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Carrie's Vacation Adventure Day 3

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Carrie's troubles continue.
6.1k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/24/2001
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It seemed like we no sooner fell asleep that the phone rang. I slowly woke up and Lisa jumped in the shower. I got up and started to make breakfast. I asked Barbara and Jane if they wanted anything and they just said "go away we're not getting this early." Lisa came out of the shower about the same time the toast popped. I was just about to go take my shower when the phone rang again. It was the airline calling to say they still hadn't found my bag. I went to take my shower when Lisa said, "eat the eggs before they get cold." I guess I was getting use to being naked because I just sat there and ate breakfast in the nude. It was getting close to eight when Lisa started to gather our stuff together.

All I had was the bikini bottom Jane had lent me and the towel from the bathroom. Lisa said, "Better hurry up or they'll leave with out us." So I grabbed the bikini and wrapped the towel around me. Lisa said, "aren't you at least going to but it on." I slid it up my legs and off we went. Lisa holding our stuff and me clutching the towel. We got down to the activity center and picked out our mask and fins. Everything else was already on the boat. We had to wade out to the boat so I took the towel off and held it over my head as we made it out to the boat. Here I go again. There were only six of us on the boat besides the captain and mate. Two couples, Lisa and I. Once back on the boat I wrapped the towel around me again. I asked the other two if they had a spare wet suit I could borrow but both shook their head no.

The captain said we were going to a spot call the aquarium. It was about 80 feet and had lots of fish. The mate remembered me from the check out the day before. Hard to forget a nearly naked girl scuba diving. It was about an hour to the dive site so Lisa and I when up to the upper deck. I don't think the two girls wanted me around their men. We applied lotion all over and worked on our tan until we go to the dive site. I told Lisa that she needed to be careful. Even though her burn wasn't as bad as Barbara's, it wouldn't take much more sun for it to really hurt. When we got to the dive site, the captain and mate gave us the drill. They asked if anyone needed a guide and despite wanting one, I said no. I didn't need anyone gawking at me the whole dive.

Lisa seemed a bit nervous but settled down. We got our equipment ready and it was time to go. I dropped to towel again and this time everyone just stopped and looked at me. I tried to act like I didn't notice or care but how could I not. Again my nipples started to harden even before we got in the water. I tried to act cool but I have to admit I was a little distracted so I asked Lisa to check that everything was on correctly. At least the vest covered my nipples so I felt a little better. It still felt funny being nearly naked with all that equipment. Usually I have some sort of wet suit or something but now it was just the equipment and me. After jumping in I had to pull my bottoms back in place but overall was fine. We signaled that everything was ok and headed to the anchor line were we headed to the bottom. I checked our depth gage and mine read 84 feet.

We swam around for a bit looking at all the fish. After a while we started to get a little cold so we headed up to a shallower area that was a bit warmer. That bikini was really driving me nuts. I signaled Lisa to stop while I re-tied one of the strings a bit tighter. She looked at me like I was crazy. I think she though I was going to take it off. The thought crossed my mind but that wasn't what I was doing. After a while we checked our gages and headed to the surface. We swam to the dive ladder and handed up our tanks.

Remembering the last time I exited the water I pulled the bikini bottom up before ascending the ladder. We headed up to the top deck to warm up in the sun waiting for the other two couples to come up. Lisa said "I thought you were going to take your bikini off when we were down there." I said, "It would have been easier being naked than constantly playing with that dammed thing." She said "why didn't you then, it was just the fish and us"

"What about the other people." She said, "We didn't see them the whole time we were down there." We warmed up in the sun while the boat pulled anchor and headed to the second dive site. When we got there Lisa and I came down and started to get our gear ready again.

Again. The stares. I should have been use to it by now but I wasn't. We jumped in and after the mandatory suit adjustment descended the anchor line. We saw the other couple ahead of us and headed in the opposite direction. 65 feet this time and a little warmer. I saw a lobster in a hole and pointed it out to Lisa. She swam over acting like she was interested in the lobster but just when she came close to me, she grabbed the ties to my bikini and untied them both. She had both sides untied and off before I knew what had happened. She backed off a bit and just held my bikini there smiling through her mask the whole time. I was pissed and relieved at the same time.

I was pissed that she had my bikini and I was naked but relieved at how good it felt not to have to worry about it. Now I was completely naked except for my dive gear. I gestured for her to give it back but she just backed off more. We had about a half-hour of air left so we just swam around. I assumed she was going to give it back before we got back on the boat. We checked our air out and it was time to find the boat. I motioned for Lisa to give me my suit back but she kept teasing and shaking her head. Eventually we headed to the surface and spotted the boat about a hundred feet away. I begged Lisa give the suit back but she said, "don't grab or I may drop it." I did have a little air left but didn't want to go for a scavenger hunting for my bikini. Lisa was closer to the boat than I and stared swimming for it. At that point I wasn't sure she was going to give it back.

We got to the dive ladder and Lisa handed up her equipment while I tried to get her to give me back my bikini without the crew knowing what I was doing. They then asked for my tank I slid it off and handed it along with my weight belt and fins up to the mate. I stayed in the water though. The mate than asked we what's wrong. I said, "Ask Lisa." She held up my bikini and immediately the captain and mate knew why I didn't want to come out. Everyone was getting a kick out of it at my expense. Then I saw the other two couples surface about 200 feet in front of the boat. With that I climbed up the ladder completely naked. I don't think Lisa was expecting that. I guess she thought she'd get a little more teasing out of it. She offered me the bikini but I just ignored her. I said if it's a show you want it's a show you'll get. I don't think Lisa wanted it to go quite this far but she had started it. After the last two days not having to worry about a suit slipping out of place was a relief. She said "what about the other couples."

"I think they've seen everything before. Besides the captain and mate didn't seem to mind." As the other divers made their way around the boat Lisa and I headed back up to the upper deck. At least there they wouldn't see us and so far they hadn't bothered to come up. Now I had done it all completely naked. My heart was in my throat the whole time but I did a good job of not showing it. I know Lisa didn't expect this but I reminded her that she had started it.

She said. "Well might as well take advantage of this and tan that butt of yours. So we lubed up and rolled over. After everyone was aboard and we where on our way the mate stuck his head up and asked if we wanted a drink. He brought us up some fruity drink that really hit the spot. He managed to hang around and chitchat for most of the trip back in until he had to go back to work. When we got close to the resort I realized that Lisa had left my bikini with the equipment. I was sure that the other couple must have seen it and realized I was up here naked. We were now right off the beach in front of the resort. I knew if I went down for it everyone including the folks on the beach would see me naked. Now I know I spent most of yesterday nearly naked in front of most of these people but there's a difference between naked and topless. I asked Lisa to grab it for me. At first she refused teasing me again.

Payback time for my brazen show earlier I guess. After a couple of minutes she decided she didn't want any more shows so she slid down the ladder and grabbed my bikini. Some one had draped it over my tank. She handed it up and gathered our stuff together. There I was completely naked forty feet off a populated beach trying to tie my bikini back together and get it on. I did the best I could but I know some people knew what has going on. I came down the ladder still trying to get it back in place. There wasn't much margin for error with this bikini. I grabbed my towel but didn't put it on knowing that we had to wade back to the beach. The couples were already getting off the boat when I came down. We waded back to shore but I got the towel pretty wet so I didn't put it on.

There was Barbara and Jane waiting for us. Jane had a small disposable camera with her and seemed to have just finished taking some pictures. "You weren't taking any of me were you" I asked. She just smiled and said "maybe." Barbara said, "Just some blackmail pictures for when we get back." I though oh great that's all I need some topless pictures of me floating around the school or the Internet. I said, "I want all the pictures and negatives when you're done." They said they went into town to look around. I asked if they had though to buy me some stuff like a shirt or bikini. They said "no."

We rinsed off all our stuff and headed down the beach to the outdoor bar for some lunch. I guess after yesterday's display going to the bar topless wasn't that big a deal. The hostess kind of gave me a challenging look when we asked for a table of four. I asked is it ok to come in like this or do I have to put something on. She said "normally we don't even like people coming in bathing suits because it gets everything wet and sandy." She said, "I can put you out on the deck." Sitting on the deck I didn't feel that out of place. At least I could see the people on the beach in their suits. I was the only one in the place that didn't have some sort of cover up of something on. Hell I barely had anything on for that matter. It felt really strange eating in a public restaurant topless.

At least we were at the beach. We ordered and the waitress kind of stared at me when she took my order. Wonder why. She bought us some side salads on this huge tray. She started to serve the table but leaned over a bit to far and two of the salads went flying. One landed on the floor and the other right on me. I would have been mad but it was just so funny. She apologized saying someone had bumped her. I think she did it deliberately though. She grabbed a napkin and went to help clean up and stopped just short of my left breast when she realized what she was doing. I took the napkin from her and proceeded to clean myself up. Everyone at the table burst out laughing. I couldn't help but laugh myself. I was getting a lot more attention than I wanted considering my dress. I tried to sneak off to the ladies room with the napkin covering so I wouldn't attract any more attention.

When I got back every one just started laughing again. I said, "at least it wasn't hot stuff. That would have hurt." We finished our meal and headed back to our favorite spot to soak up some sun. There were actually a couple more girls topless today. That made me feel better as I lotioned up. Not long after that Chris and his friend (the guys we met at the beach club) showed up. Chris said he was glad he hadn't missed the show. I said, " I wasn't considering it a show and acted mad. He apologized and commented on my tan. I sat up on my elbows so he didn't have as good a view down my suit. They said they drove over because they had their surfboards and wanted to check out the waves at the point. Surfing sounded cool. I had surfed a couple of times but was fairly good but wasn't that keen in surfing the way I was dressed. Lisa suggested we grab some snorkeling gear and meet them down there a bit latter. I was a little surprised they left, thinking of the view they had of me. I thought I should have been hurt but I got over it.

We picked up our some gear and decided to walk down to the point. I was hesitant because this meant I had to walk past the front of the resort. After walking through the lobby last night and eating topless it didn't seem like that big a deal besides I was starting to get use to it. So I tucked my bottle of lotion under the strap of my suit and off we went. We left most our other stuff on the chases since we already had a lot to carry. On the way past the resort we ran into the two girls we had walked back from the club with the first night. I guess they weren't that surprised to see me topless after my exhibition the other night. I told them they still hadn't found my bag and this was all that fit.

"Good thing this place is topless," they said. They complemented me on my tan saying, "They wish they had the nerve." Lynn the taller one said stop by later and she'd see if she had anything that would fit." Now we're talking. We headed down the beach and came across these ladies selling gifts and stuff. I looked at the tee shirt and then realized none of us had any money on us. A little further down the beach we saw these two women lying out naked. Lisa said, "I told you you didn't need a suit." I said, "if we were way down here," meaning away from the people, "maybe I strip too." I said, "still waiting for you to join me." That stopped her. I was starting to get into this topless thing. It didn't bother me that much but going naked, even though there wasn't much difference considering what I had on, but that was more than I wanted to do.

We finally got to the point but didn't see the guys. There were more people than I expected down there since there was no hotel or anything near by. It was mostly surfer and most of them were guys. The surf was much rougher here but we set up in a sheltered area and waited for the guys. We spread our towels and re applied our lotion. A couple of minutes latter the guys showed up with their surfboards. We said we were comfortable and let them go off and surf. Not long after they came back, saying the waves weren't that good. They looked fine to me. I guess they were some heavy-duty surfers. They asked us if we wanted to try. Barbara said she wanted to and eventually we all made our way over the to the surfing side. Well let me tell you that bikini of mine was not meant for that surf.

Lisa hesitated as well thinking she might loose her suit as well. I said, "What do you have to worry about with that suit and told her she could use some exposure." I shouldn't have shot off my mouth because I had no intention of going in when Lisa and Jane dragged me into the water. I was already getting enough attention from the guys on shore. Now I knew they were waiting for me to loose the rest of the suit. We swam out a little past the surf and I still had my bikini on so I started to relax again. It was deep out there and we had to tread water. Barbara was already on a board with Barry when Chris asked me. John offered his board. I figured it beat trading water so I climbed aboard and paddled out further with Chris.

Straddling that board in my bikini wasn't exactly to most lady like position to be in. I could see Chris's attention on my crotch. He gave me some pointers but I was afraid to get started. I saw that Barbara get up right away and did really good until she wiped out. She paddled back out to where we were and screamed about how exciting it was. She told me I had to try it. I told her I was afraid of loosing my suit when I fell. She said, "that'll just make it more exciting the risk factor." I just sat there for a bit and then saw Lisa and Barbara waving for me to go for it. I knew if I fell in one of those big waves, my bikini would be history. I just hoped I could grab it before it came off completely and wouldn't be able to find it. Well I mustered up enough nerve and paddled for then next big swell. I got up but fell almost immediately. My bikini stayed on despite needing a little adjustment. I paddled back out and waited for another one. This time I got up and lasted a little longer but still wiped out. This time my bikini slid down but I was able to grab it and pull it back in place.

Boy I must have been crazy but I paddled back out and tried it a third time. This time I made it all the way through the surf almost to the shore. After the required suit adjustment I paddled back out again. This was getting to be fun and I hadn't lost my suit yet. With Chris's and Barbara's encouragement I tried it again. This time I crashed pretty hard and the bikini came completely down and off my legs. Oh no now I'd done it. I swam around a little panicked when Chris and Barbara paddled up. I said, "I lost my bikini now what should I do"? Barbara said, "When you tempt fate this is what happens." I swam around a bit more towards the shallower water and there it was. Thank God. I wasn't ready for a complete show.

That was it. I waded in to shore and told Lisa and Jane what had happened. Jane said that would have been interesting. Enough of that, we sat on the towel and talked until we started to get hot. We all went in the water in the calmer area but even that wasn't that calm. There were still some pretty good waves. The guys started body surfing and trying to get me to join them. I said, "What are you kidding." We started a game of chicken fight after a while. It was me on Chris's shoulders and Jane on Barry's. I shouldn't have been doing that but is sure was fun. I must have been showing an awful lot because every time I got knocked off I had to do some major adjusting of my bikini, Chris got more that his share of feels. One time when I started to fall off his shoulders he tried to catch me but ended up sliding his hand completely down my front. He got a feel of everything including my pussy as his hand slid down inside my suit almost ripping it off in the process. It seemed innocent enough trying to break my fall but still. The others got into it and it got a little out of hand. One time I fell into Barry and he got a face full of my breasts. He came up asking if I was trying to poke his eye out or something.

I don't think he minded one little bit from the smile on his face. With that much skin exposed and the physical contact; it was impossible to keep anyone who wanted to from feeling me up. Then it happened. This one extra large wave knocked down Chris and me. I got push under and off came my bikini. Chris came up with it in his hand and held it up for everyone to see. I begged him to give it back but all he did was toss it to Barry over my head. It turned into a big game of keep away from Carrie. Eventually someone made a mistake and threw it short.

That was my opportunity. Barbara swam to it and grabbed it just before I did. I tried to wrestle it away from her when another large wave got both of us. I continued when it passed but she screamed that she didn't have it. She had apparently dropped it when the wave knocked her down. Oh great, from bad to worse at least before I thought they'd eventually give it back. Now it was lost. We looked around for a bit. At least I did. I don't think the others had the same motivation as I did. After a while one by one they got tired and walked back to the towels. Lisa asked me what I was going to do. She seemed to have some actual concern. She didn't seem to mind me being topless. She seemed to encourage it I thought. Chris kind of thought the whole thing was funny I guess he hadn't seen enough of me.


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