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Brother Sister (Rewritten)


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"God I just want to be able to run my hands over your beautiful skin, especially the bumpy bits we like to call tits!" Matt laughed as he continued to thrust his hips at her, burying his cock in her pussy.

Bec reached between her legs and stroked her clit briefly before deciding she wanted to do something else for Matt. She flopped forward on her bed, off of his cock and he nearly fell on top of her as he thrust automatically forward and met no resistance.

"Oh shit!" he laughed as he regained his barely retained balance.

"Sorry," Bec replied, laughing as well, "there's something I want to do for you." She jumped off the bed and went to her dresser where she grabbed her hair brush. She lay down on her bed as Matt encouraged her and told her just how much he'd wanted to watch her fuck herself with the brush.

Bec slowly worked the handle of the hair brush into her pussy, working it deeper with each thrust as her juices coated the handle. When she had it wet enough, she was able to slide it back and forth like a cock invading her pussy. She kept her eyes on her brother's face, loving the mad grin that split it as he watched her hair brush disappearing inside her pussy.

Having an audience drove Bec wild and soon she was ramming the brush in and out at a rapid rate, making sure the angle was just right to maximise her pleasure.

"Let me suck your cock Matt," she panted, wriggling on the bed until her head was hanging off the edge. Matt knelt where she could access it and moaned as she felt her mouth envelope him. She sucked him hard and worked her pussy over until she felt the familiar sensation that announced she was going to cum.

"Oh fuck!" she cried as she released her brother's cock from her mouth with a gasp. She craned her head forward and both she and Matt watched as a stream of cum sprayed from her pussy as she quickly pulled the hair brush free.

"Holy fuck!" Matt said as he saw his sister's pussy squirt its pleasure off the other side of the bed and onto the floor. Her hips and legs were shaking with the force of her orgasm.

Bec recovered and then grinned at her brother. "That was intense," she laughed.

"Intense? That was fucking amazing!" Matt said in awe.

"Now I need to make you cum before that thing bursts," she said, nodding at his cock, which stood erect and pointed toward the ceiling. She had Matt sit on the edge of the bed and then knelt between his legs, taking his cock in her mouth, enjoying the fact that she could taste herself on him. She sucked and sucked until finally Matt exploded, filling her mouth with his cum. She swallowed the first spurt, but he flinched the second time and it hit her on the chin and breasts. Bec laughed it off and when he was finished, went to the bathroom to clean up.

--- +++ ---

"How does it feel?" Bec asked Matt as they got into the car to drive home.

"Fantastic," Matt replied, flexing his fingers with his hands in front of his face. They were pink and scarred from where he'd they'd been pinned together, but at least now his hands were his own again. He turned to his sister and said, "I can't believe how much I've wanted to do this," and he reached out with his hand, about to seize her breast, but she slapped it way.

"Hey! Not here you idiot!" she laughed.

"Damn, I suppose not," Matt laughed in return. Bec started the car and drove them home.

"I think you'd better sit on those hands," Bec teased him when they were half way there. "I can tell from that glint in your eye that any moment you're going to be tempted to reach out and grab me."

"Hmm, maybe telepathy really does work," her brother laughed, consciously putting his hands back into his lap.

The ride seemed to last for an eternity to Matt and when they finally did arrive back at the house, he followed Bec inside, his eyes glued to her butt as it wiggled its way in front of him, clad in a pair of tight black tights that showed off its perfect form. As she passed over the threshold of the door, he reached out his hand and cupped one pert cheek.

Bec jumped forward and away from him in shock, turning around to glare at him, but Matt just shrugged, trying to look innocent.

"Hey, I'm a guy, we're not built with much in the way of restraint you know," he said.

"Obviously," Bec said. "So maybe I should teach you some patience. Maybe I shouldn't let you touch these today." As she said it, she cupped her breasts in her hands and squeezed them together, loving the reaction on her brother's face as the idea penetrated his head.

"Or maybe I should apologise and beg a lot," Matt offered.

"Begging ... I quite like the sound of that," Bec said, grinning, "Get down on your knees and beg me Matt." Matt laughed, but closed the door behind him and dropped to his knees in front of his sister.

"Please Becky, please please please may I hold your perfect breasts in my hands?"

"No," Bec replied and turned away.

"Why you little ..." Matt said, laughing, getting up from his knees and moving to quickly close the distance between him and his sister. Bec laughed harder and dashed away from him, running up the stairs, intending to make the security of her bedroom where she'd be able to lock him out. Despite his period of convalescence though, Matt was still too quick for her and caught up to her on the stairs. He grabbed her ankle and she fell forward, catching herself with her hands.

Matt moved up the stairs over the top of her so that she was pinned beneath him.

"Maybe I didn't do this begging thing right," Matt laughed, his hands grabbing his sister's hips and turning her so that she was on her back beneath him. His cock was already erect and he lowered his weight on to her, grinding his erection against his sister.

"Pretty please may I touch your breasts my gorgeous, wonderful, beautiful sister?"

"Well I don't think it counts as begging if I'm not in a position to say no," Bec replied. Matt descended a couple of steps, leaving the path well clear for Bec to get away should she so desire.

"Please????" he drawled childishly.

"You know, I think you can, because although you've been a bit naughty about it, you haven't actually touched them against my will and for that you can have your reward."

Matt's hands travelled near the speed of light to close over his sister's breasts, but when they arrived, he was cautious and gentle, taking them in his hands and squeezing ever so slightly. He could feel that she was wearing a push-up bra and desperately wanted to get to feel the actual flesh of her breasts against his hands, but wasn't about to ruin the experience by rushing. He increased the pressure of his hands on Bec's breasts and then released them, before squeezing gently again. They felt awesome.

"My god Bec, I can't tell you how much it turns me on to finally touch these," he said, unable to remove the grin from his face.

"Well you're not really touching them yet," she laughed, "But maybe if you let me off the stairs I can arrange a more intimate and physical inspection?" Matt leaned over his sister and kissed her, pleased with the willingness with which she accepted it, feeling her tongue snake out to join with his between them. Then he stood up, freeing her to move completely.

Bec glanced at her brother's crotch, which was around her waist level due to the difference in their elevation on the stairway.

"Hmm I think I'm getting an idea of how turned on you are," she said, winking at Matt before standing up to move to her bedroom, feeling Matt's hand caress her butt as she set off.

Matt followed his sister into her bedroom, loving the fact that as soon as she was inside, she started pulling her white t-shirt up over her head to reveal the yellow striped push-up bra that housed her breasts.

"Wait, can I take it off for you?" he asked as she turned to face him with her hands reaching behind her to the bra clasp.

"No, I think I'd like to tease you," Bec said, "Why don't you sit over there?" she indicated the chair at the desk. Matt wasn't about to argue and took a seat. Bec stood in front of him and turned away so that he was looking at her back . His eyes drank in the sight of her skin, admiring the smooth, taut curves that disappeared into the top of her tights.

Bec started working her hips, dancing slowly and seductively, her hands playing with the bra straps on her shoulders, slipping first one and then the other off before turning to face him so her breasts were almost free, but still held within the bra. She reached up to the cups, crushing them against her breasts, squeezing them before pretending to pull them down to expose them, but releasing the material and only pulling her empty hands down instead. She slid the shoulder straps back into place and turned away from him again, this time her hands releasing the clasp at her back and letting the two pieces fall away to expose her back. Matt would have loved to have knelt behind her at that point and placed delicate kisses on the small of her back, but she turned again, holding the cups of her bra against her breasts. She reached up to slip off first one and then the other strap so that only her hands now held the bra against her flesh. Then, leaning back slightly, she removed her hands. The angle of her torso prevented the bra from falling as it hung on the swell of her breasts and she quickly returned her hands to hold the bra against her breasts again.

Matt rubbed his hands against his crotch. His cock was as stiff as an iron rod and he really wanted to take it out and start tugging it.

Bec turned away from him again and he saw the bra fall to the ground. As she turned herself back to face him, her hands again covered her breasts, giving herself a hand bra. She pressed her breasts flat and moved her hands in circular motions and even though he'd seen and sucked on his sister's breasts, it felt like he was about to see them for the very first time. Bec moved her hands slightly and parted her fingers and Matt realised she was revealing her nipples through the gap between her fingers. He stared.

Bec then slid her hands down from her breasts and over her abdomen, caressing her stomach as her brother's eyes feasted upon her revealed tits. She ran her hands back up to her perfectly smooth, pert orbs and took her nipples between her thumbs and fore fingers as she advanced on her brother, pulling and twirling them gently.

Just as he reached out to touch her, she turned away from him and backed into him, dropping her butt onto his lap where she could feel the length of his cock as she ground against it. Matt moaned and he reached around his sister and took her breasts in his hands for the very first time. As with when he'd held them when she was dressed, he was gentle, carefully caressing them, squeezing them within his hands and crushing them gently against her rib cage, delighting in their soft, but firm feel.

He sat there, playing with Bec's breasts while she continued to grind herself against his erection, sighing and moaning. Then she stood up again. Matt reluctantly released her breasts from his grasp as she stood and was going to stand as well, but Bec told him to stay where he was. He remained seated and Bec bent over and touched her toes in front of him. Matt eyed his sister's butt in her tights and the way they clung to her pussy between her legs, perfectly outlining her lips.

He rubbed his crotch again as Bec stood and her hands moved to the top of her tights. She wiggled her butt as her hands slid the pants down, exposing a black thong nestled between her butt cheeks. With her pants now sitting just below her firm little bottom, she again touched her toes and this time, pulled the pants down her legs as she went. Matt leaned in to peer closely at his sister's pussy, the thong barely covering her lips. He placed a palm on each cheek of her bottom, caressing it, and squeezing her tight little arse. He ran a finger down the crotch of the thong, pushing it slightly, causing it to slip between Bec's wet lips. Bec moaned and didn't move.

Encouraged, Matt traced his finger alongside the fabric, connecting with her skin. Bec shuddered slightly but didn't pull away. With his other hand, Matt slipped a finger under the thong and pulled it out from between her lips and to the side, exposing his sister's gorgeous, swollen wet lips. Revelling in the freedom that he now had with his hands and fingers, Matt slid a finger directly down his sister's wet slit and then into her pussy, pushing it in as far as he could. Bec groaned loudly, rocking back against the intrusion. Matt leaned forward and placed a kiss first on her left butt cheek and then on her right, before spreading them with his hands and running his tongue over her slit.

"Oh fuck that's good," Bec said allowing him to lick her a couple more times before standing up and turning around to remove the thong. Standing naked, she reached her fingers down between her legs and felt her pussy. It was sopping wet. She slid a finger inside herself and then rubbed her pussy juice on her nipple. She pulled the nipple away from her breast, and then allowed it to slip from her grasp.

After repeating the move on her other breast, she slipped her finger into her pussy again before looking Matt in the eye, pulling it out and then sucking her finger clean. Matt groaned as he saw his sister taste herself. But then she simply dropped down on her knees and told Matt to remove his pants.

Matt stood up and shed his pants in moments, his large cock springing free, pointing skyward as it strained to become even bigger than it already was. Bec put a hand on Matt's stomach and pushed him back into the chair. Then when he was seated again, moved in to take his cock in her mouth while he sat and watched. She sucked and slurped and licked and bobbed her head up and down along the length of his massive erection.

Matt groaned over and over as he watched his cock slipping in and out of his sister's mouth. He wanted to fuck her. He wanted to shove his cock deep within his sister's pussy and ram it home over and over again, but she was relentless in her sucking and eventually Matt had to warn her that he was going to explode. She didn't miss a beat. Bec just kept sucking until she felt the explosion within her mouth and quickly swallowed down her brother's warm salty seed.

"Fuck Bec, that was amazing, but I really want to fuck you."

"Well I'd be pretty disappointed if you didn't," she laughed as she stood from the floor and led her brother over to her bed.

Matt let Bec lay down on the bed and then knelt down beside her. Like a blind man reading his favourite text, Matt then proceeded to get to know his sister's body intimately with his hands, touching and caressing every inch of her. It was incredibly arousing for both of them as he ran his fingers and palms all over her skin, but avoided the obvious sexual areas until the very end.

Finally he touched her breasts and nipples again before letting his right hand trail down to her pussy, where he allowed two fingers to begin exploring her inner folds as he used his mouth on her right breast.

After sucking it briefly he kissed Bec and used his fingers on her clitoris. He kept kissing her, their tongues dancing together until she had cum hard and subsided again. Then he moved onto the bed and positioned himself between her willing and welcoming legs. With his hands either side of her, he watched her face as he pressed his cock against the slick entrance to her pussy and smoothly slid it home.

Bec allowed her brother to gently fuck her for a while before wrapping her legs around him and pulling herself forcefully against the thrusts of his cock. She begged him to fuck her harder and Matt obeyed, pumping and thrusting so his cock slammed home within her pussy over and over again.

Bec loved feeling her brother fucking her hard, but wanted to feel him as deep as he would get inside her and so told her brother to fuck her from behind. She rolled over for him and got on her hands and knees before collapsing her chest to the bed, her arms stretched out before her. Matt slid in from behind and rammed his cock into her, his balls slapping against her each time he hit home while he held her hips in his hands.

Bec imagined that her hands were tied out in front of her and that she had no choice but to accept the fucking she was getting. She was surprised how much the idea turned her on.

Matt looked down on the gorgeous shape of his sister as her shoved his cock into her. She truly was beautiful. He eyed her butt hole, wondering if she'd ever had anyone try and fuck her up the bum. Just the thought of it suddenly brought him over the edge of the climax that he'd been trying to forestall and his cock erupted just as he thrust home within his sister's pussy.

"Oh fuck!" Bec said as she felt his warm cum spray inside her. She started to cum in response to the feeling and was overwhelmed by the pleasure. Matt quickly pulled his cock from her and the remainder of his sperm shot against her anus before dribbling down over her pussy. Bec collapsed completely onto the bed.

As she lay there recovering, Matt met his sister's eye.

"Fuck Bec, I'm sorry, fuck, I mean, shit," his mind was in turmoil.

"What?" she said, having not yet really finished with her orgasm.

""I fucking shot cum in you!" he said.

"I know, it felt awesome!" she said, smiling dreamily.

"Yeah, but Bec, fuck, are you on the pill?" Matt asked with a hint of panic in his voice.

Bec didn't answer, but her dreamy smile disappeared in a flash as the realisation hit home.

Matt's gut twisted as he watched his sister's face. Given how worried she looked, his concern only deepened.

"Wait, let me think a sec," Bec said, stalling as she did some mental arithmetic. "Okay, we should be fine, I shouldn't be fertile."

"Shouldn't be?"

"Look getting pregnant is a really low possibility, but maybe we should get a morning after pill just in case," Bec suggested.

"Have you ever done that before?"

"No, I've never had anyone cum in me before! I've always made sure they had a condom on and even when I've gone bareback in the lead up I've made sure its well outside my fertile time just in case and hey, it's not like I've had a lot of sex you know, despite how slutty I seem to be around you!"

"Right, so are you good to take care of that yourself, or do you want me to come with you or ..."

"I'd like it if you come with me. Like, I don't want to go to a pharmacy near home where I might be recognised, especially if they ask a lot of questions. And like, I don't think I'll need you to come in with me, but if you're just like there for me?"

"Of course Bec, anything you want at all."

"Thanks Matt." She gave him a hug and then impulsively kissed him, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. Matt returned it happily before suggesting they pull themselves together and head to the pharmacy.

The trip was significantly easier than Bec had feared it could be other than the pharmacist being a little condescending and giving a bit of lip about making good life choices.

"I think maybe I should get a different sort of pill too," Bec suggested to her brother on the way back to the house.


"Yeah, you know, one that lets me feel my brother's amazing cock explode deep in my, pussy without the threat of getting pregnant."

"Oh! Yeah, like, if you're willing to do that it would be amazing."

"I'll make an appointment to see the doctor when I get home," she replied with a grin as her hand reached across the car's centre console to lightly tease her brother's dick within his pants.

"If you keep that up I might start thinking you like me," Matt joked.

"Well to be honest, I'm only using you because it's bigger and feels better than my hairbrush," Bec retorted.


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