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Breaking the Succubus's Curse

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She's cursed with constant arousal and inability to orgasm.
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This story was written for the following prompt: The succubus was able to secretly cast one last curse before being sealed away again by the party. It may look like an immodest tattoo on her pelvis, but it's actually a magic sigil that keeps her in a desperately aroused state while making her unable to cum. She's too embarrassed to get help.

Contains: orgasm control/denial, some dominant/submissive.

Olivia was going insane.

It sounded melodramatic, but it was true. The bard had spent hours and hours at that aching, hellish plateau before orgasm, frantically fucking herself with her fingers and rubbing her clit until it was raw but never arriving the climax that felt inches way. She ended up like a string wound too tight, twanging at the slightest touch and ready to break at any moment. Any time her concentration wavered and she slipped into the steamy fantasies constantly filling her imagination, she found her fingers going down to play with herself no matter where she was. She'd already had a few close calls while playing her lute in the inn, and the innkeeper's sternly beautiful wife had almost broken her when she was collecting her pay and the woman had called her a 'good girl'. It was meant to be a compliment about her diligence, but Olivia's lust-addled brain could only take it one way - the way that had her weak in the knees and dripping like a faucet.

She needed to fix this, but it was unthinkable to let anyone know. Her god-fearing companions already chastised her about her 'promiscuous nature', and they would laugh themselves sick if they knew about the succubus's curse. They would say it was a fitting punishment for her 'wanton behavior', conveniently ignoring the fact that it was that wanton behavior which had let them distract the succubus for long enough to seal it away.

She couldn't tell them - or even anyone who knew her - but she couldn't go on like this. A bit of casual questioning gave her the location of an artificer within the city, so she grabbed her gold and set out. It could end up being very pricey - especially if she wanted them to stay quiet - but artificers specialized in understanding the fundamentals of magic, which made them excellent curse-breakers. She hurried through the streets with her hood up and her head down, trying to focus on the directions she'd been given instead of the constant throbbing ache between her legs.

The little shop was tucked in an alley near the hue and cry of the marketplace. A bell jangled as she pushed into a cramped, dimly-lit room full of shelves and not enough windows. Bits and pieces of just about anything she could think of were piled around the place with no discernible organization, and the only thing that said 'artificer' instead of 'hoarder' was the tall, dark-skinned woman wearing smoked glasses and a heavy apron as she bent over a table, using a wand with a glowing tip to weld bits of copper onto an amulet. The artificer held up a hand without looking towards the doorway, murmuring, "This is delicate. Please avert your eyes and wait a moment."

Olivia obeyed, doing her best to compose herself. She couldn't do anything about the fact that her face was flushed and her underwear was already soaked, but she caught her breath and tried to bring a friendly smile to her face when the artificer finally called her over.

"What can I help you with, Miss...?"

"Olivia," she said brightly.

"I'm Aldrea," the artificer said, bowing her head and pulling off her glasses to reveal shockingly pale blue eyes. "So, Miss Olivia, what do you need from me?"

"I, um, have a, um, curse, of sorts."

"Hmm." Aldrea looked her up and down, and it seemed like her gaze went right through Olivia's clothes to the pink tattoo on her pelvis. Olivia turned an even brighter shade of red as the artificer stared at her crotch, rubbing her chin.

"Yes, I can sense it," Aldrea said finally. "Some sort of sex magic, isn't it?" She glanced up to meet Olivia's eyes and looked a little taken back by the bard's embarrassment. "Oh. Er. Sorry. I'm guessing you want me to break it?"

"Yes please," Olivia blurted, trembling with a mix of mortification and lust. "And, um, please, please don't tell anyone about it. Or that I came to you."

"Of course. I always keep clients confidential." Aldrea chewed her lip for a moment. "I'll need to examine it - and you. Come with me."

Olivia followed her through the maze of crowded shelves to a back room that was lit by a glowing glass orb hanging from the ceiling. There was a large, sturdy-looking table, in contrast with the rest of the shop in that it was completely clean, as well as a wood stove, armchair, and closed door to another room. Aldrea hung up her apron on a hook, revealing a plain long-sleeved shirt and cloth trousers as she turned around.

"Take off your clothes and lay on the table. I need to get a few tools."

Olivia's cheeks burned as the artificer stepped out. The idea of getting naked wasn't that embarrassing; it was more the fact that shameful excitement was flooding her body at the thought of Aldrea examining her. When she was this horny, even the table looked attractive, but something about the artificer's unique eyes and lean body pushed all of her buttons. Maybe this examination would be a little less than professional... and maybe Aldrea could help her out once the curse was broken...

She realized her hand was drifting towards her crotch and snapped out of the daze. Stripping quickly out of her clothes, she tried to wipe off the worst of the wetness soaking her thighs and lay on the table, gripping the edges to keep from touching herself. Aldrea came back in after a minute, carrying a pair of heavy leather gloves with odd metallic stitching and wearing strange orange goggles on her forehead. She pulled on the gloves and came to stand next to the table, asking, "Do you know what the curse does?

"It, um, makes me... really turned on... but I can't, um... orgasm..." Olivia mumbled, incredibly aware of the fact that she was drooling arousal onto the table in front of Aldrea.

"Mm. Do you know who or what cast it on you?"

"A- A succubus."

Aldrea's eyebrows went up. "Huh. That helps. Let me take a closer look and see if I can't figure out exactly how it works."


The artificer leaned in, clinical curiosity the only thing evident in her expression as she looked over the bard's naked body. Olivia shivered uncontrollably under the dispassionate stare, somehow even more turned on by it. Aldrea pulled the goggles down and leaned in to examine the vaguely heart-shaped tattoo, exhaling warm breath over Olivia's soaked folds.

"Hmm..." Aldrea hummed, gently rubbing the skin under the pink sigil. The artificer reached up to adjust the bard's heavy breasts and gave her nipples a pinch, making Olivia gasp and go rigid. "Mm. Roll over, please."

Olivia did so quickly, and her breath caught in her throat when she felt Aldrea's hands part her curvy butt. She almost yelped when a finger traced between her cheeks and over her asshole, but she held back the noise and desperately hoped the artificer knew what she was doing.

"Alright, I'm done."

Olivia rolled over and sat up to see Aldrea taking off the gloves and goggles. "S-So?"

"Pretty shoddy work," Aldrea said dismissively. "The succubus must have been in a rush or something. It can be broken, no problem."

"Oh thank the gods," Olivia breathed, relief washing over her. She didn't know what she would have done if the curse was unbreakable. "Then, um, please, go ahead..."

"I'm... guessing you're not familiar with curses," Aldrea said, giving her an odd look.

Olivia shook her head slowly, suddenly filled with worry.

"Then I should explain. When someone casts a curse, they have to include a release condition. Demons are sadists, so when they can, they like to make the release condition the very thing the curse prevents. In your case, the curse will be broken once you orgasm."

"But..." Olivia whispered, her chest tight. "You said it would be no problem..."

"It won't be," Aldrea reassured. "I just... need you to understand. That seal?" She pointed at the tattoo on Olivia's pelvis. "That only affects your vagina and clitoris. You won't be able to orgasm from anything stimulating you there, but the rest of your body is unchanged."

A glimmer of understanding made Olivia's heart skip a beat. "You mean... I have to..."

"Climax by other means, yes. If the succubus had sealed the rest of your erogenous zones, it would be nearly impossible, but this shouldn't be too hard. Have you ever had an orgasm from playing with your breasts or ass?"

The way Aldrea said it so professionally left Olivia speechless for a few moments. Finally, she just shook her head, and the artificer frowned.

"That's unfortunate. Do you have a significant other... or someone who'd be willing to help you with this?"

Olivia shook her head again. Even if there was someone, she couldn't let anyone see her like this.

"Hmm. It'd be easiest with a partner..." Aldrea looked over the flushed, squirming bard, and a gleam entered her eyes. "If there's no one else, and you have no problem with it, I'd be willing to help you. For a minor extra fee."

Olivia made a small, choked noise. Sudden fantasies of staring into those pale blue eyes while Aldrea suckled at her breasts filled her mind. Her pussy clenched around nothing, letting another drop of arousal join the small puddle on the table, and she finally whispered, "Y-Yes. Please."

The corner of the artificer's lips quirked up for a moment. "Alright. I'll need some... different tools. Wait here."

Olivia shivered as she lay back on the table, staring up at the ceiling. She found her hand slipped between her legs almost the second Aldrea left the room, but she didn't bother to stop herself and gasped in pleasure as her fingers rubbed over her swollen, throbbing clit. More thoughts of the artificer spun through her head as her imagination went wild, and the knowledge that she'd finally be able to come soon made the horrible frustrated ache inside her bearable. The pressure in her belly built for the umpteenth time under the practiced motions of her hand, and she bit back moans, her breathing starting to become fast and shallow. Her eyes fluttered shut, then shot open to find Aldrea next to her as strong fingers closed around her wrist and pulled her hand away, leaving her to press her thighs together and let out a small whine.

"Touching yourself there is worse than useless. You won't be able to come at all when you're doing that, so hands off."

The cool stare and stern tone almost made Olivia cream herself right there. She nearly replied with a Yes, Mistress but went for a meek nod instead, curling her hands into fists by her sides. Aldrea stepped back, and Olivia's eyes suddenly focused on the dildo harnessed to her hips.


"Let's go somewhere more comfortable," Aldrea said, heading towards the other door. It turned out to open into a small, cozy bedroom, illuminated by another hanging orb that glowed a warm orange. Olivia scooted off the table to follow her in, trembling with excitement as her eyes kept drifting to the strap-on.

"Have you done anal before?" Aldrea asked bluntly, using the bottle she was carrying to lube up what looked like a slim magic wand.

"Um- Um- o-once or twice..."

"Alright. I'll be gentle." Aldrea sat on the edge of the bed. "Lay down. Hold your legs to your chest."

Olivia obeyed without thinking and felt the artificer's cool hands on her ass, spreading her cheeks. The wand poked at her rear entrance and she clenched involuntarily, but the rod was thinner than a finger and very slippery, allowing it to push inside without any trouble. "What- What are you doing?"

"It's a cleaning wand. Should work for this, too."

Olivia opened her mouth to question 'should' and instead squeaked as Aldrea spoke the command word, activating the wand's magic and causing a very strange feeling inside her. The artificer pulled it out and set it aside, then shifted to kneel between Olivia's legs as the bard stared at her, breathing fast. Aldrea covered her fingers in more of the slick liquid and gently pushed one past the tight ring of muscle, making Olivia's breath hitch. The feeling of intrusive pressure was strange and a little uncomfortable, but all she could think about was the massive orgasm she'd have if she could endure this. Her juices dripped down to cover Aldrea's digit as it slipped deeper, pushing up to the knuckle inside her. More lube and a second finger followed, carefully stretching her open and thrusting to make her ready for the strap-on. She began to feel an odd tingly sensation where Aldrea's fingers penetrated her, and she lifted her head, trying to find the right words.

"I feel- um... why..."

Aldrea's pale eyes glanced up to meet hers. "This lubricant has a sensitizing effect. It might feel a little strange, but it'll make breaking the curse easier." She pulled her fingers out and wiped them on the colorful quilted bedcover, then slathered the strap-on with even more slick liquid and lined it up Olivia's ass, pressing forward slightly.

"Ready?" Aldrea murmured. Olivia nodded frantically, squeezing her eyes shut. She took gulping, erratic breaths, clutching her knees as the tip of the shaft slipped inside her. The dildo was only average-sized, but it felt much, much bigger when every muscle in her ass was squeezing down around it. Slowly, Aldrea pushed deeper, and deeper, and deeper, until finally Olivia felt their hips press together and she breathed out a sigh of relief. She felt very full, and was glad that she was given a chance to adjust.

"Play with your breasts," Aldrea ordered after a few moments. Olivia was only too glad to start squeezing and kneading the soft flesh, her ever-present arousal gradually overcoming the discomfort as her body adjusted. "Hmm. They're pretty big. Suck on your nipples if you can."

Olivia lifted her head and brought a heavy tit to her mouth, suckling at the hard nub that crowned it and using her tongue in the way she loved her partners to. It wasn't something she particularly liked doing to herself, but having a strong, dominant woman demand it of her while a strap-on rested in her ass was both incredibly dirty and incredibly hot. She barely even registered Aldrea pulling some pillows down to support her head, too focused on the pleasure shooting through her nerves.

Aldrea started to gently rock into her, and Olivia clenched around the shaft, a muffled gasp escaping her. Her body simultaneously tried to hold the strap-on in and keep it out while the lube made the whole effort pointless, allowing the dildo to work into a slow, deep rhythm that had Olivia struggling to focus on her breasts. She'd never found anal to be particularly pleasurable in her few experiments with it, but when she was this hot and needy, any penetration was wonderfully satisfying. The lube had made her much more sensitive, too, able to feel the strap-on glide in and out, sending thrills through her nerves with each thrust.

Despite how good it felt, she came to realize it wasn't enough. Her desperation increased as the time dragged on, frustrating pleasure teasing her while her orgasm remained miles away. Her fingers slipped between her legs without conscious direction, managing a few blissful seconds of rubbing over her clit before Aldrea yanked her hand away and pinned it above her head.

"No touching," Aldrea growled, leaning over Olivia and staring into her eyes. "Can't you listen?"

"It's not enough," Olivia whimpered, feeling the strap-on sink all the way into her on a particularly deep thrust. "I- I can't come like this, please... I need to touch my clit..."

"That won't help you-" Aldrea grabbed Olivia's other hand as it snuck downwards and pinned that one down too. "What did I just say?"

"I'm sorry... Mistress-" The extra word slipped out before she realized what she was saying, and the artificer split into a grin.

"So it's like that... Then listen to me. You're going to come like this, or not at all. So stop disobeying-" she leaned in, putting her lips against Olivia's ear "-and be a good girl for Mistress."

Olivia quivered underneath her, ceasing to struggle against her grip, and Aldrea let out a husky laugh.

"That got your attention. Now let me show you one of the benefits of being an artificer."

Aldrea let go of Olivia's wrist and reached down to where their bodies joined, speaking a command word. The shaft buried up to the hilt in Olivia buzzed to life, making her gasp and go tense.

"Good, isn't it?" Aldrea said with a hint of smugness. She didn't give Olivia a chance to respond before starting to rock her hips once more, fucking her with the vibrating dildo. The sensation was incredibly strange, like nothing she'd ever felt before, and she moaned when Aldrea leaned down to wrap her lips around a hard nipple. The artificer guided the other breast to Olivia's mouth, and they sucked together, sending hot sparks of pleasure to join the building inferno in her belly. Aldrea found a fast pace with the strap-on that had Olivia crying out around her breast and clutching at the artificer's back, desperate to ground herself against the sensations. The bed rocked underneath them, thump-thump-thumping against the wall with the force of their passion.

To her shock, Olivia realized her orgasm was starting to build. The hot suction on her nipples and the buzzing strap-on in her ass was somehow pushing the aching pressure in her belly to the breaking point. Her clit throbbed untouched as her swollen folds leaked juices onto the shaft pumping into her, begging to be rubbed, licked, fucked, anything, but she was inching towards her peak without it.

"It's working," she moaned, letting her nipple fall from her mouth. "Oh- Oh fuck, please harder-"

"Good. Keep sucking," Aldrea growled, pushing Olivia's breast back to her lips before indulging the request. Their bodies slapped together with each joining, skin growing sticky with the effort.

Olivia felt like every inch of her was flushed and hot, every muscle tense and readied for her long-denied orgasm as the tension slowly, slowly, painfully slowly built inside her. She felt like the pressure was going to make her explode, but it reached that final plateau just as Aldrea started to slow. Olivia shook her head frantically, begging, "Nononono- please- so close- so- close-"

Aldrea managed a few more hard thrusts, and her pleading turned into a wordless scream as she came. The biggest orgasm of her life crashed over her, setting every nerve on fire and tearing conscious thought from her head. Her body twitched and jerked mindlessly as she soared on unthinkable pleasure, higher than she'd ever gone before. Moan after moan spilled from her lips and stole the air from her lungs. Nothing mattered except the explosion of bliss, until eventually, regretfully, she returned to herself, lying boneless on the bed as Aldrea panted next to her.

She stared at the ceiling for a while with her mind blank, then found the strength to roll over and cuddle against Aldrea's chest. The artificer didn't protest, and after a moment her arm draped over Olivia's side. They lay snuggled against each other's hot bodies, recovering from their ordeal.

Neither of them seemed to want to break the silence, but after a few minutes Olivia mumbled, "Thank you..."

"Just doing..." Aldrea began, then let out a soft laugh. "Who am I kidding? That was not professional in the slightest."

"You broke the curse, though... right?"

Aldrea pushed her back and looked between them. "Yeah. The seal is gone."

Olivia peeked down, and sure enough, the pink tattoo had disappeared. "Thank the gods..."


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