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Bridgette: Daddy's Girl 02

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Chris continues with Bridgette.
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***This story contains incest. But people asked for a second part...so here you go!

Bridgette was wet with lust, her pussy was leaking copious amounts of vaginal fluid as she played with herself. Her fingers teased and then manhandled her labia and pearl, alternating the pressure. She could edge herself for a very long time before letting herself cum and then rob the bank and cause herself multiple orgasms, racking her body with contractions she swore might break her.

The week prior, her father had hired her from her side hustle as an escort. She hadn't realized it was him, of course, not at first. He hadn't realized who he had hired...but when they realized what had happened...they had come to terms with it. She thought back to how much she adored her dad in her youth. She, like most girls, had been daddy's girl. The way he had carried her to bed as a little girl, she thought he was the strongest man alive. Saturday mornings, sitting next to him at breakfast, she could smell his aftershave. She didn't realize it at the time, but it would imprint on her what a real man should smell like.

Even now as she was masturbating, she thought back to when she had walked in on him during high school. He was in his pajama pants, shaving while he looked in the mirror. She hadn't admitted to herself then, but she had become aroused. Deep inside her, she knew one day she would be married and her man would be doing the same.

"Aaahhh," she climaxed, her body starting to shake.

That had done it. Her childhood memories were now tied to her illicit experience. She was upset that mom wasn't taking care of dad like she should. Having accepted when her parents became more distant during high school. Most of her friends' parents were the same. At the time, she thought it might be an ordinary part of being married for so long. All she knew was, she was going to find a way to get mom out of the house so she could have some time with dad.


Her phone buzzed with a text message. She swiped up and opened the message, it was from her dad.

"Mom booked a hair and Mani/Pedi this weekend. She'll be gone for at least three hours."

"Perfect," she smiled.


Chris woke up Saturday morning, and immediately thought of what he had done the night before. One part of him cringed that he had arranged to sleep with his own daughter. What had shocked him even more was how natural it had felt at the time. They had even come to terms with it.

That was the most shocking part for him.

Bridgette preferred he cheat on his wife with her, and not some 'hussy' as she had put it. Still, as he lay there in bed thinking about it, he knew the root cause was his waning relationship with his wife. He had to try to fix their relationship, and he decided he needed help with that. He would start looking for a marriage counselor first thing Monday morning.

Chris quietly crawled out of bed, trying not to wake up his wife. He knew better than to try to be intimate with her, knowing she would rebuff him. After brushing his teeth, he took a shower and dried off, and got dressed. Since it was still early, he made a protein shake for a light breakfast, after which he decided to wash his car.

Chris beamed as he opened the garage. It wasn't his company car he was going to wash, it was his personal gift to himself; a fire engine red 1964 Ford Mustang convertible. Just looking at it made him smile. Once he had started making six figures, he chose to ignore his father's advice to save all his excess income, just this once.

He had splurged on himself and bought it around the time Bridgette had finished junior high. Those were still happy days, taking the family to the beach in his classic muscle car. The roar of the motor with the top down.

He parked his pride and joy by the sidewalk and then washed it. After drying it, he began the process of detailing his red beauty.


Looking over, he spotted his neighbor Luke from across the way.

"Hey Luke, how are ya doing?" He smiled as he continued working.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure!" Chris paused his work and gave Luke his full attention.

Luke lowered his voice and proceeded to tell Chris he and his wife and noticed Samantha having a visitor. Luke went on to tell him his wife had initially noticed something months ago. She had been at the mall, and saw Samantha with a man she didn't recognize. It might have been an innocent lunch, but over time she thought they were becoming too familiar.

"So last night, my wife see's the same man come to your house. His car was parked right where your Mustang is. It was still there in the morning. I watched with her as he finally saw him pull away."

Chris was silent.

So much for marriage counseling. While his mind was spinning out of control, a cool and reasonable voice cut through the clutter.

"I don't suppose you got a picture of him?" He said in a calm voice.

"Yeah, I do. Kitty (short for Kathy) has some from the mall. I'll email them to you."

"Send them to my work email, not my personal email." He said, giving Luke his information.

Chris hurried the detailing of his car and parked it in the garage. He went inside, without any idea what he was going to do or say. That's when he realized Samantha was in the shower.

Disrobing quickly, he got in with her. It wasn't long before he started caressing her body.

"I'm not in the mood," she said.

"Well, I didn't wake you up. You're 'not in the mood' all the time. How about we try something new. You actually go along with my advances, and you just might be in the mood by the time we are done."

Samantha did go along with his pawing her. But Chris could tell she was begrudgingly going along. He made sure she orgasmed before he did, but it was with little joy when he shot his cum inside her.

"There, satisfied?" she finished.

"It was at least better than what we've had in recent months." Chris fired back. "Why don't I take you to brunch?"

"I'm going to meet up with my "Mother's for Homeless Women" group." she said flatly.

"Next weekend then?" Chris pressed the subject.

"I have a mani-pedi scheduled." Samantha said, with little remorse.

"Okay, okay! Have a good rest of your day."

Chris finished drying off first and dressed again. He went to his home office and texted Bridgette.

"Now, about my little problem," he mumbled to himself.

He hugged Samantha as she left, and returned to his home office where he made some phone calls, and contacted his lawyer.


It was a week later, and Saturday was here again.

"Hi daddy! Hi mom!" Bridgette bounced into the house, dressed in jean shorts, and small sweatshirt with converse low tops.

Samantha smiled a wide smile as she hugged her daughter.

"What brings you home darling?" she beamed.

"I just came to visit. I was a little homesick." she said as she hugged and stayed in the arms of Chris.

"Well shoot! I gotta go soon to my hair & mani/pedi appointment, darn it! Why don't you come with me?" she offered.

"Oh, I just got one a few days ago, through the beauty school at a big discount. Maybe next time?"

Chris secretly enjoyed the timing and loss of time with Bridgette for Samantha. He texted the time to arrive perfectly.

Samantha made a pouty face, then said. "Well we can catch up when I get back!" hugging her daughter again before heading out. She didn't acknowledge Chris when she left. Bridgette walked out with her mom, talking and chatting in the little time they had. Once her mother drove off, she grabbed a tiny backpack out of her car, and returned to the house.

"I have a surprise for you daddy!" Her smile said it better than her words.

Chris had locked the front door, and when he turned around Bridgette was gone. Then he heard her in the back of the house, so he wandered over taking his time. When he got to her room, she had finished changing.

If Chris had been awestruck to see his little girl nude the first time, this time it almost stopped his heart.

She was standing just in front of her bed, dressed in lingerie. Her long legs had fishnet stockings just above the knee. They had garters that were clipped to a demi-corset, both black. The demi-corset lifted her ample breasts, but didn't cover them.

She had no panties on.

She also had black silk gloves that ended past her elbows, and to top it off; a black lace choker on her angelic neck.

"Surprised daddy?" she intoned in the sexiest voice.

Chris's rock hard trouser monster was the answer. He was dumbstruck.

She sashayed over, and undid his zipper and belt, then lowered his pants. When his cock was freed, she took it in her hand, never once taking her eyes off his.

"C'mon daddy, time to fuck me hard."

He patiently caressed her body, biding his time, building up the sexual tension. His fingers ran along the edges of her lingerie, teasing her. Then he nudged her on the bed. She fell back with a mild plop, and lifted her legs immediately. Chris let a giant dollop of spit fall from his mouth and it landed on the top of his meat. The next dollop fell on her upturned and shaven kitten.

Rubbing his helmet over her vulva, he parted her lips teasing her. A few times he hinted at her pink starfish, to which she giggled joyously. Then, she started reaching for him, wanting to feel him on top of her.

Pushing, he entered her. His cock slid in with practiced ease. But rather than lay on her, he lifted her onto his rigid shaft. She immediately got the hint and with her hands on his strong shoulders, began riding him.

"Ooooh, yeah! Fuck me daddy. Fuck me some more!"

He obliged, syncing his movements with hers. Sucking her nipples into his mouth, he flicked them with his tongue, before using his lips to squeeze them. Her hips started rocking faster.

"MMM, oh that feels good. More daddy, treat me like a slut...hurt me daddy," she whelped.

His motion started picking up the pace. She was now being slammed down on his heated meat vessel. He was in charge. He was fucking her now.

"More...more more more...Yeah, like that..." she begged, tears of ecstasy flowing.

Suddenly, he lifted her off and threw her on the bed, face first. She turned her ass up high, as she shoved his voracious manhood back into her pussy. He grabbed her hair with insatiable fists, and started to pile drive her from behind.

"Oh Yeah! Yeah! Wreck my pussy, beat it up! Punish me for being a bad girl, pleeaase!" she said as her body convulsed.

Like a bull, he was pounding her, beating her hips from behind. His hands shifted, his left grabbing the two knots of hair, and his right hand spanking her lily white bottom hard and fast. In no time at all, it was red like a rose.

"F U C K ohhh FFUUCCKK!!!"

"Yes yes yes yes Daddy! Cum on my face...pleeassee!

When Chris was reaching his peak, he pulled out and she turned immediately with her mouth open and her eyes closed.

Shot after shot of thick white cream slapped onto her face.

She waited till it was all out. Cum was sticking on her forehead, eyes, nose, in her mouth, and starting to dribble down her chin onto her tits.

"Get my phone daddy, take some pictures!"

He did so quickly, taking several from different angles. Bridgette did her best to look like a porn star, and giggled as she started slowly licking it off her fingers as she cleaned her face.

"Thank you! You're the best Daddy!"

They made love slower in the shower as they washed each other off. They talked as they did so, reaffirming their understanding.

Bridgette cleaned up her room with an experienced hand. She got dressed like when she arrived.

"What are you going to do about mom?" she said, kissing him on the cheek by her car.

"Let me worry about that. Be good, make good choices and do well in school. Okay Bridger?

"Of course dad!" She hugged him in a giant bear hug, before getting in her car and driving back to school.

About 15 minutes later, Samantha returned. When she walked into the house, she called out for Bridgette.

"Honey, I'm back!"

Chris was reading in his office, he looked up at her, and with an imperceptible smile said. "She left about a quarter of an hour ago. You missed her."

"Why didn't you ask her to stay?" she folded her arms, angry with him.

"I did. I told her you would cook her up an amazing dinner. I offered to take us all out to Langostino's for dinner. But she had to go." The imperceptible smile still there.

"Oh for the love of..." she stalked off to make herself a drink and watch TV.


It was half a month later, Bridgette was preparing for finals, and Chris did not want to bother her. He got a text, and looked at the notice on the notice bar of his phone. He took his phone off the company Wifi, and opened it. A small smile crossed his face, with a touch of grimness to it.

"Sally, I'm stepping out for a quick bite. If anyone is looking for me, I shouldn't be too long."

"Okay Chris." His secretary was on a first name basis, having worked with him for more than a decade.

"Hello, is this the Hartford detective agency?" Chris asked. He was walking through the courtyard of the office building towards the parking structure.

"Hello, yes it is. Thank you for returning our call. Can you give the code in your text please?" A female voice intoned.

Chris looked at his phone.

"Hashtag 4782"

"One moment," he heard the click of being put on hold. He had reached his car, and by the time they picked up the other line, he was talking through his car's bluetooth phone connection.

"Hello Chris, this is Tim Hartford. Can you confirm your street address?"

Chris spoke his mailing address out loud.

"Thank you. Okay, we ran our investigation and have sufficient information to give you a report. When can you come in to discuss the results?"

"Please just tell me," Chris said.

"I'm afraid there is a reason we do things the way we do."

"I can be there in 20 minutes. Are you available?"

"I will be by the time you get here. I'll let the front desk know to expect you."

Chris drove out of the parking structure and quickly called his secretary and told her the 'quick bite' was turning into a business lunch.

When Chris arrived, he signed in and took in the view of dark wood paneling in the office. Momentarily, a confident young man walked out in a business suit and shook hands.

"Please follow me," he smiled and walked him to a small room just inside the main office.

Chris sat down and noticed an older man joined the younger man. His face was a mask of calm and unreadable. The young man was still smiling.

"S0? What are the results?" Chris said, putting on his business face.

"I think you know," said the older man, his face still unreadable.

"My wife is having an affair," Chris said without emotion.

"How did you know?" asked the younger of the pair.

"If the answer was a 'no', then you would have texted me or just told me over the phone."

"Very good." The older man said.

"I'm here because you want to gauge me, see if I'm going to run off and do something stupid like beat her up. Or her 'other man'."

"Correct again," the older man finally cracked a small smile and nodded.


The two men looked at each other and nodded. The older man produced a manila folder and passed it to Chris.

"She's been visiting an old boyfriend we believe. There are photos of them going in and out of his place, a hotel and more recently, your home. We also have video & audio using an infrared camera. The file is on the USB drive."

Chris passed over his company credit card, and flipped through the contents of the folder.

"So what do you plan to do?" asked the younger man.

"Believe it or not, I'm not going to divorce her. Well...I might. I guess that depends on how she reacts when I have a good long talk with her."

Now the older man smiled more broadly.

"I've been exactly where you are now. My advice is now is a time to be rational and gather your financial information..."

"Done." Chris gave him his poker face.

"I was pretty sure what she was up to. I just needed the evidence." He said, patting the manila envelope. He stood up and took his credit card now that they had charged it.

"Good luck!" The older man said, shaking his hand firmly.


"We are having dinner at our favorite place this coming Saturday," Chris told Samantha later when he was home. He had made the reservations after leaving the detective agency.

"Uh, I have plans! You can't just plan things without talking to me first!" she complained.

"You can cancel them, you already do so much for the community. One night isn't going to break the homeless shelter."

His beaming smile made her think twice. She looked at him, so confident, so sure of himself.

"Did you get a promotion?" she asked with a slight smile. "A raise?"

"Come to dinner and find out." He leaned forward and kissed her between the eyes. He was mildly surprised she didn't pull back.

She was still looking at him appraisingly as he pulled some steak out of the fridge and took it to the warmed up grill on the patio. Dinner was delicious, but despite her attempts, she simply could not squirrel any information out of him.

The week flew by and they were standing in line in front of Langostino's dressed to the nines. When they got to the podium, he said "Chris and Samantha; the private room."

He heard her gasp. She took his arm in her hands and with a delighted smile was led to the private room. When they arrived, there was a ballet of waiters plating their dishes and presenting the wine. Their dinner had already been prepared, and the wine bottle was already uncorked and aired. Within minutes of being seated, the waiters closed the doors.

She looked at him, silently asking 'how'?

"Our favorite dishes, I texted them when we left the house." He smiled roguishly.

"Okay, tell me!" she beamed at him, clearly excited about what news he had.

"After dinner," he raised his glass of wine. "I want to savor this!"

She gawked at him, smiling for the first time in years like she was still in love with him. Chris bit back his emotions to see her so happy again.

After what could only be described as a culinary work of art, both Chris and Sam were deeply satisfied with their meals. Drinking wine while they ate, both were very relaxed.

"Now then," Chris intoned.

He pulled out an iPad mini from a deep pocket in his coat. He flicked it on and pulled up a file. He sat next to Sam as he slowly started to flick past photo after photo. Some were pdf pages of investigator's notes. The last thing he landed was a video of colored shapes. Like a heat signature, but it was very easy to see that it was two people having sex. The audio of the video was very clear.

"Oh yeah Robby, fuck me like that!" Samantha's voice was easily identifiable.

"You like this Italian sausage, Sam? You like me stuffing you with it?"

"Yes yes yes! Fuck me like a whore. I'm your little slut tonight and every night."

Chris glanced at Samantha. Her face was as white as a bedsheet. Her mouth was open in a shocked grimace. He could tell she wasn't breathing, just sitting there utterly shocked.

Chris flipped to a last pdf, it was their prenuptial agreement with certain portions highlighted. It was the Infidelity Clause. The part of the document that spelled out what each would lose claim to in marital assets, if one or the other was caught cheating.

"Now, we can get divorced or...you can go back to being an actual wife. And furthermore, since your lack of libido was your tryst, and not depression or menopause or anything else. You're going to be my little devoted wife again. We are going to be intimate at least four times a month. Oh, and since you felt it necessary to 'wander about', I think it's only fair if I find someone...oh, let's call it entertainment. You were cheating on me for at least half a year. So I think it would only fair that I get to 'wander' in return."


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