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Carol's Night at the Movies


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He was still trying to figure out what had happened as she took the legs of the hose and wrapped them around his neck. She had used hose and stocking before for sex play and knew how effective they could be for binding. Of course his body sensed the danger and his hands came up in an attempt to free his face.

But she had already passed the legs around his neck and with a quick tug she made it clear he had more to worry about than her pantyhose privates on his mouth. He needed to know she meant business.

"Uh uh. Do not do that! This could turn ugly real quick and you would lose."

She made another sharp tug against his neck so he got the picture. He was in no position to fight her. Naturally he wouldn't have expected things to turn this way and that should make him reevaluate his behavior.

He caught on quick for he stopped fighting and kept still, the only movement his heavy breathing through her nylon underwear. That was better. Now for a little more to properly restrain him and then she could decide how to proceed.

"Now since you have been naughty I think you need to put your hands behind your back. Lean forward; slowly."

He did as he was told, not that he had much choice. Carol then kept some tension on his neck as she positioned his arms and wrists. Her bondage skills were put to good use as she secured his forearms and wrists together. Now any tugging to free his hands would only serve to choke him.

Satisfied with her work she had him slowly lean back into his chair. She gave him a brief explanation of his situation though he had likely guessed at his distress with only a little struggle in his new bonds.

"Now if you behave and don't struggle you should be fine. But if you keep pulling at your wrists you'll only choke yourself. I'm not going to hurt you, but you're going to do exactly what I tell you to. Nod slowly if you understand."

There was only a slight hesitation before he nodded his head. Carol had made her point. She knew he was in no position to refuse and she realized he may be at least a little scared by this turn of events. She wanted to keep things calm and controlled.

"Now you can slowly lean back in your seat and keep facing forward."

He complied as she knew he would. She briefly considered securing him to his seat but that wouldn't be necessary. She could move much quicker than him and one good tug on the hose between his neck and hands would bring him up short in an instant.

Now she sat back down in her chair and made herself comfortable. She had to slide forward in her chair for what was to come. She then, very deliberately, put her feet on the back of his chair on either side of him and then slid her legs and feet forward over his shoulder.

Then she brought both feet to his mouth. She couldn't play with his bare lips in the same way and it would be difficult to get her toes into his mouth. However she could still taunt him with her feet and now he was having to suffer with his faced trapped inside her pantyhose crotch.

"Bet you weren't expecting this. Now you have a whole new taste and aroma to enjoy. I worked a long day before coming over here so I imagine my hose is a little sweaty and dirty. Plus the delivery guy was in today and he's rather hot, so there may even be a little extra for you to savor."

She let that sink in for a moment. Then she began pressing her feet against his face and rubbing the gusset against his nose and mouth. Now he wasn't trying not be noticed while watching her; now he was beat.

"Let's have some kisses on my feet. I know it won't be like before but then it was your outburst that got us here. Kiss, kiss."

Her foot hung in the air just in front of his mouth. He slowly pressed his lips forward and she could feel him kissing her foot. It wasn't the best of kisses given the nylon and fabric barrier between them. However she did get a thrill thinking about how in kissing her feet through his bondage, he was simultaneously kissing the dirty underwear she had been wearing all day.

Her hand returned under her skirt and she was soon leaking again as he continued to kiss her feet. This time he wasn't going to cut her off. This time she was going to go all the way. And she had another idea to heighten the mood.

"Now lick my foot. Long strokes. I want to feel you tongue licking at my soles and toes."

She thought she heard him clear his throat and surely he had already realized that the kisses were as much about her underwear as it was about her feet. But then she felt the press of his tongue on the arch of her foot as he licked her the best he could.

She tried to imagine the tastes and scents he was experiencing. To better achieve this she brought her wet fingers up to her nose and sniffed at them before sliding them into her mouth one at a time to be licked clean of her juices.

Now both hands became involved as she fingered herself, taking the occasional taste. Her feet also became more active, rubbing against his lips, tongue, and nose. As one foot received his tongue the other began to move over the features of his face; his cheek, his chin, forehead, eyes, and ears; nothing was off limits.

Her pace grew faster and her feet became a frenzy of motion. She wondered briefly if he may get something like a carpet burn on his face from the nylons being rubbed so aggressively against him. But that only filled her with more lust at his possible suffering.

Her feet flew all over his face and her fingers were working at a furious pace. He was still licking and kissing but he couldn't keep up with her. She knew it and almost gave up on his mouth as she began to slap his face with her feet between strong strokes and toe pinches.

"That's right you bastard. Lick me! Kiss me! Worship my fucking feet!"

And in that moment the floodgates broke. She felt her orgasm wash over her and ripple through her body. Her feet were on each side of his head squeezing his cheeks and face together. She held him there, crushing his head as her body tingled and pulsed with pure ecstatic bliss.

Slowly she came down and her feet relaxed and fell across his shoulders. Her breathing, still long deep breaths, began to slow as well. She took her popcorn napkin and dabbed at her pussy. She also took a long slurp of her drink, grateful that it was handy and she hadn't finished it earlier.

"Well then. Now if you can behave yourself, maybe we can both enjoy the rest of the movie."

She said it as though everything was back to normal, but it was hardly routine for a man to be bound in nylon bondage while sitting in a movie theater and his face a playground for a lady's feet. Still, she was content now to just play with his face and didn't need the sexual rush of an orgasm to feel complete.

Her feet began rubbing his temples and then his cheeks. She was confident he would behave though he had to be wondering how this night had been turned upside down; for him anyway. Carol on the other hand was quite pleased. She was momentarily put off when he broke and called her on her behavior, but she had decidedly rescued the situation.

Now she was considering whether the evening should end here or if it might continue on in some fashion. Her feet rubbed his nylon cheeks as she took a look at the screen. She became aware she really had no idea what had been happening on the big screen since she started her game. No matter. She would just focus on her feet and the man's face she had to play with.


Bob had finally had enough and made it quite clear he wouldn't tolerate any more of her abuse. There were limits to what he would put up with and she would have to put her feet away. This was a movie theater after all, not some nightclub.

Those thoughts ran through Bob's mind and they all made perfect sense. Losing the popcorn all over the floor wasn't something he was proud of but it was a small matter. He had scolded her for her behavior and made it clear he wasn't going to put up with it any longer.

She seemed a little upset, but she had accepted his proclamation. It was a tense moment but he had handled it and she got the message. Now he could sit back down, forget the popcorn, and try to enjoy at least some of his movie.

And that's when he realized what a horrible mistake he had made. He felt something cover his face and something being pulled over his head. It was like a scene from a movie and he was being kidnapped. But that didn't make any sense.

He quickly realized he wasn't being kidnapped and it was just the woman who had been so free with her feet. But now he also realized she wasn't just a woman. He had considered her a little crazy by her inappropriate foot actions before, but as his mind raced to catch up with what was going on he feared she may truly be mentally unstable.

Out of reflex he reached up to remove the fabric from his face. Was it a cloth doused in chloroform? But before he could remove it he felt a tight squeeze on his neck. Was she going to strangle him? As his fingers tried to find the cord around his neck he heard her speak.

It was a warning. If he didn't put his hands down and stop fighting her she could really strangle him. His mind was still trying to catch up with what was going on but he knew she meant business and he slowly lowered his hands.

Then the pieces began to fall into place. The hood was stretched across his face but he found he could still see out of it. And while the cloth remained over his mouth and nose he now knew it wasn't the aroma of chloroform but something else he was experiencing. Hard as it was to believe he became convinced she had covered his head with her pantyhose and his mouth and nose were against the crotch.

Given that conclusion he was then able to ascertain that she had somehow wrapped the legs around his neck and that's how she had the ability to choke him. He had never considered pantyhose being used in such a fashion but he had to admit it was devilishly clever; as well as effective.

She then told him to lean slowly forward and put his hands behind his back. He still wasn't sure of her full intentions, but it was clear she could choke him easily if she wanted to. So at this point he felt it was safer to play along. He slowly leaned forward and put his hands back as instructed.

She then bound his wrists and forearms together and he soon was aware it was from the legs of the pantyhose. Thus his hand bindings were attached to the makeshift hood he wore. And while he was being secured he found he had to face the aroma that was filling his head.

It wasn't an aroma he was completely unfamiliar with. He had sniffed a few panties in his day and even licked a few pussies. This was clearly a woman's scent. And it wasn't a fresh from the shower scent either. This was a dirty, all day, panty smell. And it was rather powerful being pressed up against his nostrils as it was.

Any doubts he may have had were removed when she began to explain just what he had already surmised. It was the pantyhose she had worn all day and she mentioned there may even be a more sexual aroma due to her excitement of a man she had seen.

So yes, he was indeed experiencing a dirty panty crotch in his face, and he had no way to hide from it or suppress its strength. It wasn't just that it was tight around his head though that surely kept the aroma close and present. Beyond that she had also returned her feet to his face.

Now he didn't feel the full force of her naked feet and her foot odor was something he could not now detect. However her feet rubbing and pressing against his face caused the soiled crotch to be rubbed and pressed against his mouth and nose.

This was a much more serious assault that that of her foot play earlier. But now he also knew she was much more serious, if a little disturbed. He couldn't really do anything with his hands bound anyway, and as she had warned, any attempt to free his hands was going to add to the threat of choking.

So with few options available to him, he simply took the punishment of her dirty crotch and her feet upon his face. She had promised not to hurt him if he only obeyed, so at this point he wasn't going to put up a fight.

And that's when she started asking for kisses. She wanted him to kiss her feet, but of course the pantyhose was somewhat in the way. But she knew that. He pursed his lips and made a kiss. It was not lost on him that a large part of what he was doing was actually kissing the soiled crotch of her pantyhose. Her foot was simply there to press it tight against his mouth.

One kiss wasn't going to be enough and he knew that. He continued to kiss her feet. He was becoming a little dizzy from the strong aroma, and now he was getting a real taste of her soiled underwear. His world had changed so drastically. It was hard to believe that only minutes ago he was watching the movie, concerned only with her bare feet.

He was just accepting the kissing when she made another demand. Now she wanted him to lick her foot. Again it wasn't so much licking her foot as it was about licking her soiled underwear. Had had already gotten a taste of her just from the close proximity and the kissing. But now he was going to be getting it all. He was going to be actively licking the residue in her stained panties; well it was pantyhose, but at this point what was the difference really.

He took a deep breath and then coughed at the fresh attack of her scent. Then he prepared himself and made a long lick of her foot as instructed. He tasted her. He tasted her long day. What's more as his tongue travelled the full length he realized there was a mix of tastes to be found.

There was an overall womanly taste about them. But there were also different concentrations of excitement, sweat, and soiling. Curious or not he would get more chances to experience the tastes as she told him to continue his licking; of her foot.

And then it just got worse. He continued to lick her foot and her soiled crotch. But now her feet were getting more excited over his face. Soon they were rubbing all over and he made a few licks without the foot behind them. He didn't dare stop but she was clearly having fun with her feet on his face as much as his tongue.

The pace only quickened and he began to feel the rubbing and scratching of her nylons against his cheeks and nose. She was getting out of control but there really wasn't anything he could do about it. Then he heard her whispered shout.

"That's right you bastard. Lick me! Kiss me! Worship my fucking feet!"

He was more than a little shocked to hear such words from her. And beyond the words he sensed she was actually having some sort of sexual experience. As unbelievable as it was, he was sure she was somehow masturbating and she was searching for a climax with her feet and his trapped face.

He had already been trapped in a nylon hood, makeshift noose, and nylon cuffs, so he didn't feel it was a good idea to deny her at this moment. So now he switched back and forth from licks to kisses and tried to keep up with her feet as best he could.

He didn't know how long it might take and whole scene was a little frightening. But she made no other demands of him. He just kept kissing and licking and hoping she wouldn't rub the skin from his face with her aggressive feet.

And then he felt a different sensation as her feet moved to the sides of his face and head and began squeezing him. The pressure continued to mount and he knew it was tied to her arousal. He only hoped she would reach her moment before she split his skull.

Thankfully she did. Her feet didn't leave his head but they suddenly relaxed and then they went through a series of shudders. Eventually they dropped to his shoulder and then slid forward onto his chest. She rested that way for a few minutes as they both caught their breaths.

As his breathing returned to normal, that's when he first realized this was a night he would not soon forget.


He had been kissing and licking her feet, and thereby the dirty gusset of her pantyhose, for quite some time. After having achieved her orgasm she was much more relaxed. She was actually watching the movie, at least a little, while her feet lazily played with his face.

It clearly wasn't the same teasing as when she began but she was still having fun. And this man, her foot toy this evening, did seem to be settling and not causing any ruckus. She was pretty sure this was all rather new for him but she still wanted to continue her evening of fun.

It was a rather drastic change when she secured him in her nylon bondage, but he had survived it and learned to listen to her commands. He also hadn't done any real struggling or made any attempts to get out of the situation he was in. But now she had to convince him that playtime wasn't really over.

She slowly withdrew her feet until she could place them on the floor in front of her. She sat up straight and stretched a little before leaning forward. Her hands began to caress his hose covered head and she found that without thinking about it, she was practically purring. Then she leaned in and whispered into his ear.

"Quite a night don't you think? I'm sorry if I frightened you with the hose but you did upset me with your behavior. Still you have been rather well behaved since then. Are you enjoying the scent of my underwear?"

She knew it was something of a trick question and he must be wondering how to respond. She didn't know yet how he really felt about it but he was wise enough to nod after a slight hesitation.

"I'm glad you like it. I've been thinking; this movie will be over soon but I don't want this night to end yet."

She paused and she could feel his body tense. Still he made no move to escape or struggle or refuse her suggestion. True, she still had an enormous advantage but she wanted some measure of his thoughts and his obedience.

"So here's what I'm thinking Foot Toy. In just a few minutes were going to leave the theater. I think we can both risk missing the ending. And for your sake it will be good to leave before the crew come in to clean up."

He sat patiently listening. Good. Now to explain the basics before they made their way outside.

"So that we have a measure of trust, you will continue to wear my nylons as they are. I imagine you wouldn't want to explain that to anyone. But if you decide to cause a scene realize that outside of some fun games I can be a formidable opponent. However if you behave on the ride, I won't make you go up to the counter looking like that. What counter, you ask? Well when we leave here we are going to get in my car and we're going to a hotel of my choosing."

She let that all sink in as she stroked his head through the nylon. There was still so much fun to be had, and she didn't want to give up the opportunity.

"Now if you agree with my plan I'm going to need some sign of acceptance from you. But before you give me your answer let me mention a few things. I promise I will not do you any lasting harm. And if you behave yourself, just think of the story you may have to tell. Well, now's the time. If you're willing to behave yourself and come with me to my car, and then to a hotel room for a night of fun, nod your head."

There was a pause, no doubt as he considered all she had offered him. She was still in control but this was really where the night could go one of two ways. It could end simply enough, in which case she still had a really good time. Or the fun could continue into the late hours of the night if this man was up for it.

When he nodded his head it brought a big smile to her face. Things were only getting better. She was still reprimanding herself a bit for going so long without such a night of adventure, but now that she was about to head to a hotel she knew there was much more to fill the joy of the night.

"Okay Foot Toy, give me a moment to gather my things. I think we'll just have to leave your popcorn mess on the floor."

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