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Brian and Tammy

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Ever get so turned on – get so hard – that you felt like you could fuck for hours on end – cumming and cumming and cumming – with a dick that never went soft – and at the same time wanting to strangle the woman you were fucking? Been there and fortunately didn't do that or I'd be in prison rather than planning a divorce.

Story starts out like a million others. My wife Tammy and I had been married for a little over fourteen years. We were high school sweethearts and yes it is a cliché but I was the quarterback and she was a cheerleader. Where we departed from the cliché land was that she was elected the homecoming queen and I wasn't part of her court. Quite frankly she was popular and well liked, but I wasn't. Won't go there because it has no bearing on the story.

Tammy received a scholarship from Michigan and I received one from Michigan State which meant that I would be still living at home while attending school, but Tammy would be living in the dorms at Michigan and coming home on weekends. We saw each other as often as we could, but we agreed that under the circumstances it would be okay to date others while we were apart.

Even though we had been together since the seventh grade we had never had sex until our senior year of college. I'd received hand jobs in high school and blowjobs in our freshman years in college. I guess you could call them blowjobs even if she wouldn't let me cum in her mouth. Tammy refused to fuck me saying that she wanted to make sure that we were really in love before giving up her virginity to me.

I dated some while at Michigan, but we never talked about it. I'd necked some, but had never gone all the way with any of my dates because, believe it or not I was staying true to Tammy and I believed that she was staying true to me.

Finally, in our senior year, my horniness got to me. I'd watched others hook up and have fun, break up and move on to others and have fun while I held it all in and waited for Tammy. The next time I saw Tammy I told her it was time to shit or get off the pot.

We were at Burger King after going to the movies and I flat out told her that if she didn't know by then that we were really in love she probably never would, at least in my mind, and it was time for us to move on and find someone else. She got pissed at my basically giving her an ultimatum and she got up and stomped out of the place. I did not get up and chase after her. I watched her go and figured that she would go out to the car and sulk and that we would talk some more when I came out.

I finished my burger and fries, topped off my Coke and went out to face her. She wasn't at the car and I looked around and didn't see her anywhere. I drove around the block and didn't see her so I drove on home. I called her house on Saturday and her mother said that Tammy didn't want to talk to me. I made several attempts to reach her with the same results. I gave up. When she hadn't called me by six on Sunday I accepted the fact that Tammy wasn't going to commit and I started looking around for a girl that would help me get rid of my virgin status.


My eyes settled on Pauline French. The book on her was that she wasn't 'easy' as the term was then used, but if she liked you she had been known to 'give it up' after several dates. What did I have to lose?

I asked her out, she said yes, and we had a good time and at the end of the second and third dates I got a kiss. The fourth dated ended up with a steamy make out session that included my getting Pauline's bra off of her and a finger in her pussy while she played with my cock. There was no doubt in my mind that I was going to score on our next date.

That fourth date was on a Thursday and Pauline had a family function she had to attend on Friday so our next date was set for Saturday. Friday when I got home from school I found Tammy sitting on the front porch swing talking with my mom.

It had been three weeks since she stormed out on me and we hadn't talked since. Her choice of course, but I was pissed that she could do that to me so I ignored her when I walked up the front porch steps and went into the house. I took my book bag up to my room and set it down on my desk. I sat down and started on an outline of a paper that was due next week. Maybe ten minutes later my mom came up to my room and asked me why I was sitting there.

"Tammy is downstairs waiting for you."

"I didn't know that. She has avoided talking to me for three weeks now so I thought she was here visiting you."

"Bull crap Brian. Get your butt down there right now."

"Yes ma'am" I said and I went down to the porch. Tammy smiled at me, but the smile disappeared when I looked at her and asked in a gruff voice:

"What do you want?"

I could see on her face that she wanted to snap back at me, but caught herself at the last moment and said:



"You asked what I wanted. I want you."

"If you wanted me why haven't I heard from you before now? If you wanted me why did you tell your mother you didn't want to talk to me? If you wanted me where were you the last two weekends?"

"I'm sorry okay? I was pissed at you for giving me that ultimatum. I felt strongly about wanting to walk down the aisle as a virgin."

"Well I feel just as strongly about not being the only twenty year old virgin in this state. It doesn't matter to me if you are a virgin when we take our vows, but I'm telling you right now I do not intend to be a virgin when I get married. In fact I hope to get rid of my virginity within the next week or so."

"I don't think so."

"What makes you say that?"

"Pauline called me to make sure that we were no longer together before she did you. I told her that as far as I was concerned you were still my boyfriend."

"Pauline isn't the only girl around. I'll find another."

"That might not be all that easy. I asked Pauline to spread the word that you are spoken for."

"Maybe you should have checked with me before you told her that."

"What does that mean?"

"Maybe I decided the way you walked away from me and then wouldn't talk to me meant that we had broken up and since we were no longer a couple I was free to look for someone else. I meant what I said the night you walked Tam. As long as we have been together and you still don't know if you love me? Then you probably don't and we need to call it quits and move on."

"That's not fair Brian! Just because I don't want to put out is no reason for us to break up."

"Horse shit Tam! Not once in all the years I have tried to get you to make love to me have you ever said one word about walking down the aisle as a virgin. It has always been "No Brian; not until I am sure that we are really in love." Since I know damned well that you are the only one I want that is telling me that you aren't sure about your feelings for me. My position is that if you don't know by now you probably don't and it is time for me to move on."

"So to prove I love you I have to fuck you?"

"No Tam; I don't want to fuck you. I want to make love to you, but I don't want it if you are only doing it because you think you have to. You have to want to do it otherwise it means nothing."

"You aren't making sense here Brian. You don't love Pauline but you were going to make love to her."

"No I wasn't Tam. I like Pauline and she likes me. If we have sex together that is all it would be. Sex for pleasure. There would be no long term anything with Pauline. She has sex with guys because she enjoys sex. She doesn't do it because she is in love with the guy. She does it because she loves sex. Anything else before you go?"

"That's it? Eight years together and that's it?"

"That's up to you Tam. Eight years together and you still don't know if you really are really in love? To me that means that you aren't so as far as I'm concerned it is time to move on. Have a nice life Tamm. Goodbye."

I walked into the house and left her sitting on the swing. I went back to my room and tried to work on my paper, but I just couldn't seem to concentrate on it. I finally set it aside and went down to the family room and channel hopped on the TV until bedtime.

Saturday morning I called Pauline.

"I had a talk with Tammy yesterday and she told me that you had called her and what it was about."

"And you are calling to cancel our date right?"

"No; I'm calling to confirm it, but to also let you know that the date will not be the one we both expected it to be when we made it. I'll pick you up at seven. Okay?"

"Seven it is. Thanks for the call."

The date went fine and Pauline's talk with Tammy was never discussed. I did get a pretty good kiss at the end of the date, but it was more of a kiss goodbye than a kiss good night.


I was too busy with classes, papers and class projects the following week to have time to look for another girl, but in the end it didn't matter. When I got home from class on Friday I again found Tammy sitting on the front porch swing with my mother. As I came up the steps mom got up and said:

"I'll leave you two youngsters alone."

Before I could say a word Tammy said:

"The last time I was here you asked me what I wanted and I said you. That's the same thing I want today. You. I do love you Brian, but I've been afraid to commit. I kept thinking we were too young. I'm still afraid Brian, but I don't want to lose you."

Our first time was like everyone else's first time. Awkward at first (and embarrassingly quick) but the second and third time were longer. Over the next several weekend s we found our rhythm and hit our stride.

We made love two or three times every weekend and while it was extremely satisfying it wasn't adventuresome. Tammy wouldn't do anal and oral was only long enough to get me up again. She wouldn't even let me go down on her because she said if I did her I would expect her to do me and it would just cause bad feelings when she wouldn't. I was disappointed, but I was enjoying the hell out of what she would do so I didn't fight it.


Six weeks after graduation we were married. We decided to wait five years before having kids, but when we started trying and nothing happened we saw doctors and found out that Tammy couldn't conceive.

One Saturday I came home from work to hear Tammy say:

"You'll never guess what just happened."

"Well then I guess I won't even try so you will just have to go ahead and tell me."

"Alice Medford and her husband just bought the house next door (the Sampson place next door had been on the market for over a year) and they started moving in today."

"And just who is Alice Medford?"

"We were in the same sorority. I was out front getting the mail when she pulled up in front of the place and got out of her car. I thought she looked familiar and then it dawned on me who it was. She recognized me about the same time I realized who she was and she ran over to me and gave me a big hug. I know you won't mind, but I invited them over for dinner tonight. They don't even have their pots and pans unpacked yet."

At six the Medford's showed up and Tammy introduced me to them. Have you ever met someone you took an instant dislike to? It happened to me and not just one of them either. Both of them.

Alice was shifty-eyed and her husband Frank seemed to have a permanent smirk on his face. I instantly knew I was not going to enjoy spending any time with them at all. I did my best to be a good host, but all I really wanted was for them to leave.

Apparently Frank went to Michigan with both women and the three of them just chattered away about people they knew at school and where they were now and what they were doing. When they left Tammy asked me how I liked them and I said:

"They seem okay."

I didn't mean a word of it.

"It will be nice having Alice living right next door."

"Yeah! Right!' is what I was thinking.


We didn't see much of the Medford's over the next as they were busy moving in. They had been there three days when the wheels came off of my marriage.

I'd arranged to take half the day off for a dentist appointment so I was at home. I hadn't bothered to tell Tammy. It was Tammy's birthday and part of her benefits package was that her birthday was paid time off and we had plans to go out that night and celebrate when I got home. Because she was off she didn't get up when I did so she didn't know I was still in the house.

I was in the den working on some papers I'd brought home from work when the doorbell rang. Tammy was up by then so she answered the bell and it was Alice. They had apparently agreed to have coffee together since Tammy wouldn't be going to work.

The den was just off the kitchen in our house. I don't know if it was the shared heating ducts, the atmosphere, the thin walls or a combination of the three, but while in the den I could hear what was going on in the kitchen.

The two women were sitting at the kitchen table talking and drinking coffee. I was trying to tune them out and concentrate on the work I'd brought home with me when I heard:

"Frank wants to fuck you again and he asked me to set it up with you this morning."

My paperwork was quickly set aside as I heard Tammy say:

"You can't be serious."

"Of course I am and don't act so surprised. God knows you fucked him enough when we were in school."

"That was in school Alice. I was single then. I'm married now."

"So what? Frank and I are married and it changes nothing."

"You don't care that he wants to fuck me? It doesn't bother you that he asked you to set it up?"

"We have an open marriage sweetie. He is free to fuck whoever he wants and so am I. And the truth of the matter is that I want it too. Remember all the threesomes we had?"

"That was years ago and I didn't have a husband then."

"Maybe not, but you had a steady boyfriend then and you never let that slow you down. As I remember it you said it was a kick fucking all those guys and not fucking him. Is he still a clueless twit?"

"He is not a clueless twit!"

"Of course he is. How the hell could you be the gangbang queen of Alpha Tau Omega and him not know unless he was clueless? You forget Tam; I was there. We were only six weeks into our freshman year when you sucked off eleven different guys at that frat party."

"I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing."

"Bullshit Tam. You weren't drunk three days later when you pulled a train at that same frat house."

"I keep telling you that I was single then."

"Are you trying to tell me that you have been true blue to your hubby since you said I do? Don't bother because I wouldn't believe you anyway. There is no way that the sex crazed girl I knew back then could keep from putting out even if she was married."

There was a slight pause and then "Oh ho! I wish you could see the look on your face right now. You do fuck around on hubby don't you?"

"Not often, but occasionally, once in a while I do."

"How often is once in a while?"

"Maybe once a month."

"Come on girlfriend; don't make me pull it out of you bit by bit. Give me the dirt."

"Once a month my boss has a sales meeting and I'm the reward if the guys have done a good job."

"How many?"

"Only eight or nine."

"Bit of a come down from the fifteen or sixteen you used to do."

"It's just the right size. If there were more Brian would eventually notice I wasn't real tight."

"He doesn't notice you after eight? God girl; he has to be clueless."

"Not really. I always do it near my time of the month so Brian never gets any until I've had time to close up. If it happens too far from my period I fall back on the old headache play until I've had time to adjust."

"Still love taking it in the ass?"

"Of course."

"Frank asked me to ask you that. He always loved how vocal you got when he was pounding your pooper. Still swallow?"

"Of course."

"So when can we get together?"

"I don't think we can."

"Why not?"

"Too close to home for one thing. And for another Frank will be Frank."

"What does that mean?"

"You didn't notice the smirk on his face when you were over for dinner? His "I know something you don't know" smirk? And that was because he fucked me twelve or thirteen years ago. I'd hate to think what it would look like if he was in a room with Brian just after fucking me. No way Alice. I just can't take the chance."

"What if we could get Brian to participate?"

"My Brian?"

She laughed and said "No way on God's green earth would Brian ever think about an open marriage. Besides, if we were by some miracle able to get him to try he would eventually find out I was fucking guys for three years before I even gave him a sniff. He would also find out other stuff I don't want him to know."

"Like what?"

"That I love having a cock in my ass and that I give out complete blowjobs."

"You don't let him have your ass?"

"Nope. He might get to thinking that he wasn't the first one there. I can't have that. The same with blowjobs. I suck him until he gets hard and then we make love. He's never cum in my mouth."

I sat and listened to the two cunts talk and kill my marriage word by fucking word. I surprised myself by not jumping up and running into the kitchen. I should have been full of outrage and anger, but for some strange reason I wasn't. What I felt was sadness. Sad that I had wasted over sixteen years of my life on the cheating whore. A women who obviously couldn't love me, not if she could do to me the things that I was hearing.

It has been said that you can't turn off love like flipping a light switch, but I can tell you that just isn't so. My love for Tammy died in the space of ten minutes. In just ten minutes I went from "I would die to protect her" to "I can't wait to piss on the cunts grave."

When I heard her say "I love having a cock in my ass" I was up off my chair and ready to storm into the kitchen, but caught myself and sat back down. The damage had already been done and shouting, hollering and name calling wasn't going to change that. What I needed to do was calm down and decide where to go from there.

I knew several guys who had gone through divorces and in every case it was always the husband who was left raped and bleeding when it was over. That Tammy and I were done was a given, but it didn't have to be over on that particular day.

I was going to take some time to try and set things up so that I didn't come out too badly in the end. I quietly opened the den window, climbed out and then closed it. I got in my car and headed for the dentist's office. As I drove I thought back to over the years trying to see signs I missed that Tammy was a cheating whore, but I couldn't think of a thing.

The dental appointment was just a six month checkup and cleaning so I was out of there in an hour and too work in five minutes.


It was not a very productive day at the office for me. I sat at my desk and rolled over what I'd overheard around in my head and got more and more pissed every minute. I don't know what pissed me off most. Tammy's telling me no, we had to wait until we were sure we were in love while she was fucking anything that moved or the fact that for our entire marriage she was pulling trains where she worked. Then there was the fact that she denied me the ass and blowjobs that she freely gave everyone else. Jesus Fucking Christ was I pissed!!

By quitting time I'd gotten a grip on myself and I headed home prepared to do the hardest thing I'd ever have to do. Act normal under the circumstances.

Tammy was home when I got there she was dressed and waiting for our night out and she had a surprise for me. Frank and Alice were also there.

"I invited them to join us" she said.

I was surprised at my ability to remain calm under the circumstances. I simply smiled and said:

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