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Breeding my Sister's Wife Ch. 13

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A romantic evening alone with my sister ends with her filled.
2.5k words

Part 12 of the 14 part series

Updated 04/18/2024
Created 01/23/2024
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Nothing much happened for the rest of Sunday. We had a little brunch together and then I drove home surprised by how exhausted I was. A few days later I got a message from Kate that she had gotten her period, so my accidental cumming in her hadn't been an issue. We continued to chat and settled into our between-breeding-sessions routine.

About a week later I got a text from Kate asking if I had a free evening. I told her I was free the next night, and asked what was up. She told me that she and Alena wanted to arrange a little something to say thank you for everything I was doing for them. This seemed funny to me, as I very much felt like I was the lucky one in this scenario, which I told her. Nonetheless, she told me, keep the evening clear. She would pick me up at six o'clock.

I had a hard time concentrating on work that day - everyone loves a surprise, and I couldn't think what I'd be in for. I dressed in some chinos and a white button down top - something that could be dressed up or dressed down pretty easily depending on what we were up to. At six sharp, Kate pulled up and texted me that she was outside. As I got in the car, I was surprised again how strange it was to see Kate dressed up - I had gotten so used to her naked body, her sex hair, that this looked like almost a new person. She had red lip-stick on and had done something to make her eyes really pop, and was wearing a beige wool coat that went down to her knees.

"No Alena?" I asked.

"Nope, just the two of us for this one."

I was intrigued, and for some reason strangely nervous. Being alone with Kate like this, the tension was palpable. We hadn't really spent much time alone just the two of us since all the sex had started, and I wasn't quite sure how to act. I rested my arm on the console between us, and was conscious of how close it was to touching her. She edged her arm over a little bit, and brushed mine - which felt thrilling. It was so weird - I have had my bare cock inside of this woman, but my heart is racing at brushing my arm up against her in this new scenario. She looked over at me and dashed her dazzling smile.

The drive was longer than I expected. We left town, and the trees grew thicker down the little two-lane rural highway.

"Where are we going? Are you taking me into the woods to murder me?" I asked.

"Oh no, you've spotted it. Will you put up a struggle? Or just give in to your fate?"

"You can do whatever you want to me," I replied, the words heavier with meaning than I intended.

"Oh, I don't know, I think it goes the other way around. You usually get what you want out of me. Has there been a single thing I've said no to throughout this entire endeavor?"

"No, come to think of it there hasn't. So I guess we get to do whatever we want to each other, is what you're saying."

"I guess it is. So we'll drive into the woods and murder each other?"

"Exactly," I replied. "But in all seriousness, where the hell are you taking me?"

"Oh, you know. Somewhere we can get some privacy."

We ended up in a little town about an hour outside of the city where we lived. It was nestled on a lake, and had gotten a little more touristy over the past couple of years, though still had some small-town charm left. We pulled into the parking lot of a little Italian Bistro that was right on the water. The ice at the shoreline made delicate crystal sounds as the water moved with the wind, and getting inside, the windows were foggy with moisture.

She gave our last name to the maitre d', who conducted us to a small, candle-lit booth near the back of the small restaurant.

"Your table, Mr. And Mrs. Anderson," he said, "I hope it is to your liking?"

"Thank you," Kate replied, before I could correct him, "it's perfect."

He offered to take our coats, and we accepted. As Kate shrugged her's off, I saw the outfit she was wearing underneath, and caught my breath. She was wearing the little sundress she had worn during our last encounter, when she gave me the best blow job of her life. It cupped her breasts and pushed them up, and showed off the bottom of silky smooth thighs. She had matching red heels giving her calves some tone. I think even the maitre d' was shocked - it was a strange outfit for the time of year, and Kate looked absolutely gorgeous in it.

"Do you like my outfit?" Kate inquired as she we slid into the booth.

"My... wife cleans up good."

"Especially for someone so dirty."

My heart was thumping into my neck. I wasn't sure exactly what was going on here, but I was positive of one thing: I wanted the woman in front of me. Wanted her so much it hurt. She was so charming, so beautiful, so graceful and easy in her movement, and so much fun to talk to. We were immediately smiling and laughing, and I marveled how we could talk about nothing and yet have the best conversations of my life.

Midway through our appetizers I reached for the bottle of wine we were sharing, planning to refill our glasses. Kate seemed to have the same idea, and our hands met, mine over hers, delicate contrast from her warm hands and the cool glass. A silence fell, and we just looked at each other. I moved my hand across hers, then up her forearm and back down. She actually blushed slightly, and looked down, the looked up at me and bent her lip. Our fingers intertwined, and Kate pulled my hand to her mouth. She kissed my knuckle, then my finger, then took my hand and rubbed it against her cheek. I cupped my hand behind her head, and brought her in to kiss me, first a gentle touch of the lips, then an opened mouth kiss. She smelled of strawberries.

We came back to ourselves as someone moved past our table, but from then on the night had a different tone. We kept finding ways to brush our hands into each other, or touch of feet under the table. We spoke softly and leaned in to each other to hear what the other was saying, and I was mesmerized by the ripple of the candle light across her face. When the bill finally came, we put our coats back on, and stepped out back into the cold. The moon was shining against the lake, and the only sound was our breath, and the soft sound of ice crystals dancing on the water. Little clouds of moisture were visible with each breath.

"Kate... thank you. This was wonderful," I told her, as I gathered her up into a hug, pulling her face into my chest.

"I had a wonderful time too," she said, looking up at me. Our eyes fixed for a moment, and then we fell into kissing each other again. Our bodies pressed close, the riot of her curly hair in my hand, the smell of her body intoxicating me. I felt her tongue part my lips and pushed mine to meet hers, as I squeezed her hips closer to me, wishing I could pull our bodies even tighter than we already were, pull us into each other. When we finally broke off, I thanked her again, and told her how memorable this would be. "You're acting like the night is over," she said, "you're not getting off that easy."

She took my hand and guided me towards the water. There was a boardwalk that wrapped around the lake, with little shops, boutiques and restaurants lining it. We walked to the end of the boardwalk, our arms intertwined, silent except for the sounds of our feet. It was a beautiful night, crisp and cold, still in the way only deep winter can be. The stars sparkled brightly, bursting into light as we escaped the lights of the boardwalk. She led me down a little lane, still on the water, and to a small cottage. She pulled out her phone and punched some numbers into a keypad lock.

We went in together, and the room was in total darkness at first. Kate went into a corner and touched a button, and gas fireplace lit, casting a warm, flickering amber glow into the room. It looked like an adorable little cottage. There a small kitchen, a round table with some unlit candles, and to our right, a large four-poster bed, with a massive duvet.

Kate put down her bag, and took of her coat. I removed mine, and we stood there for a moment, looking at each other. She took a step forward, and so did I. We reached out and touched each other's hands, wordlessly, before pulling into an embrace. What happened next still feels like something out of a dream. We undressed each other, haphazardly, pulling at clothes, working at buttons and buckles, but unwilling to give ourselves the space to actually get things off properly, a mess of limbs and clothes getting caught on each other because we weren't willing to have our mouths parted.

We fell into the bed, our bodies pressed against each other, our tongues exploring each other. I kissed down her body, taking her nipple in my mouth, hearing her moan and gasp as my hands roamed over her. I kissed further down, inhaling her scent when I got to her downy mound, before spreading her legs and pressing my tongue into her open slit. She tasted amazing, and as much as I wanted to pay attention to her clit I couldn't help myself from letting my tongue probe deeper into her, intoxicated with her taste and her aroma. But she was impatient. She took my head and pulled me back up into a deep, passionate kiss. She pushed on my shoulder so I was on my back, and threw her leg over me, straddling me. I pulled her down, pushing her breasts into my face and finding her nipples by touch with my mouth, switching back and forth between them, as she lowered herself onto my cock.

The sex we had that night was like nothing else we had ever done. There was no excuse, no kink play, just need, urgent, desperate desire. As beautiful as she was, and as much as I loved seeing her body while I felt the velvety softness inside of her, I couldn't do anything but clutch her to me, trying to pull her into myself, to make us completely one. She did the same, wrapping her arms around me, our faces pressed into each other's necks, our bodies moving and gyrating together, the fire making them slick with sweat. I never pulled out of her, just thrust as deep as I could, holding her to my pelvis as she thrust her hips onto me, grinding her clit against me with each buck. My hands found her hair, her back, her buttocks, but the purpose was always the same, to pull her close to me. We were squeezing the breath out of each other as we moved. I could feel her pace getting more erratic, and her breath coming shallower, the sounds she made in my ear more pleading and desperate and less coordinated. I could tell she was going to cum soon, and that knowledge made me feel like I was going to explode. I didn't want to cum, didn't want this to end, but I was quickly moving past any measure of control.

"Kate... I'm close," were the first words that had passed between us since we'd entered the cottage.

"Yes, yes, yes!" she breathed into my ear. "Yes, cum, please." Her thrusting became faster, and she bit down on my neck, making a muffled and explosive sound as her body became rigid. I took her by the hips and thrust into her, pushing into her as her body started to spasm, holding her tight to me, feeling her pussy clench onto my cock, until finally I couldn't hold off any more. Grabbing her by the shoulders and pushing as deep as I could into her, I exploded, my cock pulsing into her trembling body, shooting rope after rope of cum into her pussy and womb. I couldn't help myself, I pushed as deep as I could as I emptied myself inside of her.

Kate's aftershocks were still passing through her body as my cock twitched a few last times. My skin tingled, I felt electric. Kate propped herself up on her hands, a gap falling between us for the first time in what felt like forever. My cock was still rock hard inside of her, and she let out a little gasp as it twitched once, her boobs swaying in my face with the movements of her breath. Her skin had a sheen of sweat in the firelight, and her cheeks were rosy and flushed with exertion. I took her face in my hands and pulled her down for another kiss.

"God, I can't tell you how long I've wanted you to cum in me," she murmured as we kissed.

"Not nearly as long as I've wanted to cum in you."

"Mmm, your cock still feels hard," she smiled as her kegals gave me a squeeze, causing me to twitch inside of her again. She shuddered as she felt it. "God you feel so good in me, so right. I can't believe we haven't been doing this for years."



"Kate, what's going on? I'm not complaining, god this is amazing. We've had such amazing times together, the three of us, but this is on a whole other level... but this, the date night, going out of town, playing without Alena... me cumming in you... none of this is anything we've talked about before."

She slid off of me, the cum leaking out of her pussy and trickling down her thigh as her legs parted to get off of me. She pulled the covers up over the two of us, and put her face so close to mine. She took my hand in hers again and kissed it, then pressed her body to me, the soft curve of her belly pressing against my still firm cock. Her eyes batted down then back up again.

"Yeah, well, Alena and I agreed you and I should have some time to ourselves. And, there's something I needed to tell you."

"What's that?"

"I love you, you know that right? And that's going to keep being true whatever happens?"

"Yes Kate, and I love you too," I replied, looking searchingly into her eyes.

"Well, we did it. Alena's pregnant. She's going to have your child."

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Oh Wow! I could not stop reading, seeing in my head what was going on. It was almost as if I was living his part, hearing his thoughts, seeing their bodies and feeling their emotions. And then I felt the intensity of their love and sex.

DelftsejongenDelftsejongen5 months ago

As you wrote “ God you feel so good in me, so right.”. Incest is right, how it should be. Close family members fit together, belong together.

And yes, Kate is going to be pregnant too. As she has always wanted.

RanethekingRanetheking6 months ago

Loved this story so far! Really hoping it moves into Breeding my sister and then just a three way marriage.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Hahaha - wow, last commenter, bitter much? Woman hater - sheesh. Anyway, too short but nice scene - great story!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Love it. Hopefully they all 3 can be together with both girls getting pregnant. Though it'll be really awkward to explain to any grandparents if there are any... The other more realistic alternative is that Kate goes on the pill and they don't try to have two babies at once...

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

absolutely hate it. Hate the whole story. It should have been Him and Kate Having a baby. Now his sister just gives him a pity fuck for letting her and her lesbian use him and now hang him out to dry. Yeah she really loves him alright. Used him like a escort. All lies. Loves him....bullshit! Used him more like.

SilverBunk94SilverBunk946 months ago

Another great installment. 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

It was great to hear your expansion of allowing Kate and her brother to be together. Now hopefully they become a throuple with Alena?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

And soon Kate WILL BE with child as well?!?


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