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The details didn't matter, really. It was about having the house. Having a place her and Chris could do anything they wanted, any time they so chose. Getting to share it with Blake and Ezra and mutually feeding off each other's incestuous naughtiness was such a great perk too.

"So who won?" Steph whispered to Blake when she had a chance.

"Beats me. It was so close. And, you know, inside us. So couldn't tell that way."

"Yeah," Steph said, slipping a hand down over the front of her pants and feeling where her big brother had just cummed in her. "Should have to be outside next time, huh?"

"Next time?"

"Need a do over, don't we?"

"Ooh, yeah, guess we do. On our faces?"

"Seems the most logical."

They got their chance for a second contest once Lucy had locked up and driven off. They pretended to be leaving too, but once they were unsupervised just sneaked back in to the backyard, and the small but adequate deck.

"Remember," Blake said, "on my face this time."

Ezra smiled. "Sure thing."

Steph felt Chris squeeze her hand as they followed Blake and Ezra. She squeezed back and felt a flutter of excitement. They were pretty sure they had enough privacy, but it was unfamiliar territory. Not to mention the only other time she and Chris had done much of anything outside, they'd both been less than sober.

Not today. Nothing fueling them now but their own horniness and recklessness. Which, as it turned out, was more than enough.

Both brothers leaned against the deck's railing with their pants off while their sisters knelt before them, getting as comfortable as they could before starting.

Steph looked up at Chris in the brief moment they had of pure anticipation. A little sister gazing up at her big brother with love and adoration, eyes full of the promise that she'd soon have his cock stuffed in her wet little mouth.

Then they were going at it. Steph and Blake both attacking their brothers with their lips, tongues, and mouths. Bobbing back and forth, sucking their hard cocks, seeking out the cum inside their balls.

It was just the very best kind of contest. So new, yet already Steph's favourite. Usually she wanted sexy things to last longer, to savour them. But now she had a reason to finish as quickly as possible, and she had to admit it was extremely fun in its own way. There was a novelty and kind of a faintly thrilling and slutty feeling to go along with it. It was just about getting her brother off as fast as she could manage, and she loved it.

Blake won, as it turned out. Steph could feel Chris getting close, but before he was ready to blow, Blake had pulled back and was taking thick cum all over her eager, happy face.

Steph stopped and just admired the sight. There was no reason to hurry anymore, so she didn't. She watched Blake's brotherly facial, sticking her hand down her pants in the meantime, since she didn't have to focus so hard anymore.

"Congratulations," Steph said.

Blake grinned at her, one eye closed in a long wink thanks to a plastering of cum. "Thanks."

Steph finished Chris off shortly after, taking her time a little more toward the end, but he'd been close already. It was her turn to get her face all messed by her big brother, and she loved it even more than watching Blake get cummed on.

The four of them hung out a bit longer while the boys got calmed down. Steph and Blake weren't much for calm, though. Steph pulled her pants and panties off entirely and casually rubbed her cummy pussy. Blake did much the same, though without any cum in her pussy.

Once they were ready to go, the girls scampered half-naked to the car that was parked by the road. They were too horny to take the safe route and just get dressed again. Bottomless was more fun, and it made it easier for them to masturbate as they drove back, side by side with their cummed faces.

Sharing a car had really only been a practical concern for Steph on the way over. On the way back it was a nice bonus to have someone to rub her pussy with.


Steph didn't mind not getting the nicest room. Really, hers and Chris's wasn't that much smaller. It was far more important that she got to share it with her brother, and for it to be all theirs for whatever nasty sibling desires they might have.

Unpacking was a rather slow affair. Sure she and Chris were both working at it, so it should have gone faster, but rather predictably they ended up spending as much time making out and feeling each other up as they did actually putting things away.

Chris's shirt was off and Steph was totally bottomless when Blake peeked in. Blake had them both beat and was completely naked already, and seemed to have more arousal running down her thighs even than Steph did.

"You guys ready for a break yet?" Blake asked.

Ezra was close behind her, and wore only a pair of painfully tented boxers.

"I sure could be," Steph said, dropping a bundle of her shirts on the floor halfway to the closet.

Chris, who'd been doing an awful lot of sighing wistfully and watching Steph's bare bum wiggle back and forth across the room, was in a similarly agreeable mood.

"Great," Blake said, flouncing over and laying out across the width of the bed, letting her feet dangle to the floor. "We've got to christen every room sooner or later, right? Might as well start here."

Steph laughed and bounced down on the bed next to Blake. "You mean all of us at once?"

"Well yeah. It's everyone's house. Can't christen properly with only half the people."

"But boy we're gonna give it our best shot anyway, I imagine."

"Hehe, probably."

Steph smiled winsomely at Chris and batted her eyelashes. She spread her bare legs, letting them overlap with Blake's, and offered her little pussy to her big bro.

Chris only took time to get his pants off before kneeling down on the floor by the bed, yanking Steph closer to the edge, and diving face-first into her pussy. Ezra already had his tongue working on Blake.

"Goddamn," Steph moaned. She put a hand just lightly on the back of Chris's head. "Now this is the life."

"Getting eaten by your brother?" Blake asked.

"I mean... just anything. Anything at all. Anytime."

"Hehe, you're such a little hornygirl brotherfucker."

"Rich coming from you."

Blake shrugged. "I'm a brotherfucker too. I know it."

"Yeah you are. Brotherfucker."

Steph relaxed and enjoyed every moment of being licked out by Chris. Blake's thigh was warm against her, and their shoulders were just lightly touching. It was enough contact to feel a slight tremble or tensing every now and then, which was some interesting visceral feedback for what Blake was experiencing.

Mostly all Steph felt was her brother's tongue, though. And his lips when he kissed her sucked on her a bit. Mostly lovely licks. Mostly.

Steph's first cum in her brand new bedroom was beautiful and decadent. It wasn't enough, though. She'd known going in that it wouldn't be.

Almost as soon as Chris stopped licking her, she was already rolling to her front side, propping her lower half up on her knees. She went face down, ass up, sticking her butt wantonly in the air for her brother's approval and enjoyment.

"You horny brotherfucker," Blake said.

Steph stuck her tongue out in response. Blake countered by emulating Steph and presenting herself for Ezra just the same sexy way.

There wasn't really much room on the bed for all of them, so putting her pussy high enough that Chris could fuck her while standing behind her worked well. It also gave him some very nice leverage and angles for pounding her into the mattress.

Steph and Blake both got fucked deep and hard by their brothers, which made them some very happy and slutty little sisters.

"Gotta do this in every room you say?" Steph asked.

"Definitely," Blake said.

"I could be into that."

"Really though."

Steph let herself go all mushy, barely keeping her legs underneath her with some help from Chris. The way he was going, he wouldn't possibly last much longer.

She wanted him to. Wanted him to fuck her until they were both sloppy, exhausted messes. But then again, they had all the time in the world. All four of them.

Blake's panting was an out of synch counterpoint to Steph's. The two of them were lost in the thrill of the moment, the sheer joy and pleasure of it. Their faces were turned toward each other while getting pounded, but they were only sometimes properly aware of the other.

Those brief, glorious moments when they made eye contact, smiled, and fully acknowledged what they were doing made things even hotter. Two pairs of incestuously obsessed sibbos doing exactly what they wanted.

Chris cumming in Steph's pussy was the last little thing she needed. He pumped her all full and creamy, claiming her pussy yet again just the way she loved so much.

Blake and Ezra were a bit slower, but she too got her pussy all cummed by her brother. It was impossible to say which of them was more delighted by it, but Steph secretly assumed it was her. Blake couldn't possibly be any happier than she was.

Maybe a tie.

"You need a bigger bed," Blake said.

"Like we've got money for that right now," Steph said.

"Just sayin'. No room for all of us to cuddle."

"Your bed's not any better."

"I know. We need to work on that."

"Sure. Sometime. For now, get back to your own room."


"Leave us our snuggling space."

"But then I gotta move. And Ez'll have to pull out of me."

"He's still in you?"

"Yeah. Goin' kinda soft now, but yeah."


Blake groaned and wobbled to her feet, legs all shaky from a good session with her bro. She and Ezra slipped unsteadily away.

Steph and Chris wasted no time settling more fully on their bed, freshly christened by some serious sibcest.

"This was a good idea," Chris murmured in Steph's ear while cozying up on her boobies.

"Which part?"

"All of it."

"Mmm. I think so too." Steph yawned. "We still gotta unpack more, you know."

"You think I care about that right now?"

"... probably not."


Steph teased Chris's hair. "What am I gonna do with you?" she asked affectionately and rhetorically.

"Fuck me? Lots?"

"Oh yeah. That. Good point." Steph sighed happily and let Chris nestle warmly with her. "I love the fuck out of you, you know?"

"I know. I love you too. Horny brotherfucker and all."

"Heh. Yeah. Jus' a li'l brotherfucker." Steph patted Chris's head. "Rest up, sisterfucker. Lots to do still."

"Nnnhhh. Can't we just cuddle?"

"You can't get out of work just because naked, sexy cuddles feel really good."

"I mean, I'm pretty sure I can. Between cuddles and fucking."

"... ok, yeah, you can. But we need to be responsible, you know."

"Do we?"

Chris shifted over fully on top of Steph. His cock pressed against her pussy, then slid inside.

Steph went all mushy and helpless as her brother filled up her gooey pussy again. "Maybe later."

Chris grinned and kissed her. "I love my little brotherfucker," he whispered.

Steph already felt that burning need flaming up inside her. That feeling that only her big brother could create. "Fuck me," she pleaded softly. "Fuck me so good."

Chris's grin was tender and adoring. "Absolutely."

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SwordmakerSwordmaker3 months ago

Some critics complain about the dialog. They seem to think a n erotic story is driven only by a narrator describing sex, fucking, licking, and that all happening spontaneously with no character interaction not driven by their genitals. They forget the most important sex organ granted to human beings is our brains that use our minds and vocal cords to communicate. That means dialogue will drive the story.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

WAYYYY too much dialogue. Couldn't bring myself to keep reading past page 3.

shadrachtshadracht4 months ago

I love your dialogue. It flows so well and is both natural and ridiculous at the same time. 5*

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

So well written, and so super hot ! Tip of the cap to the author for such a fine piece, Please continue on.

MrJohnnySirMrJohnnySir7 months ago

Super hot. Like, volcanic.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I cannot figure out why the blowjob on page 3 is so freaking hot, but I suspect it has something to do with the build-up. Either way, that "suck suck suck!" gets me every freaking time. Fuuuuck. So wet. And it's a sweet story too!

K_S_BK_S_B12 months ago

About halfway through I got really worried that they were gonna try and fuck each other's brothers too. I'm so glad it didn't happen. I like that it's a love story and that would have ruined it. Good job.

antimatterdynamiteantimatterdynamiteabout 1 year ago

"you're just Steph" no game no life reference?

Wandering_MinstrelWandering_Minstrelabout 1 year ago

"I stopped reading after page one. Even an over-sexed teen can react with disgust when suddenly confronted with something outside their comfort zones. Steph was just as likely to vomit after seeing her best friend suck off her own brother. Xarth is a talented writer, but never seems to zero in on the truth. Finding the truth is the difference between a talented writer, and a truly great one."

- anonymous poster



One is moved to wonder why an individual, who is obviously repulsed by acts of consensual incest, would choose to read a story that contains an examination of that type of behavior and then be repulsed by that examination after the first page. That the anonymous poster is not prepared to engage in an examination of the issue is emphasized by their choice to begin with that exact statement: "I stopped reading after page one". This inevitably leaves one skeptical of the anonymous poster and their position. An author may disagree with the economic theories of Karl Marx, but one might well have grave doubts concerning the author's views if they begin with a statement that they "stopped reading after page one of Das Kapital".


So, what follows here may be considered too "heavy-handed" for a comment on a short story that was posted on literotica. It is submitted, however, as a protest because this poster believes that difficult topics deserve thoughtful and considered discussion. What follows is not presented as a defense of incestuous behavior. It is rather, an indictment of a viewpoint that criticizes such behavior without offering evidence/reasoning and yet condemns disagreement as unacceptable and possibly "perverted".




The anonymous poster should perhaps consider that origin of the incest "taboo", was to combat genetic deficiencies that often resulted from "inbreeding". While the genetics involved were not understood until much later, the health of the offspring resulting from the union of those too closely related were a serious health issue prior to the development of methods of contraception. Currently other arguments have been put forward concerning the unacceptability and "perverted nature" of incestuous acts, but for many they seem less persuasive.


This story contains an exploration of the adolescent confusion today, arising from modern questions about such a taboo. There may be flaws in the structure and development of the story, but that does not necessarily invalidate its observations. It may be true, that:


"Steph was just as likely to vomit after seeing her best friend suck off her own brother."


but "just as likely" is actually the point. It suggests that either "vomiting" or the reaction described in the story are considered EQUALLY likely. This being the case, it should be reasonable to examine either reaction. Where the story succeeds is in its lengthy examination of the reaction it considers. Where the anonymous poster fails, however, is in their reliance on the proposition:


"Even an over-sexed teen can react with disgust when suddenly confronted with something outside their comfort zones"


It suggests that the very fact that an experience is "outside [one's] comfort zone" is sufficient for it to be unacceptable.


While it is certainly reasonable to argue that unacceptable behaviors should be outside one's comfort zone, such an argument is not sufficient to support the conclusion that such discomfort implies unacceptably. In fact, many have used this implication in the past to stifle changes that are considered reasonable today.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I stopped reading after page one. Even an over-sexed teen can react with disgust when suddenly confronted with something outside their comfort zones. Steph was just as likely to vomit after seeing her best friend suck off her own brother. Xarth is a talented writer, but never seems to zero in on the truth. Finding the truth is the difference between a talented writer, and a truly great one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was an almost believable progression of bro / sis love. Believable & hot. The problems of birth control & money to live on were just ignored leaving what was written skinnier & more concise. Well done 5 stars.

Bill S.

bseeker6969bseeker6969over 1 year ago

I can't remember if I commented b4 but re-reading favs lets me catch the nuances when I speed read for the goody parts. Just no on suggestions to have partner swaps if there are any chapters added. I am all about siblings being together, but, that's together as in monogamous, in love to the exclusion of anyone else.

NeedMySisNeedMySisover 1 year ago

Not only is this one of the hottest things I've ever read, but it's also genuinely funny. I laughed out loud so many times. I love how the characters talked like real people. The dialogue was true to real siblings and also to new lovers. Anyway, I'd love to read a sequel where they trade brothers. And if the guys fucked each other too, that would be even better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The whole story was excellent. There were some parts of back and forth bantering that to me was a little boring but I got through it.

Fenris420Fenris420over 1 year ago

LMAO at the troll comments. I rarely hate a story so much that I feel the absolute need to comment on it. Also, if I'm not liking a story I just stop reading it and don't bother to comment. I really liked this story... liked the characters, liked the dialog and liked the scenarios. 5/5* Fav

KlitomaticKlitomaticover 1 year ago

I give fives when brothers and sisters fuck each other, but when two brothers and sisters fuck each other . . .

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Didn't care for this story one bit. Really messed up and screwed up. You didn't tag it correctly. Just plain gross. Would have given it a minus 500 stars if possible. simply put - it was an ugly story.

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