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Briana Ch. 03

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Fun in Vegas.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/02/2023
Created 07/25/2023
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The following day our conference started with plenary sessions. These talks were about the most recent updates in general surgery. They were helpful for general knowledge of specific areas and getting continuing medical education credits. I've attended these lectures to keep myself updated, even in areas of surgery that were not directly related to my work.

Afternoon talks were focused on orthopedic procedures, which were about something other than areas that Terry and I were interested in. We elected to skip those.

We met Briana at 12:30 for lunch. Terry suggested trying Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen. The food was good, but everything 'smelled pretentious'... From there, we continued north and entered The Venetian Hotel. The stores were impressive, though less numerous than Caesars Palace's Forum.

Briana wished to ride on a Gondola. Terry bought tickets and whispered in her ear that he did it because he hoped to sit by her side and hug her shoulder during the ride. Briana chuckled and said she didn't want to offend me, so we'd have to find the sitting position by pulling straws. The result was funny because the one who drew the shortest straw was Briana... Terry looked at her and complained, "So now I'll cheat on you and hug Morton!..." Her throaty laugh was priceless.

We strolled along the strip, watching the famous Bellagio fountains and the Mirage's volcano. We were sorry to hear that the latter would be dismantled in the near future. Around 6 pm, the street became much busier. We returned to the Cosmopolitan to rest for an hour.

At the hotel, I 'bribed' the concierge, telling him that if he could find three tickets to the Absinthe 8 pm show, I'll give him $50. He arranged it immediately and said, "Sir, nice doing business with you. Anything else you need in Vegas, and I mean ANYTHING! Let me know."

We had little time for dinner, so we ate big hot dogs and drank beers on the street.

Subsequently, we entered the tent where Absinthe was showing. The audience was a mixture of young students with piercings and tattoos, LGBTQ groups, extremists, and... normal adults. For readers who've never heard about it, it combines burlesque, funny/dirty jokes, and erotic circus acrobatic shows. It was the most politically incorrect show I've ever seen. The three of us loved it!

It was close to 10 pm. The following morning the talks that interested us would begin at 11 am. I asked, "Guys, would you rather we return to the hotel, go to a bar, or walk around?"

Briana, who consumed only one can of beer, stuttered, "I thiiink thaaat we shouuld go baaack."

I looked at Terry. Briana's condition was not a good one to spend time outdoors. Before going to his room, Terry asked when we planned to wake up in the morning. He was looking at me, but Briana intervened, "I'll probably wake up first. I'll be on the balcony to get early morning sun, but if I am thirsty, I'll wake Morti the old fashion way..."

Terry gazed at me, hesitated momentarily, and blurted, "I'll leave the adjoining door on my side open, so if you are not satiated after waking my buddy, you can wake me up too..."

Briana grinned, "I might. You two are doctors. Did you know that energy drink is much healthier than coffee in the morning?"

Terry and I looked at each other and laughed, "Briana, we trust you on this one..."

Briana and I entered our room. I opened the TV to watch the news, but Briana hugged me from behind, "Morti, in Vegas, the global news is unimportant. I can see through the balcony that the world still exists. That's good enough. I have a much better idea. You remember what happens to me after drinking alcohol, don't you?!..."

"Darling, you stuttered before, and I thought that sleep might help you more than anything..."

Briana had a devilish smile, "Morti, I cheated. I wanted to go to bed with you, so I pretended to be TOO drunk. Right now, I feel good but... horny. You are a doctor. Can you think of the most efficient way to cure it?..."

"Briana, every time I see you wearing anything that is not extremely baggy, I have the urge to use your body for my darkest desires... You continue tempting me, and I am not responsible for your well-being..."

She removed all her clothes, leaned seductively forward with her tits jiggling, and innocently asked, "Morti, which clothes do you suggest I wear to feel safe with you?!..."

My prick didn't need another invitation. It jolted and hardened, making the front of my pants bulge. Briana chortled, "Oh, I am so sorry. I just wanted to ensure I wear the most decent clothes I brought with me... You are no longer 18, and I imagined that by the time your cock realized what was happening, I'd be fully dressed!..."

I gazed at her divine body, and my pecker continued unabashedly to expand and push my zipper forward.

She smirked, "Honey, you are very stubborn. We both know that soon you'll give in, and we'll end up in bed. Just raise your hands with a white flag and let me have you as my prisoner. I promise that your torture will be RELATIVELY short..."

I sighed, "I am stuck in a room with sex-craved Calypso... Even my cock betrays me! I am so miserable."

"Oh, shut up, stud, and be useful!"

I undressed. I thought I heard my penis whisper, 'Thank you!'.

Briana ogled my body and then looked lustily at the pole that stood proudly before her, "Morti, I want to be nice to you. Lay on your back, and I'll ride you."

I gazed at her.

"You understood well, honey; I wish to play horsy."

Moments later, the lady's legs straddled over my body. She couched carefully on my erect pecker and began riding it. She started at a 'walking' pace but quickly accelerated it to 'trotting.' Her tits jiggled happily from side to side, and my hand tweaked one lucky nipple. She groaned and increased the speed to 'galloping.' At this rate, I felt I was going to orgasm soon.

My left thumb rubbed her clitty, and my right forefinger caressed her ass crack. Her groans became louder. I wetted the forefinger with her abundant juices and cautiously inserted it into her puckered hole. She gasped, but soon she was moving faster and began whimpering. Her riding pattern changed. Instead of up-and-down movements, they became up and backward-down, pushing her butt hole against my finger when she descended.

In seconds Briana's riding became uncontrolled. She stretched her neck, closed her eyes, and screamed. I was too horny to stop her screams. My pelvis countered her motions, and then I erupted inside her pussy, dumping a ton of whiteish goo. Her riding continued for 2 minutes and then slowed down.

She rolled to her side and smiled at me, "You were a well-trained horse. We should use this position more often!"

I smirked, "Do I need a saddle next time?!..."

"No! I love to feel your naked body under me. By the way, your finger did a nice job too..." She relaxed on her back.

I kissed her softly and went to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth.

When I was done and returned to bed, Briana looked at me and grinned, "Honey, you are a wonderful fucker! I haven't experienced this wonderful feeling for years. So thank you for introducing me to the world of sexual bliss again."

"Don't thank me. It's not a favor. I simply cannot resist your sexy body. I am lucky that a perfect lady like you even agreed to go out with me..."

She kissed me and whispered, "You are such a flatterer that often I cannot tell if you are serious..."

"Dear girl, I am dead serious, but I'll never admit it to anybody else!"

She laughed, "Jerk! I am going to take a shower and then to sleep. I am exhausted. You may snore as much as you want; I won't hear you..."


I dreamt that I was in my office, talking to a female patient. There was a large desk between us. Briana was kneeling under the desk, sucking me hard. I patted her hair and... woke up.

I was on my back in bed, and Briana was beside me, giving me a blow job! Her sweet mouth enveloped my shaft, bobbing slowly and milking me hard on the way up.

Watching her performing her magic and feeling my cock being squeezed by her luscious red lips was enough to take me over the edge, and I filled her mouth with my seed. She stared directly into my eyes and swallowed my spunk as it came out of me.

After cumming I looked at my watch and jumped out of bed, "Our lectures start in half an hour. We need to wake Terry up."

She chuckled, "Before blowing YOU, I woke him up similarly... So right now, he is probably dressing up..."

I looked at the connecting door. It was partly ajar...

I smirked, "Does it mean that you are not thirsty any more?"

"What did you expect? Soon you two leave for your conference. I wanted to ensure I have enough energy to keep going until you return..."

"Woman, you are very naughty! What are you doing in the fashion industry? Do you know how much money you can make in the sex industry?..."

Briana grinned, "Some ladies may find what you said offensive, but I know you tried to compliment me. As you recall, I have all the money I need. Otherwise, I'd take your word more seriously..."

Terry entered. He saw Briana about to go to the bathroom and yelled, "Morton, I want to complain. About half an hour ago, your girlfriend took advantage of my body! I was so sleepy that by the time I was fully awake, it was already too late, and I climaxed inside her pretty mouth. These days her act is considered rape! I was violated. You can ask her yourself. I did NOT sign a consent form! Ma'am, right now I am debating whether I should go to the police or... get you to agree to another threesome in the evening."

Briana laughed sweetly, "Terry, you have until the evening several hours to find a good wine. If I like it, I'll be more inclined to give in to your rude blackmail..."

He smiled devilishly, "Briana, did you mean RUDE BLACK MALE?..."

Moving toward the bathroom, she turned to Terry, "That's a good one. Now stop the BS and go to your meeting; It's becoming late."


Terry and I listened to talks for 5 hours with only a 30-minute break for a short takeaway lunch. We were done before four o'clock. I reminded him about the wine.

His tired-looking face brightened instantly, "Morton, I like it here. The sessions are exhausting, but the later fun makes it all worth it. Your girl is something! If one day you are tired of her, let me know..."

I chuckled, "OK, but stop wasting time. Buy a wine that she'll like, not too dry and slightly sweet. It's not just the wine - You want Briana to be sweet and... not dry..."

"Morton, you dirty dog!..."

We bought Cloudy Bay, Sauvignon Blanc made in New Zealand, hoping Briana liked it. We arrived at our room around 5 pm.

Terry showed her the bottles, "Would you rather we go outside for a stroll, have an early dinner, or try the wine?"

"When you guys left, I dressed up and checked the stores in the Forum. Some of them were impressive. It was a fun stroll, but I also got new ideas I intend to implement in Bloomingdales' stores. Over there, I grabbed a sandwich, but I didn't drink enough. I prefer to try the wine. Terry, did you buy a good one or the cheapest wine you saw?"

"Lady, I bought the most expensive wine in the store. Ask Morton; I sold my Lamborghini to buy two bottles..."

Terry poured wine into three glasses. We sipped it, trying to FEEL it. It had a hint of mixed fruit and orange taste. More importantly, Briana liked it! She sipped slowly but continuously until her glass was empty. She was talking about the exciting clothes she examined in the stores. My impression - She was not aware of how much she drank. This wine had 13% alcohol...

Like clockwork, half an hour later, her cheeks became reddish, and her voice chattier. At one point, Terry went to the bathroom. I asked Briana how she felt.

She gave me a seductive look, "Are you trying to find out if I drank enough to cloud my judgment and give in to your desires?..."

I smiled, "Exactly."

"Morti, I have a strange itch in my pussy... Do you think you can scratch it for me?"

"Did you mean ME or THE TWO OF US?..."

She whispered, "I've never had this itch until I met you. My experience is quite limited. Shouldn't I find out if four hands are better than two?..."

"I may be biased. Let's wait for Terry and ask him if he will sacrifice his expensively-insured surgeon's hands to take care of your itch. I have known him for many years. He is a good guy, and I think that he will volunteer his help."

She smirked, "I bet!"

Terry exited the bathroom smiling at us, "Children, what's the plan?"

"Briana has a medical problem. She has a severe itch in the center of her body. She wanted to get from you a second opinion whether it'll be better to scratch it with two hands or four..."

"Briana, as an expert physician, the answer is obvious. More hands mean better results. What did my lesser knowledgeable colleague here suggest?"

"He thought that I should ask you."

"He was damn right!"

Her eyes flickered, and she whispered, "Doctors, I hope you won't charge me too much for the valuable advice. Should I undress for the treatment?"

Terry caressed her hair, "Definitely! We need to inspect the whole body thoroughly and decide how to proceed. We shall assess if your lesion is better treated using four hands or scratched with different, more invasive tools. It's the kind of procedure that most surgeons perform without anesthesia..."

Briana stood in front of us and slowly unbuttoned her blouse. The soft white bra still covered her gorgeous breasts but could hardly hide their perfect form and the nipples that poked forward. Next came down the skirt. The slim waist with her concave navel created a sexy shape between her ample tits and feminine hips. A classic guitar shape! She unclasped the bra and gave us a seductive look, "Do you think I should remove my panties, or it's unnecessary?"

"Patient B, I understand your itch is in the one place that is still covered..."

"OK, doctors." The panties fell to the floor.

She was now completely naked, "The itch is annoying, especially when I walk. Let me show you." She began sashaying before us.

My cock throbbed and moved up. Terry's was creating a noticeable tent too.

Briana smirked, "You guys are perverts! Instead of acting as doctors, helping a suffering patient, you devise a plan to abuse my body. I don't think I am strong enough to fight you two, but once we leave this place, I intend to call the medical society and ensure your licenses are revoked."

I ogled her breathtaking figure, "Briana, it's too late to change our plan. As you can see, our lower brains have taken over.

Seconds later, all three of us were naked on the bed.


I decided to direct the show, "Terry, lay supine. Briana, his long organ seems like the ideal instrument to take care of the nagging itch. You told me earlier that you like to ride... Well, that is the time to do it. You will be a cowgirl, and Terry will enjoy the amazing scene of your tits bouncing back and forth. He may use his hands to check them for asymptomatic disease. As physicians, we are compelled to examine the whole body..."

Briana climbed the bed and cautiously sat down on Terry's magnificent organ. Her grimace revealed how big he was, and how her tight pussy struggled to accommodate as much of it as possible. It was an erotic scene!

I knelt by her side and caressed her cute tushie. Remembering that she liked her ass probed by my finger earlier, I lubed it well and penetrated with my forefinger, gently circling the sphincter. She moaned and started moving faster on his cock. I inserted a second finger in. It felt tighter. Briana groaned louder and mumbled, "Yes! Do it... Please!"

Did I understand her right? Did she want me to fuck her anally? I had to be sure.

I removed my fingers from her ass and stood before her face, "Suck it!"

She smiled and sucked it until it was rock hard. Then she pulled it out and whispered, "Please, Morti, I want both of you..."

I moved to her rear, covered her ass crack and my cock with a large amount of K Y jelly, and very gently began shoving it against her back hole. She groaned and whimpered. After a long moment, the spongy head was inside. I waited for her entrance to adjust to the large invader. Briana's movements slowed, now mostly up and down, signaling me to take it easy. However, two minutes later, she increased her rhythm, and her body was again pushing against my cock.

I added more lubrication and gradually inserted it deeper inside her bowels. It felt very narrow not only because of her tight anus but Terry's massive organ that was crushing against mine with only a thin membrane separating them!

I took my time, knowing that one mistake might rupture her delicate sphincter. I was horny like hell, and my cock insisted I go forward by hook or crook. I resisted as much as I could, and after long minutes, I got the stiff shaft inside.

Briana gasped and stopped moving. I was afraid that I caused some damage, but a few seconds later, her body began shuddering. She was screaming like crazy, "Fuck me! Oh, GOD!!! Fuck me hard. It's so GOOOD!..."

I stared at Terry, who until now also tried to take it easy on her and hinted that it was time to go up a gear. We adjusted our rhythm so that when his penis moved inside, mine was on the way out, and vice versa.

By now, both of Briana's holes were enlarged by Terry and me but still felt extremely tight. We were carefully intensifying our pounding.

Briana's body was jerking and quivering like a ragdoll between us. She was impaled on both our hard cocks. Terry was massaging her fantastic breasts, and I knelt behind her holding her waist, now and then bending forward, placing two fingers on her clit and kneading it.

Briana's orgasm continued for long minutes. I noticed Terry's breathing became shallower and his cock harder. He was close to cumming. I was too!

I felt his cock jolting, and he began spewing deep inside her vagina. His action was the last straw for me, and my prick ejected jet after jet into her bowels.

Briana's climax was interrupted several times by our own and then returned with a vengeance. Terry and I started relaxing almost at the same time. We removed our shriveling cocks from her dilated holes, and her lifeless body landed on the mattress.

Briana stayed like that for a long time. Both Terry and I went to the bathroom and returned.

Minutes later, she opened her eyes and, with a tired tone, mumbled, "Guys, it's the second time that I am back from another world. I can hardly remember details except that my body felt indescribable pleasure... And I heard myself screaming." She smiled, "The itch is gone, but everything down there feels so enlarged... I am going in the bathtub. Please let me stay there for an hour without interruptions. And then, if I am still alive, we'll eat something."

I kissed her lips, "Honey, Terry and I think that you were amazing!"

She smirked, "If you think so, the two of you pay for my dinner..."

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Baqfid12Baqfid1210 months ago

Great story. Loved the DP

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