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Briana Ch. 04

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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/02/2023
Created 07/25/2023
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The convention in Las Vegas was exhausting, but it included a lot of 'extracurricular' fun. Our interaction with Terry created many exciting moments. When we landed back in Boston, I asked Briana to summarize her impression of our trip. She gave me a strange look, "Morti, Las Vegas is a city I like visiting. It's alive day and night, with fantastic shows, unique museums, and the best restaurants. When it's too hot outside, one can enter any large casino and enjoy the cool temperatures while watching the indoor attractions. I had plenty of time to see shops with exciting clothes when we were there. I got new ideas that I plan to implement in Bloomingdales. But I am sure that your question was targeted at our entertaining encounters. My summary is IT WAS WONDERFUL! Initially, I didn't know what to expect because I didn't travel for an entire week with a man for many, MANY years. Getting Terry involved was another novelty... I learned to enjoy good wine, and understood what it does to my sex drive. I guess I was lucky to learn it with you and not with an unscrupulous man who might have used it against me..." She gazed at me lovingly, "I owe you a big thank you for opening my mind and body, and showing me a different kind of life."

"You welcome."


It was time to go back to our routine. Briana and I worked until late afternoon and tried to meet each other as much as possible on evenings and weekends. But certain things changed after the trip. Briana has stayed in my house for days at a time. On most evenings, Briana wanted a glass of wine. She appreciated the wine's effect on her mood but didn't drink during the day. And almost every time we met, sex was an integral part of our agenda.

In the beginning, wine made everything easier, more acceptable, and much more exciting. Briana and I used every known position in every room in the house and even talked about sex in public or with others. It brought memories of everything I used to do with my former wife... I hadn't heard from her in several years and wondered what she was doing these days.

One day, at 10 am, my secretary texted me that a woman was on the line. I assumed it was Briana, "Hi, girl, what's new?"

She laughed, "That's an original way to talk to your former wife, who you haven't spoken to in a million years..."

"Debra, you are alive! Nice to hear your voice after such a long time. Are you OK?"

"Yes, I am all right."

"You decided to disappear, and suddenly you reappear again. Any particular reason?"

She chortled, "Morton, there are two reasons. You are an oldie now but try to remember if this week means anything."

"Oh, yes. We got married exactly 20 years ago..."

"Good boy! You still remember our anniversary... Look, it's a long story. Would it be possible to meet for lunch at Panera?"

"Sure. I have a one-hour break for lunch. I'll be there at 12."

I arrived a few minutes early and found an empty table. Debra came at 12:05. She looked different... but great! Her brown hair was now blond and shorter. Her face was somewhat fuller - the short dress, high heels, and especially her familiar walk awoken old memories.

She approached me, and I kissed her cheek, "Debra, your hair has changed, but you look terrific. You didn't age a bit!"

She grinned, "You are still the great complimenter... I know I have changed. I have new wrinkles, and I gained 5 pounds. But I still get stares from men on the street, so I do not feel bad about my appearance. Morton, nowadays, I live in Los Angeles. I am engaged to a very nice guy and plan to marry soon. He is a businessman who travels a lot. This week he flew to Hong Kong to finalize a business deal, and I decided to spend the time in Boston, meet my old friends and see you too. I still recall our happy times together. I loved you so much back then and gave up only when I understood that you'd always be married to your work while I'd be the neglected mistress. Our times together were the highlights of my life, but they were few and far between. Sex with you was the best I ever had, and trust me, in the years we were apart, I looked for somebody who could satisfy me like you and never found one. The guy I will marry is a good man, has a steady job, and does not gamble, get drunk or use drugs. On paper, he is the ideal husband. He looks good, does exercise a lot, and has a fantastic body, but in bed, he is no match for you. He is too conservative, likes a missionary position, and every other position is what I call mission impossible... If I were in my 20s, I'd likely leave him and look for a more adventurous guy, but I have matured and understood I need to lower my expectations, compromise, and get settled. He has more good qualities than any I have seen in years. And he loves me... What about you?"

"At present, I am seeing a wonderful woman. She works in the women's clothing and fashion industry. I like her, and we try to spend as much time together as possible. By the way, at work, our group has grown, and I have become more senior, so I have more free time than before."

"You are saying that if I waited long enough, I might have benefited..."

I laughed, "It's always nice to dream 'what if...' But these days my work life is much easier. Debra, if you will be in Boston for a week, you should come to my house and meet Briana. She is great, and you'll like her."

"Sure. I am curious to know who is the woman that you spend the second chapter of your life with."

"I'll talk to her, but tomorrow at five for coffee should be perfect. I'd invite you to dinner, but I rather talk to her before committing to something without discussing it."

"Morton, you are a good man. I always knew it. And I agree that you'd better talk to her about me. I'll give you my phone number; you can call or text me anytime. I do not have scheduled appointments, so I'll be free much of the time until I leave."

"Debra, it was REALLY nice to see you again. And I disagree with what you said. You look beautiful. Your future husband should be happy with his choice."

I kissed her cheek and left toward my car. Before I entered, I glanced at Debra one more time. Did she have tears in her eyes?...


Briana was home when I arrived. She was preparing dinner for us. I kissed her and told her about Debra.

She listened carefully and grinned, "Morti, I want to meet your former wife. I cannot understand why a woman leaves a husband like you."

I hugged her, "Thanks for the nice words, but I understand her motives. When we were together, our life was great, but I was hardly home during the last year of our marriage. I think she didn't see that my work time would decrease. She was, and I guess still is, more social than me. Debra wanted what she used to call 'grow up together,' and I wasn't there for her..."

"I get what you are saying, but the marriage vow includes a sentence about 'for better or for worse...' Anyway, I am not judging her. I merely try to understand her."

"Well, you'll meet her tomorrow. She is very chatty, and you'll find multiple common subjects. And please, I know you girls will talk about me too, so take it easy..."

She smirked, "I promise to consider your request, but you owe me one..."

I French kissed Briana and later smiled, "I am not sure if I am more hungry for the meal or the chef..."


Debra arrived on time. I opened the door, kissed her cheek, and introduced her to Briana, "Debra, my former wife, and this is Briana."

Each woman inspected the other for a moment and smiled at each other. Briana said, "I've heard a lot about you, and everything was good. You look fantastic. Do you exercise on a routine basis?"

"I do yoga twice a week and Zumba every Wednesday. I still work part-time as a nurse, meaning I am on my legs eight hours daily. But look who's talking; your figure reminds me of how I looked in my 20s!"

I laughed, "Girls, I hate to intervene, but in my humble opinion, my face is prettier than that of either of you... Now on a more serious note, Debra, how do you want your coffee?"

Both ladies looked at each other and started laughing. I liked it. It wasn't clear if the two women would feel comfortable with each other later, but the beginning was promising...

I went to the kitchen to make fresh coffee, and the two ladies began discussing clothes. Debra was impressed by Briana's elegant suit (She did it for Debra. Other times she had on simpler clothes or... none). Briana gazed at Debra's and suggested they'd go to Bloomingdales the following day. Briana would help her find the stuff she'd like and ensure she gets a significant discount.

Once the women began discussing clothes, I knew I was a third wheel... I sat by them and pretended to listen, but my eyes wandered to ogle their figures. Briana's was hidden behind her suit, but her pretty face, heavy brown hair, a hint of cleavage, and shapely ankles were easy to spot. Debra had on a short sleeve blouse and a midi-style skirt. Despite her claim, she hasn't gained much weight since last I saw her many years ago! I still remembered her perky tits... I used to love tweaking them and sucking on her dark nipples...

Suddenly I noticed that both women glanced at me. I was in my own world and didn't listen, "Sorry, I was thinking about something else..."

Briana smirked, "Shall we guess what you were thinking or... ogling about?"

The ladies giggled like teenagers.

I knew I was supposed to feel embarrassed, yet their instant connection was so lovely!

They continued discussing women's underwear. I apologized, "Ladies, I am happy you found an interesting subject to discuss, but it's not MY cup of tea. Let me make a quick phone call, and I'll be back in 10."

When I returned, the two women sat on the sofa facing each other, gesturing with their hands and grinning as if they had known each other for years! I was stunned. I joined them, and Debra hugged Briana's shoulder, "Morton, your lady promised to take me shopping in Bloomingdales tomorrow. My future husband will be happy to see me in something new!"

Debra was cheerful, but the last part of her statement sounded fake. I knew her too well to buy it... I smiled but stayed quiet. I was curious to learn more about Debra's life since she left, but I saw the two women bonding nicely and knew I'd have more time with Debra in the next few days.

Debra stayed until 7:30 pm, and I suggested she stay for dinner. She looked at her watch, stood up, and said, "Guys, I am sorry. I took too much of your time. You are probably hungry. I need to run, but I'll see you, Briana, at Bloomingdale tomorrow at 4 pm."


The following day I was busier than usual. I had three surgeries and too many patients to see afterward. One of the operations lasted for many hours and then got complicated. I arrived home tired and hungry. Briana's eyes shone, but I was too exhausted to ask why. She saw my extreme fatigue, served me the food, and sent me to bed. The good news - The next day, my first operation was scheduled at 11 am (a rare occurrence). I slept like a log.

I woke up when Briana opened the window. It was 9 am. "Honey, thanks for letting me sleep. I needed that."

She hugged me, "Yes, you did. Now that you are awake, is your woody awake too?!..."

I laughed, "First, let me go to the bathroom, and when I return, we can discuss my woody."

When I exited the bathroom, I saw Briana standing seductively, wearing a tiny transparent baby doll. Her pose looked very familiar...

"Briana, the thingy you have on is beautiful. It doesn't hide anything, and it's very sexy."

"Morti, is this the first time you see this short sheer nighty?..."

I stuttered, "I am noot suure. I saw a siiimilar baby doll many years ago..."

She chuckled, "You saw it on Debra, right?"

I blushed, "Yes."

"Honey, Debra and I had a lot of fun yesterday. We went to Bloomingdale, and initially, I recommended some nice clothes. She undressed to try them, and I saw her in her underwear. She has a beautiful body for a 40-year-old woman! She liked a skirt and two blouses. Then Debra wanted to see our dresses. I showed her some of the newer ones on the shelf. I just got them from our supplier. The one she liked had soft bust support, meaning she didn't need her bra. She removed it, and I ogled her breasts... Her tits are gorgeous! Anyway, after giving her a discount of 50% she agreed to purchase it. We were in a good mood and laughed a lot. Subsequently, she offered me the baby doll saying, 'I thought you might want to have this transparent nighty - This was Morton's favorite, and it may look better on you...' Then, she told me it was time for me to try something different. She brought me three short evening dresses and made me try them. The first dress I put on by myself. It was my size, but I wouldn't say I liked it on me. The second one was slightly better. Debra adjusted it on my shoulders and waist. I wasn't sure. The third one had soft padding. I removed my bra, and from the corner of my eye, I saw her standing with her mouth open, looking straight at my boobs. Then she licked her upper lip. She helped me zip it, and her hands lightly touched me, rearranging it on my tummy and chest. Her soft touch felt like minor electric shocks, and I shivered. She gazed at my face and continued to adjust it on my body. I froze for a moment. She whispered that the dress was perfect for me. She wanted to buy it for me. I didn't know if she could afford it, so I told her I had gotten the clothes I wanted for myself for free. She smiled, 'Briana, you look amazing in that dress. I would love to see you in it outside.' Morti, I haven't had that much fun in the company of another woman in a long time! Let's see her again."

Briana's story, the memory of Debra in the same lingerie, and then watching Briana's body were aphrodisiacs like no other. My prick engorged fast.

Briana's sharp eyes quickly noticed my bulging underwear, "Honey, I am so sorry. Did the sheer baby doll perform its magic? Did my story bring good memories? Was it a reaction to my erotic interaction with your former wife that excited you?"

"Darling, all of the above! Now stop talking. It's time to put to use my hard tool. Am I right that a certain part of your body is moist already?"

"I am too aroused to check it. I suggest that you investigate and tell me what you think."

My exploratory mission revealed that 'moist' was not the right word. 'Soaked' was a much more accurate word to describe her cunt...

"Morti, recalling my day with Debra made me horny... You can play with my body, but please hurry! I need to feel your long and beautiful organ buried deep in my pussy."

I positioned her hungry cunt before me and lightly rubbed the spongy head against her entrance, "Did you say you liked Debra's tits? Did I understand correctly that she ogled yours? Honey, your story sounded like a first chapter or an appetizer to an interesting adventure... Would you consider it?"

Briana didn't answer, but her breathing increased, and she moaned.

"Did Debra tell you that we experimented with another woman before? Debra loved it. I think you may like it too."

Only half my cock was inside her vagina, and suddenly, her body shuddered with a massive orgasm. She cried, "Yes! Give it to me! OH, GOD!!!..." I started pounding her hard, kneading her gorgeous tits, imagining Debra's lips sucking on them. The erotic vision triggered my climax, and I poured my juices deep inside her accepting pussy.

When it was over, Briana whispered, "Morti, I know you want Debra to join us at least once before she flies back west. I am tempted but scared. If you choose to make it happen, ensure I have a glass of wine..."

I kissed her forehead, and we fell asleep.


On Thursday, two surgeries had to be postponed, and I had a break in my schedule. Briana was in New York, discussing their next year's strategy. I called Debra to see how she was doing. She sounded happy to get my call. When she heard I had free time, she offered to join me for a stroll in the nearest small park.

From a distance, I saw her coming. Her walk was very familiar. I remembered how much I liked watching her small gliding steps... She wore a simple skirt and a long sleeve blouse, "Hi Morton. It's nice to see you in the middle of the day for a change. Does it mean that your workload decreased by much?"

"Yes. And there is even better news. As one of the senior members, my salary is high irrespective of the number of procedures I perform. I can choose what days and how many surgeries I want to participate in. It improves my life, and I invest more in my relationship with Briana."

She smiled, "I see that your life has changed a lot since I left. You seem much happier. Work has to do with it, but I am convinced that Briana has a great positive influence on you too..."

"I agree. Before I met her, I was already working less, but my eating habits, going out, and enjoying my life were nothing like these days."

I am so happy you found a perfect mate. I think Briana is a wonderful lady. When we went shopping, we talked a lot. She is witty, funny, and down to earth despite her high position in Bloomingdale. Everybody there treated her with the utmost respect, yet with me, she behaved like I was her sister. We played in Bloomingdale's dressing room like teenagers. This reminds me; her body is fantastic! She is more than 40 years old, and her body is super-sexy. But I guess you know it already..."

I gazed at Debra, "She told me about your shopping spree and the fun you girls had trying on new clothes and... touching."

Debra blushed, "I was also thinking about it a couple of times afterward. As a nurse, I care for and touch many female patients daily. However, Briana wasn't a patient, and her body was as feminine as I have ever seen. Touching her soft skin reminded me of our old days. Do you still remember Rachel? And Suzan?"

Of course I did. We had threesomes with these two women...

I stared into her eyes, "Debra, are you hinting that you will be interested in a three-way with Briana and me, or do I misinterpret you completely?"

She hesitated momentarily and had a pleading look, "Morton, we are no longer in our 20s. We do not need to pretend anymore, do we?"

"No, we don't."

"My life is about to change soon. I will marry a wonderful man who has only one drawback. And it's a big one. His libido and skills in bed are below par. If we talk about sexual bliss, you were the best thing that ever happened to me. I lost you because I was short-sighted. On the other hand, you have the perfect lady - Smart, funny, intelligent, great figure, pretty, and she can have sex with you whenever she wishes. Now put yourself in my position. The week I am here in Boston will be my only opportunity to rekindle a happy part of my former life and remember what good sex is all about. How would YOU answer your question if you were me?..."

I laughed.

Debra got defensive, "Morton, I poured my heart to you, and you mock me. I thought of you as a better person."

I hugged her, "Debra, you misunderstood why I laughed. Last night Briana told me about your fun in Bloomingdale's dressing room. You girls undressed, and she felt 'a connection' between you two. She was very impressed by your body... I asked her flat out if she was interested in pursuing a menages-a-trois. She didn't give me a straight answer, but she thought I'd like it. She said she'd go for it if you and I wanted it. Her tone did not sound like she was about to sacrifice herself for our pleasure; instead, her lack of experience prompted her to let us decide. Debra, now that you understand why I laughed, am I forgiven?"

She came closer and kissed my cheek, "Morton, you are the best person I have ever met. Sorry for doubting you."

"So tell me, what would you suggest we do about the elephant in the room?"

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