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Wife's First Time Whoring Herself

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Desperate needy wife joins the street hookers.
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I was excited for the night. It was a dream come true. I had been married for many years now and our sex life had become mundane, if any at all. We both worked hard at our respective jobs, but while I craved for a normal life during the weekends, my husband's ambitions kept him glued to his laptop. Eventually it pushed me out of our emotional bonding and I frequented bars in search for company.

At one such bar, I had met Suzanne. Another successful professional like me. We hit it off almost instantly, given our matching social status and single-like condition. She was married but her husband was caught cheating, and despite the never-ending promises she had caught him again. It broke her initially, but eventually she moved on. And here she was, hanging out with me.

"What's your fantasy?" Suzanne wasn't even drunk when she blurted out.

"Fantasy. Like that fantasy?" I knew pretty well what kind of fantasy is asked when two lonely, late twenties, sex starved women are drinking at a single's bar.

Suzanne nodded. Her eyes were locked onto me.

"Hmm.... let's see. Maybe kiss a stranger?" I giggled.

"Pfff..." Suzanne rolled her eyes.

"Ohkkk... let a stranger feel my tits" I stepped up.

At least she had a smile now.

"Better but not enough."

"Well, what's yours?" I teased her.

"I want to get fucked by a bar full of men. Like this one. Right here" Suzanne looked around with a serious face. I bet the guys sitting beside her including the bartender heard that.

My mouth gaped wide in shock. I had expected her to go a step or two beyond mine, but this. This was unthinkable. She just announced an open fuck invitation for any man who had cared to hear her. Thankfully no one seemed to.

"Suzzaannne..." I let out a hard whisper as I bent toward her. "You are insane".

She giggled with the tip of her tongue lightly between her teeth. One of those unique expressions of her when she felt mischievous.

"They could run a train on me. I wonder how long it would take" She giggled at her own joke.

When I drove back that night, I thought about it. What was my fantasy? I had read so many romantic novels over the years, and every single one of those were a fantasy. But something in my head kept pulling me towards what Suzanne had said. "A bar full of men". Even I wondered how long that would take. I wasn't drunk but I definitely felt light headed. My typical middle-class inhibitions had vanished, and I wondered if I should turn back, take off my clothes, enter that bar and find out. Well, even if I wanted to find out, the bar would be closed by the time I would be there anyway.

But that seed had been sown. And my mind soon wandered around all the dirty thoughts that had ever crossed my mind. There were so many scenarios that could be pulled out. All those erotic stories I had read - the truckers at the highway stop just outside the city, the homeless in downtown, the unsocial men that lurked in the shadows of the now defunct industrial area, the perverts that hogged the adult theatres, the horny animals that frequented the 1-day video rental places with the glory holes - for a woman who was willing to jump over and ignore quality, the city had more men than she could satiate. All those men were all rough, probably without the feel of a warm pussy in years or decades even. They wouldn't respect a woman, and they wouldn't give. They would only take. I imagined a bitch mounted by a dog. Did I really want to be mounted like that?

My brain was a bigger aphrodisiac than I imagined. Combined with the fact that Chris, my husband, barely made love to me anymore. He would get in bed out of random, and fondle me till I was squirming. And with the long gaps, he barely held out for a minute or two, before convulsing inside me. He would kiss and roll over, and then I would lay there, staring at the roof, all riled up but nowhere to release.

I was badly craving for a cock, and the more I kept driving towards the ramp of the highway out of city, the more I wanted to be alive. To be wanted by a man. Even if just for my body. And right now, the truck stop looked like the safest bet out of all those fantasy tales.

I was in downtown, heading towards the interstate, when I caught glimpse of the girls. Glittery cheeks, with a generous smear of cheap red lipstick, blonde wigs, in those deep neck dresses from which half of their ass cheek was spilling out. As I drove through them, I felt bad for them. Selling one's body for sex just to survive was unthinkable for me. For sex! For sex! But even though I didn't need to sell my body to survive, could I not sell for some male attention?

I slowed my car down and came to a stop further up on the street. I could see the girls in my rear-view mirror. Almost every one of them stood slightly away from the street light, close enough to be seen and far enough to be in shadows. In the next 15 minutes, cars drove by and picked one of them, and drove off. Then some of them showed back up, walking back to their spot, and some didn't. Only to be picked by another one.

I pondered over it. There are only a few things that were as exciting as getting paid for sex. From random conversations and movies, I had heard that it was fifty for a blowjob, and if some of these girls were getting picked up three times in an hour, they sure made multiple times more money than I did working 9 to 5. I was intrigued, and horny. And it wasn't a combination that leads to the best of decisions.

Once I felt I was ready, I drove over to the far end of the street, parked my car, and switched off the engine. I was wearing a gorgeous red mini-dress with matching four-inch heels. And all top-of-the-line stuff. I gave my hair a quick brush and touched up my makeup. I may not be as experienced as those girls, but I sure was more endowed with a curvy hip and full C cup chest. I was nervous and trembling as I got out of the car and shut the door behind me, but I was also excited for this new adventure. As much as I wanted this, I was still not ready to take a whore's walk with my head held high and I kept as much off the curb and in the shadows as I could manage with my heels.

As I neared the first girl, she eyed me questioningly. Someone like me sure didn't belong there and right now I was a competition to her. I kept walking and got stared at by every single girl on the street. I walked all the way to the end, a couple of light posts away from the last girl on the street. And waited.

Most cars picked from the first few girls in the line-up, and rarely any got to the middle of the street before making its last stop. But almost every single one eyed me up as they crossed my spot. Wondering the same. Was I on the menu too?

It was almost thirty minutes later that the first car slowly rolled all the way past the mid-point. It was one of the first cars, a black Chevy, that had crossed me thirty minutes back. I even remembered the man behind its wheels. A middle aged, chubby, blue collared type guy with a week-old stubble. He had the blonde in yellow from the front of the line-up, definitely a tits guy judging from the rack on that whore. He was definitely not the type that would cross my path in a normal setup. My heart raced faster as his car slowed down to a stop right beside me. His window was already down and the same man was staring out at me with a questioning look.

"Hey ya. I haven't seen you around here. Are you lost or something?"

I closed down the few steps to the car, my hips swinging as best as I could, and like I had seen the other girls doing, leaned onto the window with my hands flat on the door frame, letting him see a fair amount of cleavage.

"Hello", I said with the sexiest smile I could manage, and a hint of seduction. I realized I had no clue what to say next.

He sort of expected that from a girl on street, but he still looked surprised. He took a good look at my cleavage. "You don't look from around here. Are you sure you know what you are doing?"

I nodded my head.

"Come on honey. I ain't a rookie. You gotta tell me what you are offering and what you are asking in return. I ain't the one to fall into your trap if you are not who you say you are"

It's one thing to stand up as a whore. An entirely different thing to say those words. I knew what he was referring to - a sting operation - but I sure wasn't a part of one. But to actually tell him what I was offering - my face burnt red with shame.

"I... I... " the words just wouldn't come out.

"Come on. I don't have all night to play this game", he was surprisingly impatient for someone who had just blew his load off.

"Blowjob? 50 bucks?" It came out almost as a hesitant question. But I guess he was too horny to notice. Or even care. I sure wasn't an undercover cop, and that's all he needed to know.

He made a sideways nod with his head, gesturing me to get in, and as soon as I did that, the car was already revving out before the door hit the frame.

He drove to the nearest dark alley, just a few blocks away from that street, switched off the engine and lights, and unzipped his pants, then turned towards me.

Looking in my direction, he eyed me questioningly. "Well! What are you waiting for?" he said as he made a gesture for me to get to his lap. I tied my head in a pony, and taking off the seat belt, lowered my torso towards his lap.

"Tits out" he blurted.

I paused. Not something I had thought of, but wasn't it obvious to happen. I was already horny and the thought of that lower class man staring at my high-class tits, moistened me even more. I straightened back up, thrust my tits out slightly, and slowly lowered my dress down my shoulders. His face was like that of a dog hungrily looking at its treat unwrapping. That made me smile, and I rolled the dress down, over my tits and onto my tummy. My fresh milky tits were constrained only by the matching flimsy lacy bra, and he cold already test the milk inside those jugs, just by looking at those still encased in their wrap.

He licked his lips in anticipation. Having a man salivate over my boobs wasn't a first for me, but having a complete stranger, classes below my social stature, brazenly stare at my semi-naked boobs, waiting to devour them was definitely a first for me. I flipped my hair over my right shoulder, and turned slightly presenting my back to him - an invitation to unclasp those hooks himself. He almost lunged at the opportunity, and after a little fumble, released my tits from their confines.

I held on to my bra as I turned back towards him, and slowly let it fall into my lap. I sat there, topless with my milky tits hanging in front of this man, getting devoured by his hungry eyes. I pursed my lips and let out a half smile.

A famished kid in a candy land. That was him. In a flash, his mouth and hand were all over my tits. I chuckled and moaned and gasped as those two rough hands mauled my tits, unwilling to share those with his mouth. He kneaded my tits and then sucked, and then back to kneading. In just a few minutes, my tits had a good coating of his saliva from all the slobbering. I cradled his head and let him enjoy my milky titties, enjoying the shots of pleasure blasting through my nerves every time he licked my nipples or bit those.

Waves of pleasure shot through my body. The sensitive nerve endings on my nipples getting triggered by his warm tongue, and light bites. I let him play for a few minutes and then he seemed to have slowed down, I reached down and rubbed his semi-hard cock over his pants. It felt like a medium to me with just the right thickness. This was going to be fun. Having completely relish my tits, the attention to his cock brought him back to his seat, and he watched as I fished his cock out of his pants, slowly jerking him. He was looking into my eyes pleading for a release, or so I told myself.

I lowered my head forward onto his lap, His cock looked gigantic up-close, a tower with ridges and turns. The wrinkled skin on the pinkish head, the mild upwards bend, and the tip glistening with anticipation was all gorgeous. I took out my tongue and gently licked the underside, making his cock shudder. I licked him all the way from bottom to his tip, and engulfed the head with my warm, wet mouth. My first touch made him stiff, and his hips bucked slightly pushing another inch into my mouth.

Making sure my tongue wrapped around the shaft, I started giving him a nice slow blowjob. I could sense him lay back on the seat, letting me do the work while he enjoyed the carnal workout. It barely took a few minutes, and I felt his thighs tighten. He had to be close. He suddenly stiffened up, grabbed my head and held it there for a few seconds till that first urge passed. He loosened his grip, but now he was putting some force and sort of actively fucking my mouth, though with a slow tempo. After another minute, he repeated it all again. Stiffened up, held my head tight till that urge passed away.

As much as he loved prolonging his release, it was slightly uncomfortable for me. I had been bending for only maybe 5 minutes or so, but it was a very uncomfortable bend. And with his hand pressing over my head, my neck was starting to hurt. I slowly tapped on his thighs to let him know that it was time. He let go of my head and let me resume the blowjob. This time as I blew him, I licked his shaft all the way to the base as I went down, repeating the same as I went up. And after a few times, even he tried to do his usual stiffening and held my head to a stop, that extra tongue movement pushed him beyond the tipping point. His thighs bucked and a shot of warm cum coated the back of my throat making me cough. I caught the next few shots with my tongue, and held my position till he stopped spasming.

It felt like a good ending for him and though I had qualms around swallowing him, I did want him to think fondly of this experience. And if I was going to do it, I better make it worth the effort. I straightened back up, feeling an instant relief in my aching back, with my mouth still full of his cum. He was still spilled back on his seat, with his head thrown back and eyes closed. I waited a few seconds for him to relish his orgasm. Once he regained his senses, he looked forward and then turned towards me. I had my mouth full, and a sly smile spread on my lips. With my eyes locked into his, I tilted my head back slightly, and gobbled the cum down my throat. My lips still had a coating of his cum, which I dabbed with a tissue, careful not to smear my lipstick.

If that blowjob was an A in his diaries, my little act of flushing his cum down my throat instantly earned a couple of pluses next to it. He smiled. A very dirty smile of "Oh yeah, that's the way to do it whore".

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Unfortunately for the MC, her customer turned out to be a serial killer who selected his victims from their city's street prostitute population. As soon as the blow job was over, so was her life. He choked her to death wearing leather gloves he had slipped on when she first began to demonstrate her skills as a fellatrix.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Nice short story. But like her husband, was over too soon.

26thNC26thNC7 months ago

Unbelievably bad day for LW stories, and this is a prime example.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

So your "Fantasy" is to become a skank std infected whore. Good luck with that. Don't forget to tell your family.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago


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