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Can't We Let Him Stay? Pt. 03

Story Info
Getting to the club, Sarah and Liam make new friends.
12.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 07/06/2024
Created 04/04/2024
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By the time Sarah's make-up was done it was really getting late. My stomach ached, but I couldn't tell if that was from hunger or just the thought of that guy touching Sarah.

I couldn't get the image of his hands on her chest out of my mind the entire time I was waiting for her. It mad me mad to think about, but also... in a arrange fucked up way... it made me feel good?

I wasn't quite sure what that feeling was, which only made the knot in my stomach worse. Was I just happy she was happy? Or maybe there was some strange validation in knowing other guys wanted their hands on my girlfriend? Was this what Sarah was feeling? The reason she wanted more guys to compliment her and touch her?

More guys touching her...

Just thinking about that intensified the tension I was feeling. Much more of this and my body would start shaking, and I wasn't sure if that would be in a good way or bad.

I wasn't completely sure about it, but exploring where these feeling went was something Sarah clearly wanted to do. And while things had gotten out of hand earlier, with Callum getting to see her naked, I'd make sure we'd take things slow.

"Come on, let go!" Sarah said as she pulled me out the door.

I hadn't even realised she'd finish up, and seeing her now I hardly recognised her at all. Her hair, eyelashes and brows were all styled and done up like she'd never had before. That make up was a bit excessive, but it framed her face in a way that turned me on like never before.

She'd always been attractive, beautiful and divine when I looked at her, but this was different. It felt more carnal and raw, like a deep seeded hunger was bubbling forth. I didn't want to think about her like this, but there was no polite way to say it.

She looked like a slut.

Just like the popular girls we used to tease at lunch breaks, she was done up like a slut. Bright red lips, dark contrasting eye-shadow and layers of foundation so thick it was obvious even to me. Her clothes were still plain at least, she'd attract some attention for sure but not more than I could handle.

We rushed through the streets, heading to a part of town I'd never really been to. It was more hip and trendy than we were used to, but looking like she did now Sarah almost fit right in. She might have been done up as much as the girls here, but she had enough self respect to not dress as provocatively as they did.

Walking down these streets Sarah was getting far less attention than she'd had all day. The guys seemed to have better targets for their unbridled libidos, and mostly ignored us. I could tell Sarah was upset with this, and honestly so was I. Here was a real divine goddess in front of them, but they only cared about who was showing the most skin.

"It's getting warm, don't you think?" Sarah asked me.

I thought it was quite pleasant honestly, but before I could respond Sarah was throwing her top off. She lifted it up slowly, as if teasing every guy in sight, exposing more and more of her bare skin. She raised it up higher and I could tell she didn't have a bra on. For a brief moment I thought she was flashing everyone on the street, but then I noticed.

Under her shirt was another, smaller top. Clinging tights to her body, the black mesh material was entirely see through. My heart nearly burst out of my chest as she began to turn and face me, after so long I'd finally see her boobs in full. They were so beautiful out of her bra, so soft, full and surprisingly perky. It was so much to take in that It took a moment to notice her nipples.

Or the lack thereof rather, each one being covered by a different heart shaped sticker placed over them. On the right, the pink text against black background said 'Spank me' and on the left it said 'Fuck me'.

"" was all I could imagine as I took her in. The nearby crowds populating the bars and street cheered her on, guys eyes burning the sight of her into memory.

"I knew you'd love it!" She said, doing a twirl and pose for the crowd.

She continued strutting down the street, looking much more confident now that she was turning the head of every guy. I could feel the jealousy radiating off them as I walked by her side and it made me feel good. Sarah really had been right about all of this, although the nipple covers were maybe just a little too far.

"You really look amazing, and you're getting all the guys' attention." I told her. "But, ummm. Did the covers need to have that stuff written on them?"

"Fuck me?" She said, her eyes scanning the passing crowds of admirers. "It's all they had, but it's not like anybody would take these seriously or anything."

She gave her boobs a shake, grinning wildly as guys hooted and leered at her. She seemed so happy to be playing the role of a slutty popular girl, grabbing the attention of every guy around. So far none of the guys on the street had made any moves at her, so she was probably right. Nobody would actually take the stickers seriously, not with me by her side at least.

"Cal!" She squealed, running off to embrace him in a hug.

He was standing by the door of some club, chatting to the bouncer at the front of a surprisingly long line. I didn't understand why anybody would want to go to a nightclub at all, let alone wait in line for one.

"Hi Callum." I said as I walked up. He'd finally dressed up, wearing a stylish button up and skinny jeans. The material showed off how toned his body was, contrasting Sarah's softer body that was still clinging to his side.

"Where's the restaurant? I'm starving and ready to get away from all this noise." Even outside the club I could feel the base vibrating through me as music roared inside.

"We're already here, this is my cousin's new joint!" Callum smirked at me and turned back to the bouncer, saying something I couldn't hear to him.

"We're eating at a club?" I asked, confused.

"No silly, we're going to drink and dance!" Sarah giddily told me.

"Maybe we could grab something to eat first, and talk about this?" I really didn't want to spend the night in here. Not after my panic attack earlier with that loud music the store had playing.

"What, wearing this?" Sarah said, gesturing at her top. I'd been too preoccupied staring at her. I didn't really think about it, no place would let her in with a top like that. But I still had her other top and bags of clothes she could change into!

"Come on man, it'll be fun." Callum said before I could speak, walking Sarah into the building.

I didn't really have any choice but to follow. Callum seemed to have awoken something in Sarah and while it seemed to just be giving her confidence right now, who knows what he would do if they were alone together.

"My cousin let's me and friends skip the lines and fee, but we'll still need to buy our drinks." Callum said, raising his voice over the increasing thunder of music.

"Why don't you go buy a round Liam, I'll help Sarah finish up her outfit in the bathroom."

"I think she looks great as is!" I told them, raising my voice to be heard over the thundering bass heavy music.

We entered the club into what must have been the seating and bar area. Bright neon lights and smoke bathing the entire area in a vibrant haze. It was so noisy, both the music and the visuals. Despite how relatively early in the night it was, the dance floor ahead of us was packed. Men and women in various states of undress grinding up against each other without any cares.

"I can't dance in this skirt Liam!" Sarah yelled over the music. She wasn't clinging onto Callum anymore, but she was still standing beside him. "We'll only be a moment okay? So make sure our drinks are ready!"

"Rum and coke for me, get the girl a long Island iced tea." Callum said, his booming voice easily cutting through the music as they walked off together.

I was still nervous leaving them alone together, but I was starting to realise that was an irrational fear. Everyone here was dressed pretty similarly to Sarah, and they were all casually touching each other. Maybe Callum or some other guy would get a feel of her chest or ass, but that wasn't such a big deal here.

I ordered their drinks at the bar, not getting anything for myself even as my stomach growled. The prices here were just too ridiculous to justify it, especially after the day we'd had already. I waited there alone as one song faded to the next, anxiety swelling inside me again as more time passed. I don't know why I felt this way when I had full trust in Sarah, but just the thought of Callum's hands on her without me there twisted and pulled at my chest.

Finally I could see them walking over through the crowds, and got a good look at Sarah's full outfit. Complementing her mesh shirt was a long set of fishnet stockings that went up to her waist, the wide gaps giving a full view of the high waist black thong she wore. The thong was so small that I wasn't sure you could tell she was wearing on from the back or sides, but at least the front was covered.

Seeing the outfit in full now, Sarah was definitely the most provocatively dressed girl in the club. It wasn't a large gap between what she had and what the average girl was wearing, but she stood out for sure. As they pushed through the crowd, a few of the braver boys took the instructions on her chest to heart. Slapping her exposed ass as she passed them. Sarah just laughed it off, but the attention wasn't doing anything good for my nerves.

Sarah ran over and kissed me when they were close, surprising me with the public display of affection. The kiss wasn't light and loving like normal, but passionate and wild. The taste of her lips was different as well, almost bitter? Or salty? I was confused until I remembered she did her make-up. This must have just been what lipstick tasted like, she'd never worn any for me to know before now.

"Everyone here is amazing! Did you see those guys!" Sarah shouted before downing her drink like she was dying of thirst.

"Another round!" Callum told the bartender, taking his drink with a smirk. "Let's drink in a booth before heading out to the floor."

"It feels amazing being this wanted!" Sarah said as we waited to collect the next round of drinks. She seemed a little different? Her eyes wider than normal and she was burning with more energy than she even normally had. The atmosphere of this place must have really been getting to her, even if I still wasn't feeling it.

"I'm glad you're having a good night, but maybe try not to let the guys touch you too much! They might get the wrong idea!"

She was moving her arms back and forth, dancing to the music on the spot while nodding her head. She almost seemed lost in the music but quickly snapped back to take her drink when it was ready.

Callum had picked a booth that was tucked into the corner. It was further out than the others, but proved to be the quietest place in the club. I sat down first, happy to finally have a place to set Sarah's shipping down. Sarah chose to sit next to Callum which stung, but I tried not to overthink it.

"So what do you guys think of this place?" Callum asked, one hand holding his drink as the other rested on his leg beneath the table.

"Everyone here is so friendly! I love the vibe!" Sarah said, taking another long gulp of her drink.

She was nearly finished with the glass when she jolted, spitting out her drink over me and the table.

"You alright Sarah?" I asked, wiping myself down.

"Just, mmhh, swallowed it wrong..." She still looked strained as she spoke, it must have been caught in her throat still.

"We'll have to teach her how to swallow, right Liam?" Callum laughed.

"Uhh, yeah haha..." The joke wasn't funny at all but I politely laughed at it. "You sure you're all good Sarah?"

"N-never b-betterrr." She stuttered her words out, leaning against Callum's for support.

"And you Liam? What do you think?" Callum asked, looking me in the eyes.

"I don't have much to compare it to, but it looks fancy." I told him. "It's a bit loud for my tastes, but I think I can see the appeal now?"

We talked more about the club and his cousin, Callum, keeping eye contact with me the whole time. He let me speak and didn't even try to belittle me as we chatted, maybe we could be civil with each other at least.

Sarah for her part clearly drank too much too fast. She couldn't keep still, her head mostly staying face down on the table. She looked so out of it that I went back to the bar to get a glass of water for her. I came back as fast as I could, but she'd disappeared from the booth.

"Where'd she go?" I asked Callum as I sat back down. For a guy who acted like a party animal, he was looking pretty tired already. With the way his head was leaned back and how my voice startled him, it almost looked like he'd fallen asleep!

"Mmmgghhhh, bathroom..." he grunted out.

"Right... did she seem alright? I'm worried she drank too much."

"She can, mmmhhh, handle far more than you think..." Callum was acting weird, he kept moving back and forth in his seat and sounded like he was about to burst.

"Are... are you okay? Did those drinks give you guys stomach problems?"

"Ohhhh I'm good." His breathing was getting heavier. "Soooo gooood."

He clearly wasn't, but I guess he couldn't break his macho facade by showing it. If he was like this, then how bad could Sarah be? I wanted to go check on her, but was that being too overprotective again? Maybe I should just wait here for her to come back?

"Mmmmm slowly now." Callum groaned out.

Was he talking to me? He wasn't looking at me, but there wasn't anyone else here? Did he notice me wanting to chase after Sarah, was he telling me to give her some space? He was probably right, I should rush off to go look after her when she's clearly wanted to be more independent all day.

We weren't high school kids anymore, we were adults. If I couldn't treat Sarah like an adult and let her take care of herself, did I really respect her?

"Thanks man, your right." I said. "I know we haven't been getting along perfectly today, but I really appreciate the advice."

Callum had both hands under the table now, maybe he was adjusting his pants? It was a little silly he was still pretending to be fine, but after how nice he'd been I figured I should play along.

"So what do you do for fun these days?" I said to make conversation. Maybe it wasn't the nicest to make him talk more like this, but I couldn't sit here in silence waiting for Sarah to come back.

"Mmhhhh focus on the balls..." he said in a deep groan.

"Sports?" I guessed. It was hard to tell when his discomfort was making him talk weird. "Never been much into them myself."

"Ooooohhhh yeaaahhh." He stretched his words out. "Nothing better than giving them a hard pounding."

"I can imagine."

"Mmmmgghh you can't man. You haven't even experienced it."

"Yeah that's right, you've probably gone hundreds of rounds."

"Deeper, deeper." He moaned softly.

"More than hundreds? Haha you must be addicted or something." It was weird having such a normal conversation with Callum. For so long he'd been this dark figure in my head, but here we were getting along. I was understanding more and more why Sarah wanted to try this, it really was a cathartic experience.

"Yes, fuck, just like that!" He said while reeling. The pain must have been at its peak because he was moving around so much the whole table was rattling.

There was a strange sound I heard as the table rattled. Not like a squeaking I would have imagined, it almost sounded wet? Like a faint wet slapping sound I could only just hear over the music.

"Do you-" I started, but then I noticed Callum was clearly experiencing too much to talk anymore. "I'm going to give Sarah a quick call to make sure she's alright."

That was a fine amount of concern right? I didn't want to smother her, but seeing how Callum was reacting I needed to do something to make sure she was alright. I turned my head and dialled Sarah's number in, waiting through each ring for her to pick up.

"Mmllhhh hahh, hhhaaahh, hhhey Lewis." She said in a huffed voice.

"Hey Sarah, I just wanted to make sure you weren't feeling too bad. How's your stomach?" She sounded better than Callum, but clearly struggled with something.

"Mmuuguhh... ish okahay."

With the music, Callum's groaning and how softly she was speaking, it was a little hard to make out the words. They sounded quite slurred which must have been from the amount she just drank.

"That's good." I said. I wanted to tell her she shouldn't drink that much so fast, or ask if she needs help but I didn't. Like Callum said, I took it slow and gave her more space.

"Mmmhhhhhhh it's shoo guuud." It almost sounding like she was slurping something? Maybe she had a glass of water to settle herself, I couldn't hear well enough to tell.

"Okay, well I'll let you go. I love-"

"Hold on." She interrupted.

She must have been throwing up now, I could hear the wet gurgling noises.

Gluuck gluugh gluuahk

Faintly coming through the phone. It was even harder to hear as Callum started roaring at the same time. Grunting harder and louder than he'd had this hold time.

Ahhhhhhh God fuuuuckk

He shouted out. I glanced back at him and watched as his body convulsed in time with his grunts. I didn't want to think about what he must be going through so I turned back around.

"Ahhhh hhahhhh haaaahhhh, ohh fuck that was so much." I could hear Sarah say under her breath.

"Better now?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh Liam! Uhh, yes much better." She said, clearly a little flustered. She was probably embarrassed I'd heard her throw up.

"That's great, ummm, I'll see you soon then!"

"Mmmmhh yeah, I'll just need to clean up first."

She hung up before I could tell her I love her, hopefully she'd be feeling better now. Callum certainly looked better after whatever he'd just gone through. He seemed much calmer, almost satisfied really as he stared at something under the table.

He grabbed his almost empty drink off the table and pulled it up for a drink. Instead of making contact with his mouth though, he just seemed to spill it onto the ground.

"Oh shit." He said, without much concern. "My pants are soaked now!"

"Are you sure?" I asked. "It looked more like it dripped onto the ground?"

"You think I don't know if my own pants are soaked?" He said. "Come on man, give me your shirt."

"What? Why?" I was getting along better with Callum, but I wasn't about to just give the man my shirt.

"I need something to clean this up. Can't use my shirt, it's too nice for that. And we can't use any of Sarah's clothes right?"

Something about the way Callum's mind worked was just so different to mine. He always seemed to come to conclusions that were wildly different from what I thought.

"I can just go ask the bartenders for some napkins or towels?" I don't know why I phrased it like a question, I knew for sure they would have something else we could use.

"Nah man, they'll throw us out if they think I'm so drunk I'm spilling my drinks. Just take it off already!"

I wasn't wholly convinced, but he knew more about places like this than I did. I took off my shirt, being thankful that the lighting made it hard for anyone to get a good look at me. I wasn't exactly ashamed of my body, but years of teasing made me uncomfortable with being shirtless around other people.

Callum took my shirt and began rubbing himself with it under the table. I waited awkwardly for him to finish as he cleaned up his mess under the table. For a second I thought I heard Sarah giggling, but when I looked around I couldn't see her anywhere.

"Yeah that's good." Callum said as he threw the shirt back to me.

I rushed to cover myself up, only noticing something was off after it was fully on.

"Ugghh, why does it feel so sticky now?"

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