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Brother Asked to Correct Bratty Sis Ch. 11


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"That's why you're making me jog and run them damn steps," she giggled, finally smiling.

"Also," I grinned, "you are going to start working out in the gym on building up your arm and grip strength."

"Okay, okay but now I'm going to go put on my bathing suit and go lay out by the pool. For your information I plan on tanning and will probably be naked, so don't peek...I'm not trying to tempt you," she giggled, "I just want to tan all over."

"I've been warned," I chuckled, "Do whatever you want, I have things to do myself. Just remember you have to run the steps this afternoon."

The vision of Ava laying naked didn't help matters. It was almost eleven o'clock and I took the steps on the stairs two at a time as I rushed to my office. Stripping down naked in my office I logged on my computer and sat down. At exactly eleven I clicked on the screen and there was Sandy sitting in her chair biting and chewing on her bottom lip.

"Hello beautiful," I growled, "quit chewing on your lips, I have plans for the luscious lips." God I wish she was here and had those lips wrapped around my cock. I had to reach down and squeeze the base of my cock to keep from cumming. I was already leaking like a faucet.

"Your not helping sitting there with your shirt off," she groaned and had one of her hands down where I couldn't see what she was doing.

"You better not have your hand on my pussy, let me see your hand," I demanded in a husky voice.

She brought her hand up and she was holding the 6" dildo. "I was just holding this wishing it was your cock instead of a piece of silicone. Can I please cum now?" she pleaded.

"Were you rubbing it on my pussy without permission?" I asked her.

"No Sir, I was just daydreaming and waiting on you," she groaned.

"That's my good girl, first I want you to use the suction cup and put the dildo on the desk in front of your screen then stand and remove your skirt and thong panties," I growled again as she obeyed me.

The dildo was standing upright blocking part of my view as she stood and took her skirt off and laid it on the edge of her large desk. As she pulled her thong panties down I told her to lay them beside the dildo. I could see the gusset of the thong was soaked.

She was breathing hard and her face was flushed as she waited for her next command. I heard a moan as she stared at the dildo probably wishing it was in her pussy. I thought now was as good a time as any to stand and show her how hard I was.

"See what you do to me, I have not cum since I was with you," I growled as I slowly stroked my cock, precum dripping off the end. "I want you to suck on that dildo just like it's my cock. Get it lubed up because it's going in my pussy, then you can cum."

"Oh my gawd," she moaned, "I wish you were here now." Licking her lips as she stared at my erection.

"Stop talking and place your hands on the desk beside the dildo and start sucking. I want to see that fake cock covered in saliva and hear you moan."

"Yes Sir," she moaned loudly and leaned over and spit on the dildo and started sucking like a greedy slut. It was all I could do to keep from cumming. I had to stop stroking and just watch her moving her head up and down on what I wished was my cock. Her moans and the slurping sounds she was making, I wondered if it was loud enough for Madeline to hear her.

She was taking the entire dildo down to the base, making me remember the blowjob she gave me. The dildo was covered in slobber and dripping down on the desk and I had all I could take. "Stop sucking...stop sucking Sandy," I had to tell her twice to get her attention.

Raising her head drool was running down her chin. Her eyes were glazed over as she looked at me, like a hungry dog looking at a bone. I knew if I touched my cock I would explode.

"Good girl," I groaned, "it's time we both got to cum. Now do as I tell you, wrap your panties around the ball you brought so the gusset covers it. I want you to taste yourself and it will help muffle your loud moans."

Her hands were shaking as she took her thong and did as I told her. Forcing into her mouth, it was not as big as the ball gags I had, but looked like it would do. With it in her mouth and part of the panties hanging down over her chin she mumbled, "w...at....n..ald."

I was glad I had this call set up to be recorded. Her face flushed, drool on her chin and mouth stuffed with a panty covered red ball, she looked sexy as hell. I could see her thighs were wet as her cunt dripped with her juices.

"Next you get to cum all you want, but you can't stop fucking yourself with that dildo until I say stop. Push your chair back and place your feet on the desk and use the dildo and run it up and down your slit. Then start fucking yourself,"

I had hardly got the words out of my mouth when she was sitting back in her chair with the heels of her feet on the desk, her legs spread wide as she rubbed the dildo up and down her slit. When it bumped her engorged clit her eyes flickered and a moan escaped around her ball gag, "um..hh..eekkk."

I started stroking cock as I watched in amazement, "Fuck yourself Sandy...fuck yourself hard and watch me cum with you," I grunted as I stroked my dick.

Pushing the dildo all the way in her wet snatch, she started banging herself at a rapid pace. Her eyes locked on me jacking off. Just a few strokes and her body jerked and she arched her hips up, a low moan and drool escaped her mouth. She had just had an orgasm.

I was doing my best not to cum yet, "That's it baby, keep pounding that pussy and want to see you cum again when I do," my growl was guttural from deep down in my chest. My eyes focused on her cunt, juices dripping down the chair cushion, as she plunged the dildo in and out of her pussy. Moans and grunts were coming through my speakers. We needed a better ball gag.

"Look at me Sandy....see my cock......I'm gonna cum when you do...keep pounding your beautiful pussy," I groaned loudly as I pounded my meaty shaft.

Her eyes widened and she mumbled in her gag, then she used the heels of her feet to lift her butt up off the seat, humping the fake cock as she used her hand to keep pushing the dildo in and out. A loud groan erupted around the gag, no way Madeline didn't hear that.

She stiffened, her toes curled as the orgasm shook her body, her eyes were still on me I came and shot load after load of hot cum across my desk, some landing on the screen of my monitor. Then her eyes rolled back in her head and she went limp. The fake cock still inside her wet, dripping cunt. Her entire crotch was soaked, her thighs and the seat cushion she was sitting on.

I fell back in my chair panting and trying to slow my heart rate so I could speak. My eyes never leaving Sandy. Her body would shiver and jerk and more of her juices escaped around the dildo. Finally she opened her eyes, and pulled the panty covered ball gag out of her mouth. The red ball and panties dripped as she dropped it on the floor. I nearly chuckled as the bounce ball even with the panties, and bounced up high enough for me to see it. Guess why they called it a bouncy ball.

"Speak to me beautiful," I groaned, "the only way that could have been better was if my cock filling up your pussy."

"Her eyes fluttered open and she moaned and finally looked at me, "Oh my gawd, I don't.....think...I can move."

I chuckled, "Well you better get that dildo out of your pussy before someone comes in."

Her eyes widened and she moved so quickly she nearly fell out of her chair. She jerked the fake cock out of her pussy and cum poured out of her and dripped on the floor. She was standing there in front of the screen and cupped her cunt with her hand trying to keep from dripping more on the floor.

"What...am I going to do....Oh my gawd I can see your cum dripping down your screen," she groaned as she reached for a box of tissues on her desk.

"I warned you I hadn't cum since I was with you, so I was hurting just like you," I chuckled. "That ball gag didn't quite muffle your moans, Madeline might have heard you."

Her face turned beet red, as she used tissue to wipe her pussy. "God it's everywhere, on my chair, the floor.....and my chair cushion is soaked."

"Do you feel better now, and was it worth the wait?" I grinned as I stood there wiping my cock with a paper towel.

"Put that thing away," she giggled, "you're making me horny again," as she tried to mop up more cum and drool on her desk and chair.

Sitting down in my chair I tried wiping cum off my monitor screen and just streaked it. "Look what you made me do," I chuckled, " now your image is blurred and it's hard to see you."

"Now I'm going to have to go the rest of the day with no panties," she groaned and sat back down in her chair. Her face scrunched up, "Shit I forgot the cushion is soaked now my ass is wet."

I couldn't keep from laughing. Even Sandy started laughing loudly. There was a knock on her door and I heard Madeline, "Are you okay in there?" Sandy sat down and scooted her chair up to the desk just as Madeline opened the door.

"Ye..yes...I'm just fine now....Lee was just...telling me something funny. You..can go on to lunch I need to talk to Lee some more," Even through the streaked screen I could see Sandy's face was still flushed and drool was on the corner of her mouth.

I heard Madeline, "Well, just checking I heard weird sounds then loud laughing. Can I bring you anything back for lunch?" I could hear a mischievous tone in her voice.

When the door closed Sandy buried her face in her hands, "OmyGod, ohmyGod, she knows what we were doing."

I chuckled, "Who do you think kept people from coming into your office. I had her keep anyone from coming in so you wouldn't be embarrassed. She must have heard the laughing and knew we were finished and wanted to tease you."

Removing her hands she looked at me and finally giggled. "After you left she gave me the third degree and I told her about our weekend, or at least some things. She teased me and told me you were a keeper and I better hang on to you."

"So, you're not mad at me?" I asked her with a big grin on my face.

"No, right now I'm so relieved I have been needing to cum ever since you left. You've ruined me, now all I think about is our weekend together and get horny," she giggled softly.

"I love you Sandy, I want you to figure out a way to come visit me as soon as possible," I told her in a husky voice.

"I will, and thanks for....well whatever you call this we just did. I feel better now and I love you too. I'll see what I can do to come see you I promise," she said and blew me a kiss.

"Until next time, have a good day, and if you get really horny....you're welcome to use your toys and cum as much as you need. BUT when you're with me I control your orgasms," I chuckled.

"Deal," she smiled. "Bye Lee."


I was drinking water and about to eat a banana I had peeled, when Lee walked into the kitchen. His eyes went from my ass to my tits, then quickly looked away. He had told me not to tempt him with my body, but hell all my workout outfits were similar. My tops needed to be snug to keep my tits from flopping around, so get over it big brother. I went about my business eating my banana, so what if I pretended it was his dick as I slid it in my mouth and sort of moaned.

On the beach I ran along beside him at first, which was difficult enough since his stride was longer but he sped up and I had to really struggle to keep up. Then the asshole was taunting me, "keep up," "pick your feet up."

Damn't no way was I going to let him see me quit, so I ran harder trying to keep up with him. I was too winded to respond to his taunts. Sweat was falling down in my eyes, strands of my hair had fallen loose and was sticking to my face. Finally I was too winded to keep going and had to stop. Bent over my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath, I heard him yell "Meet me at the steps."

Shit those fucking steps! Standing up I started walking as he ran ahead. Getting a second wind I started jogging again. "Put one foot in front of the other," I mumbled over and over as I moved forward toward the steps. I could see him going up and down the steps.

I was about to collapse when I reached the steps and smart ass told me to rest and took off up the steps again. Fuck that, I wasn't quitting so I started up behind him. Shit....shit I mumbled trying to lift my feet to the next step. Suddenly I'm in his arms and he's carrying me up the steps.

I made an effort for him to put me down, but not that hard truthfully. It felt too good to get off my feet, plus the feel of him holding me and my sweaty head laying on his sweaty muscular chest. At the top he put me down and with his arm around me we walked back to the house. To cool down he said, but fuck every muscle in my body ached.

Back at the house on the patio he got us a bottle of water. Dumb ass that I am, I said I could have made it. He informed me good, because I could do it this afternoon. I thought to myself, "Learn to keep your big mouth shut Ava."

He informed me I still had training tapes to watch about self defense, which truthfully I had I came around to looking forward too. Especially after that incident at the mall. Starting upstairs, I thought ole shit...stairs again.

Standing under the shower I started with cool water which felt wonderful on my hot sweaty skin. Then I changed it to hot water and washed my hair and by the time I was done I was feeling human again and my legs felt better.

Looking on my laptop I didn't see any files he sent me on training tapes so I went up to his office to find him. I should have quietly left, but I couldn't. It was a chance to see and hear Lee tease Sandy. I couldn't see her from where I was standing but I could hear her. She sounded like she was about to break down and cry.

As he ended the call he was about to turn around, too late to back away, I cleared my throat and said I was sorry that I was just wanting to check about the training tapes. I couldn't help but almost giggle. He had a boner when he turned toward me then crossed his legs to hide it, telling me to come in and sit down.

I lied and said I had only heard part of his conversation, but I knew he was doing what he had done to me several times, denying me an orgasm. Poor Sandy didn't sound like she could take much more.

Hell let him break her and maybe she would tell him to go to hell and I would have him back. No Sandy. We could fuck like rabbits and I would have Nick and Lee. Damn't it wasn't fair to wish that. I had Nick and Lee obviously loved Sandy. So I asked him if I could say something and he said I could.

I told him I thought he was pushing Sandy too hard and explained why I thought that. At first I thought he was going to tell me to mind my own business and didn't know what I was talking about, he just sat there for a few moments.

Finally he thanked me for the advice and made me promise our conversations concerning Sandy were between us and I could not even tell Nick. I didn't see any problem with that, it was none of Nick's business, so I offered to pinky swear, which made Lee smile and we shook on it with pinky fingers.

I was sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop drinking water, to replace all the fluids I had sweated out this morning, and watching YouTube videos when Lee came into the kitchen. He still had a hardon he couldn't possibly hide, but I tried not to look.

We discussed the video I just watched and I gave him a heads up I was going to sunbathe nude at the pool to get tanned all over. He had said not to tease him with my body, but it didn't hurt to plant ideas in his head, or both his heads, I thought to myself with a smile. Plus he was warned ahead of time and couldn't blame me if he came outside and saw me naked.

At the pool I placed a small ice chest next to my lounge chair, and reached into my beach bag and got out suntan lotion and laid on the table next to my chair. Removing my bikini and laying back I grabbed the suntan lotion and squirted some on my boobs and belly. I had tanned pretty well, except my breasts and abdomen and groin area which had been covered by my one piece bathing suit.

Coating myself with a thick coat of suntan lotion I started getting turned on, rubbing my tits and making sure my pussy was coated in suntan lotion. Rubbing a thin layer on my arms and legs and on my face, I laid back and closed my eyes. Soon I was thinking about our night on the beach.

I started thinking about Nick and my left hand ventured down between my legs, and my right hand tugged on my right nipple. The warm sun beat down on me as I rubbed my clit, and I moaned softly letting my finger slide down and slip inside my moist pussy. Tugging on my nipple harder I finger fucked my pussy faster and faster.

I was so close I let go of my nipple and used my right hand to rub my clit as I finger fucked my pussy with the middle finger of my left hand. God I needed a dick inside me. Biting my lip to keep from screaming I planted my feet on the lounger and arched my back, lifting my ass up humping my fingers faster. As my orgasm rushed over me I couldn't keep from moaning loudly, "Fuucckk....fuckkk..fuckk.."

I was panting and just laying there limp under the hot sun as I felt moisture drip down from my pussy and trail down my ass onto the towel under me. Feeling around with my hand I found the ice chest and managed to retrieve a cold bottle of water. Just as I was raised enough to take a drink my phone rang.

Picking up my phone I didn't recognize the number. "Hello," I groaned, still recovering from my orgasm.

"I'm trying to reach Ava Gardner," said a male voice I didn't recognize.

"This is Ava Gardner, do I know you?" I asked

He chuckled, " No but I hope to get to know you, I'm Melvin Huntington the Dean of Admissions from the University of Alabama. Do you have a minute to talk?"

Here I was laying naked and just recovering from an orgasm. Thank God this was not a face time call. "Yes Sir," I mumbled.

"Young lady you have impressed some very important people here at the University and we would like to talk to you about coming here to continue your education. I know the 4th of July holiday is coming up, but would it be possible for you to come on Wednesday July 6th at 1 p.m.?"

"I...I..think so....yes..I'm sure we can work something out," I finally answered him. I was so excited I could hardly talk. Everything good seemed to be happening. I hardly heard the rest of what he said. Something about confirming my email and looking forward to meeting me.

As soon as we ended the call I was so excited I jumped up and ran inside screaming for Lee as soon as I opened the door in the house. "LEE...LEE..LEE," I hollered and he came rushing downstairs and turned the corner and looked dumbfounded, "What the hell! Why don't you have your clothes on?" He screamed at me.

I didn't even hear what he said I ran and leaped in his arms my legs going around his waist my arms around his neck. "The Dean of Admissions just called, he wants to meet with me!" I giggled loudly.

He chuckled, "That's great and I'm happy for you, but that doesn't explain why you're naked," he said putting me down.

"Oh shit," I murmured wrapping my arms around my chest as if he had never seen me naked. "Sorry I got so excited I was sunbathing when he called."

Looking down his body, "Yeah and now I got suntan lotion all over my clean shirt and shorts," he chuckled. Get some clothes on..then we'll talk...after I change clothes myself," he growled and turned to go upstairs.

"Sorry," I giggled. His shirt and shorts were stained with suntan lotion, plus it was obvious he had a hardon. His shorts were tented, meaning he reacted to my naked body. Instead of dressing I slipped on a bathrobe, because I was going to go back out and tan my butt after we talked.

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