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Click hereShe took the phone and said "Hi baby."
"Just treat this like you are getting a call from me telling you that I have arrived safe and letting you know where to reach me if you have to."
"The Red Roof Inn. Room 11. Got it."
"It didn't occur to me until just now, but if they think I'm out of town they aren't going to be in any hurry to leave. Watching you has gotten me so hot my cock is ready to burst (not!) and I've got to sneak out of here and beat off. Then I'm going to run down to Bud's Bar. Call me on my cell when they've gone. And don't you dare clean up until I've had mine. Got that?"
"Yes baby. I love you too."
She handed the phone to Don and as he hung it up she grabbed his cock and pulled it back to her mouth. I debated leaving the camera there to keep recording, but then decided that I had enough footage for what I wanted.
I went to Bud's and drank beer and shot pool with some guys I knew while I waited for Tammy to call. It was getting close to last call and I was wondering if I might have to check into a motel for the night when the call came.
"The last one just left. I'm going to change the sheets before you get here. You might want to wallow in me, but I'm pretty sure you won't want to roll around in the huge wet spot on the bed."
When I got to the house I found Tammy waiting for me in garter belt, nylons and 'come fuck me' pumps with four inch heels. She had done it just for me. She had been stark assed naked when the sales crew showed up, but she knew that heels and hose were a turn on off mine.
She didn't say a word to me just took me by the hand and led me to our bedroom. She undressed me and then went to her knees and sucked my cock until she had me where she wanted me and then she pulled me onto the bed, spread her legs wide and with a big smile she waited on me to start. I saw the smile slip a bit when I moved between her legs and lined up my cock. Noticing the slip I said:
She knew what I as asking and said:
"I'd hoped that you would go down on me."
"With God only knows how many loads are in you?"
"I had hoped that you would be kinky enough to want to do it. It would have gone a long way to show me that we will be all right."
"Maybe next time. You have to remember this is all new to me. Going down on an overflowing pussy will take some working up to.
"Don't fuck me Brian. Please don't just fuck me. Make love to me please?"
There wasn't any way I could do that, but I could pretend and hope it was convincing enough.
I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't anything like I thought it would be. I thought she would be really loose and sloppy, but that wasn't the case at all. I had noticed earlier that none of the men seemed to be any bigger than me. A couple looked longer, but none seemed any bigger around. Tammy wasn't 'can't feel the sides' loose, but she wasn't as tight as I was used to. I'd expected sloppy too. You know, kind of splashy like you would get if you stepped into a mud puddle barefooted, but it wasn't that way at all. Not that I had ever done it, but it felt like what I would imagine sticking your cock in a warm bowl of pudding would feel like.
Her legs came up and she hooked her ankles behind me. She pushed up at me and was trying to screw me as I was screwing her. I couldn't get the picture of her being three-holed out of my mind. It wasn't turning me on, but it wasn't turning me off either. In a way it was disturbing to me that I wasn't absolutely turned off after seeing my wife welcoming nine cocks into her, but then I remember hearing someone say a fuck was a fuck was a fuck and all that mattered was that you got yourself off. The old "There is good sex and bad sex and the worst I ever had was wonderful" thing and I guessed that it was true.
She was moaning words, but it wasn't the "Fuck me fuck me" that I might have expected, but "Love me love me" and I knew that is what she wanted, but I couldn't do it. I could try and pretend, but that was all I could do. Loving was out of the question. As I mentioned earlier my love for Tammy had died word by word as I listened to her and Alice in our kitchen. It took a little longer than usual to get myself off, but I wrote it off as Tammy not being as tight as I was used to.
When I pulled out Tammy pulled me down beside her and snuggled up tight against me. It had been an emotional and physically exhausting day for me and as I faded off to sleep I heard Tammy softly saying:
"Don't leave me baby; please please don't leave me."
I woke up to the smell of coffee and I rolled out of bed, took a shower and dressed. It was a t-shirt and shorts day with cross-trainers and after I was dressed I went to the front porch and got the paper. When I got to the kitchen I found Tammy sitting at the table staring down into her coffee cup.
She looked up as I came into the room and I didn't get my usual good morning smile. The look I got was more questioning with a touch of worry. I knew what was going on in her mind, but I wasn't going to make it easy on her.
I didn't say a word, just poured myself a cup of coffee, sat down and opened the paper to the sports section. The Broncos had beaten the Patriots to win another trip to the Super Bowl where they would face the Panthers and the sports section was full of the talking heads (or in this case the writing heads) pointing out strengths and weaknesses and possible matchups to look for.
It was maybe three minutes after I sat down that Tammy spoke up.
"What are you going to do Brian? Are we going to be all right?"
I put the paper down and aid "I don't know Tam. I honestly don't know. I'm not in a good place right now. Seeing you in action last night turned me on something fierce, but at the same time thoughts running through my head were all along the lines of "Fourteen fucking years! She has been doing that for fourteen fucking years! Fourteen fucking years of not giving me even a sniff of what she freely gives everybody else."
"Think about Tam. You say you love me, but how the fuck could love me and do that to me? There is a war going on in my head Tam. One side of my mind is saying "You have to see her do it again; you just have to" but the other side is screaming "Throw the cheating cunt out! No way she loves you and do what she has been doing!"
"The bottom line here Tam is that I have a whole lot of thinking to do. Can my desire to watch you again override the pain I feel from finding out what you have done to me? Can I bring myself to believe you when you say you love me when what you have been doing behind my back all these years is telling me you couldn't possibly love me? Not and do what you were doing? So I don't yet know what I am going to do. Only time will tell.
I put down the paper, finished my coffee and got up from the table.
"I'm going for my run and when I get back we are going to sit down and you are going to tell me everything. How it started, what you did and with who. I want to hear it all Tam. Everything! Right up to last night and then I want to know why. Why you did it and why, once you found out that you loved it, you denied me. I want to know how you can claim that you love me and deny me what you gave to others. Truth time Tammy. If I even think I'm hearing a lie I'm gone."
Of course I was gone already, but I didn't intend that she would find that out until after I'd done what I was planning to do since hearing her and Alice in the kitchen. The plan was simple and totally criminal in nature. I was going to blackmail the assholes that fucked Tammy to get the money that would offset what Tammy would get in the divorce.
It was a gamble since they could refuse to pay, but when I pointed out what they would lose in a divorce compared to what I was asking for I thought they would go along with it. If not I was perfectly willing to ruin their marriages. Their wives would all get a copy of the tape I'd made and the chips could fall where they may.
When I got back from my run I found Tammy sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me. The coffee cup had been replaced by a bottle of vodka and Tammy looked as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I poured myself a cup of coffee, put it into the microwave and pushed a minute-thirty and when the 'ding' came I got the cup, sat down at the table and said:
"Okay Tammy, go."
"I love you Brian. I really do and I don't want to lose you."
"A little late for you to start thinking that now. I told you what I wanted to hear when I got back so get to it."
"It was about a month after I started school. I let Alice talk me into going to a frat party with her and her boyfriend Frank. They supposedly had an alcohol free punch for non-drinkers. I found out later that it was spiked with something call Ever-Clear. I also found out later that the reason Alice wanted me to go with her was that a friend of Frank's had seen me and wanted to fuck me.
"We got to the party and they introduced me to Jared. He attached himself to me and told me he would show me around. He walked me over to the keg and got ready to fill a cup for me, but I told him I didn't drink. He walked me over to the supposedly alcohol free punch and filled a cup or me. He kept filling that cup for me and I started getting drunk. I didn't know it because I'd never been drunk before. To me all it meant was that I was having a good time.
"I danced with Jared a lot and I danced with a lot of other guys too. They were all copping feels and making suggestive comments and I was really grooving on it. The constant groping had me turned on, but I didn't care because I knew they weren't going to get anything and were going to go end up with a case of blue balls. Jared kept feeding me the punch and I kept getting looser and looser and letting the guys I was dancing with get a little freer with their hands.
"Then suddenly I was aware of being on my knees in a bedroom with a cock in my mouth and I was deep throating it. I found out later that it was my seventh one. The guy in my mouth came and I automatically swallowed. He pulled out of my mouth and said next and another guy pushed his cock at my mouth and I opened wide and took it. I did eleven guys that night. Some of them twice.
"They all wanted to fuck me, but Jared wouldn't let them. He told them I was a virgin and he was going to be the one to take my cherry and he would share me after he did. We were in Jared' apartment and after all the other guys left Jared fucked me. I sucked him hard and he fucked me again. I missed class the next day because we stayed at his place and fucked.
"When he couldn't get it up any more he made some phone calls, some guys showed up and they took turns on me until I passed out from exhaustion. Somewhere during that time somebody took my ass and I really got off on it and so everyone had to take some of it.
"I managed to make it to class the next day, but I can't remember learning anything that day. All I had on my mind is what I had been doing the night of the kegger. The problem I was having was that I wanted to do it again. I'd loved it. I went absolutely wild when they took my ass. I found out that I liked the taste of semen.
"I loved sucking cocks because it gave me a feeling of power, a feeling of being able to control guys. One guy grabbed my head and started to fuck my face and wouldn't let me pull away so I brought my fist up hard into his nut sack. He howled and leaped away from me and I looked at the other three guys who were there and told them the next guy to try that would get his cock bit off and I never had any more trouble. I was in control when I sucked a cock. It didn't matter how big they were or how bad they thought they might be; when they were in my mouth I was the boss. I was in charge.
"The same was somewhat true of the fucking. I never drank again to the point I was out of it like the first time. I decided when, where, and for the most part who. I say for the most part because when I pulled trains I got so into it that sometimes I didn't even know who had a cock in me. Just plain fucking was okay, but when I did multiple partners I had orgasms that were mind blowing. The reason you didn't get any was because I loved you and didn't want to lose you."
"Do you have any idea of how stupid that sounds?"
"No it isn't stupid Brian; I had a damned good reason not to let you make love to me. I was pulling trains two and sometimes three times a week and if I had let you make love to me on the weekends I came home you would have known what I'd been doing and you would have kicked me to the curb. You would be asking yourself how the virgin I was supposed to be could be so loose. You would be asking yourself why I wasn't nice and tight like virgins are supposed to be.
"I couldn't have you thinking those thoughts and then asking the questions those thoughts would bring up so because I loved you and didn't want to lose you I wouldn't let you make love to me. When you finally got tired of not being able to make love to me and told me what you were going to do I was afraid I would lose you to some other girl I quit doing gangbangs, gave myself two weeks to tighten up and then let you make love to me.
"Once we started making love I put my pussy off limits to other guys. No other guy got my pussy until I went to work for Dan. I didn't know it when he hired me, but he was one of the anonymous guys who had fucked me during a gangbang at the frat house and he remembered me.
"I'd been there just a little over three months when he took me to lunch one day. Over lunch he told me that he had remembered me from a gangbang and wanted to know if I still did them. I told him not since I'd gotten married. He asked if I had a good marriage and when I said yes he asked me if I would like to keep it and of course I said yes. The he opened his briefcase, took out and envelope and handed it to me and asked if you would stay married to me if you saw what was in the envelope. I opened the envelope and found fourteen 8x10 pictures of me pulling a train. His price for keeping them from you was for me to become his fuck toy.
"I couldn't let you see those pictures so I caved. At first it was just Dan, but after a couple of months he told me I was going to be the sale force's reward for having a great month and once again I caved. You would never know and I had loved doing multiple partners so I went along. Now you know it all."
"No I don't know it all. I still don't know why you refused to give me complete blowjobs or let me have your ass since you have just finished telling me how much you loved them."
"Remember how I behaved the other day when you took my ass? Remember how loud I got? Remember how I drove my ass back at you while you fucked me?"
I nodded a yes and she said "You knew from overhearing me talk to Alice that I loved a cock in my ass so the way I behaved didn't come as a shock to you, but what if you hadn't already known? What would you have thought seeing me behave that way the first time in my ass? What questions would you have been asking yourself and maybe me? In my mind I wasn't denying you anything; I was protecting my marriage. I was doing my best to make sure that you never had a reason to think about what I might have done while I was away. The blow jobs fell in the same category as anal sex. I didn't dare let you see what I was capable of when I had a cock in my mouth."
"That's all self-serving bullshit and you know it. At any time you could have said you would try it to see how it was and then do it a second time and faked getting to like it until you got me used to the way you were doing it. You could have let me believe that we were learning together, but you didn't do that did you?
"But what you have done is inadvertently clued me in on what you have been doing. You were controlling me. You talked of how you were in charge when you had a cock in your mouth and how you had the power and controlled things. You told how it was you who decided when, where, who and how many. That's what not giving me your ass and full oral was all about. You loved being in control at school and you missed that bossy shit after we got married so you decided that you would get that power and control back by controlling our love life.
"All that shit stops now! You want to see controlling? Just watch me! From now on I will fuck your ass and pussy any damned time I want to and you WILL NOT refuse me. The first time you do I'll kick your ass out and you can go next door and live with your college fuck buddies. The same goes for head! I want it all the way and you will do it or get the fuck out!
"And you can forget about the two of us making love anytime soon. Until I decide what I'm going to do with your cheating ass all we will be doing is fucking! Got that?"
"And if I don't agree?"
"Then you get the fuck out! The new regime starts now! Get your ass up to the bedroom, strip and be in the doggie position when I get there to take your ass or don't let the front door hit that ass on your way out."
"We can't. My period started."
"You don't bleed from your ass so get to it."
She gave me a long contemplative look and then got up and headed for the bedroom. I gave her a couple of minutes and then I went up and found her the way I'd told her to be and I fucked her ass. After I came I moved in front of her and told her to suck my dirty cock. She hesitated and I asked:
"Should I go get the suitcases?"
She shook her head no, opened her mouth and went to work. I did her once more and then got busy doing my usual Saturday chores.
Around one Tammy left to do her weekend grocery shopping and as I watched her drive away from the house I wondered how long I could string her along thinking I was going to stay and that what was going on between us at the moment was just a rough spot on the marriage road that we would eventually put behind us. I was watching Tammy's car drive down the street and thinking those thoughts when I heard:
"Hey asshole!"
I turned and saw Frank coming across the lawn toward me.
"You caught me unprepared last time, but this time is going to be way different. I'm going to stomp your ass!"
It didn't bother me because I was pretty sure I could take him down and I set myself to do it. Frank was a loudmouth and he was the type who would want to yak at you before throwing a punch and my plan was to nail him as soon as he came within reach. I saw Alice standing on their front porch smiling and at the same time I saw Mrs. Jolley across the street watching. Apparently she heard Frank and it got her attention. I also noticed the mailman putting mail in the Prudhome's mailbox. In an instant I changed the plan. When Frank got to me I smiled at him and said in a voice that wouldn't be heard by anyone else:
"You're a pussy Frank. You couldn't beat a ten year old."
"Oh yeah" and he swung. I stood there and took the hit. I knew it was coming and I rolled with the punch. He stepped forward, threw another punch, I blocked it and then proceeded to stomp the shit out of him. I saw Alice run into the house and I hoped and prayed it was to call the cops. Either she did it or someone did and there must have been a car in the area close by because I was just kicking Frank in the crotch when a cop car pulled up in front of the house and two cops got out. One yelled:
"Move away from him! Do it now!"
I backed away and one of the officers bent to look at Frank and the other walked up to me and said:
"What is going on here?"
Before I could say a word the mailman came up and said "I saw it all officer. The guy on the ground attacked him and all he did was defend himself. Look! I have it here on my phone."
The cop watched the video and then looked at me and asked "Is that what happened sir?"