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Broken Babysitter


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Jessie looked up to see Marcie standing in the hall talking animatedly on the phone. Jessie guessed it was a client; she knew a lot of them could be demanding. Jessie started planning her escape; she would deal with her mother's threats later. Her biggest problem at the moment was she was in a hospital gown and had nothing on under it except her panties. She did a sit up without massive pain at least. She began scooting herself to the end of the bed where the dividers on the side weren't blocking her. She would figure out how to get some pants on. She had some friends she could call for a ride, she supposed; she wasn't actually that close to anyone from high school, but she knew a few girls who just had generous, helpful personalities.

She'd made it to the end of the bed and swung her legs off, exposing most of her legs and her panties in the process, when Marcie came back in and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving," Jessie said.

"No you're not," Marcie insisted, moving forward.

"Mrs. Bennett please don't touch me," Jessie said, "You made it clear you don't want to be involved with this anymore and it's not really your decision anyway. It's not my mother's either; I'm legally an adult. Now I don't want to pay for the hospital stay any more than I already have to. I'm leaving."

"I made it...oh honey no, I'm...I'm so sorry that's not what I meant at all," Marcie stammered. Jessie could tell she wanted to hug her or something but she was respecting Jessie's request not to touch.

"What did you mean then?" Jessie asked.

"I...My husband and I are going to cover it. Everything. You saved our daughter's life, Jessie, and you've been amazing to her and us for years. You really think we would just drop you like that?"

Jessie shrugged. Thinking about it, it was a bit out of character for them, which is part of why it hurt when Marcie seemed to reject her.

"I was talking to your mother just now," Marcie said, "And...well I sort of bullied her into letting us pay. Also, you're coming home with me."

"What?" Jessie asked.

"Tomorrow, if they let you out, you're coming to stay with us. Your mother said you're going to need help with a lot of things, but we can talk about that. That way your poor grandmother doesn't have to worry about it. We have a spare bedroom anyway; the one you use sometimes. Your mother will bring some clothes by."

Jessie felt her eyes welling up again and was frustrated at herself for how much she was crying today.

"Can I hug you now?" Marcie asked.

Jessie nodded.


She was discharged the next day with the doctor's approval and both her mother and Marcie waited for her. They helped her into Marcie's SUV and they drove to the Barretts' house. Roman was there when she arrived as well, and she got embarrassed about the amount of attention they paid to her. They had food together and worked out when her mother would come by (though her mother joked that with her out of the house she was going to start her college redecorating plan early).

The first week was a change. Jessie had been taking care of herself in many ways for a long time, but now she was forced to rely on others for everything. She appreciated that Anya mostly treated her the same, though she was smart enough to know not to do anything with Jessie's arms. There was a lot of "I'll play this for you" with the two of them.

Marcie actually took some time off of work initially to help out, but Jessie's mom came around during the day when she didn't have work to help with bathing and such. That was embarrassing at first, but her mother just said, "I cleaned you for the first eight years of your life. There's a bit more of you in places now, that's all." It also helped Jessie to remember her mother had to clean a lot of people at the hospital.

The doctor told her she had to be careful to use her fingers so they didn't atrophy while her arms healed, but a few mobile games for her and with Anya covered that. She also learned to love smoothies, since cutting up food or holding a sandwich and getting it to her mouth were out of the question.

Other than some restlessness everything was fine for Jessie; she wasn't that active in her own life (which she knew was part of the reason her body looked the way it did) so sitting around most of the time binging shows and gaming on the tablet or playing with Anya wasn't a hardship for her.

A week and a half in there was a hiccup though. Her sling was off by then and she had more mobility, but cleaning was still tricky. She'd taken to bathing every three or four days to reduce the embarrassment for her and her mother. But on the day it was supposed to happen her mother had a tough patient at the hospital come in late. She called to apologize for being late and Jessie told her to just go home and rest. Her mother objected, saying she wouldn't be around for the next couple of days because of some things she had to do with her grandmother. Jessie told her not to worry. Then she bucked up her courage and went to see Marcie.

"Marcie? My mother can't come today," she said.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear," Marcie said.

"'s usually our wash day. It's been a while and...well..."

"Oh Jessie of course!" Marcie said, immediately standing up and helping Jessie to the bathroom.

"Um, I was going to try putting on my bathing suit-"

"Oh that's silly," Marcie said, "You can't get clean that way. I used to be on swim teams, remember? You know how many boobs and pussies I've seen?"

Jessie blushed at the frank talk from Marcie as the woman helped her remove her sundress. She'd taken to wearing those without any underwear because it just made the bathroom easier. Marcie paused after Jessie was nude and just said, "Wow."

Jessie blushed, "I know I'm not in the best shape-"

"What are you talking about? Your body is amazing, Jessie. I know I said I've seen lots of boobs but yours You must have been fighting the boys off.

Jessie blushed again. "I...never really paid attention."

Marcie shrugged. "I sort of figured. I mean, I half expected to catch you with a boy that time we had to skip out of the marketing function early but you were just asleep on the couch. Or would we have caught you with a girl?" Marcie teased.

" just never dated. Too busy," Jessie explained as the water for the tub was filling up. She tried to cover herself, wondering why she'd let Marcie take the dress off so soon.

"You could have asked for some time, you know. High school and college are supposed to be where you make all your fun mistakes. And you won't have the body you do now so easy ever again," Marcie said, looking down at her own.

"I know, but you still look amazing," Jessie said, "You were really hot in your bikini at the barbecue."

Jessie almost punched herself out trying to put her hand over her mouth after she said that.

"Thank you. You should try a bikini. That suit you had reminded me of my racing swimsuits," Marcie said as she helped Jessie into the tub.

"Oh I couldn't," Jessie replied.

"Well...probably a little trimming would be in order."

Jessie blushed again. Her pubic area was completely covered in hair. She'd only maintained minimal grooming in the area. She remembered Marcie's bikini and realized the woman must have trimmed herself quite a bit.

Jessie kept her hands out of the way as Marcie's got to washing. With her mother it was always an efficient, clinical process but with Marcie there was a different vibe. She went slower, almost like she was giving Jessie a massage. Jessie felt more aware of Marcie's hands on her, especially as they rubbed her neck, thighs, and tummy. After that, Marcie paused. Jessie looked up and saw her looking apologetic, but she also seemed...interested? Eager? Jessie wasn't sure.

"I've got to wash, um-"

"I know, go ahead," Jessie said.

Marcie started with her breasts. It tickled a little bit as she washed the underboob area, but then she ran her hands over Jessie's full breasts in more of a caressing motion. Jessie gasped at the feeling. Her mother had always made this part of the washing fast, but Marcie almost seemed to linger, lathering her breasts for a while. Jessie noticed, but she didn't stop it; it felt much, much nicer than she expected. She'd felt her own breasts before, of course, even occasionally when she masturbated because she'd read somewhere the breast play enhanced an orgasm, but it had never felt like this.

Marcie finally used a bowl to pour water on and rinse off her breasts. Then she paused.

Jessie knew what was next and felt a nervous anticipation. She asked Marcie to help her stand. She turned toward the shower wall and braced her head there while spreading her legs a bit. "My mom usually uses the detachable showerhead," she explained.

There was no response from Marcie and Jessie turned to look.

Marcie seemed mesmerized looking at Jessie. Belatedly, Jessie realized how she was positioned and Marcie's perspective; she was all but displaying her privates to her employer. She felt herself flush from the realization, but she also felt sort of excited. She wondered if it was because of Marcie or maybe because of the way she washed her breasts.

Jessie almost jumped when Marcie's hands touched her backside. They spent quite a bit of time pressing and rubbing on her cheeks, almost kneading them. It wasn't long enough that it felt weird, but Jessie also thought it was longer than a simple washing needed. It still felt good though, and mixed with the earlier attention to her breasts, Jessie was very worked up.

There was another pause, as both women knew what the next step was. Jessie shivered and suppressed a full-on moan when Marcie's hand touched her vagina. She rubbed her whole hand over the area in a circle, lathering up her pubic hair. Her fingers brushed Jessie's clit a few times and she shivered each time. Then she dragged her fingers from the slit back between her cheeks, grazing over her puckered star and sending another unexpected shiver through Jessie. She turned her hand into a blade and rubbed it up and down a few times between the globes of her backside.

"Um, do you want me to wash inside a bit?" Marcie asked.

"Um...okay," Jessie said.

She wasn't really sure what she'd agreed to until Marcie's finger trailed down her crack and then quickly pushed inside. Jessie squeaked and pulled back a bit, but Marcie followed with her hand and rubbed inside back and forth a few times. She withdrew and then turned on the showerhead.

She soaked Jessie's crotch a few times and the water grazed Jessie's clit again, but all too briefly.

"All set," Marcie said.

She stepped out of the shower with Marcie helping her. Her hands on Jessie's shoulder felt like they were on fire. Then Marcie grabbed a towel and rubbed. The brushes on her thighs and butt were very different from when her mother dried her. When Marcie dried her breasts she almost moaned again, and the slightly rough texture of the towel felt amazing on her rock-hard nipples. Marcie wrapped her in the towel and they finished facing each other, their bodies almost touching. Jessie looked up at Marcie. Their eyes locked and Marcie's lips were parted. She seemed to be panting and there was a desperate heat in her eyes. For a moment Jessie thought Marcie might lean down and kiss her, and a second later she felt like doing it herself.

"Th-thanks," Jessie said, and then dashed out of the bathroom.


For two days the shower haunted her, but not from guilt or embarrassment, at least not about the shower.

Jessie told Marcie she'd never had a boyfriend, but her isolation went farther than that; she'd begged off all the dances at her school in the name of studying or similar, and she refused to waste the (to her) ridiculous amount of money the prom cost. Her mother had given her the (overly medical) talk all the way back when she was twelve, and various circumstances had led her to figure out how to wrest some pleasure from the spot between her legs. She'd tried porn, but it didn't do it for her; too raunchy too quick. She occasionally indulged in a racy story or a romance novel to get herself worked up.

But she'd never been as turned on as she'd been after Marcie washed her. What was worse, because of her casts she couldn't do anything about it. Her fingers were free, but the positioning of the casts meant they scratched and pressed painfully if she tried to do anything. Instead her mind conjured up images of the shower and reminded her of the feelings. Then at night it fed her replays and alternate histories detailing a bunch of other ways that session could have gone and ended.

She had a box of baby wipes in her room for quick washes. She'd been using at least one each morning.

It was in that state that Roman dropped by and invited her down to their home gym.

"Um...I don't know-" she started but Roman cut her off.

"Come on, you've been sitting around for a week here, not even running around as much with Anya. The doctor said you needed to exercise, right?" Roman asked.

"He meant my fingers," she said, waggling them in demonstration.

"Well other exercise helps too. You can't lift anything, but we've got a treadmill. Come on," he said, smiling encouragingly.

Roman was from Spain, originally, and he had a deeper voice. She'd heard several people compare it to Antonio Banderas's. As frustrated as she was it felt like his voice vibrated inside her.

"Okay," she relented.

He took her down to their home gym, set up in part of the finished basement. It had a full universal machine and separate weight rack with a lifting bench, as well as an elliptical and treadmill. Roman led her over to the treadmill and showed her the controls and clipped the safety shutoff to her dress. The only place it would clip was on the neckline, and his fingers brushed the softness of her upper breast. Then he took it off and wrapped the cord up so it had a very short tether before reclipping it. Jessie may have pressed forward a bit so his fingers made more contact, but she couldn't say for sure if she did it on purpose.

She walked at a steady pace for a bit. Roman stayed there with his hand on the small of her back, encouraging her to speed up a bit. She did, but most of her attention was on the hand. As she walked a little faster, Roman's hand moved up and down, occasionally slipping down to caress her backside. She didn't know if he was aware she had no underwear on.

After a while Roman seemed to think she was okay on her own. He went over to the weights and got to work on them...after stripping off his shirt.

Jessie's eyes locked onto him as he did his workouts, his muscles bulging. Twice she twisted the wrong way or stumbled a bit from distraction and pulled out the safety catch, prompting Roman to run over and see if she was okay. By the second one he had sweat covering his body and there was a definite scent to him. That time, Jessie had to stop herself from feigning an injury that would keep him there and, more importantly, get him to touch her again.

After half an hour they stopped. It was more physical activity than Jessie had done in a stretch since the accident; she was soaked in sweat, and her hair plastered to her face. She needed another shower, but her mother wasn't supposed to come by until two days later. She resigned herself to just deal with it and change her clothes, but after two hours when she sat up and a waft of her own stench felt like it slammed into her nose, she got up. She found Marcie in a nightgown sitting on her sofa with a tablet.

"Um, Marcie?" Jessie asked sheepishly.

"Hm? Oh my God I'm such a dunce," Marcie said, jumping up.

"What?" Jessie asked.

"I had to fend Roman off a while ago when he tried to get all lovey covered in sweat. He mentioned you worked out with him, I should have figured you'd be as bad off, and you can't just hop in the shower. I'm so sorry, come on."

She helped Jessie move into the bathroom and Jessie sighed as she began undressing in front of Marcie again. The sigh was for mixed reasons though; she was embarrassed that this was necessary, but she was secretly a bit thrilled at what might happen.

"Darn, I've got to...well...we're all girls here, right? That's what I told you last time," Marcie said.

Jessie looked up and her eyes locked on Marcie. Her employer had dropped her robe. Beneath it she only had on a pair of lacy sea green tanga panties. They were a bit see-through on the sides but covered the important parts. However, Marcie had no bra on. Her breasts were smaller and drooped a little, probably from Anya using them, but they still formed near-perfect curves on the bottom and had small nipples sitting in exactly the right spot.

"Jessie?" Marcie asked curiously.

Jessie stopped, looked at her hand, and then shrank away and blushed. She'd actually been reaching for Marcie's breasts.

"Oh God, I'm so-"

"It's okay," Marcie said, "Touch them."

"What?" Jessie asked.

Marcie shrugged. "We've all been curious, haven't we? Do other girls' feel the same as mine? You said you didn't have much time for friends or anything. Go ahead; I don't mind."

Jessie hesitantly reached out and cupped Marcie's breast. It did feel like her own, though she could almost get Marcie's whole breast in her hand. She squeezed it gently, just as much as she liked her own. There was a little more give to the other woman's tit, but she still felt the same softness. She also felt the nipple hardening under her attention and she thought she heard Marcie breathe heavier.

As she realized that, she also realized their position. Both of them stood in the bathroom, wearing only their panties, and Jessie was feeling her up. She pulled her hands away again. Marcie paused for a moment and seemed to collect herself. "Let's clean you up," she finally said.

The washing proceeded like last time, except this time Jessie's body seemed to be twice as sensitive. She almost bit through her lip as Marcie massaged the soap into her breasts. The showerhead on her back and legs felt like exquisite torture, and she barely held in a grunting moan when it swept between her legs. When Marcie pushed a finger into her hole this time, Jessie actually pushed back into it.

Her crotch felt like it was radiating heat. She imagined she could feel her clit throbbing in need. She turned around and expected to find Marcie holding a towel, but instead she still knelt just outside the tub, looking between Jessie's legs. Jessie brought her hand in front of her privates, but only partly.

"What is it?" she asked, "Is something wrong?"

"I noticed...some of your skin looked a little red. I think I should trim your hair a bit. Please? We don't want sores or a rash," Marcie said.

"It'll grow back though," Jessie objected, "I can barely wipe with these casts, how am I supposed to keep up with shaving? My legs already look like a man's."

"Well I'll help you then. Stay there."

Marcie dashed out and Jessie couldn't help looking at the sway and bounce of Marcie's chest as she ran out. When the woman came back she had a small plastic chair with a cushion on top of it, and she put it right in the tub after getting Jessie to move.

"Now sit," she said, then she turned around and started rummaging in her bathroom cabinets.

Jessie sat and found herself staring at Marcie's backside. The panties didn't cover much of her butt cheeks, and as she looked at the curve of the woman's butt she finally understood what people meant when they said "heart-shaped ass"; the swell of her hips and the curve looked like the top of an upside-down heart, though with Marcie squatting fully the shape was a little pointed because of her tone. Suddenly Jessie wondered if her own backside made the same (or even a better) shape in that position.

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