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Chris's full and open look of appreciation dispelled any qualms Steph had. She could only imagine the things she'd do to have him looking at her like that all the time. She'd certainly do worse than just the skimpy bikini.

"They look like they've never seen girls before," Blake whispered to Steph as they shared a bottle of sunscreen between them.

Steph glanced at the boys. They were standing a little way off, chatting to each other while working on the beers in their hands. Really, though, they were mostly just staring.

"Can't blame 'em. You look good in that suit."

"Thanks. You too. You've gotten daring," Blake said, casually reaching over to fix Steph's top where the pink edge of her areola was just peeking out.

"Chris brings it out in me."

"I don't doubt it. Ready to tease them some?"

"Heck yeah."

Steph and Blake laid out in sunloungers, copious amounts of faintly glistening skin on full display.

Despite technically having the important bits covered, Steph felt practically naked under Chris's watchful eye. It might even be worse having on what little she did. He'd have to be picturing what lay beneath. She could see him thinking it. Imagining her fully naked before him. Maybe something even worse than that.

"'Course I might get too horny before Chris does," Steph murmured.

"Unf. Tell me about it. Usually when Ez gets eye-fucking me this hard, he just gets me somewhere and eats me out or something. But he's just staring." Blake squirmed. "There was a miscalculation here somewhere."


"Now what the hell do we do?"

Steph surreptitiously kept and eye on Chris while she pondered. "I mean... either we just bang 'em and get it over with..."

"Unf. Is there an or? 'Cause I could just go with that."

"I know, right? Or we just, like, wait and see."

"Wait and see?"


"See what?"

"Whether we calm ourselves. Or if our brothers just come over and, like, start doing what they want."

"Goddamn. I could be so into that."

"Mmhm. Or if it gets too much worse and nothing's really happening, we go back to plan A."

"Banging 'em?"


"That's not much of a plan, Steph."

"It's the best I've got."

Booze and weed continued to help the general social comfort along. It also helped Steph to get progressively hornier and even more wanton about showing it. Blake didn't seem any better off.

The two girls worked together at one point to convince Chris and Ezra to get their shirts and off and get some tanning in too. They also mutually dared each other to go topless while sunning their backs.

It was getting to be a barely clothed event all round. Though Chris still had too much on for Steph's liking. The idea of forcibly yanking his shorts off and taking him for a ride was seeming more and more like the way to go. And that was while she was only just pleasantly tipsy.

The boys got the barbecue rolling and produced some food. It was much needed by that point, for purposes of sating hunger and soaking some alcohol.

Blake remembered to put her top back on before prowling over to get a burger. Steph didn't.

Once Steph realized she was fully topless, she decided she didn't really care if Ezra got a few curious peeks in. She had Chris's full attention while she pretended not to realize her boobs were out. That was really all she needed.

"Come sit with me," Steph murmured, getting dangerously close to Chris.

"I don't think I should."

"Why?" Steph asked, already guessing the answer, more or less.

"'Cause I won't be able to keep my hands off you."

Steph licked her bottom lip, then moved in for a surprisingly tame kiss on her brother's cheek. "Good," she whispered.

"I'm not that comfortable yet. Not around... other people."

"How have you not had enough beer not to care yet?"

"I haven't been drinking that heavily."

"Well maybe you should have been."

"You shouldn't encourage behaviour like that."

"Maybe you shouldn't have told me that was the only thing standing between us and hot makeouts."

"Just makeouts?"

"Ha, no. Probably more than that."

"You're gonna try and fuck me in front of everyone, aren't you?"

"'Everyone' is two other people, dude."

"You know what I mean."

Steph looked directly into Chris's eyes. "I am totally gonna fuck you in front of everyone."

"Hnnggh. I knew it."

"You want it."

"I don't know."

"You're getting hard thinking about it."

"I'm getting hard 'cause your tits are right there."

"Wanna feel 'em?"

"... yes."

"So do it."

Chris looked around, but Blake and Ezra were similarly wrapped up in their own thing. In fact, Ezra was just untying Blake's bikini bra again, letting it fall away from her chest and leaving her just as topless as everyone else was.

While Steph was busy watching Blake, Chris moved in front of her and cupped her breast. His body mostly blocked any visual of him casually groping his little sister.

Steph was pretty sure it'd be obvious if either Blake or Ezra really looked. But they'd have to stop making goo-goo eyes at each other for a moment first.

"Come sit with me," Steph urged again.

This time Chris nodded. "Ok."

Steph got Chris sat down in her lounger, then climbed right into his lap. She sat her tiny little bikini bottoms square on his hardening cock, gasping in delight at his erection pulsing and firming against her.

Their lips met, tongues probing almost immediately. Steph was fully in the mood for aggressive, grinding makeouts.

Chris couldn't seem to decide between feeling up her tits, or grabbing her ass. Steph encouraged both, maybe favouring the ass fondling since it helped pull her harder against his dick.

Steph lost track of Blake and Ezra. She was too wrapped up in her brother. Apparently he forgot about them too, judging by how he found the ties on the sides of her bikini panties and casually undid them.

Some small part of Steph recognized that she was being left totally naked, and that Chris wasn't actually the only one to see her like that. She blushed faintly, but kept kissing and grinding on him, feeling an extra little warmth through her.

It was trickier getting Chris naked too without actually getting off him. He didn't have convenient ties on either side of his shorts to get them off easily. They managed somehow.

Steph sighed in utter bliss as she was able to grind her soaked pussy fully against her brother's hard, precummy cock. He groaned his approval too and grabbed her ass again to press her firmly to him.

Steph's grinding was slicked with pussy arousal and precum. Her chin was wet from a sloppy combination of her and Chris's spit. Her pussy was on fire, and her hips, ass, and boobies were all warm from constant, enthusiastic fondling.

Even when she heard smooching from next to her, it took a real effort to turn her head away from Chris. Blake had sat Ezra down and was riding him in much the same position as Steph was on Chris. Steph watched long enough to catch Blake's eye. The girls exchanged a torrent of information based on eye contact alone.

Still making big, shining eye contact, Blake reached down between her legs. Steph did the same, trembling fingers closing on Chris's cock.

Together, watching, horny as all fuck, Steph and Blake slipped their brothers' cocks into their sopping little pussies. The boys groaned in stereo at being mounted by their little sisters.

"They're right next to us," Chris whispered.

Steph turned back to him, smiling down even as she felt herself getting all filled up. "Sure are."

"They're gonna fuck."

"That's the idea."

"While we fuck."


"That's... kinda hot."

"Mmm." Steph's eyes rolled back as she landed in Chris's lap, having taken him balls deep inside. "I knew you'd figure that out eventually."

"'Cause, like, he's her brother."

Steph giggled. "Oh my god, how out of it are you?"

"You're not helping, you know. Little pussy feeling all amazing and whatnot."

"So sorry."

Steph leaned in and kissed Chris while raising her hips back up. She had to take the occasional peek to make sure Blake was riding Ezra too. Just to be sure. Obviously she was, though.

Side by side brother-sister loving. It didn't feel real. Steph couldn't quite process it. Not fully. It was definitely happening. She was riding Chris, Blake was riding Ezra. Anytime she wanted she could look over and verify it. Yet the surrealness remained.

"God I wanna cum on you," Steph hissed.

Chris gave her ass an extra squeeze, digging in slightly with his fingers. "So do it," he hissed back, eyes lighting up at the prospect.

"I want you to cum in me too."

"Unfff. Well I'm gonna."


"Just keep riding me like that."

"Like this?"

"Yeah. More hips."

"Hehe. Bad boy."

Steph rocked back and forth more along with up and down. She really put her hips into it, as requested.

It was so fucking good. So damn hot.

Riding her brother like this. Feeling beautiful tingles from her pussy, more running down from their embracing lips, and some radiating out from her chest at the constant reminder or brotherfucking right next to her as well.

She couldn't handle it. Just couldn't. Steph came on Chris's dick, riding him even harder through the whole orgasm.

It didn't even matter how much or little she did. With Blake and Ezra there too, she wouldn't be able to calm herself. She just couldn't see it happening.

Steph did her level best, though. She rode Chris until she was a sweating, panting, sloppy mess. She came again on him, and only eventually had to pause when he came in her too, filling her up with cum and forcing a break while he recovered.

Steph had to slip back off his cock so she wouldn't keep grinding. He'd be sensitive for a short while. If she just gave him a chance, she was pretty sure she'd let her fuck him some more.

Unable to help herself, Steph settled between Chris's legs and gave his messy cock some little licks. Hopefully not enough to be too much. Just something to keep her revved engine from burning out.

Steph inefficiently cleaned her brother up, occasionally looking up to see if he was ready for more yet or not.

Somehow, she misjudged things and he was ready before she realized. Seriously ready. He actually pushed her back on her butt on the warm lawn, then again so she sprawled out on her back. She was about to protest until he started pinning her legs back, whereupon her heart surged and she squealed happily.

Chris shoved his cock right back into Steph. He leaned more and more weight on her legs as he sank deep into her. She took everything and only looked at him with big, adoring, little-sister eyes, begging her brother for more. More and more and more.

"Fucking pound me," she said softly but urgently.


"So hard. Pleeeaaase."

"Anything for you."


Chris fucked Steph hard. She loved every second of it, soaking up his lust and affection as though they were the daylight kissing her skin, warming her even deeper and more effectively than the sun.

Animalistic noises were coming from somewhere to the side. From Blake and Ezra. Steph couldn't even check on them. What they were doing. She had eyes only for her brother. Her beloved big brother pounding her so good.

"Why aren't you like this all the time?" Steph asked.


Steph reached up and brushed his hair back, jolting a bit with his hard thrusts. "This intense."

"You want me to be?"

"Yes please."

"Fucking you hard whenever I want?"

"Yes please!"

"In front of anyone who happens to be around?"


"Our parents? Friends? Anyone?"


"Is that really what you want?"


"You horny little thing."

Steph just grinned.

"You... brotherfucker."

Steph's eyes rolled back. "Unf. Say that again."

"Brotherfucker. You just want to fuck your brother. All the fucking time."


Steph came again while Chris fucked her like that, legs all pinned back, staring deep into her eyes, calling her the brotherfucker that she unquestionably was.

"People'd be shocked if they knew how often we cum for each other," Chris said.

"Fuck. I wish they knew."


"Yeah. Can you imagine if I just, like, walked around with your cum on my face instead of inside me?"

Chris smiled slow and devilish.

"Chris, what's that look for?"

He still just grinned.

Steph was slow on the uptake, and only grasped what he had in mind when he pulled out, let her legs drop and crawled up closer to her face. To be fair to her mental faculties, she was still kinda tipsy from substances, and fully drunk on her brother.

Steph held her mouth open, tongue sluttily extended. Chris jerked himself quickly, then exploded all over her cherubic little face, plastering it in brother-cum. Steph absolutely adored it.

Despite having cummed repeatedly in a relatively short time frame, Steph started rubbing herself anyway as the last of Chris's cum dribbled onto her lips. She swiped a taste, but mostly just wanted it to stay where it was for a bit.

Blake and Ezra were nakedly cuddling as Chris and Steph returned to their chair to do the same. There was a flicker of jealousy from Blake as she saw how coated Steph's face was, but she couldn't seem to muster much energy to do anything about it. Not with Ezra's arms hugging her securely in place.

It was a long while before any of them did much of anything. Just lay in the sun, all warmly snuggled with their sibs. Motivation was hard to come by.

"Ez and I were talking," Blake murmured eventually, propping her face up more toward Ezra's shoulder as she focused on Steph.

"Oh?" Steph said.

"Yeah. We think it'd be nice to be able to do stuff like this whenever we wanted. Not having to wait to have the house to ourselves."

"I mean... you're right. It would. So?"

"So why don't we get a place?"

"... all of us?"

"Yeah. Today went well enough, didn't it?"

Steph snorted gently and snuggled her cheek against Chris's warm chest. She'd accidentally gotten cum on him, but he didn't seem too bothered. Probably it was hard to care about much of anything with his li'l sis all nakedly soft against him like she was.

"It went well," Steph agreed.

"So why don't we? Between four of us, we could get something half-decent."

"I suppose."

"You interested?"

"We're interested," Steph said, speaking for Chris. "But we'll have to talk about it."


"It's a good idea."

"Yeah. I thought so too."


The idea of moving out only got better the more Steph thought about it. Every time she wanted to mess around with Chris and couldn't because they weren't alone, she wistfully contemplated a world where that wasn't an issue.

Chris wasn't that hard to convince either. It helped that he and Ezra had developed some tentative bonds and mutual interests outside of sisterfucking.

There really wasn't anything standing in the way except for finding the right place. Even though Steph didn't want to get her hopes too high, she felt like that might be a problem solved sooner than later.

"So what does everyone think?" Steph asked after they'd all toured a house that held serious promise.

"Seems like a lot of responsibility owning a house," Ezra said.

"Yeah, but split fours ways," Blake reasoned. "Not so bad."

"It's small-ish," Steph said. "But totally in our budget. And we only need two bedrooms anyway."

"Heh, yeah." Chris stepped closer behind Steph and casually stuck his hand up her shirt. "More bedrooms would be a waste."

"Having the fenced yard's nice," Blake mused, pretending to ignore Ezra wiggling his fingers down the front of her pants. "Gives some privacy."

"Privacy is good," Steph said while Chris fully groped her tits. "The kitchen's a little small, but no biggie."

"I can live with that," Blake agreed. She moaned softly and leaned back against Ezra as he rubbed her pussy.

"How do we decide who gets the bigger room though?" Steph asked, trying to focus on the issues at hand while being felt up by her brother and watching Blake get rubbed off by hers.

Blake considered. "Whoever makes their brother cum first?"

Steph grinned. "Sounds fair."

The girls had to disengage themselves from the lovely, casual fondling they were getting and be more focused and serious.

Steph yanked her pants down, leaned against the wall, and stuck her butt out. Blake was perhaps even more direct and simply got Ezra's cock out and started sucking on him.

Chris was quick to catch up, though, and soon had his dick out and pressing to Steph's waiting snatch.

Steph got pounded hard against the wall while Blake frantically blew her brother. Steph had the advantage of getting to watch Blake, while Blake mostly had to stay focused on her own task. Not that it really helped for the contest, but this was one of those times where winning wasn't everything.

Whoever lost still got some sexy times with their sib, and in a somewhat dangerous place too. There was, after all, that lady who had shown them the house still lurking around somewhere. The chance of being caught added greater urgency to an already fast-paced contest.

"Hello?" called a voice, as though summoned by Steph's jumbled thoughts.

"Shit," Steph muttered. She tapped Chris's hip. "Faster."

"Going as fast as I dare."

"Then dare harder."

Chris grunted and thrust harder, as requested. Steph thumped against the wall, getting hammered into it now. Fucked hard by her brother in a house that wasn't yet theirs, possibly about to be discovered.

Blake's mouth was full and she couldn't say much, but her head was bobbing in rather manic fashion. She choked and gagged herself a bit, drool running down her chin and splattering over Ezra's legs and the floor beneath them.

They only had moments, and Chris made them count. He gave Steph's pussy the sort of pounding that could only be maintained for quick sprints, really slamming her into the wall in a way that was making just an unsafe amount of noise.

Fortunately, he came in her fairly quickly. Steph hissed pleasure and victory as she felt lovely, hot brother-cum flooding into her.

Or at least she thought it was victory. She noted halfway through getting her pussy messed that Blake was mid-swallow as well, and that a trickle of cum was already leaking from the corner of her lips.

It was just as frantic in the aftermath. Steph didn't get to enjoy the moment, nor question who'd actually been the winners, but instead had to yank her pants back up, trapping her cummy pussy under her panties, and try to put on a calm facade.

"Your chin," Steph whispered as she heard the clicking of heels getting close.

Blake swiped at her spitty, cummy chin and looked nearly presentable as Lucy, their realtor, turned the corner.

"Ah, there you are," Lucy said. She peered about. "I thought I... heard something?"

Chris and Ezra had ducked into the nearest room while their cocks were still softening and they tried to stuff them back into their pants in a way that wouldn't show. Steph nodded in the direction they'd gone.

"Chris thought there was something wrong with the wall. He was banging on it like that would tell him something." Steph rolled her eyes. "Boys, am I right?"

Lucy smiled and nodded, but there was a flicker of suspicion in her eyes. Steph had to admit that neither she or Blake appeared totally nonchalant. Both were breathing just a tad too heavily, and there was a definite flush to their faces.

"Well what do you think other than the... wall?"

Steph and Blake exchanged a glance.

"I think we really like it," Steph said.

"We'd still have to talk it over a little more," Blake said. "But I think we'd be ready to look at some paperwork or something."

Lucy smiled wider, much more genuinely than before. She started rattling off details and official type things that quickly left Steph nodding to pretend like she was keeping up.


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