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Camp Calloway

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Josie is left behind by family to distract the Calloway Gang.
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"You wet yet?"

His voice was gruff but his grubby fingers were meaner, jabbing at her clit and rubbing on it furiously. She shook her head back and forth in negation, eyes squeezed shut as she whimpered and fought against the rope that was knotted around her wrists. His thick stubby fingers searched a little farther, one shoving inside her to the knuckle. She flinched, her arms aching as her whole body rocked and swayed in discomfort and surprise. She sobbed as she swung slightly, body suspended from a pole beam by biting rope.

He grunted a laugh as she squirmed, trying to get back away from his dirty invading fingers. The only fingers that had ever been between her thighs had been her own and the surprise fullness of it... she moaned. Loudly.

"Like that? Huh?" The finger roughed in and out of her while his thumb jammed around on her clit again. "Huh?"

"No," she demanded, wriggling back against the barn wall, trying to get away from him. "Get off me."

"Gonna get in ya shortly, darlin'," he promised, breath hot and smoky on her cheek, his other hand gloved and gripping at her bare ass as he centered on her. "You like a long cock, sweetie? I got a long one for ya. Not thick as some but you'll feel it deep in 'yer belly, guaranteed. Think I'm gonna - "

Sudden gunshots interrupted him and she felt his fingers still as he waited out the sound. He kissed her cheek as the shots continued outside, yells and hollers echoing after them. Then another volley came as he rubbed his stubble against her cheek, humming appreciatively.

"May have to wait," he murmured, kissing her cheek as he tugged at a handful of her ass and pulled her closer. The way she was tied forced her to move her feet with the pull or end up swinging. She felt his bulged manhood against her belly, hard and big. His tongue slicked up her jaw and she groaned, trying to shy away from it. He started kissing her neck as the gunshots got louder and more frequent, closer. His whisper came up on her ear, "Maybe it's 'yer kin, coming back? Though I doubt it. Your daddy went runnin' soon as he saw us comin'."

She swallowed and tried not to hope it was true. Even her three younger brothers were no match for the twenty men or more that he had staked around the stolen forty acre farm. They'd be doomed the moment they put their boots to the ground.

"Left you here to fend for it, didn't he?"

The single side door swung open with a hard bang and dust plumed in behind him as one of his men rushed in. She couldn't see him but didn't want to, either, not when she was strung up naked, bared to the world.

"Ned! We grabbed one of 'em before the others ran off again! Wanna have a chat?"

The gang leader, Ned apparently, grunted as he pulled his fingers from her. He slapped her ass hard and made her squeak in surprise before his now empty hand went for his gun. "Let's get this sorted, now. It's time we settled into the new place."


She woke to aching arms, numb hands, and rough fingers between her thighs again. "Wake up, darlin'. Time's come."

Trying to squeeze her legs shut against his fingers earned her a hard pinch on the side and her body swayed after the smack of the leather glove against her hip.

"Don't be difficult now," Ned growled, pinching her again and this time harder. "Gonna fill you up."

He adjusted his grip and made her whole body sway hard against the rope, her toes losing grasp on the dusty floor and tipping her balance. She swung as he laughed. She heard more laughter out behind him, unfamiliar and out in the shadowed darkness of the barn.

It was much later at night. And they weren't alone this time.

"Don't put it in me?" she begged from beneath the swinging and swaying lamp light, darkness crowding it so that it seemed weak and ineffectual. The only thing it really did was bare her naked body to the dark, and to whoever was in it.

"Oh, not me, angel. Not tonight," he assured, his voice menacingly gleeful as he stroked one of her thighs. "Gonna give a few of the boys their reward for getting us a new homestead."

Laughter and murmurs of agreement filled the shadows.

"No. Please."

The hand that yanked her head back by the hair was an answer to her begging, the other hand teasing something across her breasts. It was leather and metal and suddenly he was roughly jamming a horse bit against her mouth, bruising her lips, the hand at the back of her head keeping her from rearing back. She shut her eyes hard as he jammed the bit harder between her lips. He yanked her hair hard and nearly out of her scalp and she realized her mistake too late, the yelp she made making room for the bit between her teeth.

"Let's give these boys here a good ride, sweetheart," Ned growled as he pressed between her and the barn wall, keeping her still. "Come on now."

Ned kept the horse bit between her teeth and kissed the side of her head to get things started. "Open her legs up, boys. Let's see her."

She started to struggle and two more men came out of the darkness, grabbing at her legs and hips. They pulled her thighs apart as they lifted her from the ground, spreading her wide and stretching her to the sound of laughter and hoots. There was a low rumbling of mutual appreciation as two men shoved another forward, aiming him right into her. He was big, a head taller than her at least.

"You'll be a real woman now, girlie, a fine little whore." Ned hummed against her ear.

Their laughter closed around her just as tightly as the shadows and she fainted.


She woke when the weight of the man on top of her nearly pressed all the air from her lungs, making her gasp back to awareness. Her hands were still tied together, strapped at the wrists and pressed against her chest, between their bodies.

A large framed and ruddy skinned man was plowing his cock between her spread legs, driving it in and out of her easily as he rattled groan after groan from deep in his lungs. His hot breath panted in her face, smelling foul. She felt immense pain and wetness and shame, horror freezing her as he sped up. She felt so full she could burst. He was big and it felt like he was splitting her apart, a wave of nausea coming over her, revulsion.

"Hurry up, Lem! Boss said only til mornin'."

A sudden wealth of warmth bloomed inside her, roiling just up under her belly as the big man gave a roar of pleasure, coming so hard that he jammed her to the dirt floor and nearly crushed her under his weight. She couldn't breathe while he grunted on top of her, her eyes widening as she near choked.

"How many loads is that?" one of them asked as his weight finally shifted, laughter in his voice as he clapped Lem on the back. "Must be slick as an oil field, boys."

She was. And considering the achy throbbing that had taken over her entire lower body, the pulsing between her thighs... she wasn't entirely sure it was only them making her so wet. She groaned her shame aloud, tears welling up. And that was her mistake.

"Awake, huh? Good. It's no fun rutting a rag doll."

Being unconscious had been a blissful reprieve. At least she wouldn't have to remember her first.


Next morning two of his men had carried her out back of the house and dumped her into a tub that was just by the back door. The water they doused over her was sun warmed but still just chilled enough to get her shivering, bringing goose bumps up her skin and tightening her nipples. They scrubbed her with rough soap, pinching and groping her. They left her hands tied in front of her, though, the water cinching the knot in. One of them was squeezing her breast in his calloused hand, massaging it. The other was stroking his length through his pants, keeping it hard.

It wasn't until then she saw Ned again, dressed in a fine trimmed vest and with a cup of tea in hand. "Drink. It'll help."

The other men backed up enough to give him space but stayed close enough that she didn't dare try anything. She leaned into the cup he was offering, flinching as his other hand pet the top of her damp head.

"Gonna get you cleaned up. Dippin' wicks in dirty oil is a habit I won't abide here. Breeds disease." The words blurred in her head as she drank from the cup at her lips, swallowing harder once she realized it was lukewarm peppermint tea. "Name's Josie? Right?"

She refused to answer as his other hand stroked her wet hair back. He crouched down beside the makeshift tub and studied her face. "We don't do babies, Josie. Got a lady 'bout twelve miles west makes a concoction to keep 'em away. We'll get you some soon."

"I hate you," she said, finally finding her voice.

"You don't even know me yet, darlin'. I'm the closest thing to a lover you're gonna have here." The thought should have made her skin crawl but, really, she just wondered if he was meaner than any of his men. She knew she would likely find out. "I let my men have ya first as a privilege. Makes them less interested in ya later, makes 'em feel special. Good for morale."

She didn't respond, purposely keeping quiet.

"It won't stay this way," he said earnestly as a shadow swung over his face and cooled them, blocking light before swaying back away. She lifted her head to find the warm sun again, looking up at the barn as her head pounded. Everything ached and throbbed. The sun half blinded her. "You'll survive."

She already had. There wasn't much else they could do to her that she couldn't make it through.

"My brothers will come," she told him, not even really believing it herself.

"Darlin'," he kissed her forehead before rising, "your daddy and your brothers are already two territories away. They left you for me, as appeasement. You're just a distraction, something to keep me occupied while they run."

She refused tears as he stepped away, the realization that he was right sinking in.


She was taken up into the house, tied spread to a lumpy bed and a thin blanket pulled over her. She couldn't imagine what had led to the upgrade in her treatment. Especially considering they hadn't groped or mauled at her this time.

"Smell better than you did," Ned told her as he neared the bed awhile later, a steaming cup in his hand.

"Why? Why us?" She pleaded as he sat gently beside her.

"Your daddy cheated one of my boys. I took what we was owed for the insult."

"You're sick," she spat at him. "You're all evil."

"Boys're bringing back that concoction this afternoon. Probably got a belly full of baby already considerin' how much spunk's been put in ya," he said in disappointment, caressing her lower abdomen slowly, his touch deceptively soft. She knew what he was capable of, especially as he slipped his fingers farther downward and slid two of them into the curls between her thighs. He rubbed on her clit, teasing it with slow and gentle touches. It was terrifyingly different from anything she'd so far experienced with any of them. She was so sore but he was being so gentle, careful. "Best to put an end to that quick."

"You were Lem's first woman, ya know?" She didn't give an answer and he just nodded in hushed acknowledgement, watching her for a reaction. "We're all real proud of him."

She just focused on the water stained ceiling rather than acknowledging him. She realized then that they'd tied her down into her mama's bed. She'd been too dazed to acknowledge it before.

"In fact, he gets you again after dinner. He was the one got stiffed by your daddy. Gotta give him some recompense," he told her slowly, evenly. "He's a simpleton but he's a good boy. Likes you somethin' fierce."

His fingers lowered even farther, brushed past her thighs and teased up the crack of her ass. "Now, you tell me, Josephine - any of them been up in here?"

She shook her head rapidly, squirming as he fingered the tight ring of her anus.

"Good boys. I warned 'em off it. That's mine to claim, darlin'," he whispered, leaning down to kiss her cheek as he pressed a fingertip into her asshole, just barely. Josie turned her mouth closer to his on purpose. She let him kiss her hungrily, hoping that letting his tongue lick at hers would earn her some favor of gentleness. He groaned into her mouth, the taste of tea and tobacco between them.

His eyes swept over her before he reached for the blanket and tucked her back in under it, rising from the bed. "You sure look pretty tonight. Wish it was my turn."

Josie still kept quiet.

He waved good night as he headed for the door and knocked for someone to unlock it. "Soon."


The first kindness she got from Lem was the two mushy biscuits and a cup of coffee he brought when he came in that night. He set them to the table beside her and she could smell the coffee, her stomach growling in response, churning.

"Boss says you can have it when I'm done with ya. Says I gotta feed it to you nice."

Her throat burned with thirst. "Can I have some coffee first, Lem? Please?"

His hand was big as he lifted her head, a silent reminder of how large the rest of him was too. She tried to ignore the thought as he set the chipped cup to her lips and poured slowly, watching her drink it down.

"Got real pretty lips," he commented, letting her swallow before she took another sip of the bracing and bitter coffee. "Boss says you'd likely bite my cock off, though. Cunt only."

She wasn't sure she had the energy to bite at most anything, really. But she was thankful for the warning, especially if it kept their dirty cocks out of her mouth.

He stayed that way a few minutes, being gentler with her than she expected. He would let her drink some and then wait as she swallowed, letting her breathe through it. "He gave me orders. Put some mix in the coffee and now I gotta give it to ya like a real man."

Fear flushed her cold as she remembered him nearly choking her with the weight of his body pressing down on her.

"Don't hurt me, Lem?" she pleaded softly, saying the first words to come to mind. "I won't fight, okay? It can be real pretty, you and me? Like I'm your girl? Would you like that?"

The grin he gave her was soppy but affectionate. "Like makin' babies?"

God, if that was what kept him kind... "I'll make a baby with you, Lem. But you have to do it gentle. Like I'm your favorite girl."

"You is my girl."

He set the empty cup aside and flipped the blanket off her. His big hands shoved his pants down quickly, his massive cock looking thicker and angrier than she remembered. It was hard and rising upward as he leaned onto the bed.

"Gently now," she murmured as he straddled her, swallowing hard as his weight jammed her down on the bed. Fucking hell, he was massive. No wonder Ned kept him close.

His big palms grabbed for her breasts, squeezing on them and twisting. Josie flinched but didn't say anything, making a moan in her throat as he watched her face. She forced herself to smile and nod while leaned down over her. His mouth took over one of her nipples and suckled at it.

"That's my big man," she whispered, nodding encouragement as he licked at her nipple softly.

He grunted happily lifting his head over hers. "Gotta put it in you again, Josie. Like a real man. Boss says."

"You do it," she agreed, nodding. "Gently, though. For the baby."

It didn't matter how careful he was - his cock still spread her open and filled her tight. She didn't doubt he already had put a baby in her, especially considering he had obviously been the one inside her most often. She could only hope that whatever it was they were giving her would do the job and keep her free of child, even as Lem tried leaving one in her once more.


"It's a miracle you can even move. The hands are absolute beasts, poor thing." The gray haired and unfamiliar woman made a tsk of a noise against the back of her teeth. Josie flinched as the soiled blanket got whipped off her entirely, her messy thighs spread open for the world to see. The woman, likely a decade more then her mother's age, gave a loud sigh, arms crossing over her chest. "Charles, get your skinny ass in here and help me tend this poor girl."

"Who are you?" Josie asked, shivering uncontrollably, limbs aching from the way she was tied spread eagle.

"Just cleaning you up and getting you fed, child," the woman told her as the door opened and one of the men from the barn came in to help. "You can call me Mrs Calloway.".


She didn't see anyone but the older woman for two days after that. They let her off the bed and just kept her locked in the room with boarded up windows. There was an oil lamp and a few books, novels and newspapers from weeks before. Some rough clothing that fit her well enough. A couple blankets. She tried to sleep, to grieve when she thought it was safe to cry. Mrs Calloway brought her food twice a day and a strong cup of coffee each night, the taste of the powdery herbal mixture still cutting through the bitterness.

"Still bleeding?"

"Yes, ma'am." She had started spotting earlier in the morning, though it wasn't anywhere near time for her cycle.

The woman nodded once in affirmation. That had obviously been the right answer and Josie kept sipping at her drink. She didn't want a baby by any of these men. If the acidic coffee kept her from that horror then so be it.

"Ned means to keep you awhile, I suppose. He been with you yet?"

"No," Josie whispered.

"Well, best to do as he says when he comes along, hear? You can do as told or he can whore you out to the hands til they've gotten sick of ya. And I figure you knows what comes of a whore when nobody wants to fuck her anymore?"

"Yes, ma'am," was all she could think to say when the other woman gave her an expectant look.

"I've seen them do unspeakable things to women down there. If you're a good girl my Ned'll do y'better."

My Ned. She must have been his mother. Traitorous bitch.

"Yes, Mrs Calloway."


He swung into the room so hard and fast on the third quiet day that she jumped up, the book she'd been reading clattering to the floor and the rest of the room filled by two of his goons. The door shut behind them and her heart jumped up into her throat, head pounding.

"Y'look well scrubbed and freshly fed, darlin'." His grin could have been handsome in another light, with another woman. To her it was leering, rude. "Tie her hands up to the bed, boys. Leave her feet free for now."

She backed away, hands rising in front of her, "I won't fight."

"Wish I could trust you on that, Josie," he sighed, starting to slowly undo his belt as he nodded in her direction. "Strip her first."

The sudden flurry of movement made her yelp, her palms rising to cover her face as four hands grabbed and pawed at her, yanking her forward and ripping at the modest farm dress that had been her mother's. She felt tears rise up and burn at her as she both heard and felt the dress layers get torn from her body, the fabric giving easily to their calloused and roughened hands.

"True you pissed down her throat, Jake?" one asked the other. Nausea flamed up in her gut at the idea of it and she half struggled as they shifted her to the bed and shoved her down on top of it.

"Not the only place, was it, sweetheart?" Jake's breath was foul, hot on her face as he grinned at her. "Wanna tell him where? Or I can tell him how you begged for more, little whore."

"I certainly didn't," she snapped back vehemently, struggling as he put his knee onto her abdomen. She knew then that fighting was a waste, not that she'd much been trying. Charles had already gotten her wrist strapped and knotted to the bedpost. Jake worked at the other as she groaned and gave in. "You're disgusting."

He grinned even wider, flashing half rotted teeth. "Got a gullet full and then kept moaning at me, beggin' me to do it again. So's later I opened her legs up wide, shoved it in, and - "

"Enough." Ned's deep and aggravated voice froze them all up and she took some satisfaction in the way Jake paled at the sound as his boss undid the buttons of his shirt. Jake finished tying her up to the post in silence before shuffling back, sharp boot spurs clacking on the wooden flooring. "Leave us."


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