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Car Pooling Pt. 04

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Mature wife going clothes shopping.
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Part 4 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/28/2018
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It was the weekend and Martha needed to clothes shop, she asked Hal if he wanted to go with her to shop for new work clothes, as she was given a bonus this past week. She was not being very truthful with her husband. She felt guilty for what she did with Mark along with her exposure to Walter and then the 3 men in the car on the way home the other night. The couple had to rent a car for the day to go to the Mall.

He said he would go with her in order to help her pick out some clothes he wanted to make sure the clothes will not be old maid outfits, like she wears presently for work. Martha was glad he said he will help, as she had to get some revealing clothes as her coworkers wanted and she will feel less stressed going to work in outfits more revealing, with her husband's consent.

They left after breakfast on Saturday morning, for the hour drive to go shopping at an upscale mall. Their first stop was J C Penny she found a skirt and top she wanted to try on; the top was white and the skirt was a charcoal gray color. Martha went to the changing area and picked a room which could be seen from the waiting area, so her husband could see her. She then proceeded to undress down to her underwear, she looked out to see him looking at her and then smiling Martha putting on the skirt: she got a sudden urge to remove her bra and see what the top looked like with no bra. Turning her back to Hal she slipped her straps down spun the bra around and removed it leaving it in the dressing room.

She came out of the dressing room and her husband's eyes nearly bugged out, as in the right light the top she was wearing disappeared. She asked him how he liked the blouse and skirt. He told her he loved it, without letting on he could see her crinkled areola and rigid nipples in the right light, a sure sign of her excitement.

She tried on a few more skirts with different combination of blouses, some button down while others were pull overs. All the pull overs had plunging neck lines. Hal was really glad he came shopping with his wife today, but it was a good thing it was early as he had a problem keeping his excitement hidden from any of the people who walked by.

Martha came out with one blouse she had 3 buttons undone so most of her breast was exposed and asked Hal what he thought of the outfit. Her astonished husband did not know the woman he was with, as his shy modest wife has left to be replaced by this sexy woman exhibitionist, did his wife have a twin he didn't know about?

Martha put on the clothes she came to the store with including her bra, exiting the dressing room, with the assorted clothes she will be purchasing. She wished JC Penny's had carts.

The next stop was the negligée area, Martha went to the panty isle, asking her husband what type of panties he liked, and he picked out the most revealing ones there, as a joke knowing she would not buy them. She looked at him and asked if he seriously wanted her to buy them. He said yes, she took a few pair in different colors and had him come to the changing room area with her. It was early in the morning and not many people were there yet, so Martha asked the woman attendant, if her husband could come into the alcove where the mirror was. She knowingly replied sure, he will have to leave though, if any other woman comes into the dressing room area to use the facilities.

Entering one of the dressing rooms, it could be seen from the isles, Hal was surprised she left the door open and anyone walking by could see her undressing. She removed her slacks, and then her panties and bent over with her back to the door to retrieve the new panties. Hal could see her pussy, with a drop of moisture leaking from her slit. He sort of giggling to himself, she will have to buy the panties, as they will be used after she gets done trying them on.

Martha Brazenly came out of the dressing room holding her top up to see an almost nude image of her body in the 3 cornered mirror. She turned around to see what the back looked like and while her husband was mesmerized by her bold display, two men with their wife's walked by getting an eyeful of the almost nude woman, modeling the panties. The two women were looking in the opposite direction at clothes, on the other side of the isle conversing and not seeing the exhibition at the dressing room mirror. It was like time stopped for Martha she loved the exposure.

The two men were hanging around just in view of the mirror, but out of the line of sight of Hal. Seeing she received the men's attention she decided to put on another pair of panties, Hal could see her vaginal lips again, when she bent over and she was just about dripping wet, the other men also could see Martha's exposure, although they could only see her moist puffy pink slit, but they couldn't see the moisture ready to escape her body. She did the same modeling for the next 20 minutes, but minus the top, she was in her bra only modeling the panties, with the two men and her husband as her audience, until one of the women spotted Martha's public exhibition and quickly pulled the two men away, giving them hell for their visual escapades, while the two women were busy looking at clothes.

Martha with Hal's approval, bought all 5 styles of panties with 7 difference colors deciding to buy all 35 pairs; He figured with the amount of vaginal fluids coming out of her, they would be ruined, after a full day the garment was worn. The next intimate garment she will need to purchase will be feminine foundation section

She put on her summer sweater and her panties, but left off her slacks and then went to the bra rack picking out 4 different styles of bras she liked. Martha brought them into the changing room, and then removing her sweater and not bothering to close the door at all turning her back to her husband and anyone else happening to walk by, dropping the straps to her bra, twisting it around and unclasping the foundation garment, as only a woman can do to make it sexy. She was standing braless her back was to the door, but you could see her breasts in the mirror on the wall facing the open door.

She came out and standing in the three sided mirror, the store was getting busy presently and more couples were coming through the area. A young couple about late twenties came through, the young woman kept going, but the young man stopping to watch Martha's exhibition seeing she had his attention she went back into the dressing room, as her husband with his tongue hanging out of his mouth giving his approval with two thumbs up. He did not know were his modest wife hid this person he was seeing presently, but he was glad she was here. The young man also was mesmerized by this sexy older lady all but naked in the alcove.

Martha could see she had both men's undivided attention, so she threw caution to the wind; she removed her bra as she faced the two men. She Showed her glorious breast in public, she reveled in the exposure. The young man's wife came to get him just as Martha disappeared into the dressing room. They figured it was about time for them to leave as the woman at the desk gave them the evil eye, even though she saw Martha's entire exhibition also. On the way out she said to Martha Hope you buy all the panties you tried on because I cannot put them back on the shelf. Martha's face turned red with embarrassment for the first time during her exhibition today.

Feeling it was time to go they went to the cash register buying merchandize over Eight Hundred Dollars.

It was about 10 am and Martha asked Hal, "You feel like walking around."

With a sly smile on his face Hal said, "Sure, if you could put on one of your new outfits you just purchased."

Surprised, but excited he asked her to do this, she went into the restroom and put on the grey skirt with white button down top, black bra with matching panties. She came out a short time later giving the packages and sweater to her husband saying, "We should probably go to the car and drop purchased items off."

After depositing the packages and walking for a while Hal looked at Martha saying. "I don't like the black bra you have on."

She thought for a moment and said. "Let me go into the rest room and see what you're talking about."

As they were walking by the rest rooms, going in the ladies room, coming out shortly she is holding the black bra saying, "You are right it didn't look good, but how is this."

Her nipples were rock hard sticking through the cloth on the top and highly visible with two buttons of the top undone. When she pulled her shoulders back you could see her areolas and the erasure sized nipples through the semi transparent top giving anyone who cared to look a good view of her 36b breast with just a hint of sag.

They had been walking around the large mall for about 45 minutes or, so Martha spotting an upscale shoe store, which had attendants helping the customers sizing the shoes. It had chairs, for the customers to sit in and the stool with the mirror on the front to see how the shoes look on your feet.

Martha said, "I have to go to the rest room."

Walkinb down the concourse a ways and while Martha went to the restroom, Hal sat on a bench watching the people walking by, feeling lucky he had a sexy wife as Martha.

She came out and said she wanted to buy some shoes, and then proceeded to the upscale shoe store. Hal questioned her as she usually goes to the discount stores to get her shoes; she told him she wanted to buy some good shoes for a change and told Hal to sit across for her and to the side. He did with a quizzical look on his face, until she sat down and spread her legs giving him an obstructed view of her pussy. She was almost giggling as the sweat was forming on his forehead.

A young man came to their assistance of about 20 years old seeming kind of shy, with a young person's skin condition on his face. He could not keep his eyes of her breasts he could see a hint of nipple through her thin blouse. Martha kept her knees modestly together as she explained the type of shoes she wanted. Kyle was the name on the tag he was wearing. The young man went off to find the shoes requested.

He came back with a half dozen boxes and sat down in front of her on the low chair reaching over he pulled out the first pair of shoes, pulled out the tissue paper in the toe to keep them formed properly, then helped Martha put her foot on the chair in between them. He pulled off her shoe and she had to raise her leg and brought her leg to the side for him to put the shoe on for her. He concentrated on fitting the shoe on her foot he did not notice she didn't have any panties on at first, until the movement of her legs caused her pheromones to be released into the air and Kyle being only about 18 inches from her exposed excited pussy got a whiff of her excitement. Being a very inexperienced young person he didn't make the connection, but was instantly excited by the erotic smell which assailed his olfactory glands.

Glancing up he caught sight of her opened legs at first he was thinking she had on a pair of brown panties, but upon further inspection he found her pantie less, when he saw her moist pink slit, the first he has ever seen on a real live woman and could not take his eyes off the beautiful sight in front of him.

For the next hour Kyle gave Martha his undivided attention. She put on quite a show for him. She looked around and made sure no one was watching and reaching under her skirt and opening her flower of life for his visual inspection, as she put on the last pair of shoes. She bought 5 pairs with the last of her 'Bonus'.

Going to the resister the young man gave Martha a 30% discount reserved for special clients of the store, so this gave her enough money to eat at a restaurant.

Kyle thanked her for the pleasurable time he spent assisting her and gave her his card adding. "He hopes to see more of her the next time she visits his shoe store."

Hal was laughing all the way out of the store, his wife has really made the young man's day.

They walked to the car to deposit all shoes she bought, and then went to a restaurant she always wanted to go to on the way home. Hal was driving and pulled into the lot of the upscale restaurant, just as it was opening for the day. The couple was escorted to a high top table in the bar section, looking out over a small lake in the back of the building. Martha took the seat offered her by the male greeter, making a show of getting up onto the seat spreading her legs wide, to capture the attention of any male looking in her direction.

Looking around Hal saw her show and the expression of about 5 men looking their way, trying to nonchalantly look between his wife's wide stretched legs, as she was seating herself taking longer than normal to finally close her legs to her audience, thus informing them the show was over.

Martha and Hal had a wonderful dinner with her relaxing her legs spreading them to become more comfortable while sitting in the high chairs. Hal could see the men glancing under the high top, he knew they were looking between his wife's legs, trying to get a glimpse of her naked pussy. He was having a great time with his wife's exposure, instead of being mad at her.

They paid the bill and both went to the car. Hal went around and in a show of chivalry Martha has not seen in over 20 years, he went around and opened her door, as a little gift for his chivalry she opened her legs to reveal her naked pussy to him in the public parking lot, in broad daylight where anyone near them to see her most intimate area. Martha shivered she would not in a million years have done this a month ago, even for her husband.

Finally getting into the car she turned red with embarrassment, but enjoyed being on display. Hal entered the driver's seat and started the car, he looked over at his wife, he couldn't believe what she did. Martha leaned back against the passenger side door and put one of her legs against the front seat and the other leg on the floor, thus she opened her pussy to her husband. She dripped on the seat and the car smelled of her intoxicating scent. He had a hard time he drove and looked at his lovely wife as he tried to stay between the white lines on the road.

Martha closed her eyes and started to rub her pussy in front of her husband, something she has never done before. She was in another world she rubbed her pussy to her first orgasm of the day, only a few minutes after they started for home. He was conflicted he Looked at Martha and the road at the same time it was a challenge for him to keep the car on the road.

The trip home was the most exciting Hal has ever had with his wife naked vagina out in public view and leaking like a sieve on the seat all the way to their house.

"Good thing this is a rental." He thought parking the car in their driveway.

Hal took Martha's hand and ushered her into the house didn't bother to bring in all the packages. They went right to the living room in front of the house, Hal laid his wife on the carpeted floor in front of the large picture window which looked out onto their street from the room and kissed her very passionately while he unbuttoned her top. He took one nipple between his fingers he rolled it. Until it became hard as rock, and then went to the other and did the same thing.

Going down further with his hands as he alternately sucked on each nipple to keep them hard. He put his fingers in her pussy making her moan with pleasure. Sliding down further he removed her dress and spread her legs wide to gain access to her overheated pussy. Putting out his tongue he lightly licked her pussy lips causing a flood of pleasure starting to leak out of her pussy and down the crack of her ass onto the floor. Using both his hands he took a finger from each hand to open up his wife's intimate being to lick her clit with his tongue, this caused her immediately to cry out as her orgasm overtook her.

Hal got up leaving his naked wife her legs spread open and in the fog of orgasmic bliss slowly opening her eyes seeing her husband sitting on the chair looking lovingly at her naked form, She crawled up to him unzipped him and gave him the best blowjob he ever had from her, without him having to beg her. He loves the new Martha and hopes she stays around for a long time.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Pretty good story lines

but your totally inept use of language spoils what otherwise might be good stories. Please accept that you haven't the literacy skills to do this yourself and get a proof reader or an editor. Literotica offer a Volunteer Editor service. Go to their Home Page for details Best Wishes


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
"He loves the new Martha and hopes she stays around for a long time."

Hope he loves her becoming the company slut. Wonder how long he'll want her to stay around after he finds out he's married to a whore?

reh1947reh1947almost 7 years ago
Sounds familiar

Great story, reminds me of my wife trying on shoes. She really gave a good show at J.C. Penny's one time and the clerk moved us to a part of the store that couldn't be seen by the cameras and actually fingered her for a few minutes. Keep going, I really enjoy this series.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Good Series

Great series so far, hope to see you take this so much farther. Love the build up, so much can still be done with these characters! Hope to see you make this a 20-30 part series. Can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Proof read!

Your stories are good, but you really should proof read them or have someone else who is literate proof read them before you post them.

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