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Brother Sister (Rewritten)

Story Info
Injury leads to intimacy between a brother and his sister.
42.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 08/08/2007
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Brother Sister

Copyright Nikki Dark 2022


All sexually active characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years or older.



This story was originally composed back in 2008 and was quite polarising in the response it drew from readers. I've decided it was time to resurrect and re-write it, taking it in a different and more loving direction than the original. So if the first portion seems familiar, bear with me ... it is truly now a completely different story.

Back when it was written, video stores were still common though it was DVD's being rented and smart phones were in their infancy with most people still using SMS when they texted. It dates the story a little, but I've opted to leave it in its time period rather than update it with references to streaming and other modern services. Hopefully it strikes a chord and you enjoy it

Nikki xxx.

--- +++ ---

Bec stared at her brother, lost for words.

"You want me to do what?" she asked, stunned.

"I need you to wash me. Geez, didn't Mum talk to you about this before she left?" Matt asked, his face flushing red with embarrassment.

"No, she bloody didn't or I probably wouldn't have agreed to stay home and look after you!"

"Crap, I thought she would, I mean it's the last thing I want to have to ask you to do, believe me, but I can't go for a month without washing myself!"

Bec eyed her brother. She could see he was genuinely embarrassed.

"Fuck, I can't believe I have to do this, but okay," she replied reluctantly.

"Thanks Bec, I'll owe you and I promise, I won't tell anyone about it if you don't."

"You'd better not!"

Matt had managed to crash his mountain bike in a race a couple of weeks earlier and his right arm was in a cast due to a break in the fore-arm. He'd also done significant damage to his left hand, requiring it to be pinned. So it too was in a cast. The nature of the casts, looped between thumb and fore-fingers but with thumb and fingers free, meant he had enough mobility to achieve most day to day tasks, dressing, toileting (though, that had taken some adjustment) and the like, but when it came to bathing, he wasn't allowed to get them wet, leaving him helpless as he had to bag both forearms in order to bathe.

Bec hadn't really thought about what it meant for him in terms of bathing, and was vaguely only aware of her mother having assisted him in the process. After all, the less she thought about her brother's bathing habits the better as far as she was concerned!

Their parents were away for a month on a European vacation and Matt's casts weren't due to come off until days before their return. As the younger generation only had two weeks off their respective educational commitments, they'd been left behind to fend for themselves and a s a result, Bec, the younger of the siblings at eighteen, had been asked by her mother to take care of her nineteen year old brother. She'd said she would, knowing just how much her parents had been looking forward to the holiday and that they couldn't afford to cancel it and go another time. But she obviously hadn't thought through the full implications of her decision.

"So what happens?" Bec asked.

"Well, we can either do it in the shower or the bath," Matt advised. "I have to put my arms in plastic bags to keep the casts from getting wet and so I can either sit in the bath with my arms out or stand in the shower and hold them up out of the spray."

"What's more comfortable?"

"The bath," Matt replied.

"Then I guess we'll do that," Bec said, reluctantly following her brother upstairs. She wandered in behind him, and he started to undress. "Maybe I should wait outside. When there's enough water, get in and drop this over your um, you know, your dick, then I'll come in to help," she said, handing him a face washer. Matt was ale to adjust the taps with the use of his fingers and set about getting it right while Bec withdrew to wait until he needed help with the actual washing.

Matt eyed the wash cloth sceptically but said nothing. While Bec waited, she thought about the fact she was about to go in and wash her naked older brother. She shuddered a little at the thought. But then she considered what her friend Jess had said only a couple of days earlier.

They'd been in her room chatting and Matt had come in to ask for some help opening something because of his temporary disability. Jess had suggested to Bec that given how hot Matt was, if she had him in that condition, she'd be taking advantage of his inability to defend himself. It was clear she was being pervy and anything but innocent too.

Bec considered her brother critically from memory. He did have a nice face. It was almost chiselled, having matured quite a bit over the previous two years. All the men of their family had that well-honed and defined jaw. He had dark hair and dark eyes that could brood, kill or sparkle with delight in a matter of moments. She supposed when it came down to it, there was a host of reasons why her friend would be enamoured of him. She even smiled to herself when she thought about what Jess would say if she were given the opportunity to see him in the bath.

Matt called from within the bathroom and nervously, with a strange leap in her stomach, Bec opened the door to go in. Matt was reclined in the bath, his hands and arms held out of the water so the plasters and bandages wouldn't get wet. She tried to avoid glancing at his crotch and pretended she was a nurse or something, someone with the ability to do this in a nice detached way so she wouldn't think about it being her brother lying naked before her.

"There's a couple of plastic bags and some tape on the counter Bec, if you could put them over these it will just help protect them a bit more," Matt said to her as she looked around for soap to start.

Bec strapped his hands into the bags and then rolled up the long sleeves of her top before picking up the cake of soap she found in the bath's soap holder.

"Lean forward," she instructed her brother. Bec dipped the soap into the water and splashed it up over his back so she could start scrubbing him. She couldn't help but notice how broad his shoulders had become in the last few years. They were well-defined and muscled and on another man, Bec would have been more appropriately impressed. Once finished with his back, she had him recline again, this time taking the soap to his chest. He had a little chest hair and his pecs were as well defined as the muscles of his shoulders. As her hands passed over them, kneading slightly with the soap, she found herself focussing not on the fact he was her brother, but on the texture and feel of his skin and the tone of his muscles. She was embarrassed to discover her insides were reacting in a most inappropriate way to the washing of her brother's body.

"Leg," she said simply a few moments later, tapping his right knee. Changing the focus of where she was washing meant her gaze travelled down his body from his chest and past his crotch. It was impossible to ignore the state of his cock. It had to be close to fully erect, the wash cloth failing to cover its entirety. She could see his balls and the base of his thick shaft, but the top two-thirds remained covered, the cloth floating on the water but clearly outlining the shape of his manhood.

As Bec began the process of washing Matt's right leg, she tried desperately to avoid looking back at what she knew was floating so close to her. But given how impressive it was, she couldn't help but keep stealing glances. She deliberate avoided meeting her brother's gaze after each of those glances, not sure what to think and unwilling to see where he might be looking.

Matt, for his part was as embarrassed as his sister was, though unaware of the effect the bath was having on her. From the moment he'd started undressing, he'd been fighting to keep his cock from becoming erect. His sister was a beautiful girl. He knew it. He'd spent plenty of time admiring her curves as she'd acquired them over the last few years and now, at eighteen, she showed all the promise of becoming a truly gorgeous woman.

He glanced at her as her hands caressed his left leg. It was slightly uncomfortable for him as she'd pulled his leg across his body to make it easier for her to wash, but that meant she was crushing his balls slightly.

Bec's brown hair was tied in a shoulder-length pony-tail. She wore a long-sleeved pink top that clung to her breasts, which sat wonderfully on her chest. "Nice handfuls," Matt found himself thinking, "Not too large and not too little, probably C Cups." Her waist was thin and her hips flared a little without being 'good child bearers' as his grand father used to say.

Her legs were hidden from view but that was of little consequence as he had completely lost the battle with his erection the moment his sister had started washing him.

At last the torture was over and Bec was standing, having finished washing as much of him as she was prepared to. Matt wasn't about to start asking for more as he wasn't sure if he could take it.

"Can you get out all right?" Bec asked him.

"Um, Actually, that could be a problem," he admitted. Thinking about it, he suggested that she pull the plug so he'd have a dry bath to contend with rather than a tub full of water.

Bec reached down between his legs to get at the plug and tried desperately to ignore the fact that her fore arm brushed against her brother's scrotum. It was difficult to pull the plug and she had to fish around a bit, but eventually she managed it. As she stood up, she groaned, her back aching from having had to kneel on the bathroom floor and lean over the tub for the time it had taken to wash Matt who enjoyed the sight of her arching her back to stretch it, especially because of the way it thrust her breasts out against her pink top.

Having completed her task, Bec fled from the bath room to the safety of her bedroom, waving off her brother's thanks.

She laid on her bed, confused by her body's reaction to what she'd just done, which was only supposed to have been a favour to her invalid brother.

Matt managed to get out of the bath without incident, dry himself eventually and dress. The thing he couldn't do much about though was his raging hard-on. It just wouldn't go away and he couldn't do anything to relieve himself.

He lay on his bed and tried not to think about the profile of his sister's body as she'd washed him. He especially tried to avoid thinking about what might have happened if she'd decided that his cock needed washing because that did nothing to relieve his ditress.

--- +++ ---

Matt left his sister alone for most of the next day, unsure as to how things would go down when he'd have to ask her to wash him again, but he was used to washing daily and he didn't think he could go another day without a wash so as they sat down to dinner, he broached the subject.

"Bec, I know you don't like me asking you to do this, but could you help me wash again tonight?"

Bec sighed. She'd known it was coming and had been trying to think what she might say when the time came. She knew she really had no option.

"Yeah, I guess I can. But this time I think it will need to be in the shower, because my back was killing me after yesterday," she replied.

"Okay, whatever is easiest for you," Matt said. They finished their dinner in silence. Bec did the dishes and Matt went upstairs, trying to mentally prepare himself.

When Bec had finished the dishes, she made her way upstairs, cursing the lack of help that her brother was in his current disabled state. She found Matt in the bathroom, sitting on the edge of the bath, waiting. After strapping his hands and arms into the required plastic bags, Bec turned the water on for him and adjusted it until it was nice and warm. Matt undressed as she did so.

Bec stepped out of the way and allowed him to get into the shower, rolling up her sleeves and retrieving the soap. With Matt under the water, the water ricocheting from his body started to get her wet.

"Hang on, I'll be back in a sec," Bec said, abandoning him to wonder what was going on. Minutes later, Bec returned and Matt could do nothing but stare. His sister had come back wearing her hot pink bikini. It left little to his imagination, her gorgeous figure fully displayed. He tried not to notice the fact her nipples stood out like diamonds, but there was no avoiding it. His cock leapt to attention. He saw Bec glance down as it grew and there was no way he could do anything to hide it.

"I didn't want to get my clothes wet, so I figured this way I could wash you and not have to worry," Bec offered. She stepped into the shower with her brother and closed the door. Matt had to turn away to prevent his erection from making contact with his sister's stomach.

Bec grabbed the soap and turned him away, using her hands roughly, ensuring the message was that this was a no-nonsense occasion. As she washed his back and shoulders, she was glad he couldn't see her. She was watching the water and soap bubbles skim across her brother's tight ass and was embarrassed and confused. The sight turned her on! Her hand drifted down across his lower back and briefly caressed his left buttock. It flinched and tightened. Well at least she wasn't the only one feeling uncomfortable!

It came time to turn around and she had Matt face the glass screen with his hands resting on top of it. She reached in from the side and washed his chest and stomach. She could feel the washboard that were his abs and had to bite her tongue to keep from complimenting him. His massive erection pointed skyward and she didn't want to give any reason for him to think this was anything other than a chore for her.

"I'm sorry about that, its like, um not something I can control," he mumbled when he caught her looking at his cock.

"Um yeah, I know," she said.

Matt couldn't help glance down toward his sister's body. She was a foot shorter than him and from this angle he had a beautiful view of her breasts, straining as they were against the tight wet confines of her bikini. Beads of water glistened against her olive skin and ran in trickles down her cleavage. Her nipples were standing firmly against the fabric.

Bec was feeling very confused. She knew it was her brother and that there shouldn't be any reason for her to get excited, but she patently was. She was just glad female arousal wasn't as overt as her brother's, who could do nothing to hide his erection. She wondered what he would think if he knew her pussy was melting as she touched his nakedness.

Rubbing the soap on the back of her brother's leg, Bec squatted down in the shower so she could wash it properly. She was staring at his hip, all too aware of the fact her face was now level with his raging penis. As she moved her hands up and down his left leg, she brushed his scrotum with her left hand. Matt flinched and turned slightly. His cock nearly hit his sister in the face.

"Sorry," she said huskily, not looking up."

"Its okay," he mumbled, "Caught me off guard." As Matt looked down he couldn't help but imagine his sister turning to his cock and taking it in her mouth. She was at the perfect height. He was surprised to see a drop of pre-cum nestled in the little slit at the tip of his cock, just sitting there against all expectation. Geez, his cock hadn't even been touched! He couldn't believe how horny he was.

Bec knelt on the floor and moved her hands on her brother, getting him to turn so that she could wash the other leg. There wasn't a lot of room with her on her knees and as Matt turned, she had to move her head out of the way to avoid his erection. By the time she'd finished washing his right leg, she was in a state of arousal she could scarcely believe had been caused by her brother. She knew if it were anyone else in the shower with her at that moment, she'd have their cock buried in her mouth, sucking hungrily upon it.

In the end, it was that thought that led her to grab it. She'd started watching his cock twitch and bounce as she rubbed at his leg, washing it and she'd become transfixed. She wondered just how hard it was and without even really thinking about it, reached out with her right hand and wrapped it about the shaft.

God it felt hard. It was like an iron rod covered in a soft flesh sheath.

Matt moaned. Bec's hand moved up and down slightly, still soapy and a little slippery.

"Oh fuck," Matt said, staring, transfixed by the sight of his sister's hand moving ever so slightly up and down his cock.

"Fuck!" Bec said suddenly, realising what she was doing. She quickly got to her feet and shut the water off. Bec grabbed a towel and dragged it over her body before throwing one from the rack at Matt. She fled the room without a word, ignoring her brother's pleas for her not to.

--- +++ ---

Bec dropped the towel on the floor of her room, her mind awhirl. She'd grabbed her brother's cock! God what kind of a pervert was she? It had been so hard! It was big. She squeezed her legs together, feeling her body's natural reaction to what had been happening.

"What must he think of me?" she wondered. She pulled at the tie of her bikini, letting the two wet triangles of fabric fall away from her breasts. Her nipples stood out further than she thought possible and ached with a desire to be touched. She cupped her breasts in her hands, feeling the diamond like points pressing against her palms.

Without even thinking about it, she squeezed her breasts. Then she released her breasts just enough to allow her palms to graze her nipples. She shuddered before releasing them and peeling her wet bikini bottom down her legs.

Grabbing her panties from where she'd tossed them on the floor, she commenced dressing herself again. She didn't bother with her bra, just slipped a t-shirt on and then collapsed on her bed, thinking.

No matter how much she told herself what she'd just done was wrong, her body belied her objections with its arousal. As she lay there, the image of her brother's erection filled her mind and she remembered the sensation of holding it in her hand. Her fingers wandered down her body until they had slipped inside her panties, gently caressing her pussy lips, slick with her arousal.

--- +++ ---

Matt sat downstairs watching TV. His cock had barely subsided from the extended teasing he'd endured. He couldn't believe Bec had grabbed his cock. He really couldn't believe he desperately wanted her to do it again.

Nothing in his life had been as arousing as having his sister wash him in the shower and he dearly hoped it wouldn't be the last time. He knew he shouldn't be having such thoughts, but given he'd been unable to relieve his tension for weeks, it wasn't taking much to get him worked up. It was certainly taking a lot to get him to settle down again.

He just wished that he could manage to wank. Maybe then he would get the image of his sister's wet bikini clad body from his mind.

--- +++ ---

Bec's fingers worked over her clit, back and forth, back and forth, circling it, rubbing it, sending pleasure coursing through her body. She panted as she worked closer and closer to the point of orgasm.

And the entire time that she masturbated, the image of her brother's cock filled her mind until she was imagining she actually had taken it in her mouth and felt the smooth warm flesh slide over her tongue. That thought was enough to send her over the edge and she exploded, her body twitching and convulsing with spasms of pleasure.

--- +++ ---

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