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"You got hard again."

"Only after licking you for a bit. At first... well, I told myself I wanted to make sure you came. Only seemed fair."

"Very fair," Steph agreed.

"It was so hot making you cum, though. Or just the way you wiggle around when I'm trying to lick you."

"You lick good."

"And once I was horny again, forget it. Didn't want to stop in case that was it."

"Wouldn't have been. You need to get off again, at least."

"Didn't know how you'd feel. Couldn't risk it."

Steph smiled goofily. "You make me sound so amazing."

"You are."

"Even if I'm your li'l sis?"

"Maybe... maybe partly because of that. Other things too, but... I dunno. After you telling me about Blake, and that story, and just... you."

"Got myself all horny too."

"Yeah. I noticed."

Steph giggled nervously and brushed her hair back again as an excuse to avoid Chris's eyes. "So... you want help getting off again?"

"You offering?"


"You don't feel bad about any of this?"

Steph shook her head. "I don't know what we're doing, but... let's not feel bad about it, ok?" She peeked cautiously at Chris, waiting for his reaction.

"I don't think I possibly could."

Steph smiled. "Good."

She slipped off the bed to her knees, having taken enough time that her legs mostly worked properly again. Chris rather obediently scooted to the edge of the bed and opened his legs wide for her.

Steph really took her time this time. She nuzzled and kissed Chris's dripping cock, giving it just the smallest little licks to clean up all the precum he was leaking. Just as he'd taken his sweet time playing with her, she did the same right back.

Steph sucked Chris off slowly, pausing every now and then for more kisses and nuzzles. His precum gave him a sexy flavour, and he was all hard and twitchy in her mouth.

Eventually, after a great deal of careful play time, Steph took a second load of cum from her brother. He painted her mouth hot and creamy, grunting softly as she milked every little bit from him.

Afterward, they just kind of lounged around half-naked on Steph's bed. Just talking and being near one another. Steph didn't want Chris to leave, and he didn't have much of an inclination to go anywhere.

The lack of clothing was a mistake, as they only just barely managed to cover up with Steph's blanket when their dad opened the door.

"What are you two up to?" he asked.

Chris and Steph looked at each other.

"Nothin'," Chris said.


"Talking," Steph said.

"About what?"

"Stuff," Chris said with a shrug.

"Things," Steph added. "Secret things."

"Secrets? Like what?"

Steph rolled her eyes. "That's not how se-crets work, Daaaddd."

"Right, well, supper's ready anyway."


Their dad waited a moment, but neither of his kids were moving, and he finally just gave up and went on without them. As soon as it seemed safe, Chris jumped out of bed and sorted out his clothes.

"Can you even imagine if he'd caught us with our bits out?" Chris mumbled as he stuffed his legs into his jeans.

"Not great, huh?" Steph said, moving a bit more methodically.

"Yeah. Not great."

"Woulda taken some explaining."

"No explaining in the world would have fixed that."

"That worry you?"

Chris paused. "Not enough."

"No. Me either." Steph kissed Chris on the cheek. "I'm still very confused," she said softly. "But in a much better way now."

"Oh. Well... good. I think."

"You go first. I'll catch up in a minute."

"Dad already knows we were together."

"Yeah, I know. Tell them I had to use the bathroom or something." Steph shifted her weight in a slight bounce. "I mean, I actually do, so it's not even a lie."

"Ok, sure. I'll tell them that, then. Being true and all."

"Great. We're agreed."

"Uh huh." Chris stopped for a moment as he was leaving. "Your pussy's amazing," he said quietly. "For real."

Steph blushed furiously. "Would you get moving already?"


Steph muttered to herself while shuffling off to the bathroom and tried to calm her face before meeting her family for supper.

Still, in spite of his horrible timing and making her blush just before eating and all, she couldn't stop thinking of an excuse to let her brother lick her out again. Preferably in the near future.


Steph spent the next day in a near-constant state of anxious arousal. Not too horny to function, but certainly horny enough not to focus properly at work. She got teased some for daydreaming all day. If only they knew.

Once home, and in particular once she located Chris, her mind went a bit blank. She felt like she'd been rehearsing in her head all damn day what to say when she saw him again. Somehow, she couldn't find anything that made sense once the time came.

It didn't matter, really. They smiled cautiously at each other, eyes dancing in silent communication. Steph hoped fervently that Chris had spent even half the amount of time thinking about her as she had about him.

With more bravery than she really felt, Steph stepped closer to Chris and slipped her hand into his. He still just stared at her a moment, silently asking. She stared back, eyes wide and full of promise.

Chris squeezed Steph's hand and started gently leading her away, watching at first to see if she'd follow. She came along with him easily, staying close and nearly in step.

He took her to his room this time. They spent a moment each trying to make the other sit on his bed before Chris gave up and just pushed Steph onto it. She decided it'd be rude to insist any further at that point.

"Always this romantic with girls you bring to your room?" Steph asked, eyes bright and teasing as Chris reached for her waist.

"Only the ones I really like."

"Oh you shit. That's almost a good line."


Steph lifted her butt and helped Chris get her jeans and panties out of the way. They were just a nuisance, really.

She'd never before been with a boy who made her feel like her clothes were unfortunate impediments. Usually she enjoyed the process of getting seduced out of them, or didn't want to be out of them at all, for one reason or another.

With Chris, Steph just wanted to make it easy. Wanted to get back to the wonders of yesterday without all that potential dicking around about it. She wasn't sure she should feel that way, even disregarding Chris being her brother. But she did feel that way, so 'shoulds' weren't really bothering her that much.

Steph scooted back and propped herself up on Chris's pillows, leaving him lots of room to lie between her legs and get all up close and personal with her pussy. He nuzzled against her, kissing her inner thighs, letting his warm breath caress her sensitive, increasingly wet skin.

"You know I thought about this all day?" Steph said.

"Mmm. Good. Me too."


"Was barely functional, really."

Steph giggled. "Same. And I couldn't even tell anyone why."

Chris made eye contact with her. "I know, right? How'm I s'posed to ever tell anyone the sorts of things I all of a sudden want to do to my li'l sis?"

Steph's pussy gushed even wetter. "You could tell me."

"Ha, no. I can't even tell you."

"Why not?"

"Some of the things, Steph, they're... they're not right for me to think about."

Steph squirmed. "You know that just makes me wanna hear 'em more."

"Too bad."

"Aw c'mon. How bad could they be, relatively speaking?"

Chris kissed much closer to Steph's pussy. "You mean 'cause I already ate you out? And the line's already been crossed?"

"... yeah, I guess."

"There are badder things than this," Chris whispered.

He started licking Steph's wet little pussy. She shivered and moaned happily. It was enough to get her away from pressing him further, but not enough that her mind didn't whirl with possibilities of what he so badly wanted to do with her.

Steph had some tantalizing images of her own. Some thoughts that she didn't quite dare focus on too hard, lest she scare herself with her own desires.

It was so lovely just as they were. Lying back and feeling Chris's tongue running all over her pussy. Goddamn. Her brother's tongue. This was the secret all along.

Blake had figured it out. Steph hadn't given her near the credit she apparently deserved. She'd probably have to at some point. Admit that she now understood. But not yet. Not for a while maybe. Steph had no idea when it would feel right.

It was still so new and exciting. So risky and questionable.

Ordinarily, Blake would have been the very first person Steph turned to with tales of a new and fascinating boy. Blake could help her figure it all out. And maybe she'd do the same even when it came to Chris. Just... not yet.


It was amazing how quickly Steph got comfortable with her and Chris's new relationship. One week she wouldn't have dreamed of touching his penis. The next, she couldn't go a day without sucking on it. Ditto for him playing with her pussy.

Their parents commented a few times how odd it was that they were suddenly spending so much time together. Otherwise, though, they seemed oblivious. Who was ever gonna leap to the conclusion that their kids were spending their time sucking and licking each other to fantastic orgasms?

Steph hadn't masturbated at all since Chris had first made her cum. She didn't need to. He was always there for her, just as eager and horny for more as she was. He couldn't get enough of her pussy anymore than she could back off from his cock.

All of which made it terribly distressing when he didn't come home right after work one day. Frustrating, even. Steph waited in his room for him when he was late to get back, jeans and panties off, idly rubbing herself so she'd be all ready for Chris when he finally walked in.

Then he didn't. And didn't. And didn't.

Steph finally had to give up and get dressed again for supper. She ate in sullen silence, then returned to her room.

She did little more than occupy herself. Read some, played some games on her phone, texted a bit with Blake. She had the urge to just blurt out what she and Chris had been up to, but over text wasn't the right time for it. Steph was pretty sure she'd tell Blake sooner or later, 'cause she couldn't keep it to herself forever. But it had to be in person. Steph needed to see the shocked and fascinated reaction Blake would give her. Needed it.

Steph eventually shed her bottoms again, kicking her damp panties aside and stretching out her bare legs. She tried playing with herself, rubbing her pussy some, but her heart wasn't really in it. It wasn't the same anymore. Not when Chris could be playing with her instead.

She wasn't really horny anyway. Not in the way she used to get sometimes. Her arousal these days was much more specific and limited. Sure she could probably get horny again in Chris's absence, given a few days or something. Or watched some porn maybe. But that wasn't what she wanted. She wanted her brother, dammit. Her big bro adoringly licking her little sister pussy. What was even the point in trying to get herself off when she could have that instead?

Finally she heard a car pull in, and shortly after the sound of the back door. Steph listened carefully for signs of Chris making his way to his room. She gave him a few seconds lead time before she slipped out of her bedroom and followed him.

Steph was acutely conscious of slipping between her room and his with no bottoms on and the foolishness of that particular risk. Her shirt didn't come down far enough to cover her if her mom or dad saw her, and there really wasn't any good explanation she could give them for having her pussy out.

"'Cause I wanna ask my brother pretty please to lick my pussy for me," Steph murmured to herself, snorting at the bad joke. It'd almost be worth it for the looks on their faces, though. Well, probably not, actually.

Chris didn't appear at all surprised to have Steph sneaking into his room just behind him. Her attire-or lack thereof-drew his eye lower and brought a faint smile to his lips, but similarly failed to shock him in any way.

"Where have you been?" Steph demanded.

"Out. Drinks." Chris shrugged. "Was a work thing. Social obligation, you know."

"I don't know! I was waiting for you," Steph said with a slight pout.

Chris sighed. "I know. I should have texted you I'd be late."

"You just shouldn't have been late, is all."

Chris smiled crookedly at Steph. "Shoulda been here licking you out, you mean?"

Steph's pussy started responding to Chris the way it so easily did these days. "Yes. Exactly."

"I wanted to be."


"Social obligation. I told you."

"For that long?"

Chris ran a hand through his hair. "Not entirely, no. I mean, I had to stay for a drink. And I needed to give it time to settle. Just to be safe, you know."

"Fair enough. But... then what?"

Chris sat down heavily on his bed, incidentally putting his eyeline more level with Steph's pussy peeking out at him under her shirt. "I got thinking about you," he said softly.

"That's good. Kinda."

"Yeah. Kinda." He fidgeted awkwardly. "Started wishing you were there with me. Some people had girlfriends or boyfriends there. Or whoever they're with."

"Sure. I mean, it'd be fine to bring your sister though, I'm sure. Doesn't have to be a whole thing. No one'd care probably."

"No. They probably wouldn't. That's not the issue."

"It isn't?"

"No. The issue is me controlling myself if you were there."

Steph raised an eyebrow. "You really think you couldn't help feeling me up or something?"

"I think I'd manage. But the thoughts I'd have..." Chris shook his head. "Even while you weren't there, they were pretty bad."

Steph stepped closer. "Like what?"

"Like... we were sitting at this table... and I kept having this thought of you just, like, under the table."

"Under it?"

"You know. On your knees. Under the table."

Steph let shivers run up her spine and advanced further, pressuring Chris's personal space. "Oh I see," she said deceptively calmly. "You wanted your sis-ter under the table sucking you off."


"With everyone around and everything. They all would have found out pretty quick, I think."


"Wouldn't have been very clever of us."

"Definitely not." Chris shrugged. "But it's what I kept thinking." He hesitated. "Well, no. It's not the only thing."

Steph slipped to her knees in front of Chris. She didn't yet reach for him. He wasn't yet forgiven for making her wait so long. "Do tell."

"I mean, that was kinda the big one. The under the table thing. But, uh, I think I spent a weird amount of time just kind of... wanting you there. Not even to do anything. Just... I wanted to be spending time with you."

Steph lightly punched Chris's knee. "Well then come home, dummy! I was right here."

"I know. I needed to think some."


"'Cause it's weird how much I missed you."

"Solution remains the same."

"No, like, I know I could have just come home and seen you. I get that. But... why was I missing you? We live together, y'know?"

"You missed my pussyyy."

"No. Well... yes. But that wasn't it." Chris scratched the back of his head. "Shit, I don't know. I just kinda took you for granted, you know? Then we start messing around and it's like... you're just so much better to be with than other girls."

"Oh am I?"

"Yeah. Easier. You're just... you. I know you. I get you. And you get me. And... there's no pressure. When you're not sucking me off, you're just Steph. My baby sis."

"... I don't know whether you're complimenting me or not."

"I'm not totally sure either." Chris shifted uncomfortably. "If you're not gonna go for my dick, could you please not kneel right in front of me like that. It's... giving me thoughts."

"Of course it is." Steph sighed and crawled up into Chris's bed. She sprawled out comfortably, heedless of her very exposed little pussy.

"I think I mighta got a bit freaked out is all," Chris said.

"Uh huh."

"No really, though. It's scary thinking I might like you a lot more than I thought. Or in a very different way, at least."

"You didn't have a problem eating me out."

"That wasn't as scary. Sex with my sister isn't the same as feelings for her, y'know?"

"Not really. But... I think maybe I can allow it."

"Oh good."

Steph thought a moment, considering her options. "So are we doing sexy stuff now?"

"I'm forgiven?"

"If you lick me good enough."

"Ah." Chris shook his head wryly. "Should have guessed." He lay back, stretching out on what was left of his bed that Steph hadn't already claimed. "Steph?"


"Is it ok if we don't?"

"... is it ok if we don't get each other off?"

"Yeah. Just for a bit."

"Aw jeez. How bad are these feels anyway?"

"Don't know for sure."

"Oof. Fine. No sexing."


A silence fell between them for a few minutes. Steph thought about things some more. Especially how she felt about what Chris had told her, and what it all meant to her. And the lack of brother-lickies she was getting.

"So what, we just lie here together?" Steph asked.

"Ideally, yes. You don't have to stay if you don't want to."

"Just kick me out why don't ya?"

"I have no intention at all of doing that." Chris took Steph's hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing it softly. "I want you here."

Steph's insides were all confused, and not even in the fun and sexy way she'd gotten used to. It wasn't unpleasant, really. But she didn't know what to do with it. "I can hang for a while. Or whatever."


Steph's hand was still loosely clutched in Chris's. She let it abide there for now. It had nowhere else to be.


Steph woke up in darkness. She couldn't remember where she was for a second until she shifted and ran into Chris. It came back to her then.

She didn't really want to leave. Didn't want to move really, even. But she was a bit cold, and she had no covers on. She groped around for them, only to conclude pretty quickly that she and Chris were lying on them.

"Whatcha doin'?" Chris mumbled quietly.

"Oh, you're awake."


"I'm cold."


"Need blankets."

"I can do one blanket."

"Good enough."

Chris shifted around, trying to align himself with the bed instead of being roughly diagonal to it. Steph had to follow suit. Chris then pulled the covers up and over the both of them.

"Better. Thanks."

Chris yawned. "Don't mention it."

Steph snuggled up to him, sneaking his body heat for her own use. He wrapped an arm around her with no hesitation at all. Steph smiled and nuzzled a little deeper.


The morning found Steph awakening to the delight of Chris's tongue already buried in her snatch. Her bottomless state had paid off at last.

She stretched lazily and reached a hand down to Chris's head, touching him gently, just so he'd know she was alert and appreciating his efforts.

Waking up to her big brother lovingly licking her out. That was winning at life if anything was.

They swapped once Steph had her orgasm. She doted on Chris just as adoringly, eventually getting a mouthful of his cum. She showed off a little, opening up so he could see the mess he'd made in her before swallowing it. He just snorted in faint amusement.

"Guess you got over your hangups pretty quick," Steph said, sitting back on her heels with her hands on her lap.

"It's hard to resist you, you know. You and your no panties and everything."

Steph grinned and plucked at her shirt, pulling it up just a tiny bit more, flashing her pussy. "Bad sisters don't wear panties while sleeping with their brothers."

"More like good sisters. The best sisters, even."

"You think I'm the best?"


"Aw. So sweet. Wonder what would happen if I wore even less."

Chris watched intently, just as Steph knew he would. She dragged her fingers up her sides, pulling her shirt with her. She slowed as she neared her boobies, keeping the material tight to lift her breasts, then releasing the tension all at once by letting them both drop near-simultaneously.


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