December 2023
Wow, time flies when you're busy. You'll be pleased to know I am still writing, just struggling to find the time. I have posted a new story for you, Outback Affairs. Its about a family in remote Australia finding love ... with each other. Keep an eye out and I hope you enjoy it when it posts!
April 2023
I have just posted my re-write of Brother Sister. Hopefully it'll be published to the site soon and it entertains you, and if you were one of the detractors for the original hopefully you like the different direction. Its now much more of a sibling love story.
November 2022
I have embarked on a re-write of one of my stories ... Brother Sister. Back when it was first written, it was mostly written for a fan which took it in some directions that most of my fans hate to be honest. I've always been annoyed by the fact I went down that path with the story and have finally decided to rectify the error. Its taking time though, so hopefully the re-write will be appreciated.
licks and kisses,
My email has been updated, so if you wish to contact me you may do so at