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Carol's Night at the Movies


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However she decided to wait for that. She had another idea. After all, this wasn't something to be rushed. This whole experience was one to savor. So instead she slid her foot further away until it was at his left shoulder. She had a pretty good idea of her bearings but she took a moment to consider the location of his left ear.

Then slowly, for she wanted this to be a feather-light touch, she brought her big toe toward him until she felt it graze his ear. It was pure magic. He jerked involuntarily to the right to get away from her foot, which only brought him in quick contact with her right foot, to which he jerked back forward with sudden stop to avoid the left foot.

It was like a pinball game and his head was the ball bouncing between two bumpers. She wanted to laugh out loud but that could ruin some of her fun, so she bit her lip and held it in. She hadn't forgotten about his cheek, but she considered this a clear victory of foot teasing, and one she would remember for a long time.

And still he didn't say anything. He was frozen stiff for several seconds after the head jerking and she waited for a reaction, while considering what her response would be. But he never said a word to her. She was beginning to realize a difference between men and boys and one that on this night would work to her advantage.

Boys of course would react immediately to girls putting a foot in their face and that was part of the fun. They would certainly react and often over react and that was part of the game. But men, or at least gentlemen, had a certain code of behavior and worked to dismiss such behavior rather than draw attention to it. The general rule was to ignore rude or boorish behavior rather than acknowledge it.

It worked well in most social situations, but then again, it was hardly commonplace for a woman to behave this way and invade a man's personal space, especially with her bare feet. Considering this Carol thought she may have to rethink her evening movies and perhaps the pleasing differences between teasing men versus boys.


Bob was in total shock. He was in another world; a world where basic laws of behavior had been turned upside down. When she first put her feet on the back of the seat next to him he knew that wasn't proper. But he could never have guessed things would get so out of control.

She had put her feet down and he thought it was over. But her feet returned, this time without the cover of her hose. I mean she had her bare feet on the chair next to him, inches from his face. And along with that came another surprise.

He soon noticed an aroma in the air which no doubt came from her feet. It was a little difficult to describe but it smelled like a mix of perfume and sweat. So not only were her feet mere inches away from him, propped on the back of the seat next to him, but he was also having to deal with this foot odor as well.

And those feet, pretty as they may have been, were not idle. At times her foot moved forward such that he could see her toes out of the corner of his eye. As they wiggled in the dim light he couldn't help but notice them, even as he tried to make a show of being completely unaware.

He was eventually able to discern her French pedicure, not that it should have mattered in the slightest. Then she would draw her foot back but the foot scent remained with him. That scent made it quite clear that her feet were exposed and far closer to him than they should have been. Soon the odor enveloped him and he could smell nothing that wasn't her feet.

But then he was distracted by another sense. He had seen her feet close by and he had experienced the aroma they were producing. Next was the popping sound right beside his ear. He had already experienced that before her feet went bare but she was doing it again. The sound of her toes popping echoed in his ears.

And he had already come in contact with her foot once. It was just a brief brush, but he felt her hose covered foot against his ear when he had attempted the slightest turning of his head. Now he was keeping very still to avoid such contact with the bare flesh of her foot.

Then there was another shift. Her foot hadn't come forward for a few minutes and the popping and rubbing sounds had stopped. But he could hear the movement of her feet. And then he thought he felt something against the back of his chair. But it couldn't be.

She was resting her feet on the chair next to him, which was in very poor form, but surely she couldn't be thinking of resting her feet on his chair, the chair he was sitting in? But the more he tried to determine what was going on he kept coming up with the same answer. What was this lady thinking?

And then it all went even further. He had been very focused on the right side of his head and his right ear was very sensitive to any possible contact that might occur. But such focus left him completely blind to what could happen off to his left. It all happened so fast.

He felt the skin on skin contact as her foot, likely her toe, made contact with his left ear. It was such a shock he had already moved by reflex before he could consider his actions. As his head retreated from the foot to his left, his right ear collided with the foot on the right side of his head and he quickly snapped his head back to looking straight forward, now worried about the proximity of her feet on either side of his head.

He spent a few seconds there catching his breath and feeling his heart beating in his chest. He wanted to relax but even the slightest slack of his muscles could mean another contact with her feet. So while not relaxed, he did try to bring himself to a level of calm.

His senses were heightened and he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck. He took a deep breath in and a deep breath out. But his neck hairs were still warning him of something. They moved left and right as if searching out danger. And then he realized they weren't moving but were being moved!

His mind had already been put to test but now he was coming to terms with the fact that somehow this woman was moving the hairs on the back of his neck. But he didn't have to wait long for an answer. In the next few seconds he felt her cool toes slide up the back of his neck and into his hair. Oh my god!

This woman was crazy! But her toes continued to comb through his hair, occasionally gripping and pulling before once again weaving their way across the back of his head. He had all but forgotten her right foot in the past few seconds, but now it made its presence known again.

He felt her toes against the base of his ear and as she slowly slid her foot higher, her big toe moved behind his ear while her remaining toes dipped into his ear and rested high on his cheekbone. It was rather ticklish and he began to tilt his head to the side to get away but that's when the toes pinched and grabbed his ear, keeping him in place.


Now she had him. The toes of her right foot pinched his ear and the toes of her left moved through his hair, able to grab and pull at his hair. She could now direct his head as she pleased. It was much like having a soccer ball under her feet which she could roll this way and that; except instead of a sports ball, it was a man's head.

She was pleased at this new level of control but she was also enjoying the sensation. His hair between her toes was deeply satisfying and she questioned why she had gone so long without that specific tactile experience. The soft hair against the soles of her feet, the hairs brushing along the underside of her toes and in between them, and the light brushing over the tops of her toes and foot was magical. She could just do this for hours.

It was also fun to play with his ear, but for different reasons. While the contours did offer something for her toes to explore, this was more about how she played with him. It was a way of saying she was here and while he could pretend all he wanted there was no way he could ignore her foot and toes. Besides tickling him a little, she also moved the ball of her foot to cover his ear completely which he couldn't help but notice.

This went on for minutes as she played with his head and he tried to behave as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on. That was fine. The more he pretended or spent time deciding what to do was more time she could play with his head and face using her feet. She was having so much fun she was upset with herself for not doing something like this sooner.

With his hair in her toes and his ear beneath her foot, she made a decision to have more fun with her feet in the future. She worked hard and she deserved special rewards. She didn't have a specific plan but she was sure to consider another evening like this before too long.

But then this evening wasn't over and she wasn't prepared to stop. No she wasn't stopping, she was going further. Her right foot dropped to below his ear while her left foot turned and twisted making its way to the left side of his head.

Now it was time for the cheek. In those years past with the boys, the cheek was an obvious target. You couldn't get much more in the face than that especially if you were coming at them from behind or to the side. It was like a stamp of approval from an unknown goddess of teasing. A boy might shrug off a lot of things or be stupidly unaware, but a bare foot on his cheek was something no boy could ignore.

And here again she waited and considered the differences between men and boys. Her foot slid over to his cheek and she swore she could feel his nervousness. With boys it was a quick contact and the foot would be pushed or slapped away, often accompanied by a rude comment or two. But that didn't happen.

Her foot remained in contact with his skin. She spread her toes and then grabbed at his cheek. She pulled his cheek this way and that and his hands never came up. In fact they seemed to be in a death grip with the armrests. She looked over to see his thumb was hooked into his popcorn container and it was the only thing keeping it from falling to the floor.

She considered his popcorn briefly, but unless he brought it up higher and she made a big change in her position, there was no way she could get her feet near it. But that was okay, as she was still playing with his cheek.

She ran her big toe along his jawline and then dipped her toes under and lifted up his chin. He was breathing heavy now and she thought he might be sweating. But she really hadn't expected to have such freedom over his face. Rather than a quick foot attack, she was able to make a slow advance over his features.

As she continued to pinch and pull at his cheek the poor man did try to get some control. He began to move his head as if trying to get away from her foot. However she responded by using her left foot to pull his head back to her. He wasn't going anywhere.

She shifted in her seat with an idea of where she was going next. She slowly came over his cheek and her big toe touched the side of his nose. She stroked his nose a few times and she realized this had gone past a simple little game. She couldn't say exactly when it had all changed but things were different now.

Having put her toes in his hair and grabbing his ear was probably the big step, but even in that moment of sweet success she was just having some fun. Now she realized as her foot explored the side of his face, she wasn't only having fun; she was getting wet.

She wasn't going to let him get away. Her left foot tucked in against the left side of his head and she wasn't giving him any room to retreat. In fact that toe brushed against his left cheek but it wasn't the same. It was the top of her toe and nail and it was a secondary action. The main event was centered on her right foot.

Her toe ran along his nose once more and then she brought it to rest on his upper lip and below his nostril. She slowly wiggled it there pressing upwards against his nose. He took a deep breath, likely as much his air supply had been constricted, but it was quite the feeling as the air rushed over her toes.

She then dropped her toe from its resting place on his upper lip to rest against the front of his lips. She very slowly wiggled it there enjoying the sensation. It was like a still kiss on her toe and she relished it. The next step was obvious and she waited for just a moment building the anticipation.

When she was ready she pushed her toe against him and pulled down, dragging his bottom lip away from his teeth. She parted his lips and moved her toe against his teeth but they remained closed. She then drew her toe back trying to hook his lips.

Her foot played at the corner of his mouth for precious seconds as her toes pulled, pinched and prodded at his lips. As she became more insistent he once again tried to move his head away from her. That wasn't going to work for him.

She already had a hand under her skirt and she wasn't about to let him stop the inevitable. She not only held his head in place but she gave a sharp tug with her left foot and with her right she tapped the ball of her foot against his cheek, much like a little slap.

It was her way of telling him don't you dare move. She let her warning hang in the air for a moment before her toes went back to his lips. She used those toes to pull down his lower lip while also using her foot against his jaw to open his mouth.

It opened slightly and she moved to press her toes between his teeth. They weren't open enough to slip past and he was holding firm. He turned his head ever so slightly as though he may still have some fight in him. She simply went back to his lower lip and was more aggressive in her pinching and pulling.

His jaw lowered a fraction more and she brought her toes back to his teeth. It was a tight squeeze but this time she could push her toes between his teeth, though for a moment she thought he may be scratching her nails.

Her toes, or at least some of them, were past his teeth and inside the corner of his mouth. It was only a moment before she felt his tongue make contact with her toes. It wasn't like he was licking her toes; just that his tongue only had so much room in his mouth and contact was inevitable.

Still that contact was bringing her to the edge of her own little orgasm. She tried to get more of her toes inside his mouth, eager to feel his tongue on all of her toes. She was just seconds away from climax. And then that bastard suddenly grew a spine and jerked his head away from her.


Bob found himself in some altered reality. He couldn't explain how he had gotten here and part of him felt this must surely all be a dream. These sorts of things didn't happen in real life; did they?

He couldn't remember ever having a woman's foot on his neck but he knew immediately he had never had a woman's toes in his hair. But that's what had happened. She was running her foot over the back of his head and her toes were playing in his hair.

It was an odd sensation and a part of him was quite curious about it. It was like a strange head massage and while completely out of the norm, it didn't feel too bad. But that wasn't the only thing happening to him. She had another foot that was also at work.

That foot tugged at his ear and played across it like it was some sort of scratching post. But it wasn't content to spend time with his ear. It soon moved from there to find his cheek. Now her bare foot was in his face. First it was the toes, and then it was the ball and sole of her foot that rubbed his cheek.

He could feel the texture of her foot against his face. This wasn't right and he pulled his head away from her. But it did no good. Her other foot was on the left side of his head and it held him close and wouldn't let him leave. He was trapped.

His body had shut down when he first felt her toes in his hair. It was all too much to take in. It just couldn't be happening; it couldn't! He froze and tried to reason his way out of this nightmare. But it wasn't working. He was faced with the evidence that her foot was playing with his face.

And after some time, it appeared his cheek would not be enough. He felt her toe against the side of his nose. Her foot was encroaching upon more of his face. Was there no end to what her foot wanted? He had been smelling her feet for some time now but as her toe dipped below his nose he received a fresh blast of her scent.

It was also hard to breath and he was forced to inhale to get some air, fresh or not, into his lungs. Her toe just danced on his lip with no care for his suffering. And then it left his nose, but it wasn't to give him any respite.

No, now those toes began to rub against his lips. More than that, as her toes pulled at his lips they also rubbed against his teeth. His teeth! This was insane! But it wasn't over. He tried to get away; he had to get away. But he couldn't escape. Not only did her feet hold him close, but she pulled his head and slapped his cheek with the sole of her foot.

He was stunned by her audacity and the sensation. He just couldn't believe it. But then her toes resumed their attack on his lips. They pulled against him and he became aware that they wanted his mouth open. He was reluctant and worried but he was still coming to grips with the slap of his face and slowly his jaw relaxed.

Then her toes were no longer on his face. They had somehow found a way to go beyond that. Her toes were now invading his mouth. He knew they were there and a second later his tongue confirmed it. Well that was the last straw. Her feet and toes had been assailing his senses for he didn't know how long.

It began when he saw her feet dangling over the seat next to him. Then later when she removed her hose and brought them closer he had experienced her aroma. Her toe popping was a sound that distracted him and held his attention. Then he had felt contact with her foot when he tried to determine just how close they were to his head.

Since then he had felt a lot more of the touch of her foot, both against his ears, on his head and in his hair, and then more and more as her foot moved across his face. But now with her toes between his teeth, he had just made an involuntary taste. That was it; all five senses assaulted by her bare feet; feet which should have been out of sight and mind and left in her shoes on the floor.

It was all too much. After the brief taste of her foot, the toes were still working their way inside his mouth. He wasn't sure if this was dream or nightmare or reality but he didn't have to stand for this. He wrestled his head free from her feet as his arms and legs propelled him up and out of his seat. The movement knocked his popcorn out of his hand and it spilled all over the aisle floor.

But the popcorn was a lesser concern; it was a lesser slight than her feet that had been against his face. As he rose from his seat and away from her feet he turned on her. She had to be told such action was not only inappropriate, it would not be tolerated!

"Do you mind!"


She had been so close. Couldn't he have just suffered a little longer? Maybe she had gone overboard but now she was at least as upset as he was. Now it was a fight. And Carol didn't like to lose.

"No, I don't mind at all."

She pulled her feet down from the seat and stood up, turning to retrieve her purse. He was a bit surprised by her outburst but felt he had made his point and he turned back around and sat down in a huff.

Carol moved over one seat so she was directly behind him and then put her pantyhose to good use. He was going to learn that there were ways to handle a situation and he had made a very big mistake.

She held the gusset of her pantyhose face up in the palm of her hand. She knew she would take him by surprise and that alone was a huge advantage. Before he knew what was going on she had placed the gusset over his mouth and nose and pulled the hose over his head.

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