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Brother Sister (Rewritten)


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"Hang on, I gotta pee Matt!"

"I guess I can let you do that," he sighed. He followed her upstairs and waited while she used the bathroom, meeting her with another kiss as she exited, his hands seizing her firm butt cheeks.

"Your room or mine?" he asked when the kiss broke.

"Mine's closer," Bec replied with a smile. She picked up the backpack she'd left outside the bathroom door and led her brother to her room.

Moments after entering they were tangled on the bed together, kissing passionately while they started removing each other's clothing. As soon as Bec's breasts were revealed Matt attacked them, sucking hungrily on first one, then the other nipple, using lips and teeth and tongue to stimulate them, enjoying the way she squirmed beneath his attention and ground her pussy against the thigh he had wedged between her legs. She wormed a hand into his boxers and closed her hand around his cock, pre-cum smearing across her palm as she squeezed him.

"I want to suck you Matt," she moaned as he continued to alternate between breasts. She pushed at him until he relented and rolled off of her. She dragged his pants off and had him naked in moments. She knelt between his legs and leaned over him, hands either side of his hips as her long brown hair fell about her face. She licked her tongue from the base to the tip of his dick, then took the head between her lips and suckled on it, teasing the slit with her tongue. Matt groaned in pleasure as the wet warmth of his sister's mouth enveloped his dick.

Her lips slid down his engorged shaft and then back up again. It wasn't long until she was bobbing her head up and down, saliva flowing freely and coating his thick shaft, dribbling down toward his ball sac. She loved how hard he became in her mouth and enjoyed the power she felt it gave her, having him at her mercy.

Bec sucked her brother almost to the brink of orgasm, but stopped. She didn't want him cumming before she'd had a chance to feel him within her. She kissed her way up his body, lips pressed to his well-defined abs before moving to his pecs and giving them the same attention. Her mother was right of course, she was very lucky her brother was so well put together, but she quickly banished any though of her mother as she felt Matt's cock grazing her leg as she moved to straddle him.

"God I love your cock," she grinned at him as she sat back and ground her pussy against the swollen shaft.

"And I love you," Matt replied, hands on her hips pulling her into a position where he could thrust his cock into her pussy. It took a little adjustment to be successful, but a moment later Bec was mounted on his cock, circling her hips while Matt played with her breasts.

They enjoyed each other in that position until Matt felt a need to change things up, flipping his sister over and sliding into her in the missionary position. He thrust into her over and over again until he was once again ready to explode. He announced the fact to Bec.

"Oh God, I really need to get on the pill," she moaned. "Cum on me, not in me Matt."

Matt groaned, gave a couple of extra thrusts then pulled his cock out and wanked until he sprayed his warm seed out over his sister's flat stomach and beautifully round breasts.

With a laugh Bec pulled her brother to her so his cum was squished between them. She kissed him passionately.

"I love you too Matt. Not just your dick, but all of you," she said seriously.

Matt kissed her again.

"Think we should clean up?" he asked as he peeled his body away from hers a couple of minutes later.

"Definitely," Bec agreed. They trooped off to the shower and once again enjoyed each other's company. Matt spent a significant part of the shower on his knees with his tongue between his sister's pussy lips, working her clit until she had the orgasm he felt he owed her.

"What's the time?" He asked as they dressed after the shower.

"Five thirty," Bec replied.

"Hmmm, we could go again?" Matt suggested with a grin.

"Maybe we just fool around a bit, not make too much mess for now," be replied.

"Sure, that works. I only suggested it because well who knows when we'll get another chance.

"Every Tuesday if our schedules don't change," Bec grinned.

"Well I guess that's not too bad then. I mean it would be a lot better if we could share a bedroom, but I guess that's a little too much to expect.

"You think?" Bec replied with a laugh.

--- +++ ---

Tuesdays quickly became Matt's favourite day of the week. He found with a specific day to look forward to, he was able to manage his expectation and levels of frustration. It wasn't the only time they managed to have sex during any given week, but it was the only time they had fixed that was reliable. The other times they took as they came. The fact Bec had started taking the pill and Matt was able to fill her pussy with cum didn't hurt either!

As far as their parents were concerned, life was good. The kids were getting along and if they didn't seem to be going out as much as they had before they went to Europe or even seem to show much interest in dating, they both seemed appropriately focussed on their studies which they saw as a good thing.

Being Bec's final year of school, she actually ended up with additional free time toward the end of the year but kept Matt to their fixed schedule and occasional spontaneous fuck so she could remain focussed on achieving her goals for the year and entry into university beyond it.

--- +++ ---

Matt and Bec lay together on the couch, naked and happy, enjoying post-coital cuddles one Tuesday afternoon having felt adventurous and moved on from their bedrooms.

Matt lay on his side and trailed his fingers over the soft skin of his sister's breasts and chest, not seeking to tease or arouse, simply enjoying the intimacy of being together. She was way more than a sister to him now. They'd each declared their love for the other many times over and although they hadn't discussed what was likely the impossibility of their future, they weren't about to give up what they had.

Matt felt his cock stirring and leaned in to suck on his sister's nipple as he moved over her.

"Again?" Bec asked happily.

"Mmm, I need more today," Matt replied.

"Lucky me," Bec exclaimed as she felt her brother's cock slide within her. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him into her eagerly. Matt fucked her slowly having moved beyond the eager and frantic fucking they'd engaged in when they'd first arrived home.

"Do me from behind?" Bec asked after they'd been at it for a while.

"Of course," Matt replied eagerly. The squirmed around until Bec was able to kneel on the couch, resting her breasts on the back of it. Matt moved in behind her, standing on the ground, hands on her hips as he guided himself back into the heaven of her pussy.

"Fuck that feels sooo good!" Bec moaned as he began slowly, sliding in and out with long smooth strokes.

"Your pussy is amazing Sis," Matt purred.

"Well matched with your beautiful cock then," she replied. "Now give it to me. Fuck me like you mean it."

Matt had just started ramping up the speed of his thrusts when they heard a car pull into the drive way out the front.

"Fuck, who could that be?" Matt asked.

"Who cares, give me my clothes!" Bec hissed urgently and squirming out from in front of him. She scrambled from the couch and snatched the clothes that Matt had hurriedly begun grabbing from where they'd been discarded on the floor. She bolted from the room and Matt followed, not even sure who had whose clothes. He'd have liked to have had the chance to enjoy the sight of his sister's wonderfully tight naked body streaking ahead of him through the house, but with the way his heart was racing, he was too focussed on getting to his room and getting dressed.

They both made the safety of their rooms and as Matt pulled his clothes on, he realised he had Bec's panties amongst his bundle, but not the track pants he'd had on before they started fooling around. He quickly grabbed a pair of shorts from his drawer and dressed, shoving his sister's panties into the draw he'd extracted the shorts from.

"Hey, is anyone home?" he heard his mother call out from downstairs.

"Yeah, up here studying Mum," Matt called out in reply. He left his room to avoid her potentially coming up to say hello and saw Bec leaving her room at the same time. She too called out hello. She had his track pants in a bundle in her hand as she looked about quickly to check that Heather wasn't on her way up. Matt led the way down the stairs and Bec tossed his track pants into his room on the way past.

"You're home early," Bec said to her Mum after giving her a welcome home hug.

"Yeah, there was a emergency evacuation practice and there didn't seem a lot of point in going back upstairs, so I came home instead. I can do the rest of what I need to from here anyway."

"Nice to have the flexibility," Matt commented.

"Yeah they really do look after us," Heather agreed.

--- +++ ---

"Fuck that was close," Matt said to Bec later that night when they managed to find some time to have a chat without their parents being around.

"No shit. That was why we said we'd be so careful in the first place."

"God, makes me wish I could move out," Matt sighed. "At least then you could come visit me and we could just fuck like rabbits."

"Yeah, that would be awesome," Bec agreed.

"Well at least Mum isn't likely to have emergency evac practice every week, so we should be safe on Tuesdays again after this week.

"Yeah, I hope so," Bec agreed.

Matt gave a lot of thought to the prospect of moving out of home. It wasn't exactly something he'd considered a lot before, more just an expectation that one day, most likely after finishing his degree, it would happen. Finances were certainly one of the limiting factors and one of the reasons he was still living at home while studying.

Over the weeks that followed he looked at options that might give he and Bec the freedom to enjoy their relationship to the full extent they'd like.

--- +++ ---

"Hey, so I have some news," Matt said, sitting on the edge of his sister's bed just after the end of the university year.


"I've been offered a scholarship."

"That's awesome Matt!"

"Yeah, the problem is, it's at the University of Melbourne."


"Yeah, so like if I took it I'd have to finish my degree there rather than here in Sydney and I'm not sure I'm willing to do that. I mean, I don't want a long distance thing and I sure as hell don't want to give up what we have."

"But it's a great opportunity right?

"Yeah, because it probably leads straight into a job with the company that's sponsoring it if I get through the degree okay.

"Well then you have to take it. I mean its only the last year right?"

"Yeah, it is. I at least need to speak to Mum and Dad about it. I mean, I'd have to find somewhere to live. I don't think the scholarship would cover enough for full rent and I don't really know anyone I'd share with and I really don't want to live in student housing ... so well, lots to think about. I mean half the reason I'm at Uni so close to home is because of the money side of things."

"No kidding. Of course there is one thing that could work maybe?"

"I'm all ears."

"What if I were to come with you?"

"Like, how?"

"Well I could apply to go to Melbourne Uni too. If Mum and Dad were helping out with living expenses for you, then if I lived with you they'd be getting twice the value from their investment, right?"

"Wow, I hadn't though of that," Matt admitted. "I mean it would cut out the option of me finding a room mate to reduce the rent, but its definitely worth thinking about more!"

"You should."

"I definitely should. Man, could you imagine if we lived together? That would be ... wow."

"Yeah, it could be pretty awesome assuming you learn to clean up after yourself," Bec teased.

"I wouldn't need to, I'd have you there," Matt countered. "Just kidding!" He added quickly, heading off the potential eruption his deliberately misogynistic statement threatened to set off.

"Anyway, what should we do today. Summer's starting, we have the house to ourselves ..."

"Beach day?" Matt suggested.

"Wait, what? Beach Day? I was thinking nudist day at home and you go with Beach Day?"

"Yeah. I feel like getting out of the house. Don't get me wrong, your suggestion has like a lot of appeal, but seeing you in a bikini most of the day is just as alluring as watching you walk around naked. And it comes with the added bonus of getting to swim and get some much needed vitamin D. Plus, we can always have a half-nudist day if you like 'cause there's no point getting to the beach before its warmed up properly."

"See, now that's why I love you Bro, compromise!" Bec said with a grin. "I like that plan. " She immediately began pulling off her clothes and Matt sat and watched, enjoying the spectacle.

"Come on, you too," she urged him when she was down to just her panties and sliding them down her legs.

"Oh yeah, distracted I guess," Matt laughed, pulling his t-shirt over his head before removing his shorts and boxer briefs. He was already half-erect just from watching Bec strip down.

"See, things are looking up around here already," Bec said with a meaningful glance at her brother's semi-erect penis. Then she laughed and picked up her clothes to put back in her room. Matt gave her a playful slap on her rump as she walked past him, then grabbed his own clothes to put away as well.

"What do we do if someone knocks on the door?" Matt asked afterward.

"Hmm, either keep some clothes handy enough to put them on quickly or pretend we're not home? Bec suggested.

"Both good suggestions," Matt replied. He grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and left them in the entrance hall where he could scramble into them without being seen should the need arise.

"So what was your plan once you were naked?" Matt asked his sister as he found himself standing awkwardly naked with no purpose.

"I dunno, whatever I would have done if I was dressed? Like laze around and read a book, but now that you're naked as well, sucking your dick seems like a good idea." She walked over to him and squatted before him, taking his cock in hand before taking it in her mouth. She sucked him happily while Matt simply watched and enjoyed the sensations coming through his cock. Bec kept sucking and teasing, her hand stroking as she did so, quickly swelling her brother's cock to full erection and then keeping it there, clearly enjoying what she was doing.

"Fuck Bec, that's fucking amazing," he groaned as he felt his orgasm approaching. Did you want me to finish in your pussy?"

Bec shook her head without slowing in her sucking and squeezed his nut sac in her hand as she sped up, lips moving quickly over his shaft.

Matt gave a guttural warning of his impending orgasm and then blasted his load down his sister's throat.

"Damn Bec, you're incredible," he groaned as his cock pulsed and ejected the last of his seed. Bec grinned up at him, a dribble of cum hanging off her chin.

"Thanks for the snack." She stood up and Matt took her in his arms and hugged her, crushing her breasts against his chest and trapping his cock between them. Bec tipped her head up and sought a kiss. She laughed when Matt hesitated and reached up to pull his head down to make sure she made contact with her cummy lips.

"It's not that bad," she laughed at him when he screwed up his face at the kiss.

"Not as good as pussy either," he replied.

"Well other than tasting me on you, I can't say I have much experience with the taste of pussy."

"Is it something you would try given a chance?"

"Dunno, maybe, but I'm not in any hurry to find one. Not when I have such a lovely cock at my disposal. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing more than idle curiosity actually. But while we're talking about the taste of pussy, would you mind if I sampled yours?"

"I think I could be amenable to that," Bec replied with a smile.

"Excellent!" Matt led his sister through to the living room where he had her sit on the couch. He knelt on the floor in front of her and after kissing her, sucked on her breasts, taking his time and enjoying them.

"I thought you were going to sample my pussy?" Bec said with a moan when it became clear he wasn't in a hurry to move on.

"Yeah, sorry, got a little distracted by the perfection of your tits!"

Matt dropped his face between Bec's legs and set about delivering the best tongue lashing he could, working between her clit and pussy lips. He dipped and swirled and flicked, playing Bec's pussy like an instrument, enjoying the way she squirmed and writhed before him on the couch.

Three times he took her to the brink of orgasm before backing off, then the fourth time, when Bec begged for release, he sent her over the edge.

"Think you can get me my book Matt?" Bec purred when she'd had a chance to recover. "And maybe something to clean the couch a bit, I seem to have made a bit of a mess."

"No problem," Matt replied with a laugh, her juices glistening on his chin.

After an hour of reading and generally lazing about the house Matt suggested it was time to head to the beach, so they dressed appropriately, grabbed towels, sunscreen and the other things they'd need and drove down to the nearest beach.

"Pity there isn't a nude beach near us," Bec suggested. "That could have been a fun change."

"Who's the kinky one?" Matt laughed.

"Well it's a moot point given there isn't one. But maybe I'll go topless today and let everyone on the beach see the tits my brother's been sucking on."

"And why would you do that?"

"Maybe so you get a big fat boner in your shorts to make all the girls that see you jealous I'm the one who get's to go home with you.

"Well as long as you let me put sunscreen on them to stop them burning, I'm good with that."

Bec didn't follow through with going topless, but Matt enjoyed the sight of her in her bikini just as much as he enjoyed spending the morning watching her naked. They were careful not to get up to anything in public just in case someone they knew saw them. After all, they weren't that far from home.

The spent a large part of the afternoon on the beach discussing whether a move to Melbourne together would actually be viable and how they'd approach their parents about it. Eventually they decided they would regret it if they never tried and so started planning their approach. It was two days before they actually summoned the courage.

--- +++ ---

"So Mum, Dad, I have some news," Matt announced over dinner.

"Good news?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, it is. I've been offered a scholarship."

"That's wonderful!" Heather declared.

"Absolutely brilliant, congratulations!" Derek replied.

"Only thing is its in Melbourne."

"Ahh and so what does that mean?" Derek asked.

"Pretty much what you'd expect, that I'd have to move to Melbourne to take it up. But if I do, it increases my chances of walking into a job off the back of my degree significantly."

"Well that's pretty bloody exciting!"

"Thanks Dad. The biggest issue is going to be housing. Like, I don't think the scholarship covers that. Like its enough to cover fees and a lot of living expenses, but not all of it. So if I were to take it up, I'd need to ask for some financial help."

"Well, after dinner, why don't you give me a look at the details and your Mum and I can talk about it and see if we can make things work."

"That would be amazing, thanks."

"How bad do you want this Honey?" Heather asked.

"Well I'm pretty excited about it to be honest," he replied.

"Excited enough that you'd help out, like maybe get a part-time job to contribute?"


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