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Broken Babysitter


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Marcie turned around and had a bunch of things she laid out next to the tub. The next ten minutes or so were spent lathering up her legs, yet another sensual experience that had Jessie squirming in the chair before long. Marcie said it had been a while since she helped another woman shave, but as the razor glided on her skin Jessie couldn't find any faults. There were only three small nicks through the whole process, and the rest of it was a relaxing combo of Marcie's hands and the smooth scratching of the razor. Jessie felt like her legs were electrified.

Then Marcie moved forward and sat on the edge of the tub, spreading Jessie's legs around her. Jessie was wide open for Marcie, and she imagined her vagina was spread open for the woman. Marcie didn't seem to react, but her eyes also rarely seemed to leave the spot between Jessie's legs. Marcie started with small scissors, cutting some of the hair down.

Then the rubbing started. Smooth, long strokes with her fingers to spread the gel, then little circles on the way back up to foam it. A lot of those circles came near or on her labia. Jessie practically snapped the chair gripping it hard and trying to stay still.

Marcie started the razor strokes quickly and precisely. Each one felt like a shock and left a tingling that seemed to trickle down to her vagina. When she shaved Jessie's lips it wasn't a trickle; it was a straight jolt directly into her sex. Her hands got sore from clenching, and she thought she tasted blood biting her lip.

Then Marcie moved her hand too quick. A finger accidentally grazed Jessie's clit. She let out a short groan, but it was loud.

"Are you okay?" Marcie asked.

Jessie looked at the other woman. The answer wasn't as simple as she wanted it. Marcie locked eyes with her. Jessie saw her eyes go to the casts. Then there was a flash of several emotions: surprise, realization, pity. They locked eyes again. Marcie started slowly moving her hand. Her fingers traced from the bottom of Jessie's ribs down her stomach and around her navel. The whole time, Marcie's thumb pointed down. Marcie stopped just when her thumb was over the top of Jessie's slit. She looked up, a question in her eyes.

Jessie nodded frantically.

Marcie only had to press down and move her thumb around in a circle once and Jessie exploded. She let out a long, loud moan and jerked forward. She suddenly felt warmth as Marcie held her, their chests pressing together. The soft breasts pressing into her larger ones melded together and made her orgasm feel even better, which was saying something as it was the biggest one Jessie had ever had. She actually sobbed into Marcie's shoulder. The whole time Marcie just held her, stroking her back.

It took a while for Jessie to stop shuddering. Eventually Marcie whispered, "I have to finish shaving."

Marcie went from tense and wired to almost falling asleep as Marcie finished up. When she was done, a large triangle of dark hair remained above Jessie's slit. Her lips were exposed though, and even then, they looked a little swollen and wet.

"Thank you," Jessie said after the drying, "For..."

"Don't worry about it," Marcie said, "We all can use an extra hand sometimes."


Jessie had thought the sweet release she got with Marcie would calm her libido down, but of course that wasn't how it worked. The amazing feelings of the night before stuck with her and she had trouble focusing on much else. Newly motivated, she spent most of the next morning figuring out how to get her fingers into play on her own sex. She eventually figured out that if she was face down with her knees up, she could maneuver her left arm and get her fingers in contact with her clit. It was an embarrassingly exposed position, but it let her rub her clit and work herself up to sweet release.

The orgasms she got from that didn't compare to her experience with Marcie, but they were enough for the embarrassment to seep back in. Marcie was her friend, she was married, and she was doing Jessie such a huge favor by letting her recover in their house and not demanding nearly as much work watching Anya. She'd taken advantage. She wasn't sure how, exactly, since she hadn't really asked for it, but it still felt that way. She tried to talk to Marcie about it, but after stammering and stumbling over her words for a minute or so, working "sorry" in there somewhere, Marcie stopped her.

"Jessie, you're a beautiful woman and you're eighteen. We all get urges. And if you never had a boyfriend I can only imagine how pent up you were. It was kind of flattering that I got you worked up like that. You don't need to apologize for anything."

"But you're...I mean Mister-"

"Don't worry about it. That's between me and my husband. Now relax; stress isn't good for healing," Marcie said.

Jessie did try. She tried to immerse herself in the college acceptance materials she'd been sent, but that brought up the different stress of whether she was going or not or if she should just save the money and work to help her mother and grandmother. In the end she just went back to streaming on her tablet.

It made her a little nervous when her mother came by; Jessie felt like she had nothing she could talk to her about. Her mother wanted her to go to college and wouldn't discuss the issue, and there was no way Jessie would mention what happened with Marcie. Her boss and her mother weren't exactly becoming fast friends but they were pleasant to each other, and Jessie didn't want to ruin that in any way.

It all came to a head that Friday. Anya was going to visit her grandparents for the weekend, three hours away. Marcie drove her there and Jessie opted to stay at home rather than be in the car with Marcie for all that time. She felt a little bad about it, but was more worried about the potential awkwardness.

That night, Marcie gleefully announced they were having a nice dinner. She helped Marcie put on a nicer dress and practically dragged Jessie out at dinner time. The Barretts' table was lit by candles and nicer plates were on the table, as opposed to the plastic stuff Jessie always saw, along with wine glasses. Something smelled very good from the kitchen, and as Marcie helped Jessie to sit down, Roman came out of the kitchen with a platter and a bowl. The bowl had brown rice with what looked like shrimp sitting on top, while the platter had a bunch of thinly sliced ham.

"Jamón y Fideuà," Roman said in Spanish, "Food from Spain."

"It looks so yummy, doesn't it?" Marcie said. Jessie's nose and stomach agreed.

They sat and then Jessie was shocked when they poured wine for her. Marcie noticed and said, "Oh it's just us here, and no one's going anywhere. Teenagers in Spain drink all the time. We'll make sure you don't start dancing on the tables or anything."

Jessie tried to laugh it off but the risque comment brought their washroom incident to the forefront of her mind. Reflexively, she took a drink of the wine. She worried about coughing or something but the wine tasted sweet, with only a bit of flavor to suggest the alcohol.

She relaxed as dinner continued, listening to Roman tell stories from Spain related to his family and the food. Marcie added in her own stories from the couple of times they'd visited, as well as some other traveling they'd done in Europe. Marcie also suggested backpacking around Europe if Jessie didn't want to start college right away.

Jessie nodded along, enjoying the atmosphere and the relaxed company. She felt more at ease with the Barretts than she could remember, and wondered how much of that was from the wine.

After dinner she noticed Marcie and Roman got very handsy. Marcie was cleaning up, mostly, but Roman helped her by carrying stuff, and every time he went near the sink he would grab some part of his wife or lean in for a kiss. At one point he slipped a hand under his wife's skirt and Marcie had to stop and moan before pushing Roman away. Marcie looked over at Jessie after that and Jessie turned away red-faced.

Roman went upstairs after saying something in rapid Spanish. Marcie finished drying her hands and came over to Jessie.

"Will you be okay? I think Roman and I are turning in for the night."

Jessie almost wondered at that since it was only eight, then she flushed as she realized what Marcie probably meant.

"Yeah, I'm good," Jessie said. Marcie was gone up the stairs almost before she finished talking.

Jessie waited a while in the kitchen, then she slowly crept up the stairs. She wasn't sure, at first, why she tried to be quiet. She'd seen porn and movies with sex scenes; she knew sex was loud unless the people having it were purposely trying to be quiet. Jessie was wearing slippers and the upstairs hallway was carpeted. She could have walked normally and they wouldn't have heard.

She crept anyway. Because she stopped in front of their door.

She couldn't hear anything at first; her breathing and heartbeat seemed to drown out everything else. Then she calmed a little and heard rustling, faintly. Then some moans. Finally, words.

"Yes....yes you" and then something in Spanish. She knew Marcie was bilingual, or at least knew enough Spanish to sometimes say a phrase or something to her husband. Apparently that extended to the bedroom.

Jessie sank down to sit in front of the door, using the doorframe to brace her back. She stopped with her ear against the door. More moaning came through, with a whole mix of Spanish and English from Marcie. She wondered if Roman was quiet during sex; she had heard guys don't make as much noise. Or maybe Marcie drowned him out?

Then Marcie shrieked and Jessie heard deep thumps. There was quiet from the room after, then Roman said, "Es good enough for you, mamacita?"

"Fuck...your mouth is so good," Marcie replied.

Jessie felt a flush as she realized why Roman hadn't made noise. Then her mind flashed to the scene in the bathroom. Had Marcie been positioned the same way? Lying back, her legs spread? Could Marcie have done that to her?

"My turn now, semental Andalucia," Marcie said.

Jessie had her eyes closed and tried to imagine the visual of what she heard. She assumed Marcie was going down on her husband now. She'd seen Roman topless, and while she'd exercised she couldn't help wondering what was under his sweatpants. She'd seen penises in porn too, but she knew they were too big. Or were they? The porn actors were real people. Maybe some guys really were that big? Was Roman?

Jessie heard him grunting and spouting short Spanish phrases she couldn't translate. Then she almost yelped when her arm hurt. She had tried to press her broken hand between her legs. The hardness felt good against her mound, but she couldn't push with it so sore.

Fortunately she was a smart girl. She put her left arm, the one with the bigger cast, down between her legs. She moved it so the somewhat rough end of the cast wedged in the carpet. Then she pushed her crotch forward. It was awkward. But it was better than nothing.

She stayed like that the whole time. The position didn't get her enough leverage to grind. She could only kind of press on herself with her own hips, and even that hurt a little. But it stimulated her a bit. By the time she heard slapping and the two lovers calling out to each other as they began actual sex, her panties were soaked, and she thought she'd managed a small orgasm. She'd used her broken hand to pinch her nipple as much as possible.

The grinding of her own crotch on the cast and her breathing soon drowned out the sounds from behind the door. Jessie lost track of time. She imagined her employers naked on the bed, her an athletic and energetic sexpot, him a male figure resembling the statues of his namesake. She wasn't sure which imaginary body turned her on more. She knew it "should" be Roman's, but she couldn't get the sight of Marcie's butt or bare breasts out of her mind from the bathroom two days ago either. They apparently did just as much for her as Roman's abs and pecs. Suddenly she imagined both of them on either side of her, pressing their bodies against her.

She banged her head against the door and slammed her crotch into her hand, giving herself the most confusing mix of pain and orgasmic pleasure ever. It was the best orgasm she'd ever given herself, and only lost out to the one she'd gotten from Marcie. She shuddered and shivered as the feelings washed through her. Then she opened her eyes.

She saw two shins in front of her. They were smooth, delicately curved, and shaved bare. The feet at the end had nail polish. Jessie's head snapped up.

Marcie towered above her like an angel. Jessie wasn't sure what kind, mercy or wrath.

Her position let her see a lot. Marcie's vagina was totally bare, as she'd said. The lips swelled and her inner labia poked past them. There was a lot of moisture, and some whitish residue. Above her toned stomach her perky tits looked thrust out more, and her nipples seemed extra hard.

"Get up," Marcie said. Her voice was forceful, but quiet, the same volume she sometimes talked to Jessie when Anya was asleep nearby.

Marcie used the wall to stand. She was unsteady on her feet as she did, but it wasn't from the orgasm.


"Quiet," Marcie said, "I wore him out. He's gonna fall asleep. You..."

Marcie just looked at Jessie. She felt like she was going to cry. She wanted to apologize, run, and never have to see them again. She was so humiliated.

"Move," Marcie said.

Jessie stepped to the side so Marcie would have room to pass, but Marcie grabbed her shoulder and turned her.

"Your room."

Jessie walked to the guest room she'd been sleeping in. She wasn't sure what to do so she stood there, looking at the bed.

"Did you cum?" Marcie asked, her voice a little louder.


Suddenly there was a smack and a stinging on Jessie's backside. Jessie realized Marcie had just spanked her.

"You heard me," Marcie hissed, "Or do you not know what 'cum' means, Miss Valedictorian?"

"Yes," Jessie stammered.

"Yes what?" Marcie snapped again, "You know what cum means, or you did?"

"B-both," Jessie said.

"Really? Let me check."

Suddenly Jessie felt a hand between her legs. She brought her own hands down, but Marcie was behind her. Fingers slipped into her sex easily; Jessie was totally soaked down there.

"Don't move, Jessie Caplan," Marcie said, "Or you'll regret it."

Jessie immediately thought of all the worst case scenarios that statement could evoke. She imagined Marcie calling the police and having her hauled away. It made her pull her hands away.

But with the fear was a thrill of excitement. Marcie's fingers slowly explored inside her, and she was still a bit sensitive from the orgasm. When the woman's fingers rubbed against the front of her insides she gasped.

"Well you're definitely wet," Marcie said, her voice now a mix of tender and teasing, "You poor baby. You had me rubbing my hands all over you the other day, and before that. And I shaved you too. You can't rub yourself with those casts, can you?"

Jessie only half-focused on what Marcie said; she was too distracted by the fingers in her vagina. Then another slap and stinging hit her butt.

"Answer me, Caplan."

"I...I can but...," Jessie whimpered.

"But it's not as good is it?" Marcie asked, "It's better with someone else, isn't it?"

"I...I don't know," Marcie admitted.

"Ohhhhh," Marcie said in realization. She leaned forward until Jessie felt the woman's breasts brushing her back and her mouth at her ear. "You're a virgin, aren't you?"


"Was I the first one to get you off?" Marcie asked.


Marcie's fingers seemed to move with more purpose now, and focused only on the front of her tunnel. The sensation was unlike anything Jessie had experienced before; she'd always just rubbed outside of her vagina to masturbate. This felt different, deeper and slower somehow, but she recognized the signs.

Suddenly the fingers disappeared and Jessie couldn't help letting out a disappointed moan. She felt her juices running down her leg as her dress dropped back down.

Marcie walked around in front of her, and Jessie's slightly bent over position had her looking at the woman's breasts. Her nipples were hard points on the conical mounds of her chest. Jessie was perversely curious about feeling them. Then Marcie's hand grabbed her chin and brought her eyes up.

"Answer me with the truth, Jessie, or this will go badly for you," Marcie said, "Did me rubbing you while we washed turn you on?"

"Y-yes," Jessie said, both too scared and too turned on to think about dodging the question or lying.

"Do you like looking at me when I'm in my underwear or my bikini?" Marcie asked.


"Do you like looking at Roman when he's working out?"

Jessie suddenly felt like Marcie asked if Marco was cheating on her. She didn't lie, but she could only bring herself to nod yes.

"Did you like when I rubbed you just now?" Marcie asked.

Jessie only nodded again.

"Did you like hearing Roman and me?" Marcie asked.


"No more nodding now, answer me with words. Would you like to watch us?"

Jessie paused. She wanted to say no, but she also remembered wondering, even hoping that their bedroom door would peek open. She wanted to see what the two looked like.

"Jessie?" Marcie asked, stepping closer so their breasts almost touched, "Do you want to watch my husband and I have sex?"


"Do you want me to touch you again and make you cum?"


Marcie's hand moved quickly and flipped up Jessie's dress. Her fingers slipped back between her lower lips, pushing into the tunnel of her sex. The fingers began pumping in and out immediately, and this time Jessie felt Marcie's thumb hitting her clit as the fingers kept pumping.

She wanted to look down or away but Marcie's hand forced her to keep eye contact. Marcie's expression now seemed excited, almost like how she'd looked before she went up to have sex with her husband.

Is this the same? Am I having sex with her? Jessie wondered.

The sensations between her legs were overwhelming her. She could feel another orgasm building as her eyes stayed locked on Marcie's

"Do you want Roman to touch you and make you cum?" Marcie asked.

Jessie's eyes widened as she tried to process what Marcie just asked amid the waves of pleasure.

"Answer me, Jessie," Marcie snapped, "Would you like it if Roman made you cum?"


"Would you like both of us to make you cum?"

"Yessss," Jessie said. Her whole body trembled and she had trouble really thinking about Marcie's questions anymore. Her whole world was shrinking down to the space between her legs where Marcie's fingers played her like an instrument.

Suddenly someone was behind her. She felt strong, rough hands come around and grab her breasts as someone pressed into her from behind.

The sudden stimulation on her breasts did it; she felt like a bomb went off in her vagina. She wrapped her arms around Marcie for support and frantically thrust into the woman's hand and arm. Marcie pushed her head up and kissed her as she half moaned, half screamed and the orgasm washed over her. Her face felt tingly and her muscles went crazy as the pleasure burst out and through her.

She pulled away from the kiss, Marcie smiling devilishly at her. Then one of the rough hands turned her face. Roman's mouth met hers. His kiss was rougher and more demanding, with some scratching from his stubble. As she kissed him, she felt Marcie grab the straps on her dress and push them off her shoulders. Her arms kept it from falling off completely, but it fell enough to expose her breasts.

"Look at these honey," Marcie said.

Jessie was pulled away from Roman and spun around. Now Marcie was at her back, her hands reaching around and cupping Jessie's tits, displaying them for Roman. Jessie briefly saw him stare at them, but then her own gaze drifted.

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