have to, but don't wake me." Kip clutched at the pillow and snuggled back against Vale, mercilessly teasing him with small grinding motions. Vale nibbled at his ear before whispering against it, still loud enough to make sure that Kip got the gist of it.

"Now, now. I thought you'd want to be awake for our official first time together." Vale punctuated his statement with a playful nip at the nape of his neck. Kip, suddenly alert, turned around and threw him a quizzical look, propping himself up while still in Vale's embrace.

"Do you mean that? Now?"

Vale bumped his thinly-clothed erection of steel against his boyfriend's soft tummy. "If you're willing. I think it's obvious that I am."

Kip's eyes darted back and forth, his gaze avoiding Vale's. "Maybe I should shower first. Or maybe..." His sentence was interrupted with a firm, yet gentle kiss from Vale.

"It's okay. It was just a suggestion. I'm perfectly happy holding you." Kip seemed to relax back into his grip as he rested his blond head against Vale's chest. "Are you okay? From last night?"

"Last night?" Kip's voice was slightly muffled. "Oh, that jerk from the bathroom. Yeah, I'm fine. It happens." Vale held him tighter.

"Just checking."

"I know. Thank you." Kip trailed a finger along Vale's collarbone. "I didn't mean to imply that I didn't want to, you know, but are you sure you want to?"

"Definitely." Vale laid a hand on Kip's waist, moving down slowly to cup his rear and then ground his hardness against him, pulling him in. Kip moaned softly and slowly ground his hips against Vale's stiff bulge. He bit his lower lip and closed his eyes, focusing on the sensations.

"Okay," Kip said, almost breathless as he regarded his boyfriend. "Do you want the front, or the back?" Vale's eyes widened at the question.

"Oh, um, is the front hole an option?"

Kip nodded. "I know for many transguys it wouldn't be, so you're right not to assume. I think I'll be okay with it. I've done it before. It's just another organ to use that feels good. Just another part of me, that I want to share with you."

Vale kissed him deeply, caressing the side of his face and down towards his neck. When he broke the kiss, he looked deep into his eyes. "I want to share myself with you, too, in a way I've never felt before. I'm honored at how willing you are to share yourself with me. I crave it, every minute we spend together - your touch, your scent, your taste. It's still the same manly musk I'm attracted to, and that hasn't changed. I don't think it ever will."

At the shimmering Vale caught in Kip's eye, they embraced in a fervent kiss and struggle to grasp more of each other, hands roving over hot flesh as they tossed on the bed. With Vale firmly taking his place on top, Kip looked up at his chiseled face beautifully framed by the midnight black locks of wavy hair. The flush of arousal was working its way up his chest, and Vale pressed a hand gently to his heart, tickling Kip's collarbone, a silent question on his lips. Kip nodded.

"Yes, that's yours." He clasped his own hand over Vale's, covering his heart, sure he could feel the fever pitch of the beating. "I love you, Vale." Another kiss clashed between them.

"And I love you, Kip." More than I could ever have imagined, Vale thought. He kissed his way down the smaller boy's torso, flicking a nipple on his way, his lips leading the way for his hands. At the crest of his tummy, he stopped to nuzzle and lick, and Kip squirmed underneath him. He teased the waistband of his underpants, nipping and biting with a mischievous smile.

Kip moaned and thrust his hips up. "Don't be such a tease."

"Patience," Vale warned, but he relented and started pulling the underwear down until it was clean off and tossed to the end of the bed. He couldn't help but smile as Kip leaned his head back on the pillow, arching himself against his hand as it gently explored the folds. First, Vale cupped his entire crotch and gently squeezed, and Kip groaned and tossed his head.

"Yes, please," Kip moaned, and Vale obliged.

"Can I touch more?" Vale asked, starting to prod his fingers inside the crest of the velvety lips.

"Yes, just be careful. It's very sensitive." Kip spread his legs a little bit, and Vale saw his testosterone-enhanced micropenis poking out. He licked and sucked on his finger before circling the head, and Kip hissed in ecstasy, trailing off into almost incoherent murmurs. "So good. So good."

"You're very hard already. I need to make sure you're ready for me. Can I lick you? Even more towards the hole than before?" He quieted his finger, waiting for the response. Kip exhaled and relaxed.

"Yes, please do."

Vale smiled and set to work, leading now with his tongue and mouth. First he took a taste for himself, sucking down his boyfriend's cock and swirling his tongue around the head, just like he'd done on any cis-male's penis. He lapped at it a few times, and then explored further down with this tongue, crouching down on the bed to get a better angle. Kip helped by lifting and spreading his legs enough to show his boyfriend more than he'd had before.

"It's so beautiful," Vale said as he came up for air, using his fingers to stroke his boyfriend while he caught his breath. "You have an amazing cock. You taste so good, I'm not sure I can stop."

"Well, you'll have to if you want your dick in there," Kip quipped, and they both chuckled. Vale went back down, prodding the lightly-furred slit with his tongue, testing it, getting it ready, meanwhile his fingers gently tweaked his boyfriend's cock. Pre-cum was slowly leaking and spreading across his face, but he welcomed it as Kip continuously moaned.

"Do you think you're ready now?" Vale asked as he positioned himself between Kip's legs. With unwieldy grace, Vale was able to sidle out of his own underwear and join his boyfriend in blissful nakedness. Kip leaned forward and playfully wiped away some of the pre-cum on his face with a corner of the blanket. He reached onto the end table and fumbled for a bit before grasping the foil packet and tossing it lightly to Vale.

"More than ready. I need you, Vale." The glint of the morning light reflected off the condom packet as Vale opened it and rolled it onto himself, making sure to leave enough room for its inevitable load at the tip. He lined it up with his boyfriend's front opening and teased him lightly with the tip, smiling as he did so. Kip spread his legs some more and leaned back. As Vale sank towards him, Kip lifted his legs to wrap around his waist. The bulbous, mushroom head of his steely erection pressed against his entrance.

"Not as much as I need you." Vale captured his lips in a kiss as he applied enough pressure to breach Kip's tight hole, the velvety warmth engulfing him. They moaned against each other as his length bottomed out and their hips met. "Oh my god, I never knew it could be this good." Vale moaned as he started to pump his hips.

"Oh, go slow. It's been a while, but it feels so good." Kip collapsed back against the pillow with a hiss at trying to take Vale for the first time.

"I'll try, but you're so tight. You're almost too good." Vale leaned forward on his arms, covering Kip's body with his own. "I love you so much. Now that I'm in you, I don't ever want to leave."

Kip tightened the hold with his arms and legs, holding Vale to him as his pace quickened. "I don't ever want you to leave, either. I'll feel too empty." As they moaned and rutted against each other, Kip couldn't remember when he'd ever felt so whole and complete. He'd bottomed before like this, but there had never been this much meaning behind it; this much love and desire.

As Kip grew accustomed to it, Vale was able to thrust with more passion, varying long, hard strokes with quick, shallow ones, each one needing more of Kip than the last. Kip's begging and whimpering reached a strained pitch, and Vale was uttering a string of impassioned pleas as well.

"Oh god, so warm and tight. I need you, Kip. I need this fucking pussy so bad." Vale groaned and shuddered against him, and at the realization of his words, Kip's thrusts to meet him ground to a halt as well. A series of pulses filled him as Vale's body jerked, and he held him close as he came down from his orgasm. His own climax had been cut short from the mention of the P-word, but he didn't mention it to Vale. Not yet.

His mind was still dizzy and he wasn't sure he had heard it. It had been sudden, and he hadn't expected it, especially from Vale. They hadn't really talked about words he was comfortable with, and Vale usually followed his lead. Kip thought that maybe he hadn't realized what he'd said in the heat of the moment. After all, Kip was guilty of it too sometimes, and it didn't always affect him like this. He wasn't sure why it had this time.

Eventually, Vale had no choice but to withdraw and he caught the condom as it slid off. His eyes clouded and in a contented daze, he tied it and checked it for any breaks, then tossed it into the trash can near the bed. They re-positioned to snuggle each other, with Kip wrapping an arm around Vale and bringing him to rest against his chest. As Vale's snores drifted into being, and Kip's heartbeat returned to normal, he clutched his boyfriend and wondered what exactly had halted his good time, and what he should do about it.

However, when he looked down at the serene outline of Vale's face resting against him and remembered their exchanged words of love, he knew they would have time to talk about it later. He planted a gentle kiss against the dark hair and brushed it away from his ear, and then relaxed into their shared morning of peace.


Author's Note: Thank you everyone for the kind words and encouragement, off-site and in the comments. :) I didn't intend to make you wait this long on a cliffhanger, but the holidays were brutal. No worries, as I fully intend to finish this novel, and its sequels. ;) Hope you all enjoy.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Best trans erotica I've read

I also lost my orgasm when kip did, but it was a really well written and realistic erotica, and it made me smile. Thanks for the badass story

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
one of the only good trans eroticas I've read

I'm not going to lie, I lost my orgasm when Kip did 😂 But I love your story!!!!!! I wish it were a book so I could just buy it and finish it right away, haha. Thank you so much for writing and making me feel valid as heck

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