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Carrie's Vacation Adventure Day 4

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Carrie's goes on a tour and ends up naked.
4.1k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/24/2001
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Today Jane and Barbara woke us up. They really were excited about this tour we were taking so we quickly ate and started to get ready. I wasn't too keen on that shirt after last nights experience. It reminded me too much of the bikini. I didn't want to have to worry about it coming un-tied so I opted for the tank top. I pulled it on and checked it in the mirror to see if it was as bad as I thought.

Not quite but you could see my nipples and the outline of my areola through it if the light hit it right. Oh well I'd been topless most of the week so far so this didn't seem that bad. Everyone else had their suits on under their clothes but I just stuffed my bikini bottom in my shorts pocket. It wasn't like it was that big anyway. I figured there would be a place to change somewhere. It looked like another day of going topless unless I found something in one of the stores. We grabbed our towels and other stuff and headed down to the lobby.

By now I had given up on ever seeing my bags so I brought some money so I could buy something decent to wear. I didn't have that much money left though after the trips and dinners. Down in the lobby we ran into Lynn and her friend Janet. I said, "you didn't tell me how sheer this thing was last night."

She said, " I thought you at least had a bra to put on under it. Guess not from the looks of it."

I guess it was obvious that I was braless. We loaded up on this open tour truck and off we went. It was nice to get out and see something. I always try to get to know something about the place I'm vacationing. It makes it seem more real. Well we bounced around the island for the better part of the morning stopping at every tourist spot there was. Every time we got out to look around these two guys started talking to us. They were trying to act cool but all they were doing was trying to look down my shirt. It was kind of exciting which just made my nipples more noticeable under the thin shirt. Eventually we stopped in this small town but it seemed that today was some local holiday and most of the shops were closed. The whole town was pretty quiet.

Just my luck. I go shopping and the stores are closed. There were a few open though. Lisa and I walked into this one. It looked a little too expensive for my college budget but we walked around any way. I saw some nice bikini but like the hotel the prices were outrageous. We decided to meet up with Lynne and Janet and get something to eat. We got talking and almost missed the bus when it was ready to leave. A couple of more tourist spots and off to the caves. When we got there it was pretty crowded. I guess with the holiday all the locals decided to go to the beach. The driver took us a little further down the road to a spot that wasn't quite as busy. It was a beautiful beach with a rocky cliff off to either side. I guess that's where the caves were.

Everyone ran down to the beach and started stripping to their suits. I guess I was wrong about a place to change. There was nothing here I mean nothing. Barbara had changed to a black and red one-piece suit. I guess with her burn it made more sense. I said, "If you where wearing that why couldn't you let me wear you bikini?"

She said, "you never asked." Thanks a lot. I pulled my bikini out of my shorts pocket and wondered how I was going to change into it. I decided to go back to the bus and change on the other side of it. Not exactly private but not as open as in the middle of the beach. When I came back, there I was topless again with that poor excuse for a bikini bottom. The tour guide kind of did a double take. Checking me out. I guess did stand out a bit. Everyone else had reasonable suits on and there I was. He gathered us all around and told us that we had until 3:00. We could do anything we wanted and that the caves were in the cliffs to either side of the beach. Before going in we lotioned up again.

Lisa said, " Are you going to keep the bottom on? I thought you were going to continue on that tan."

A couple of people hearing that kind of stopped and waited for my response. I teased them and said, "Maybe later, I want to explore first." The two guys from the bus came over and started to strike up a conversation all the time staring at my breasts. They were being so obvious it was disgusting. I said I thought I'd make it easier on you before you strained your necks.

We laid down on out towels for a bit to let the lotion soak in before going in the water. The two jerks spread their towels out directly behind us. I was laying on my back so I knew they had a pretty good view down the front of my bikini bottom. I should have shaved a little more after seeing how much was showing but forgot. I pulled the suit up but it didn't do any good I still had about an inch gap showing. Eventually we got up and went down to the water. Luckily the jerks didn't follow. They just watched. Lynne and Janet joined us. Janet also had a one-piece suit on today. A rash of modesty today. Before going into the water I though I should tighten up my bikini. Being careful not to drop it right there in front of the whole beach I retied the string holding my only covering. It was exciting to see the look on the two guys face.

Most of the people went off to explore the caves to the left so we went to the right. We swam around the point to where the caves started. Despite tightening it, it kept slipping down. There just wasn't enough elastic in it to keep it in place. I tried to straighten it while treading water and go a mouth full. Everyone asked me if I was all right. I said just pulling my bikini up again. Quit, Jane said, "Why don't you just take it off then. It's just us." Not discounting option I said, "let me see how much swimming we have to do on this adventure." Lynn seemed surprised that I even consider it.

We swan into the shallows of the first cave and admired its beauty. There was a bit of a ledge just out of the water that led up to some light above. The trick was getting up to the ledge without getting banged against the rocks. Lisa and Jane made it up ok along with Janet. I had to be extra careful since I had some rather sensitive glands hanging out there rather unprotected. I made it up and helped Lynn and Janet. I wish we had thought to bring Jane's camera.

We looked around for a bit then jumped back in the water. We swan around to the next cave and swam in. This cave was really small. Barbara and Lynn didn't want to go in and swam around to the next one. The rest of us followed Lisa. You could walk but it was only wide enough to just get through. We had to be extra careful we didn't get banged against the side. It turns out this cave connected to the one Barbara and Lynn had left us for. We made it through but not before Jane scraped her arm. I was extra careful not wanting to get any scrapes on the sharp rocks. The water was deeper in this cave and we had to tread water. It was beautiful but we didn't like treading water the whole time. I pulled my suit back up once again and swam out of the entrance. It looked like 4 or five more entrances before a small beach.

As we swan in to the next one I decided enough was enough. I held my breath and as I sank down pulled my bikini off. When I came up, I yelled over to Janet who had a little wet dry bag she'd be dragging around. I held up my bikini and asked her if she could put it in her bag. A little dismayed by my action she took my tiny bikini and stuffed it in her bag. The others just kind of looked at me like I was crazy. I said I'd put it back on before we got back to the others. We swam through the next two caves and skipped the last two and headed to the beach. Lynn and Janet waited to see what I was going to do. Janet asked if I wanted my bikini back . I said, "Hold onto it for now, we still need to swim back."

It was a nice beach and we thought it was deserted but on the one side were about a dozen locals having a picnic. We exited the water a little further down. Everyone looked as I exited. I just walked up the beach. I had gotten over my nervousness yesterday. The sun felt good after the chill of the water. None of us had any lotion so we didn't want to stay out too long. We climbed up on the rocks to check out the view. It was one thing being naked in or near the water but climbing up the rocks in the nude felt weird. We decided to head back since we didn't know the exact time.

We made our way back to the original beach back to all the people. As we go into the shallower water we saw the two jerks that couldn't leave me alone earlier. They swam out to meet us and asked how the caves were. I guess they weren't that good of swimmers. We kind of hung around in the water for a bit. I don't think they realized I was completely naked. After a couple of minutes Janet, Lynn and Barbara all walked back to the towels. I hadn't noticed until they were out of earshot. They had left me out there naked. I expected that from Barbara but not Lynne and Janet. There must have been a hundred people up there including everyone from the bus. I asked Lisa to go up and retrieve my bikini. She waked up the beach but just sat down next to the others.

Nice, I thought. They must have planned this. I just shook my head and gave them the finger. After a bit I started to get cold and the guys knew it. They still hadn't figured out why I was staying in the water. After a couple a more minutes I told Jane. I'll show them. I started to walk towards the shallow water when one of the guys figured out that I didn't have the bikini bottom that I had left with. I could hear him telling his friend.

I walked straight up the beach naked. I bet the guys wished they were in font of me instead of behind. By the time I go to the towels everyone else had figure it out as well. I just stood there and said, "If you want my suit that much just keep it." I know Janet never thought I'd walk right up there naked. Lynn locked equally shocked. I just flopped down on my stomach and let the sun dry me off. Apparently it was only about two o clock so we still had and hour before we had to leave. I just lay there and pretended not to hear any of what was being said.

I could see out of my eyelids that the two guys had taken up their spots again. I just lay there. I don't know what was with these guys there isn't much to see except my naked ass. I had a nice ass but still what was it with these guys. Then we heard the tour guide rounding up all the people. I had forgotten that when I changed I had left my cloths on the seat of the bus. Not a problem I just wrapped the towel around me and walked over to the bus but not before giving the guys the view they had been waiting for. I though the one guy was going to cum in his pants when he saw me.

Anyway I walked over to the bus and slipped the shorts on under my towel. I just threw the towel up on the bus seat an pulled the top over my head and climbed up on the bus. Nothing much else to happened.

We got back to the resort and everyone wanted to head back to the beach. There was a volleyball game going on in the one pool. Lisa said, "We'll take on the winner." I said, "you'll take on the winner, I'm going to get a drink." Since they were still playing we all went over and got drinks. Both teams had six people. One had 4 guys and 2 girls and the other 2 guys and 4 girls. It seemed like the one with the girls was winning. Go girls. I told Lisa that there was no way I was playing volleyball topless.

She said, "Then keep the top on, go have another drink." Apparently Janet and Lynne had played volleyball before. They seemed excited about playing. I did have another drink fearing what was going to happen. When the game finally ended the team dominated by the girls won. They hollered over "are you guys ready to get whipped. Well I didn't like that but I still wasn't going to play. Everyone else jumped in including Barbara who never seemed very athletic. Then they started harassing me. I said "I just didn't want to play, that I didn't have my bikini with me" which was the truth.

They could probably tell by the way I was showing through the top. They said, "No need just strip and jump in unless your chicken that is." Well there were those challenging words again. I was going to ask Janet if she still had my bikini in here bag but I didn't see her bag. I asked her what she did with it and she said "she dropped it in the room on way over her."

Then they did it again, "What's the matter afraid to get you hair wet?"

That got me mad; and Lisa said, "come on Carrie let's show them." I wasn't sure what show she was referring to beating them or me.

Even Barbara said, "you're the tallest one, we need you." I didn't expect encouragement from her of all people. I said to myself, this is crazy but here goes. I reached down for the bottom of my shirt and pull it over my head and dropped it on the table. The girls got a little quieter when they saw my tanned breasts. "Nice tan " one of them yelled out "but can she play volleyball." I know they though I had a bikini bottom on under my shorts because they all shut up when I unzipped my shorts and pulled them down. I heard one of the guys say "nice bod." I couldn't believe I was going to play naked but there I was.

I didn't hear any mouthing off then. I think the other team was a little shock that I'd had gone that far. At least I didn't have to worry about the bikini slipping around. I don't think I could have played with it anyway. The water came up to just about my breasts so most of me was covered, but I still knew I was naked and so did everyone else. Yesterday at the beach and this afternoon was one thing but here in the hotel pool was another. I kind of hid in the back but it was hard to deny the attention I was drawing from the other team and from the people around the pool.

After what seemed like forever we started playing. Well women that have played volley ball especially if you have any kind of chest know that a good bra is in order. Even though my breasts are really firm there was no doubt they were bouncing around. I could feel it myself and didn't play very aggressively at all and Lisa knew it. We were down 4 to 1 when Lisa said, "I've seen you play. You're a lot better than this." I said, "I've never played naked before." Lynn who apparently played on their school’s team with Janet said, "If we had you playing dressed like that, we'd be playing to a full house for sure."

After a while I loosened up and got into it a little more especially after the other team started mouthing off again. We played 2 and 2, and once I got the front line it was hard to be modest and still play the game. The net wasn't that high and being the tallest one there I did pretty good up there. Of course it meant jumping and exposing pretty much all of me. I noticed that we were starting to draw some spectators. Oh great just what I need. Eventually we tied the game up at ten. That surprised the other team. Then they started to get mad. I was back on the front line and their tallest girl was against me. She spiked the ball and I went to block it and missed.

It came down and got me right in the right breast. That would have hurt with a top on but it really hurt topless. I ducked under the water and turned away as I tried to massage out some of the pain. That looked indecent so I stopped and yelled some obscenity back at the girl who did it. She took exception to if and started yelling back. Now I was mad. Naked or not I wanted to win and win we did. They wanted a rematch but we all had enough by then.

But now I had to get out of the pool. It was bad enough playing but by now we had gathered a sizable crowd. Several guys offered to help but I climbed the ladder myself showing them what they had waited for. Lisa followed me out and started yelling something at one of the girl from the other team. The girl then pushed Lisa back into the pool. I couldn't let that go so I started pushing the girl and we both ended up in the pool. We pushed and shoved a little when someone knocked me down.

There was a pile of tangled bodies when a couple of guys that had been watching jumped in. The guys gave the impression of coming to my aid but all they wanted was a cheap feel. In the middle of the mayhem I felt a hand come up between my legs and grab me. After a bit, things settled down and we got out again. Some guys started yelling some crude stuff so I just ran over and gather my stuff and wrapped a towel around me and headed back to the room. It was getting a little creepy around the pool and I was starting to get concerned for my safety.

We all cleaned up and dressed to go out. All my stuff was a little grubby so I asked Barbara to borrow her bikini top again. I was getting use to wearing it now. I kind of like the way it showed off my tan and besides it stayed on better than the tie together shirt. We decided to go to this street fair they where having in celebration of their holiday. We walked around the booths and shops. Again I felt a little under dressed but it was a hot night and the air felt good. After the pool experience I was getting tired of exposing myself like that especially if no on else was going to so we checked out a couple of shops. Lisa and I started looking at bikinis for me while I was looking for something a little more practical.

I know, you probably think the funs over but its not. This crazy trip continues to be crazy. Like the other shop, all the suits were outrageously expensive. I was looking through the rack when Lisa brought over this nice off white suit. It was only a little bigger than the one I had been wearing. This one was a thong though. Lisa said, "This suit will let you tan that ass and let you finish that tan. The top was one of the beau tops that you just strap onto your boobs with the single strap around you back. It seemed big enough to do the job though. Lisa said, "Here try it on." I said "what do you want me to do try it on right here"

"why not" she said. It wouldn't have been that hard all I had on was Barbara's borrowed bikini top and shorts.

I though the better of it though and headed to the changing area. I looked at the price tag on the way over. $35. Not that bad I thought. I tried it on. There wasn't much to the bottom. The front wasn't much bigger that the other one and this one had no back at all. I didn't think this was an improvement. I mean no back what so ever. I have a thong at home but at least on mine there something where all the stings come together. This was just tiny string that actually disappeared in my ass. The stings tied right to the front piece, which was really sexy.

The way the stings sat around my checks actually helped it stay in place better that the other. There really wasn't much to the front though, probably three or four inches wide at the most. I bent over to see if anything was showing underneath and somehow it wasn't. I slid the top on. The top fit really nice. It was weird not having a string around my neck. I'd never had a suit like that. There was enough of the top to do a good job though. It would feel good to have a little support again. I walked out and showed Lisa. She loved it of course. The sales lady came over and commented on my tan. To make a long story short I bought it after getting the sales lady down to $25. Lisa wanted me to keep the top on but I changed back to the other top and my shorts.

We met Barbara and Jane and showed them what I had bought right there in the middle of all the people. Jane blurted out, "what no more going topless." Some guys behind her turned around to see what she was talking about. One checked me out pretty good. We walked off before they could come over. We wandered around and grabbed something to eat and headed back to the resort early. We noticed that both Lisa and Barbara were starting to peel. I said, "I hope this doesn't all peel on me."


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