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Can I Get What I Need From My Ex?

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Can Laura get what she needs from her ex-husband.
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Brian's Perspective:

I can't believe she would have texted me. The she is my ex-wife Laura. It has been 5 years since we divorced and it wasn't pretty. I got tired of her being a lousy lay and not wanting any sex other than missionary position. I am now 46 and glad I moved on from her. Laura was a major bitch and let all of our friends know I was an asshole and for some reason most of them sided with her on the divorce. So again why has she texted me out of nowhere saying that she wanted to put the past behind and have me come over so I can talk to her and grab a couple of things she still had of mine. I reluctantly agreed to come over to her new house as long as her husband wasn't there. Another person I had no interest in seeing let alone have him go off again to my face. It feels very weird after these 5 years to be pulling up to her home in her driveway to talk to her.

Laura's Perspective:

I can't believe I texted my ex Brian. I am desperate. I hate Brian for what he put me through leaving me and telling me I was an awful fuck. I wasn't one that needed to be fucked all the time or even was adventurous in the bedroom. I knew what I liked. I enjoyed oral (only on me) and a good fuck in the missionary position. I didn't like or have the desire to be fucked any other way. Now that I am 46 I have hit my sexual prime and I want it all. I have seen online all the things I haven't done and now that I am in that period of my life were sex is important I have to satisfy my needs other than with my fingers and toys. My husband is what I was years back when I was married to Brian; sex is not a high priority. He just wants to suck my 38D tits for a minute before fucking me missionary and cumming in about 2 minutes if I get lucky and then falling asleep. He won't eat my pussy and that was the one thing my ex was great at. I came so hard when he did I saw stars but figured I could live without it. I was so wrong. I am horny a lot now and I miss having my pussy eaten and I need it like never before. That is why I reached out to Brian. Somehow I have to seduce him and convince him to eat my pussy like he loved to do years ago. It isn't cheating if he just sucks my tits and eats my pussy but doesn't fuck me right?

Brian's Perspective:

I get out of my car and made the walk up to her door. I am dreading this even though I would like to know what stuff she still has of mine and get it back but having to talk with her might not make it worth it. I ring the doorbell and then Laura opens the door. I walk through the door and say hello and then notice the best part about her, her massive tits. They seem to be holding up decently with gravity considering how big they are but also I notice she isn't wearing a bra and her nipples are poking through the tight white shirt she is wearing, something she would do in the past to tease me. Damn I always loved those tits but didn't get them nearly as much or in ways I wanted them. I go sit down in a chair while Laura sits on her couch. She looks great as always which seems to calm me down. We talk and she tells me she has my old vinyl records and my programs from concerts and sporting events she wants to give back to me. I tell her I appreciate it since I thought they were long gone.

Laura's Perspective:

I heard the doorbell ring and I need to make sure I am ready for this. I put on a tight white button shirt which will show off my tits and on my 5' 2" body but in reality it doesn't really take much since they arrive well before I do. I also have on a pair of demin shorts which I squeeze into and no underwear so if things go as I need them to it will be one less thing between his tongue and my pussy. I take one quick look in the mirror again and hope this will work. I pinch my nipples so they will stick out and grab Brian's attention the minute he sees them. I open the door and damn Brian still looks real good and notice he looks right at my tits like I knew he would. I feel a little bit of moisture between my legs like I used to do when I saw that hunger in his eyes for my tits. I have him sit in the chair across from me on the couch so he can get a good view of my tits and legs. I tell him about all the things I have saved for him which hopefully will soften him up for my true reason I asked him over.

Both Perspectives together:

I take a deep breath and say "Brian I know things have been bad between us but I want them to be at least amicable since someday we will have grandkids." He agrees that it would be nice to not have to worry about how to act around me. I then say "Brian there is another reason I asked you to come over and it isn't easy for me to tell you." "While I still hurt at times on what happened between us you have something that I need."

Brian looks at me and says "what could I possibly have that you need Laura?"

I look Brian right in his eyes and say "I need your tongue."

"You need what?" Brian says back.

"I need your tongue to eat my pussy" I clarify my statement to Brian. "You are the last person to have eaten my pussy and I miss it more than I could have ever imagined." "My husband won't eat my pussy and I thought I could live without it but I was wrong."

Laura's Perspective:

Brian just looks at me with a stare of disbelief. I go for broke and get up from the couch and walk over to this chair. I make sure my tits are bouncing up and down to try and break down his defense so he will do what I need him to do. I go over and sit in his lap so my tits are right in his face. I don't have to lean forward very much to have his mouth mere inches from his mouth. I move my mouth to his ear and whisper to him "I know you have always loved my big tits, sucking on them and squeezing on them." They are all yours again to do what you what as long as you get that magical tongue ready to eat my pussy that I love so much."

Brian's Perspective:

What the fuck did Laura just say? She wants me to eat her pussy since her husband won't? Is she out of her mind? That was an easy question to answer since she gets up and walks over to me suggestively with her tits bouncing the whole way. She knows I loved those bad boys. I feel like I am in an episode of Punk'd but no one is coming out to say anything. Laura sits on my lap and whispers in my ear and I can't take the tease any longer. I grab her shirt with my hands and rip it apart making the buttons fly across the room. I release her massive tits and they hang a little lower than I remember but hell for 38D's they are still the most impressive I have ever had. I don't waste any time and grab them with my hands and lift them so I can latch my mouth around a nipple. They are still way more than a handful but that is just the way I love them. As soon as I start to suck her nipple Laura lets out a moan and pushes her chest into me so I can get as much of her tit into my mouth as possible.

Laura's Perspective:

I am caught off guard as Brian rips open my shirt like I have never seen before and it is turning me on. I am starting to get wetter between my legs which is exactly what I need. He grabs my tits and I push closer so he can suck my nipple. Brian wraps his mouth around my nipple and I love it. He always loved to suck my tits and I didn't realize how much it turns me on when he does. He then takes a hand and lowers it and grabs my ass and squeezes. I know he must be getting turned on because what he is doing to me is turning me on. I grind my ass into his crotch as my pussy continues to get wetter by the minute. This goes on for a couple of minutes as his mouth switches between my tits making sure they both are well taken care of. Brian starts to stand up and I am in front of him half naked and he just gives me that hungry look that I remember so I slowly take off my shorts and sit down on the couch with my legs spread wide open.

Brian's Perspective:

I can't believe I am sucking Laura's tits. We have hated each other since the divorce but Laura still remembers what I liked even though the last few years of our marriage she hardly gave it up or even seemed to care about sex. She is hotter than I ever remember in our 20 years of marriage. I feel her grinding her pussy in my lap which in turn is making my cock get hard. I grab her ass while sucking her tits to get the best rise out of her. I can't take much more so I lift her up and stand up. Laura sees the hunger in my eyes that I used to get before I ate her pussy and she removes her shorts to reveal her clean shaven pussy (just like she always had) and sits on the couch spreading her legs inviting me over to eat her pussy. She never had to ask me twice in the past.

Both Perspectives together:

Laura stokes her hand over her very wet pussy and tells Brian "come here baby and eat my pussy like you know you love to do and make me cum like I haven't in over 5 years." Well that is a challenge I couldn't refuse. I can already smell Laura's sweet scent and it is intoxicating. I lower myself and kiss her thighs while avoiding touching her pussy which I know drives Laura crazy.

Laura belts out "dammit Brian I need your tongue and mouth on my pussy not my thighs." I need him to get down to what he was so good at and make me even wetter and bring me to a boil so I cum and cum hard. I have been planning this for over a month and I don't want to wait any longer to get what I need.

I slowly stick out my tongue and finally touch Laura's slit. I slide my tongue up and down and follow her folds to get them to open up like a flower. Laura starts to moan as she finally is getting what she needs. I continue to lick her pussy as I take my thumb and start to rub her clit. Laura's moaning is getting louder and her breathing is starting to pick up. It is time for the next step and I stick my tongue in her pussy which is soaking wet.

Laura starts to move her ass on the couch and says "finally yes Brian tongue fuck my pussy and rub my clit." Oh yea that's what I need. I feel his tongue darting in and out of my wet pussy and everything comes flooding back on how much I love this. I never knew I could miss something so much. I tell Brian "stick a finger or 2 in my pussy and finger fuck me which you rub my clit." I know that this will start the inevitable build up to an orgasm I so desperately need.

I have to do a double take since this is the first time I can ever remember that Laura has suggested to me to do something to her. Laura was always a low moan during sex and I barely knew if I was giving her an orgasm. So I stick a finger in her sloppy wet pussy and pump it in and out of her while I now latch my mouth on her clit. Laura starts bucking up and down and is getting more and more vocal. She wraps her legs around my head as I finger fuck her harder. I then feel her hand on the back of my head and she is pushing me further into her pussy. I can barely breathe but I bite her clit hard and stick a 2nd finger in her pussy.

"Oh yea just like that" Laura shouts out. I start to feel my stomach tighten up and I know what is coming. I shout "I'm about to cum and you better not stop" and I feel Brian add a 3rd finger in my pussy and that is it. "I'm cummmming" and I do with a furry. Just like in the past I cum so hard that I see stars and that is a glorious reminder of how much I love to have my pussy eaten.

It seems that it takes me a few minutes to regain my senses when it is probably a lot less than that. I open my eyes and I see that Brian has his pants down and has his very hard cock out and it is pointed straight at me. I told myself and him that I wouldn't fuck him since to me that would be cheating on my husband. Eating my pussy didn't count. My mind tells me to shout out not to fuck me and I should be closing my legs to prevent him from getting close but I can't do either. I am lost in my orgasm and I am so horny that Brian fucking me is probably what I need now. I spread open as much as possible and say "come on Brian fuck your ex as hard as you want."

Brian looks at Laura's wet pussy and tells her "I won't leave here with blue balls so I am going to get what I need from this encounter and leave you will a pussy full of my cum."

Laura looks and sees Brian line his cock up to her hole and feels him pushing forward separating her lips and going back to where he did for years. "Ugggg" Laura let's out as she her pussy gets filled up with Brian's hard cock.

Brian says "damn Laura your pussy is so tight, guessing your old man doesn't have a very big cock."

"Shut up and just fuck me" says Laura.

Brian grabs her thighs and pushes them up so he can get nice and deep with each stroke of his cock into her pussy. He feels her juices flowing on his cock as he starts to pick up the pace. He watches as he pounds her pussy as the all familiar sight of Laura's big tits bouncing wildly all over the place as he does. I love the look of Laura's natural big tits having a mind of their own which in turns makes my cock that much harder. Brian tells Laura "so by your moaning and how wet your pussy is you must have missed more than just my tongue."

Laura says "I just love fucking now and am horny all the time so your cock just happens to be here and ready for action." "Now back up a second." Laura gets Brian to pull out and she flips around with her ass sticking out to him and says "come on big boy and fuck me from behind and while you are at it feel free to slap my ass."

Brian is dumbfounded. Never in all the years they were married did Laura talk like this let alone offer up her backside for some doggy style fucking. Brian wanted this with Laura but she never would let him. Brian says "well it seems that you finally have loosened up and are ready for me to fuck and treat you like you should have during our marriage." I line up my cock to her ass and pushed into her gaping pussy. I was in heaven. I wanted this and never got it and had to get divorced to be able to fuck Laura from behind. Looking at her I am able to see her massive tits swinging wildly every time I push my cock against her ass. The wet sounds of her pussy and our skin slapping against each other fill the room.

Laura says "yes keep fucking me and don't forget to slap my ass, I have been a very naughty girl." I also reach between my legs and take my fingers and start to rub my clit so I can get my massive orgasm which I can feel building inside of me.

I slap Laura's ass and you can hear it and I leave a red mark. Laura gives out a loud moan so I decided to give it to her again. Each slap is turning her on more and more. I look at her ass and I am starting to leave a red mark where I am slapping her and wonder how she will be able to explain that to her husband.

I start to get that feeling in my balls and I know I am close. I say "I am going to cum real soon and fill you wet pussy with my seed and then watch it drip out of your pussy."

Laura says "yes cum and fill me up." I rub my clit and finally I feel it, my orgasm rips through my body and I yell out "I'm cuuuummmingggg." I then see those familiar stars as I start to cum harder than I can ever remember cumming before. I then feel Brian's cock expand and he fires shot after shot of his hot cum into my needy pussy. I slump over on top of the couch exhausted but thoroughly satisfied. I feel Brian pull out of my pussy and can feel the cum going down my leg. I turn around and do something I have never done before and grab Brian's cock and start to lick it and suck it and get the last drop of cum from it and the surprisingly delicious combination of mine and Brian's cum.

That might be the most cum I have ever shot out of my cock thought Brian. Then watching Laura suck and clean off my cock afterwards blows my mind. Where did she get thoughts to do that let alone the other positions and things she did today that she never did with me before.

Both Brian and Laura just lay there spent from this morning's fuck fest. Both of them wondering about what they have engaged in and quite frankly wondering is this 1 off thing or do they dare try to do it again since for both of them it was the best sex they had together and in general.

To be continued?.......................

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GeorgeGaleGeorgeGaleover 1 year ago

Please continue with the story, the switching back and forth at the beginning was not bad. But, when they were talking back and forth together it became a little confusing........():\

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Lots of grammatical/spelling errors and switching between POV and 1st person speaking spoils the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To be continued?.........No, please don't.

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 1 year ago

I had ex-sex with my second wife for a long time after we divorced. the sex wasn't the problem. We just didn't like each other.

hindsight2020hindsight2020over 1 year ago

4* for a good story line. But you have to clean up the POV switching. I am not saying the his/hers/third person is right or wrong, but you need to be consistent with writing the switch between.

Please continue the story though.

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