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Brother Asked to Correct Bratty Sis Ch. 11

Story Info
Lee returns home. Ava and Lee make plans.
15.7k words

Part 11 of the 19 part series

Updated 03/09/2024
Created 12/22/2022
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The Uber driver dropped me off at home and I couldn't wait to call Sandy. Walking in the house Ava nearly knocked me down rushing up to hug me. "Whoa," I chuckled, "did you miss me that much." as I dropped my bags and hugged her.

"You know I did. and I have so much to tell you. But first tell me all about Sandy and how it went. Did you fuck her and is she is interested in a relationship with you and is she going to come here to visit?" She giggled as she rapidly fired questions at me.

"I'll be happy to talk later," I chuckled, "but one, I'm hungry and two I need to go to my office and call Sandy. I promised her I would call as soon as I got home," I told her and kissed her forehead.

"Fine," she pouted, "I'll fix you a BLT while you do that. We have a lot to talk about."

Glancing down she giggled, "Is that thing in your pants because of me or because you're thinking of Sandy?"

"Both, you little slut, are you wearing anything under that robe?" I grinned. It was the robe she wore while we were in Tuscaloosa.

"You'll have to wait and see," she smiled as she walked toward the kitchen shaking her ass.

Yes I had a hardon, I'd been thinking about Sandy and remembering every minute of the visit. That and seeing Ava in that robe brought back memories of our last time. Damn't I wish I could have both Ava and Sandy!

Sandy was an hour behind our time when she answered the face time call. "Oh my God, I miss you so much Lee," she screamed while answering my call.

"Same here," I chuckled, "take that shirt off and show me your titties."

She immediately jerked her top off and aimed the phone at her tits and giggled. "I wish you were here right now. I did what you said and haven't touched myself. I really am horny and need to cum," she pleaded.

"Are you going to be a good girl and do what I tell you," I growled looking at her nipples.

"Yes Sir, I'll always be your good girl and obey you. Please let me cum now, just tell me what to do and don't make me wait," she said while biting her lower lip.

"It's late and you have a busy day tomorrow, I think you need to go to sleep and get some rest. I want you to sleep naked and not masturbate. No orgasms until I say you can," I grinned at her.

"I'm going to go crazy if you don't let me cum. Maybe you could let me have at least a little orgasm, please?" She begged.

"Just think how good it will be when I let you cum. Anticipation will make it that much better," I chuckled. "I want you to go to work tomorrow wearing a short skirt and thong panties...and take your dildo with you. I'll send you a text and give you instructions and you better follow them to the letter."

She sat down on the bed and pouted. I could see she was wearing a pair of shorts and her tits jiggled when she plopped down on the bed frowning. "How do you know I won' know get myself off after you hang up."

"Because I trust you and you said you wanted to be a good girl," I smiled at her. "I promise you that you will get to cum the office. You tend to be a screamer so have something you can bite down on so the whole office doesn't hear you," I said in a low husky voice.

"Aaarrrrgg," she gritted her teeth, and fell back on the bed, "Did anyone ever tell you how frustrating and controlling you are?"

"Yes, but that's why you love me," I replied and blew her a kiss. "Now before we hang up put your phone on the dresser then back up so I can watch you get naked,"

"Yes Sir," she mumbled and did as I told her. She slowly removed her shorts and then turned her back to me and peeled her panties down her hips and past her thighs, then let them drop to the floor around her ankles.

"Good girl, now pick them up and turned around so I can see your pussy," I told myself I was an evil asshole for doing this, but she needed to learn to control her desires and follow my instructions.

She turned around with her panties in her hand clenching her thighs together. Damn she was beautiful. I was tempted to change my mind, but as I stared at her in all her glory she mumbled, "I'll do as you say because I want to please you, but your making it really difficult."

I chuckled, "I'm proud of you beautiful and I promise tomorrow you're going to cum a lot. Now get some rest....and don't forget you better have something to gag yourself with or the whole office will hear you when you cum."

"I love Lee," she said and blew me a kiss.

"I love you too, goodnight," I replied letting out a groan. My dick was hard as nails and now I had to go down and deal with Ava. I was tempted to jack off but since I denied her an orgasm I decided I would wait until tomorrow and masturbate while I was making Sandy cum at her office.

Before going downstairs, I had to know if the cameras caught Ava's session in her bedroom while I was sitting in the airport. Clicking on my computer I pulled up the feed to her room and scrolled until I found it. Jesus! If my dick got any harder I could pound nails into a two by four! I couldn't even watch all of it, so I shut it down and adjusted my dick in my pants. I told myself you deserve it asshole, you're making Sandy suffer right now.

Ava was sipping on a glass of wine when I went downstairs and she smiled at me. I could smell bacon and it made my stomach growl. "Come on in the kitchen, the bacon's ready and I'll fix your sandwich," she giggled and pointed at my tented pants, "or do I need to take care of that first." Then proceeded to prance into the kitchen shaking her ass from side to side.

I followed her into the kitchen with my eyes locked on her ass, tempting me to ravish her. Adjusting my dick I was determined to control myself, hell I couldn't expect subs to control their desires if I couldn't control my own. Gritting my teeth I sat down and clasped my hands together on the table to keep from rubbing my cock.

"Get me a beer," I growled more harshly than I intended, and forced myself to not look at Ava's backside as she made my sandwich.

"What got you in such a bad mood," she giggled as she stopped making my sandwich to get me a beer.

She wasn't making it easy for me. She leaned over to put my beer down in front of me and her robe gaped open, at least she was wearing a bra. "Did the call with Sandy not go well, the reason you're so grouchy."

"No just tired and hungry," I calmly replied. "Now tell me about your weekend, it obviously went well from what you said earlier."

Placing my sandwich down she sat across from me with her wine and started telling me in an excited voice. "It couldn't have gone better," she giggled, "Nick came home for the weekend and I spent Saturday with him and met his sister."

I listened as she told me about the bar and using her ID, going to the private beach on land the family owned. I nodded from time to time as I ate my sandwich. It was a good thing I was done eating my sandwich when she told me about Vicky dominating her boyfriend in front of her. I nearly choked on my beer.

I chuckled, "Sounds like his sister is an Alpha female, be careful she doesn't try and dominate you."

Ava laughed, "Let me get you another beer, I have lots more to tell you."

Handing me a beer she smiled and said, "But before I tell you, tell me did everything go okay with Sandy?"

"Couldn't have gone better, I think things are going to work out. She's submissive like I figured, she just needs training, but she's a natural just like you. You'll like her," I chuckled, "she loves pizza about as much as you."

"I can't wait to meet her," Ava smiled, "but I want to know all the dirty details."

"Finish your story first," I chuckled, "remember I can read you like a book and I can tell you're dying to tell me something."

"Just hear me out before you get angry with me," she said nervously as she took a drink of her wine.

Oh shit, I thought. When someone tells you not to get angry before they tell you something it's not usually a good thing.

I hung on to every word of her story. The last part tempted me to take her right then and now. "He also told me he wanted me to have his babies and had no problem with us fucking, because he wants to keep fucking Vicky," she giggled all excited.

"It sounds like you found the perfect mate for you Ava, I just don't know if Sandy would ever go along with us being together sexually. I sure as hell can't bring it up to her now. She's to fragile, from coming off a fucked up marriage," I mumbled.

"Are you saying you won't have sex with me," she frowned looking like a small child that was told Santa Claus wasn't real.

"Damn't Ava I'm so hard right now it's taking all my will power not to fuck you right here on the table," I growled at her.

She gigged, "There's nothing stopping you I dressed up just for you," and opened up her robe and stood up letting it fall to the floor. Standing there in just her bra and panties my cock swelled up pressing against my zipper.

"You best remember this is my house, and when you're here you are under my rules, and you're about to get your pretty little ass spanked. I'm the one that decides if and when we fuck and it's not going to happened tonight," my voice like a deep growl while I was doing my best to control myself.

"But Nick said it was okay and you obviously have a hardon," she purred.

"Believe me Nick and I are going to have to talk. He may have given you permission but I make the decisions in this house. So here is what's going to happen, you're going to go to your room stripped naked and bend over the bed and take a spanking. It seems you need reminding about a subs place," I barked at her.

She opened her mouth to speak and I held up my hand to hush her, "Don't make it worse, keep your mouth shut, pick up your robe and do as I told you. You better be in position when I get there. Now go," my voice was trembling but firm. The look on her face told me she knew she had screwed up.

After she left the room I had to squeeze my dick and try to control myself. Fuck, I wanted to cum so bad. I was thrilled Nick didn't have a problem with Ava and I having sex, but what about Sandy? I was committed to making Sandy mine, and I knew it was highly likely I would scare her off if I tried talking to her about my relationship with Ava.

In the meantime I needed to deal with Ava, even if I couldn't fuck her I still needed to make her understand I make the rules and she was going to follow them. Besides she was going to be busy exercising and training to defend herself. Hopefully I can concentrate on that and keep my sanity.

Walking into her room she had followed my orders and was bent over the bed naked.

Fuck she looked good! Gritting my teeth I walked up behind her, "You know what you did, plus you made it sound like just because Nick said it was okay you could push the issue," I told her as I ran my hand down her back and over her ass. I felt her shiver and tremble.

Squeezing has ass firmly, I couldn't keep from growling. I wasn't so much mad at her as I was myself. She had no idea how much I wanted to drop my pants and fuck the hell out of her.

"Sorry Master," she murmured softly.

"I don't know what the future holds, and I'm happy for you things seem to be working out with Nick," my voice was a low growl, "but I'm still in charge of what happens inside this house."

"Sorry Master,....I was just excited.....," she sniffled almost crying before I hushed her.

"Hush, believe me I understand, and that's why I'm only giving you four licks with my belt instead of twenty you deserve," I chuckled softly to let her know I was not angry with her. "But going forward I would advise you not to intentionally torment me with your body, or I'll give you forty lashes."

"Yes, thank you Master," she mumbled.

Removing my belt I gave four quick smacks to her ass cheeks, and she barely whimpered. I couldn't bring myself to lay into her. Hell if she had found Nick earlier and came home and told me her boyfriend was okay with us fucking I would have been overjoyed. But now I had to consider Sandy.

She stayed in a position bent over the bed like a good submissive waiting to be told what to do. Nick was one lucky guy and he and I needed to talk.

"You get up and get some clothes on," I groaned, my damn dick was hard again. I turned my back on her and walked over to a chair in her room and sat down. "When you're dressed we need to talk."

"Yes Master," she mumbled and I heard her moving around behind me. She came over and sat down in the other chair and looked at me with a sad look on her face. She had put her robe back on but knowing what was beneath it made my mouth water.

"Stop with the Master and just talk to me as brother and sister," I told her firmly.

She nodded her head and spoke softly, "Okay."

"I really happy things are going well with you and Nick, and truthfully it would be great if Sandy felt the same way. I just can't risk bringing that subject up to her at this stage. Like I said she's coming off a difficult divorce, and has no experience as a submissive."

"I understand. It's just the good news from Professor Tipton, then Nick and the way things came together, plus him being okay for us to be together. I just got carried away," she mumbled softly, "all I could think about was how great it was going to be, if.....if well we could have it all. I don't want to give up having sex with you, but I'll do what you tell me. Just don't stop loving me, that would kill me," she sobbed and wiped her eyes.

"Come here," I motioned, having her come sit in my lap. Probably a mistake since my dick was still hard. She curled up in my lap and hugged my neck, then I heard a soft giggle along with feeling wet tears on my neck. She could feel my cock hard against her butt.

"See nothing has changed about the way I feel about you," trying to lighten the mood. "I love you and," I chuckled, "I thank you for the Mission Impossible note. That was some performance in the bedroom."

She smiled and laughed, "Well Secret Agent Ava is available to help with Sandy in any way she can."

"Well thanks for the offer, but let's get to bed. You have a busy day tomorrow," I said as I stood up.

"Busy day? She said.

"Yeah, we're going for a run on the beach at 7 a.m. then later start your training to defend yourself," I chuckled.

She stood up and grinned, "Yeah I had forgotten about that, but...I'll be up and ready like I promised. But do we have to run the beach and those steps again?"

"Come here and give me a hug," he chuckled, "I'll see you in the morning. And, tell Nick he and I need to talk."


"Well look who finally got out of bed Richard," Lisa giggled as I walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah she must have had a good time last night, by the smile on her face," chuckled Richard, as he flipped a pancake in the skillet.

"I was just fixing to come wake you up," Lisa grinned, "on Sundays we sometimes have breakfast for lunch."

"Especially when she wears me out on Saturday nights," laughed Richard turning his head and winking at Lisa.

"I did have a wonderful time," I giggled, as I sat down next to Lisa. "but it sounds like someone else had a good time last night."

"There is some fresh squeezed orange juice, help yourself," Richard smiled as he sat a large plate of pancakes on the table, along with a big bowl of scrambled eggs, and a platter of sausages patties.

"Hmmmm...smells delicious," I replied as I poured myself a glass of orange juice. "I'm famished and could eat a horse," I giggled.

"Dig in," laughed Lisa, as she piled her plate full with some of everything.

I followed suit and smeared gobs of butter on my pancakes and added syrup. My plate was loaded with a large helping of sausage and scrambled eggs.

Richard sat down and grinned, "Are you ladies sure you have enough," he chuckled looking at our plates.

"Oh hush," laughed Lisa, "I'm like Ava I'm starving this morning."

"I wonder why," he chuckled and fixed his plate while grinning from ear to ear.

Later Lisa and I laid out by the pool, both of us giggling about eating too much. "I know but those pancakes were to die for," I laughed as I rubbed my belly.

"I find lots of sex makes one hungry," she grinned at me her brow raised.

"Look who's talking," I chuckled lightly, "your plate was as full of mine. I feel bad we only left 2 pancakes for Richard since he did the cooking."

"Enough about the food I'm dying to hear how things went last night, or should I say early this morning," Lisa said, cocking her eyebrow at me and smiling.

Tilting my head back on the lounge chair I closed my eyes and thought about how much to tell her. "Well.....let's just say I think he's the one," I drew the words out in a low sensual tone.

"As in the ONE," Lisa squealed. "Don't you think that's moving fast?"

Opening my eyes and turning my head toward her, "Maybe, but Lisa we just click. That's the only way I can describe it. It's like we are a perfect match.....and he said he wanted me to be the one that had his babies," I giggled.

"Oh my God, don't tell me you're fixing to let him get you pregnant, you're so young and got school and everything ahead of you," she said excitedly sitting on the lounge chair next to me.

"No," I laughed at the expression on her face, "I told him babies were something down the road I wanted....and I told him nothing would make happier than having his babies," I couldn't keep from smiling thinking about having a life with Nick and also keep Lee in my life sexually.

Placing a hand over her heart, she sighed heavily, "Thank God, I thought there for a minute you had lost your mind," she chuckled softly. "I kind of understand where you're coming from, I had only known Richard a few weeks when I knew he and I were meant to be together."

"Nothing would make me happier than having what you and Richard have, but yes I have goals I want to achieve before I start playing mommy," I giggled.

"Well if you're sure about Nick I'm happy for you. Just let Nick know if he hurts you he has me to deal with," reaching over and squeezing my hand.

I laughed, and told her about what I said to Nick when he pulled off onto the dirt road to the beach, about Nick saying no way he wanted Lisa on his ass.

After eating dinner with Lisa and Richard I drove back to Lee's house. I couldn't wait for him to get home and tell him the good news. Hopefully things went well between him and Sandy, but in the meantime Nick said it was okay for Lee and I to continue our relationship.

I made sure the house was clean, and I showered and dressed in the outfit I wore that night in Tuscaloosa. Just as I sprayed myself with perfume I heard a car pull up outside and I rushed downstairs to greet him.

He had barely closed the door when I ran to him and hugged him. I couldn't stop myself from peppering him with questions, and was a little disappointed when he said he needed to call Sandy. Stepping back I saw his pants were tented and giggled. I would have gladly given him a blow job right there in the foyer.

It seemed my outfit was working and it was hard to control my enthusiasm, but I agreed to make him a sandwich while he called Sandy. Walking away from him to go make his sandwich I made an effort to sway my hips to tease him, since I knew he was looking.

Drinking wine while I fried the bacon, sliced a fresh tomato, and got out the mayo and lettuce, my mind was racing thinking about our night in Tuscaloosa. The bacon was done and he was still upstairs, so I set the bacon aside and covered it with a paper towel and refilled my wine glass and went in the den.

Sitting down on the couch, the same one I had held his head in my lap after finding him drunk in the kitchen. My hand drifted down between my legs and I was wet, from remembering touching his hard long shaft under his pajamas. We almost fucked for the first time that night, but at least I had made him cum and soak his pajamas. My finger wiggled under my panties and was just about to plunge into my wet hole when I heard footsteps on the stairs.

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