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Bred by the Hive Ch. 08


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They were kept in the cave for three days and three nights, having sex over and over, until they were sure that both Caroline and Marie were pregnant. They were given little rest, and only a foul green liquid for nutrition, which Caroline spat out the first day, but drank hungrily the second when she no longer had a choice.

And then they were allowed to go home. It all seemed like it could have been a bad dream, except for the fullness in their bellies, and the fact that Mark was now gone. Mark was now a harem guard, like Ella, and he worked in the cave.

"Mother, what are we going to do?" Marie sobbed one day, hugging her when Jeff wasn't around.

"I don't know," said Caroline.

Marie felt the growing bulge in her belly. "What are these... things we are going to give birth to?"

"I don't know," said Caroline again. But she did know. It would be more duplicates. But duplicates of whom? That was the question. She had done everything the Hive had asked, everything! There was no way they could replace her... could they?

As their bellies grew, so did Jeff's smile. He patted their bellies and inspected their bodies every morning. "You are making good progress," he said, fondling Marie's belly.

"Progress with what? Jeff, what are we incubating?" Caroline asked.

"Hivelife," said Jeff.

"What kind of Hivelife?" Caroline asked.

"You know all you need to know," Jeff said, with a mysterious grin.

Marie, with only a single banded rider, was much worse off than Caroline. As her belly got larger, becoming so bloated that it looked like it was about to burst, she got more panicky. "Mother, what's growing inside us?"

"Hivelife," said Caroline.

"Mother, I'm scared!" Marie cried.

Caroline gave her daughter a hug as best she could, as best two heavily pregnant women could.

"It feels so heavy inside me," said Marie. "What is it?"

Caroline simply shook her head.


A week later, they gave birth together, in the basement, squatting side by side, each one of them squeezing out a slimy green pod mixed in with a greenish liquid.

"It hurts! Mother, it hurts!" Marie cried, as she felt a large something lodged in her vagina, trying to push its way out.

"I know!" Caroline cried. She felt this intense heaviness in her belly, heaviness trying to work its way out of her. It stretched her terribly. She cried out as she felt her own pod sliding from her uterus into her vagina. To her side she felt Marie cry again.

"Keep pushing," said Jeff sternly. There was not an ounce of sympathy in his voice.


"What is your purpose?" said Jeff.

"To incubate eggs and expand the Hive," Caroline said automatically.

"Then what must you do?" Jeff asked.

"Push!" said Caroline. She gritted her teeth and bore down.

Little by little, it started to come out of her. It was so large that she felt like her vagina was splitting apart. A green pod started to appear at the entrance to her dark furry pubic lips. Jeff reached into her vagina and started to pull on it. Caroline howled with pain.

"Push, Caroline, push!" said Jeff.

Caroline pushed.

She could feel it moving. And then Jeff gave a tug which made her scream, and Caroline felt it dislodged.

"Is... is it?" She looked up.

Jeff had a large green pod in his hand.


Marie gave birth several minutes later. Both were exhausted by the effort. Marie was full of questions, but Caroline didn't have the strength to give any answers. They showered, and both immediately went to bed, totally exhausted.


The pods started to grow, and soon they could see human shapes inside of them. Marie went down to the basement every day to look anxiously at them. Three days later, Marie said, "And so we just wait? Wait for more of those creatures to be born? Do you even know who they are going to look like?"

"I don't," said Caroline. But she had a sneaking suspicion that she did.

By the fourth day they could see that they were both going to be females, which only solidified Caroline's worst fears. But what could they do? Try to run away? Their riders would stop them before they had gotten three steps.

Their only chance was if those creatures were other women. Maybe she and Marie were being used to duplicate other people.

But Caroline's dread only increased as the days passed. On the seventh day, she and Marie were sitting in the basement, waiting for hours. Waiting for it to happen. They held hands, but didn't say a word.

Finally, they heard a cracking sound, from Caroline's cocoon, as the outer layer of the pod started to rupture. A green liquid started to emerge. Then the same cracking sound could be heard from Marie's pod.

In a moment, the new life forms emerged.

It was as Caroline feared. She and Marie were staring at a new Caroline and Marie. They had been impregnated with their own replacements.

They were both completely beautiful, in every detail, with long, silky hair, firm breasts, and luxurious pubic hair. They looked more muscular and more athletic than their original counterparts. Caroline couldn't help but feel a stirring in her groin as she saw her counterpart's red vaginal lips.

But Marie had a different reaction entirely. She cried out and tried to run, but only got three steps before she was incapacitated by the pain. Caroline didn't bother to run. All the fight had been drained out of her.

Caroline, the new Caroline, came up to her. "You're more beautiful than I imagined," she said, giving her a kiss. Caroline responded woodenly.

The new Marie sauntered up to real Marie and touched her trembling cheek. "You're a real cutie too. I'm going to really enjoy you."

Caroline glanced desperately from the real Marie to the new one. "Why are you doing this to us? We did everything you asked."

"Yes you did," said the other Caroline, giving a satisfied smile. "And this is your reward. You are one of our most valuable, fertile servants. We couldn't afford to let that go to waste. You should feel flattered."

"I'm not," said Caroline.

The other Caroline smiled and shrugged. "At least your last few hours will be pleasurable. I guarantee you that. Come."

The new Caroline and the new Marie started walking to the master bedroom. Caroline and Marie felt compelled to follow.

"Mother, what are they going to do to us?" Marie asked.

The other Marie turned around, "We are going to give you sexual pleasure, dear. Sexual pleasure like you've never experienced before."

When they reached the master bedroom the new Caroline put her hands on her naked hips. "Take off your clothes, dears," said the new Caroline.

Caroline and Marie hurried to comply, rapidly undressing each other. Despite their fears, despite their anxieties, despite the certain knowledge of what was about to happen to them, they both felt tremendously sexually aroused.

Caroline pulled off Marie's shirt and was working on her bra while Marie was doing the same for her. The girls hugged each other as they hurriedly removed each other's bra.

"Mother, I'm scared," said Marie, as her small titties were suddenly free and exposed, right next to her mother's much larger ones. "But I'm also excited."

"I am too!" said Caroline. She knew what was going to happen. She knew it would be the end of both of them. And yet she couldn't stop herself. With trembling hands she rapidly pulled down Marie's skirt, and then her panties. She felt a wave of satisfaction as Marie removed her own clothes, helping to lift her legs to remove her pants.

As Marie's pubic bush sprang free, she whispered, "Mom, is it going to hurt?"

"It might," said Caroline, as her own pubis and ass were exposed by her loving daughter's hands. "And yet... I'm so aroused." She rubbed her labial lips shamelessly.

"I am too," said Marie, pausing a second before doing the same.

Caroline felt a urgent tingling in her clitoris as Marie actually rubbed herself between the legs as she whimpered with anticipation, mixed in with fear and horror.

"Don't worry girls, we're going to help you both out," said the new Caroline, her breasts heaving. "Lie back on the bed, girls, and spread your legs."

Marie glanced at her mother, who quickly lay back on the bed and lifted her knees. Marie quickly followed suit and whimpered again. Caroline reached out to hold her hand.

"So beautiful... so submissive... so sexy," said the new Marie. "I'm simply going to love having you."

"Why are you doing this?" Caroline cried.

"You see, we need your memories," said the new Caroline, smiling at them as she experimentally rubbed her own breasts while staring at Caroline's. "We are telepathic, to a limited degree, but we must be touching to receive it."

"After which you have no further use for us," said Caroline.

"Correct. One Caroline is wonderful. Two are extraneous," said the other Caroline. She smiled, as she fondled her labia. "I'm sure you'll agree."

Caroline didn't respond.

The new Caroline slowly got on top of Caroline. Caroline felt a sizzling tingle wherever their bodies touched. She looked over and saw the new Marie mounting Marie. Marie whimpered, "Mother!" as the other Marie pressed erotically against her, breasts against breasts, pubis against pubis.

"It's all right, baby," Caroline cried, squeezing her hand tighter.

"Yes," said the new Marie. "Everything's going to be all right... baby." She smiled mockingly.

Caroline and Marie's riders filled them with sexual attraction as their duplicates rubbed their bodies against them. Caroline felt her other self kissing her, pulling her jaw open with her hand, and inserting her tongue into her mouth. Despite her situation, Caroline moaned. She felt her other self rub her breasts against hers. Her nipples grew hard. Her other self snaked a hand between her legs, and started rubbing her clitoris.

But even as Caroline was sexually aroused, she felt something else. Tendrils, in her mind. Absorbing, sucking, taking. She looked up, and saw the other Caroline's dark eyes, inches from hers, staring intently as she began to drain from her. She felt trapped. Used. And slowly, she was being drained.

But it felt so good. Her clitoris and nipples felt like they were on fire. Both of her arms were now wrapped around the other Caroline's back, eager to take everything she was giving.

Caroline looked to her left and saw Marie deeply engaged in intercourse with her other self. Marie's duplicate was also draining her mind, even as she roughly ground her inner thigh against Marie's clitoris, eliciting a wild groan of sexual need. But Marie's body was stiff as a board and her face was blank, as her mind was drained even as her breasts and vagina were stimulated.

"Your memories are so rich and vivid. Do you like being drained of your memories?" the new Marie asked, as she rubbed her body passionately against Marie.

"Yes... yes... it feels so good," Marie whispered.

"What about you, Caroline? Would you like me to stop?" the new Caroline asked.

Caroline felt trapped with intense sexual need. She needed to release the enormous tension within her. "No... don't stop... please, keep going," she gasped.

The new Caroline gave a cruel laugh, and grinded her pubis against Caroline's all the harder.

Time seemed to proceed in a blur, and when Caroline realized what was happening again, she was lying on the bed with Marie at her side. Caroline felt exhausted, and all sweaty. She looked up, and saw their counterparts were standing up, drinking glasses of water.

"Brain sucking is such thirsty work," said the other Caroline. The other Marie grinned at her. "How much more do you have left to do?" The other Caroline asked the other Marie.

"Not much more. Just a few minutes. We're at the high school years now," said the other Marie. "You?"

"I have a bit more to go," said the other Caroline. "Mommy has a few more memories than baby girl does," she grinned.

At that moment Jeff came into the room, totally naked like everyone else.

"Jeff!" Caroline cried.

Jeff ignored her, going to the new Caroline, giving her a kiss. Caroline felt a wave of jealousy as she saw Jeff pressing his penis against the other Caroline's vagina as he kissed her. "Umm, that felt good," said Jeff. Then he went to the new Marie, and kissed her too, and he actually rubbed his penis against her vagina for a long moment. "Do you like that, dear?"

"Yum," the new Marie said.

Jeff smiled and put his arms around both women.

"You see, we are one, big happy family now," said Jeff. "And we couldn't have done it without you."

Caroline, on the bed, was almost speechless. "But you're going to kill us."

Jeff said, "Part of your DNA will live on, through us. Think of us as your children. Thank you, Mom."

"Thank you, Mom," said the new Caroline.

"Thank you, Marie," said the new Marie, smiling at Marie.

"And now we'd better finished what we started," said the new Caroline.

"I'll leave you to it, then," said Jeff, heading for the door.

The new Caroline smiled as she mounted Caroline once more, and the new Marie did the same with Marie. Caroline had very mixed feelings as she felt the new Caroline's pubic hair rub against her soft nether lips.

As she ground her pubis against Caroline, the new Caroline said, "You still like that, don't you?"

And despite everything that was being done to her, despite knowing her own end was near, Caroline couldn't deny the intense pleasure in her clitoris, or the joy that was released by the tendrils in her brain. "Yes...."

The new Caroline smiled. "You wouldn't want me to stop, would you?"

"Not for anything," Caroline said, despite the fear in her head, even as she groaned with intense sexual pleasure. "Aaaaah!"

"That's right. Just lie back and enjoy it. Your animal instincts serve the Hive well, even to the very end." And then the new Caroline pressed her breasts against Caroline's, and put her lips against hers, and Caroline felt simultaneous arousal and an intense invasion of her mind.

She heard Marie cry, "Mother!" and saw out of the corner of her eye the other Marie humping Marie vigorously, just inches away.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" The new Marie asked, rubbing Marie's clit furiously.

"Yes," Marie cried.

"It hurts, but it also feels good, doesn't it?" The new Marie demanded.

Marie was in sexual ecstasy. "Yes," she whispered.

"Ask me to continue. Beg me to continue," the new Marie demanded.

Marie's clitoris felt like it was on fire. Her need was desperate. "Please, whatever you do, don't stop!" she cried, even as her brain was drained.

Caroline lay side by side with her daughter as they both were intensely stimulated and drained. She felt breasts being rubbed by breasts, her clitoris being rubbed by another set of nether lips, and her mind was once again probed, as the duplicate took what she wanted from her mind and Caroline gave whatever she needed.

Time fell into a blur, for a short time, it seemed, until Caroline heard a cry, and she managed to turn her eyes to see Marie's body, as it started to shrink, and turn into powder. She wanted to cry out, but couldn't say a thing. She had wanted to give Marie to the Hive, but not like this!

But she had no time to mourn for her lost daughter. The other Caroline's eyes were on her, demanding her undivided attention, and Caroline was forced to look into them, even as her body was still being stimulated, and then her mind fell back into a slumber.

And then, Caroline suddenly became aware again, and the other Caroline gave her a gentle kiss, and said, "It's done. Thank you. Thank you so much. You were such an obedient servant." And then Caroline hugged her tightly, she felt a searing pain all throughout her body, and nothing else.

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KellvallonKellvallonover 1 year ago

This series feels like it's moved from the mind control category and more into either the horror or nonconcent category. Actually horror I think since everyone just keeps getting killed off.

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