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Captured in Cosplay Pt. 03

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Kendra finds Iris, returning to tag-team her bound plaything.
4.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/21/2018
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Hushed, frantic energy vibrated through the halls of the convention center. At this hour of the night, most of the crowds had dispersed into various gatherings behind locked hotel-room doors. Even the nightly rave had started to clear out; what few dancers still remained on the floor flailed out in a drunken stupor, their artificial energy pushed forth by unknown substances.

Though Kendra's plot had begun at the thinning dance-floor, her controlled steps now carried her toward the all-night video arcade. On her way, she drifted past small crowds, each huddled near the edges of the seemingly endless corridors between Kendra and her destination. Each little group seemed focused on a different hobby: some had decks of cards at their sides, others hand-held consoles in their grasps, but most just conversed through dazed speech.

Through the journey down the well-lit hotel hallways, Kendra couldn't help but notice the lack of females in every gathering she passed. This logically resulted in numerous male glances which stalked her curvy frame as it passed them by without so much as a fleeting glance.

For other girls at the convention, the unbalanced dichotomy might have been cause for mild discomfort. But not for Kendra: she was well aware that the balance of power tilted heavily in her favor. The lack of female presence was one of the main reasons she chose these environments - anime conventions, comic conventions, etc. - as her hunting-grounds. Even capturing the alpha male of the herd was like taking candy from a baby at one of these things.

The men never stood a chance.

Fresh eyes fixated on Kendra as she finally stepped into the arcade, a flurry of digital lights and sounds instantly bombarding her keen senses. Even this early in the morning, the arcade was bustling with a kind of distorted, fresh energy. Drifters would stroll in and suddenly find the technological wonderland rejuvenating their weary bodies. In this place, everyone could seem to scratch their particular itch. Everyone, except for Kendra. Her itch was locked up a few floor above her with several vibratos strapped to its drugged cock. Through the artificial lights, Kendra's vision worked to identify the shadow-cloaked figures occupying the arcade, looking for a familiar face. Even in this world of pulsating colors shooting out from every angle, the area remaining surprisingly dim..

Finally, she narrowed her attention towards a large crowd, this one not focused on any of the bright machines placed around for all to enjoy. Instead, this crowd was centered around a single female, clad in a black leather corset and matching, tight pants. Her bust nearly flowed out of the restrictive top. The woman was tall and loomed over almost everyone around her, even as she was sitting on the floor. Quickly pushing her way between the fixated - mostly male - crowd, Kendra now found herself standing before the domineering figure. She shot a quick, curious grin down at the sitting, leather-clad goddess. The blonde beauty looked up at Kendra and instantly recognized the devious curve spread across her plump lips. Communicating without words, the woman jolted up from her spot -- to the dismay of the mass surrounding her -- as a wave of desire spread across her skin.

Kendra had already made her way out of the arcade and was a few steps down the hall when the tall woman caught up to her, the two girls now walking side by side. Any weary, male eyes that had the pleasure of crossing paths with the pair found themselves inextricably draw towards the sight.

"Evening, Iris," Kendra let out finally, seeming more interested in making her way back to her prisoner than exchanging formalities.

"So you caught yourself a good one?" Iris responded, her eyes locked straight ahead, following Kendra.

Kendra considered Iris something of a mentor, though she wouldn't ever be sure if that was the right word to describe the relationship.

Almost one year ago, a younger, more naive Kendra had found herself at a similar convention to the one the two women currently strode through. It was there, at a particularly depraved hotel party, that she was first introduced to her would-be mentor. That weekend, after a long, drunken conversation, Kendra and Iris bonded over their shared interest in femdom and eventually found an unwilling subject to "experiment" on.

Iris showed Kendra things that weekend that she hadn't before imagined in even her most depraved fantasies. From then on, the duo formed something of a hunting party. It was at the local conventions that they would stalk their prey.

As Kendra took in Iris now, walking next to her, even she felt a small shudder run across her spine. Despite sharing some of the more intimate moments of her life with this tall goddess, Kendra was always keenly aware that she knew very little about Iris as a person; mostly, all Kendra knew were rumors. Some were good, some were bad (depending on your perspective); Kendra even heard that Iris had once fucked her own step-brother just to get herself off.

It wasn't just the height of Iris that made Kendra now feel smaller with each step they took towards room 215.

But despite the hint of fear that Kendra buried down inside of her, she undoubtedly felt new excitement taking over her. She knew that her victim was writhing in wait, hoping for some kind of release upon her eventual return. Instead, he'd find himself in an entirely worse predicament than he could imagine.

The two women now marched lockstep towards the hotel elevators, their long locks a bobbing mixture of blonde and brunette.

"Room 215... I think you'll be pleased," Kendra went on, biting her lower lip gently.

"We'll see."

* * *

Alex's thighs had been compressed for the last half-hour or so, the muscles tense in an futile effort to withstand the three vibrators racking the swollen skin of his purple cock head. His puckered lips were a river of drool that crept down his chin and neck, eventually resting on the bed sheets underneath. In the last ten minutes or so, the edges of his vision had start to give way and he found the world shrinking into a tight corridor as the minutes ticked by.

He had long since stopped screaming to conserve energy.

Even worse, Alex had lost count of how many orgasms had trickled their way from the tip of his drugged cock. The forced sensations almost didn't register to him anymore as Alex's entire existence had been slowly consumed by the humming vibrations strapped tight to the head of his aching sex. Since his tormentor had abandoned him to her devices, the trap had ground any remaining sense of self down into a distant memory.

All Alex was now aware of was the physical, and the pain, and his artificially sensitive shaft.

But no matter how battered his mind and muscles became, his cock adamantly stood firm against the storm. It never wilted, constantly producing the steady flow of cum that the bound vibrators seemed to crave. His eager cock continued to feed them his seed, his shaft a shimmered, slick rod that seemed determined to touch the ceiling.

Time was even becoming somewhat of an abstraction, as Alex's fragile perception clung to simply surviving as long as he needed to take in his next, gagged breath. It was the only thing he had left to focus on outside of the carnal nightmare relentlessly driving him towards utter despair.

And it was during one of these fevered groans, that might be considered a breath, when something new entered the prisoners ears. It was far away, but distinctly different from the berating humming that still filled the room. Alex tried to focus, but the blackness on the edge of his world seemed to only creep in tighter, clouding any accuracy his failing facilities still retained.

Suddenly, he was acutely aware of two shapes moving before him.

The two women, now having entered the room with the door locked snugly behind them, peered upon the spoiling plaything sprawled out on the bed before them, bound and teetering on the edge of madness. Their eyes seemed to trail up him simultaneously, examining the situation at hand before finally stopping upon his desperate gaze.

Both of Alex's eyelids were nearly closed, and his right eye almost seemed to be glancing at the wall to his side while his left darted strait ahead.

Iris licked her lips and looked down between the tight, cramped thighs restrained and spread out on the mattress before her. Though she'd never admit it out loud, she was quite impressed with how far Kendra had pushed her victim. The vibrators were a nice touch, and from what Kendra had let slip on the way up to the room, Iris deduced they must have been at the toned body of the captive forat least the last hour.

In addition, this plaything she'd let Iris in on was most definitely an impressive find: he was tall, fit, and worthy of even a regular fuck under normal circumstances. Unfortunately for the prized possession, normal circumstances had passed him by some time ago.

Finally, Iris' gaze locked onto the slick shaft perking up into the open air as she observed, "It's a good thing you fed him the drug, otherwise there would be nothing left of him at this point."

Kendra corrected back, "I don't think that's ever stopped you before."

"Can't argue with you there..." Iris responded quietly, leaning in towards the source of the constant hums filling her ears. Just then, a fresh spurt of precum bubbled out from the tortured tip and ran down the length, painting it with a new, shimmering coat.

Iris couldn't contain herself. She threw her head back and let out a delighted squeal.

"Damn! Look at that thing go!" she let out now in a pleased laugh, "Ok, go ahead and take that thing off of him for now. I'm assuming you've got all the usual tools here?"

Kendra quickly obeyed.

She picked up a nearby towel off the floor and used it to remove the rubber bands from the punished cock as the still-vibrating spheres fell away from the shaft with beads of semen streaming off of them. In one motion, she gathered them into the towel and shut them down, eventually placing them onto the carpet.

Alex had only been halfway aware that the assault had seized upon his battered body. Most of his world was a heavy pounding produced by an intermingling of his rasping breaths and fresh blood now pounding its way into his cock. The raw skin produced a renewed pain that gripped Alex fiercely.

To Kendra's surprise, Iris went to work on cutting the bonds around that captive's wrists and ankles, but not before unstrapping the thick rubber cock protruding from his mouth and tossing it to the floor.

"Why don't you just untie them?" Kendra couldn't help but remark as she curiously watched Iris slash away the first thin, black rope from Alex's left wrist.

"Never did like fooling with knots, you know I don't have the patience for it," Iris answered back honestly. She was ready to get this piece of meat untied and into position, and she didn't want to wait around for it. Over the last few hours, she had to endure the crowd of slobs in the arcade while waiting for Kendra to bring her something good; Iris was more than ready to play.

As his limbs fell free one by one, Alex instinctively brought them towards his center. Eventually, he found himself curled into something of a ball, hot blood pulsing its way back into his liberated body. Drowning in this heat, the corners of his vision began to press out just slightly as something resembling consciousness seemed to flow softly into him.

Then his world shifted.

Iris had taken hold of his body in her strong hands; even in his daze, Alex was a little frightened by the strength coming from the 6'2" woman as she flipped him easily onto his stomach.

A moment later, he felt his legs being drug towards the far end of the mattress - this time by Kendra at the foot of the bed - his feet eventually dangling off the edge just a bit.

"Alright, you good to go?" Iris snapped at Kendra as she climbed onto the other end of the bed, placing herself near the headboard.

"Just a second," Kendra answered hastily, working a purple eight inch strap-on up her thick, tan thighs. With a few adjustments, she found the rubber toy shooting out from between her legs, eager for something to fuck.

Alex's eyes blinked rapidly, doing what they could to clear the fog away from them, when Iris took the exhausted man's chin in her left hand and pointed it up to face her. Seeing somewhat clearly now, he watched as the domineering, leather-dressed mystery woman reached behind him with her right hand and quickly snapped the strap securing the ball-gag loose. With another motion, she pinched the red ball between two fingers and retrieved it from his mouth slowly.

Countless threads of drool clung to the air and snapped as the sphere mercifully slipped away from Alex's lips.

Instantly, he was aware of the stiffness that had set within his jaw. The entire jawline felt almost frozen in place as Alex found himself unable to close his lips.

Even worse, the kind act was quickly replaced by one just as cruel; before Alex could even work away the pain in his facial muscles, Iris shoved a silver, steel circle into the ball-gag's old home. The new ring gag made itself just as comfortable as the one before it as Iris expertly fastened it around her victim's head, the taste of metal now invading Alex's taste buds.

Renewed frenzy pierced its way into the tormented mind of the captive cosplayer, but he found struggle was nearly an impossibility. All of the tendons in his body had been stretched to their limits, and even the slightest movement was a daunting feat for the lumbering husk which now found itself being drug further down the bed by unseen hands.

Methodically, Kendra carried Alex's feet towards her and down to the floor, placing him into a bent over position against the end of the mattress. Once more, he was aware of the familiar feeling of his legs beings spread away from one another.

Now Alex's eyes turned to the sky to face the blonde terror standing on the bed before him. With a couple of clumsy steps, Iris slipped a red strap-on dildo between her own legs, still covered by their tight, black leather pants. To Alex's best guess, the red cock must have been eight inches (and he would find his guess correct, but soon wish he had estimated something shorter).

"Ready?" Iris asked Kendra, an impatient tone lingering in each syllable.

"I-," Kendra stopped, and Alex heard a sound he almost processed as hesitation coming from behind him.

Half-way stable, but still wobbling back and forth, Alex was bent over the end of the bed with an interrogator standing at either end of him. Each woman was equipped with an eight inch shaft, though he was currently only aware of the one locked dead-center in his vision. He was frozen, knowing that some terrible act was soon to be thrust upon him, both literally and figuratively.

Despite the overwhelming urge to bolt from the room with nothing but his throbbing shaft dangling from him, pins and needles consumed the soles of his feet. Nearly all of his limbs had fallen asleep while he was left, helpless to the onslaught of the vibrators upon his cock head. But now blood had returned to the veins, and a sharp tingling help him in place. Despite his reduced logic, he had enough smarts to know that any sudden shift would send him falling onto his face, his stinging hands unable to break the fall.

By the time he could make any escape, it would be far too late.

A ring was quickly fastened now to the only working muscle in his battered body: his drugged cock.

Kendra hastily finishing pushing the rubber ring tightly around the base of the throbbing cock as Iris began, "You awake in there, fuck toy?"

Fuck toy, is that what I've been reduced to?

"Well you better be, because you need to listen to this next partvery carefully," she continued as Alex felt another ring clamp to him just underneath the head of his elongated sex.

"Your cock is trapped. And what you need to understand is that if you try to run, or do anything that isn't bending your ass over this bed, you might go somewhere... but your cock isgoing to stay with us."

A sinking pit formed in Alex's stomach as his new reality set in. The two rings that trapped his cock were attached to steel fibers that were fastened to each leg of the bed. If he moved too far one way or the other, there's no telling what the resulting force might to do his already tormented cock. Even the best result seemed like a nightmare compared to what he had already endured this evening.

"So how about you juststay there and take these cocks like a good little bitch; after all, your mouth seems to be just begging for this one..." Iris finished, cruelty dripping from her as she took the red strap-on between her legs into her right hand and wiggled it up and down, taunting her new plaything.

And then without any hesitation, Iris dropped to her knees. Both of her hands shot out and tightly gripped the sides of Alex's face as she pressed her hips towards him, sliding the tip of her red cock inside the ring-gag and onto his moist tongue.

Without wasting another second, Iris forced the rubber shaft down his throat, her waist slapping firmly against his spread lips.

Instantly, water filled Alex's eyes as he struggled to breath. This wasn't like being suffocated by the ass from earlier in the evening; it was like he was being choked. His breath was being forced from him as he gagged loudly onto the red cock which remained buried in him for the next five seconds.

When Alex felt he might actually puke, Iris finally shifted her hips back a bit, slowly returning the tip of the red cock back onto his tongue, the thing was coated in shimmering drool.

Then Iris pounded her length again down the man's throat, watching him writhe about and struggle as she shot a dreadful glance towards Kendra.

"Well?" Iris let out, her words mixed with Alex's loud gags, "What the fuck are you waiting for?"

Kendra's fixation on the sight before her was suddenly broken as she came back to reality. Her gaze met Iris', then crept down to the parted ass cheeks before her. Once more, a hint of trepidation found its way into her words, "I-I didn't even stretch his ass out yet, are you sure this is going to work?"

Iris retracted her cock once more, listening to the wet, fresh gasps coming from between her thighs, keeping her eyes on Kendra. "Stop beingsuch a pussy; I've shoved bigger things into smaller holes, lube or not. Nowfuck him," she growled.

Knowing better than to cross Iris, Kendra pressed the tip of her purple cock against the entrance of the unlucky asshole, noticing the ring pucker at the touch of her probing toy. With a quick push of her hips, the head started to barely slide into the opening hole.

Kendra soon found the lack of lubrication made the task nearly impossible.

On the other end of Alex, Iris noticed that the pressure of Kendra's purple toy against his backside brought new sounds from her victim's mouth. It was different than the noises he had made while choking on her invasive cock; to Iris' ears, it almost sounded like moans of excitement escaping between the edges of the ring-gag.

Iris didn't care for those sounds one bit.

"Damn it, just spit on the cock already. I can hear him from here:he's actually enjoying this. Bury that cock in him and change his attitude," she commanded to Kendra, their eyes locked on one another.

And even as Alex heard this, he couldn't deny that the sensation against his virgin asshole almost felt welcoming. It was a refreshing change of pace from the torture his aching, dripping shaft had been subjected to over the majority of his evening. Kendra's purple tip against his fresh hole even caused the rod between his legs to throb a little, and not simply because he was drugged.


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