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Brother Sister (Rewritten)


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Matt looked up to see Bec coming into the room. He started to speak, but Bec cut him off, "I don't want to talk about it yet Matt, can we just watch TV?"

"Sure," he said. He allowed her to have her way, but his eyes followed her body closely as she walked into the room. She was wearing a pair of baggy track pants and a t-shirt. From the way her breasts moved under the t-shirt, he could tell they weren't restrained by a bra. Instantly the realisation sent his cock stiff again. He almost groaned, but settled for adjusting his position.

All night he sat there, taking surreptitious peeks at his sister, wondering what she actually thought about the fact she'd grabbed his cock. She hadn't been coerced, she had done so of her own volition. That fact alone drove Matt mad. It made him horny.

Eventually Matt couldn't stand it any more and said goodnight to Bec, standing to make his way upstairs to his bedroom.

As her brother rose, Bec followed his crotch with her gaze. God, he was still stiff. His erection stood out against the shorts he'd pulled on after his shower and there was little doubt about its state. Part of her wanted to rush over and yank his pants down. But the sensible part won out and she watched TV as he departed the living room.

--- +++ ---

"I guess you'll need washing again tonight?" Bec said to him over breakfast the next day.

"Um, yes?" Matt answered, surprised she'd been the one to bring it up. He was trying not to get excited about the fact too, but his cock was already hardening.

"'Cause you've got that charity walk right? And so you'll be all sweaty?"

"Oh yeah," Matt replied. He'd been hoping she just wanted to wash him again, but it turned out she was just on top of his schedule.

"Oh and tomorrow night I've got Josh coming over, so can you kind of give us some space?" Bec asked, blushing. Matt eyed his sister.

"I don't know Bec, you know what Mum and Dad said," he replied. Bec sneered at the reminder.

"Fuck Matt, if I have to wash you, you can at least cut me a little slack."

"Okay, okay," Matt replied, backing down, "I'll give you some space. Just don't get too carried away. I don't want them coming home and finding out you've managed to go and get pregnant or something."

"Thanks. I'll see you later," Bec replied, rolling her eyes at him as she grabbed her bag and headed off to school for the day.

Matt was left at home, horny, wondering about the night ahead and starting to get creative ideas about how he might possibly be able to lose his load without someone around to help him.

--- +++ ---

Bec came into the bathroom, the butterflies that resided in her stomach swarming with activity. Matt was already there, naked and waiting for her to turn the water on. Bec instinctively looked at his cock. It was already semi-erect. She quickly averted her gaze and set to getting the water temperature right, trying to ignore the tension in her nipples.

Matt watched as Bec walked in, again wearing her hot pink bikini. And like last time, her nipples were as taut as springs, seemingly trying to find a way through the fabric.

"Right, time to bag them," Bec said, bringing two plastic bags over to her brother, who stood up in order to have his arms wrapped against the water. She couldn't help but notice as she did it that his cock was spearing out towards her in its semi erect state. She tried to ignore it. She tried to forget she knew exactly how hard it felt when she held it in her hand, how good it felt to feel the outer covering of skin slide over the iron-hardness of the shaft. And she especially tried to ignore the fact that her pussy was on fire, moisture already seeping into the fabric of her bikini.

Matt stepped into the shower and Bec followed him into the confined space. She washed him thoroughly, careful to avoid touching his erection, despite the fact she wanted to. God she wanted to touch it. Occasionally it would brush against her. It was rock hard, she noted. And huge. What would it be like to have it thrust inside her? No, she had to stop thinking like that!

She was just about finished when she lost control. She'd been about to turn the water off and Matt had turned and she'd felt his erection rub against her hip. As she turned as well, it then slid across her stomach. She reached down with her soapy hand and grabbed it.

Again, her hand slipped along its length until it came in contact with his balls and abdomen. She held it, feeling it, wanting to stroke it, but a little frozen. Matt moaned. She felt him pull back and his shaft slipped through her hand. She thought he was being the good brother and pulling his cock away from her, but then he thrust forward again, his cock slipping within her grasp. The soap washed away with the water then and it wasn't particularly slippery. Matt moaned anyway. Bec released his cock, the friction bringing her mind back to where she was and what she was doing.

As before, she quickly left the bathroom, throwing Matt a towel on her way out. She couldn't help but note to herself that as stiff as he was, he could probably use his cock for a towel rail.

They ate dinner in silence that night and Bec tried to focus on the fact she'd have Josh in the house the following night, not just Matt. And with Josh she could do whatever she wanted. As she lay in bed though, she felt guilty about the fact that all her thoughts had lately been about her brother, not her boyfriend.

Not guilty enough that she didn't think of her brother's cock as she brought herself to an orgasm.

--- +++ ---

After School, Bec rushed home so that she could get changed before her boyfriend Josh could get there. Assuming Matt kept his distance and gave them some peace, it should be a great night.

She quickly showered, taking the time to trim her pubes so there was no hair on her pussy lips and just a small strip of cropped hair above them. She picked out a black satin thong to wear with a matching bra. Then she put on a nice short denim skirt and pink tank top. She surveyed herself in the mirror. Turning around, she eyed the hemline of her skirt. She decided it was too low and so rolled the waist band a couple of times, lifting it until she could almost see the curve of her butt while she was just standing still.

Facing away from the mirror, she leant forward a little and was pleased to see it was enough to expose her butt ever so slightly. That should be enough to stir Josh's juices she decided and went downstairs to await his arrival.

Matt was sitting on the couch when Bec entered the room and his jaw nearly hit the floor when he saw her. It wasn't that she was dressed any differently to how she did on many other days, but lately he'd been seeing his sister in a new light and from the low height at which he was sitting, as she walked past, he could see her buttocks, with no sign of underwear thanks to the way the thong disappeared between her cheeks.

He was almost instantly erect from the display. Bec sat down next to him on the couch and he was a concentrated study in tyring not to look at his sister. It was a massive effort and when the doorbell finally rang, he was relieved.

Bec jumped up at the sound of the bell and as she went to leave the room, turned to her brother and said, "Remember, you said you'd give us some space."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I'll be in my room." He stood up, conscious of the fact that just that brief interaction had given him a boner and as Bec headed for the doorway, he headed up the stairs to bury himself in his bedroom and keep out of the way.

"Holy crap, you look amazing!" Josh said as Bec pulled the door aside to reveal herself in the incredibly short skirt and tight top.

Bec grinned at the compliment and all but leapt into his arms, plunging her tongue into his mouth as he held her close, feeling her breasts crushed against his chest.

"Thanks Josh, I can't wait for later, tonight's going to be fun," she said when they broke apart. She took his hand and led him into the house, revealing the news she'd not shared with him previously, the fact her parents weren't home.

"We have the place to ourselves?" he asked, his eyes gleaming as his mind obviously processed the possibilities.

"Well not quite alone. Matt is here because he's kind of stuck because of his accident, but he's promised to give us space."

"Oh, well what did you have in mind then?" Josh asked, clearly a little disappointed with her brother being home, but also pleased that there were no parents about.

"Pizza and a movie?" Bec suggested.

"I can work with that," Josh replied. "Do you want to go to the video store now so that we don't have to do it later?"

"Yeah, I'll just tell Matt." Bec ran up the stairs. Josh stopped at the bottom, watching as she trotted up, bouncing up and down. Her skirt did the same and he was treated to an erection stimulating view of her butt, split in two by a black g-string. He barred up even more when he thought about being lucky enough to watch the movie together without any parental supervision.

"Hey Matt, we're going to go get a movie from the shop, did you want us to get something for you to watch up here?" she asked, busting into his room. Matt was lying on the floor, earphones on.

Matt looked up as the door to his room opened. He could just hear Bec above the music in his ears, though he barely registered what she was saying because as he glanced up, he was looking straight up his sister's skirt at the front panel of her thong. Removing the headphones from his ears, he asked her to repeat herself.

"I said do you want us to get you a movie while we're at the shop so you can watch something up here?"

"Um yeah, that sounds good. What are you doing for dinner?"

"Pizza," Bec replied, "You're allowed to eat with us if you like."

"Thanks Bec, I could go for some pizza tonight and I don't really want to spend the whole night stuck in here."

"Coolio. Ok, see you when we get back." Bec closed the door behind her, Matt's eyes shifting back down to her skirt as she turned to go. As she left, he imagined what it would be like if she squatted over his face. Heavenly, he decided.

Bec and Josh hopped out of the car to choose a movie. Matt kept pointing out movies on the bottom shelf and Bec kept bending over to get them without bending her knees. She knew she was exposing her butt and showing off her thong when she did it, but she didn't care, it turned her on knowing how much it was turning her boyfriend on. She kept indulging him, even when it became clear that a group of 3 teenage boys had stationed themselves so they too could appreciate the view when she did it.

"You find something for Matt; you're a guy and might do better than me," Bec suggested and she wandered through the store. She found herself in front of the adult section, a place that she'd never bothered to stop before. Curiously, she picked up a couple and checked them out.

Meeting Josh at the counter, she blushed as she added one to the three he'd chosen. He raised an eyebrow at her as he checked what she'd put down, but then just grinned. He enjoyed the look of envy from the young guy serving them.

By the time they were in the car and headed to the pizza place, Bec's thong was soaked. It didn't help when Josh ran his hand up her thigh and under her skirt to caress the front panel of fabric over her pussy.

They arrived back at the house and Josh gave Bec the movie to take up to her brother. It was some b-grade comedy that was likely to be full of crass humour, tits and arse.

"Thanks Bec, make sure you behave down there," Matt said when she gave it to him. Bec just poked her tongue out and blew him a raspberry as she departed his room, closing the door behind her.

Josh and Bec sat down to watch the first of the movies that they'd rented, their hands idly wandering over each other's bodies, simply stimulating and teasing. Toward the end of the movie, Bec attacked Josh's pants, releasing his cock to the air. She dropped her head down into his lap and he leaned back on the couch, giving her room. Sucking gently on the end of his penis, Bec enjoyed the rest of the movie, feeling Josh flinch and twitch periodically under her attentions.

Josh dropped his hand to Bec's breast, caressing and squeezing it as he slowly lost track of the thread of the movie.

As the credits rolled, Bec took as much of her boyfriend's cock into her mouth as she could, sucking long and hard and then swirling her tongue around the swollen head within her mouth.

"Want to watch the other movie I hired?" Bec asked, releasing Josh's cock for a few moments.

"Sure thing," he replied, grinning at her. Bec jumped up from the couch and grabbed the DVD making sure she bent over and exposed her butt with her thong splitting her cheeks as she changed the discs over in the player.

While the movie loaded she returned to the couch, dropped to her knees and sucked on Josh's cock some more, enjoying the fact there was a little drop of pre-cum nestled in the little slit at the tip.

The movie started and Bec moved to sit alongside Josh again, one hand slowly tugging at his cock, trying to keep it stiff.

Bec found the movie funny. The girls were pretty fake, most of them having enhanced breasts and the story line was pathetic. But there was something about watching the nudity with Josh that kept her quiet enough for him to get pleasure out of it as well. Josh seemed to enjoy it to some extent and when she questioned him, he told her what he really enjoyed was the fact she was there stimulating him while he watched it.

"Why don't I get to see his cock in her pussy?" Bec asked as the scene they were watching jumped just at the point it would be expected to see the guy penetrating the girl from behind.

"Because of the rating. You won't ever get that in a movie that you rent from a store, only something you buy from a sex shop or online," Josh explained.

"Well that's crap, there's not really much point to it then, is there?"

"Well if you want to see a cock in a pussy, I can help you with that," Josh offered, grinning at his girlfriend.

"I should hope so!" Bec laughed back.

Josh stood up and removed his jeans properly while Bec sat in front of him, her legs spread and her skirt hiked and revealing her underwear. Josh knelt on the floor between her legs and leaned forward to kiss her, his stiff cock rubbing against the fabric of her underwear. Bec thrust herself at the erection. Washing her brother over the last couple of days had made her incredibly horny and she had been desperate for this chance to do something about touching a cock she was actually supposed to.

The evening of teasing Josh had had its effect on him too. His hands explored her body all over, groping and fondling and touching her as they kissed. She felt his hands dragging at her thong and it was pulled aside. His cock pressed against her lips and slid inside. She moaned audibly, thrusting against him as she felt his cock slide easily within her.

Josh began thrusting frantically into his girlfriend's pussy. She'd been teasing him all night and he was finally getting to do something about it. It wasn't very long until he felt his climax coming and he warned Bec.

"No, not yet, I'm not ready, fuck me longer," she urged him. He tried valiantly to stave off his climax but couldn't. He pulled out of her pussy just as his cock exploded, sending warm sticky spurts of cum over her skirt and thong.

Bec sighed with disappointment, wishing she was in a position to let him cum inside her pussy. Or even just that he'd lasted long enough to help her cum too.

"I think I'd better go clean this up," Bec said, looking at the mess Josh had left on her skirt.

"Okay, that was awesome," Josh said, grinning. As Bec made her way upstairs, she lamented the fact that what she thought was disappointing, her boyfriend considered awesome. Clearly their expectations were misaligned.

Just as Bec was about to head into her room, Matt walked out of his. Bec quickly dropped her skirt, which she'd been holding up to stop the cum dripping down her legs or onto the floor, which was exactly what happened right in front of her brother when she instinctively let the hem fall.

Bec went a bright shade of scarlet but Matt was good enough not to say anything and made his way past her to the bathroom.

Bec quickly ran to her room and discarded her skirt and thong, then pulled on a pair of track pants before grabbing some tissues to clean the cum from the hall carpet. She didn't see Matt before heading back down stairs and was thankful for it.

As she sat back down with Josh to watch another movie, it took some time for her to recover her former mood. It was only Josh's persistent attempts to get her bra off that managed to do it in the end.

"You know that scene where the guy stood behind the girl leaning over the couch in that other movie?" Josh whispered in her ear.

"Yeah." Bec replied noncommittally.

"Well that was hot, I want to fuck you like that," he said, grinning as she turned to look him in the eye.

"Think you can manage to do that, do you?" she teased him.

"Didn't look too hard," Josh said.

"Well it had better be hard," Bec laughed, teasing him as she stood up from the chair. Josh followed her. Bec moved behind the couch they'd been sitting on and pulled her track pants down her legs before leaning forward and placing her hands on its back. She wiggled her bum at him and Josh made appreciative noises as he guided his cock between her legs.

They stood there, fucking like that, trying to watch the end of the movie, but Bec couldn't concentrate. She loved the feeling of her boyfriend's cock in her pussy, spearing into her over and over again.


Matt wandered out of his room, wondering if it was safe to go down to the kitchen and grab a soda. He made his way down the stairs and as he walked past the door to the living room, stopped. There was his sister, bent over the couch, taking her boyfriend's cock from behind. Instantly he was rock hard. He knew he shouldn't, but he stayed, watching. He tried to imagine what his sister would look like from Josh's angle because all he could really see was her boyfriend's bare arse and that didn't do a lot for him, so he tried to imagine what she would look like in that position if Josh wasn't there.


As Bec enjoyed Josh's cock sliding in and out of her lips, she found herself wondering what Matt's would feel like. It was clearly bigger than Josh's and her mind kept skipping back to it. She blushed as she realised she was thinking about fucking her brother right in the middle of sex with her boyfriend. It sure got her horny though. Unfortunately Josh got hornier quicker, announcing that he was going to cum again.

Not prepared to face going upstairs covered in cum again, Bec told him to cum in her mouth. She turned around for him and dropped to her knees.


As Matt watched, Josh said something and then Bec was moving. Matt didn't want to be busted and quickly stepped aside, hiding.


Josh stroked his cock, holding the tip over Bec's tongue as he finished himself off. When he came, it spurted into Bec's mouth and she swallowed it down before sucking the tip of his cock clean.


When Matt dared to glance back again, Bec was getting up from her knees and wiping her mouth, smiling up at her boyfriend. Matt realised he was jealous. He snuck back upstairs to his room, wondering if there were anyway he could make himself cum with both hands out of action.


"Fuck you're amazing," Josh told Bec. Bec grinned at him, waiting for a proposal as to how he would make her feel as amazing she'd made him feel, but Josh had cum twice and was apparently done.

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