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Casey's Fall Ch. 12


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About an hour later an officer came and got her out of her cell.

"Visitor for you, ma'am," was all he would say.

She was led to a room with glass all around and she could see Jolene inside. An older woman she didn't recognise was sitting beside her.

"Oh, Jolene," she sobbed. "I hope you can help me? I haven't been telling you the whole truth of what's been happening. He's been making me do disgusting things almost constantly, and now I'm in terrible trouble because of it. It's such a mess! I don't know what to do! They won't even give me something to wear or let me take this stupid thing out of my butt!"

"It's going to be ok, Casey," Jolene assured her sister. "This is Monique. She's a lawyer, and she thinks she can get you out and even back to Tech."

"Really?" Casey asked Monique, brightening slightly.

"Yes, I think so, but you have a fairly tough decision to make," Monique replied, her hand touching the back of Casey's in reassurance as she spoke. "The only sure way I know of to get these charges dropped is to get you registered ASAP and plead the leniency of the court."

WTF? Does she mean register as a nudist? Here? Right now? Surely, she can't be serious?

"You mean register as a nudist? So, I'd have to be nude for the rest of my life? You can't be serious?" Casey asked with a mixture of astonishment and terror at the prospect.

"Yes, very serious. Look, I can see you're upset at the idea but don't be too quick to count it out. It does open a lot of doors for you. If we tell them you were merely expressing an innermost desire to become a nudist and meant no offence to anyone, and we back it up with evidence that you now are one, I can tell you right now that the charges will almost certainly be immediately dropped. You could be out of here and on your way home again tonight. Your college also cannot legally deny you entry on the basis of being a nudist. I think with the same explanation and a suitable apology, there's a reasonable chance we can get the expulsion overturned as well."

"I-I'm not sure I could deal with being nude all the time, though," Casey replied, not believing she was facing a decision like this. Becoming a registered nudist was her worst nightmare.

"It takes a bit of getting used to, but you do get used to it," Monique replied sympathetically. "I've helped a lot of nudists out in the past, many who started out in similar situations to yours. You're by no means the first person to register as a nudist who didn't really want to, and you certainly won't be the last. It's not so bad now anyway. It's not like it used to be in the old days. I played a role in the State formulating the registered nudist laws nearly a decade ago now. Prior to that we really only had religious exemptions and they were fairly limited to certain establishments within certain shires, so nudists were constantly being questioned and even arrested just for being in the wrong place. Now they can legally travel anywhere nationally, and we even have anti-discrimination laws to protect their rights wherever they choose to go."

"I told you she was an expert," Jolene added, attempting to cheer Casey up a little.

Casey took little comfort from it, though. She hated the idea intensely, but she was also terrified out of her mind at the possibility of being sentenced to indenture. She weighed the pros and cons in her mind. If she was sentenced to Indenture, she would have no control over her life. She would lose her career and friends, and being a pretty young woman, she may very well end up doing sex work or being kept in a harem or any number of disgusting and degrading things. Taking Monique's advice would mean she would be permanently nude, but it would at least mean she could get her life back for the most part, and maybe even finish her diploma, even if she had to suffer the humiliation of doing it naked. It was clearly the only choice, even though it was still horrible. Just less horrible than the other option. The lesser of two evils… Could she get used to being naked around all of her friends all of the time, and everywhere she went and everyone she met? Almost everyone she cared about had seen her naked now already anyway... Still, it sounded awful beyond reason. There had to be other options…

"What about if I told the court I'd been blackmailed?" Casey asked. "Wouldn't they take that into consideration?"

"Um… if that's true, then I sympathise with you but it's unlikely to make much of a difference," Monique sadly replied. "You still broke the law, and justice is blind. And for them to accept it, you'd also have to prove the blackmailer existed and who they were, which would also mean revealing what you were being blackmailed for. I assume that was something you wanted to keep quiet, which was why you went along with their demands?"

Casey looked at Jolene and noticed she was white-faced and looking down at her feet. Dammit, even now that she had been caught, he still had the evidence against Jolene up his sleeve. Revealing the reason for the blackmail still wasn't an option, even if she had any idea who he was. She couldn't do that to Jolene. Any other ideas? Wait, she'd already asked her parents for permission, and they were most definitely against it then, and now that they had kicked her out of the house they were unlikely to even speak to her. Maybe registering as a nudist wasn't even an option?

"Yeah ok…" she started slowly. "But I'm under 21 and I know my parents won't approve it. They disowned me today too. I doubt they'll even speak to me again. I don't even have anywhere to live now."

"Ok, well that's where Part B comes into play," Monique responded. "You aren't of legal age to register as a nudist, but you are old enough to sign a voluntarily indenture to your sister, which would also make her your legal guardian. She then can approve your nudist registration for you."

"So, I'd be Jolene's Indent, and I'd be nude?" Casey asked, scarcely believing her ears.

"That's right, Casey," Jolene pitched in. "I know it's awful but this way I can give you as normal a life as possible and get you back to Tech and with your friends again. I know becoming a nudist is a horrible thing to have to do, but I'll look after you. I'll open my home to you, and I'll give you a life. I feel like I caused this, so I owe you big time for what you've been through if it's been as bad as what you're saying. Let me repay you as much as I can."

"I err… I need to think about this," Casey responded, her eyes still red from crying, and wide with disbelief.

She continued weighing up the pros and cons in her mind. Even if she got out of this mess right now, her parents had disowned her so she didn't have a home to go back to now, and she would also never be allowed to finish her diploma either. Chances are she wouldn't get out of the charges, though, and she would be sentenced to indenture. That would mean effectively becoming someone's property, probably a complete stranger, who could turn her into a whore or maybe something worse, and she would probably never see Greg or Amelia again, or even Jolene for that matter. On the other hand, Jolene was her sister and was offering to look after her. She would still be a nudist, but she would be safe from doing sex work. Giving up wearing clothes for the rest of her life was an awful price to pay, but as painful as it was to even consider, it was her only chance at retaining friends and family, finishing her diploma, and getting her life back. If nothing else, at least she would have a home. It was an agonising decision to make, but there really was only one choice, given the circumstances.

"Um… how long would I need to be an Indent for?" Casey asked, still not believing she was actually considering this at all.

"Well, you're probably facing 5 - 10 years if it goes before the court," Monique replied, "so we really need to pre-empt that by having you indenture to your sister for at least 10 years. That effectively also makes you her property, so even if it did end up going to court, they could only release you into her custody anyway."

"10 years??" Casey repeated, horror-struck.

"It's ok, Casey," Jolene butted in. "You'll be with me, not some random stranger. I'll make you a nice home and I'll look after you."

I'm out of options. There's only one choice for me here…

"Ok, wh-where do I sign?" Casey said at last. While she knew this was her only choice, she was still visibly shaking with a noticeable tremor in her voice. She couldn't believe her life was about to change so drastically, and so suddenly.

"Ok," said Monique. "First, I'll get you to sign this one. This is the 10-year indenture agreement which makes Jolene your guardian so she can approve your nudist registration."

While she had made her decision, Casey still paused trembling, with the pen hovering above the document where it indicated for her to sign.

This is it, Casey. There is no other choice. Everything else is worse. Just sign it.

And then she signed.

"Ok, thank you," Monique continued, taking the paper from Casey. "Now this one is the nudist registration form. We just need to have a representative of the court present. Hold here for a moment."

As Monique left the room, Casey could only stare at the form she had just signed sitting on the top of some other pieces of paper over the other side of the desk. She considered snatching it back and tearing it into tiny pieces. Just before she reached that point, Monique returned with an officer carrying a large briefcase.

"Casey Reign," the officer started. "I am informed you wish to register as a nudist, and you are the legal property of one Jolene Reine. Is that correct?"

"Y-yes..." stammered Casey.

"Is Ms Jolene Reine present?" he asked.

"I am, officer," Jolene replied.

"Do you consent to your property, Casey Reine, registering as a nudist?"

"Yes, officer. It is Casey's wish, and I am happy for her to proceed," Jolene answered.

"Ok then," he continued before turning back to Casey. "Casey Reine, do you state that you enter into this registration of your own free will knowing it is permanently binding? If you agree, say I do."

Casey paused again, still trembling noticeably.

"Um...ok, I do. Yes. I do. Ok?"

OMG, what did I just say???

"Ok, now if you and Ms Jolene Reine could please sign here."

Casey and Jolene each signed. Casey could barely hold the pen steady, though, so it wasn't very neat.

"Now, please give me your left arm."

Casey shakily held out her left arm as the officer produced a box connected by a wiggly cable into the briefcase. One side of the box had a padded surface which he pressed against her wrist. Suddenly his grip tightened and there was a painful burning sensation where the box was touching her skin. She cried out, but then he removed it and the pain started to fade. She looked at her wrist and saw the now familiar crescent tattoo surrounded by reddened skin.

Casey Reine was now a registered nudist and would remain one for the rest of her life.

The officer then wished them well as he packed up the briefcase and left the room.

"Ok, now I just have to go speak to the judge," Monique informed the sisters. "Hopefully this won't take long."

As she left the room, Casey and Jolene faced each other.

"Oh my God, Casey. I don't know what you've gone through, but you're going to be ok now. I'll look after you, so you don't have to worry about a thing."

"Thank you, Jolene," Casey replied between sobs. "I can't begin to tell you how awful the last two weeks have been, and I can't believe I can't wear clothes ever again now after all that! I'm not sure how I'll ever get used to it, but it could have been a lot worse if it wasn't for you. Can I take this thing out of my butt now already for fuck's sake? It's been driving me crazy with everyone looking at it and making fun of me."

"Yes of course," Jolene replied with a sympathetic smile.

Casey had given up on modesty after everything she'd been through in the last few hours, so she just reached around and pulled it out right there in front of Jolene.

"Um... do you see a bin or anything anywhere?" she asked.

"Um... no. Just give it to me," Jolene replied, producing some tissues. She then wrapped it and put it in her bag.

Monique returned with good news that the judge had agreed to drop the charges as expected and they were now in the clear, but he wanted to have a word with Casey before he officially released her.

Casey was led to his chambers where a steward standing outside knocked on the door and she was motioned to enter. The judge looked up from his desk at the beautiful naked girl before him.

"Miss Reine, I am told that the offence you committed was due to acting out of a desire to become a registered nudist against your parents' wishes. Is that correct?"

Casey felt tremendously embarrassed and awkward standing naked in front of this man in these surroundings. She tried to keep her knees together so her genitals would not be so visible.

"Yes, Your Honour," she replied meekly.

"I trust matters are now resolved to your satisfaction and I won't be seeing you back here anytime soon?"

"Yes, Your Honour."

"Ok, I'm releasing you into the indenture of Ms Jolene Reine, who you will answer to for the next 10 years. Are you clear with your responsibilities as an Indent and as a registered nudist?"

"Yes, thank you, Your Honour."

The judge paused for a moment to allow his eyes to take in Casey's beauty.

"Um… may I go, Your Honour?"

"You may go," he said with a smile as he waved her away.

Some days his job was just too good. He had been planning to give her 30 days of community service, which no one would have batted an eye at for a prank like dancing nude in a Tech school cafeteria. So, she could have been back to her normal life and doing her webcam shows again in no time as if nothing ever happened. She was so good to watch too. It was such a curious combination of innocence and sluttiness. Now she had given up her right to wear clothes for the rest of her life and signed up to be her sister's servant for 10 years. It was so deliciously ironic, especially for someone as young and beautiful as this one. Eye-candy indeed, and now the whole world would always be welcome to it.

The sisters made their way to Jolene's car before heading off to what would be Casey's new home. Walking out of the police station and out into the world completely naked had been both bizarre and mortifying, but now she was suddenly very tired as well, no doubt as a result of all of the anxiety over the last few hours.

"I have a spare room for you, sis," Jolene announced as she drove along with her naked sister in the passenger seat. "I only had time to make the bed up. It might need your touch to make it more homely."

"Thank you, Jolene. Um... I really appreciate what you did for me today. I'm not sure how I'm going to cope without clothes, but I guess it's better than it might have been."

"I know, Casey. I'm sorry this happened to you."

Exhausted and drained, a short time later Casey was asleep in her new bed in her new home.

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Shelscott45Shelscott45almost 3 years ago

I Have ZERO Patience and Zero Tolerance for Close-minded, "Conservative", PRUDES!!

And I KNOW that There Are ALOT of Them Out There!!

What Casey's Parents, her father, did Is Wrong, and I HOPE That It comes Back to Bite Him in the ASS!!

BUT, as MOST, if Not All, Close-minded people Are BLIND to Their Own IGNORANCE,...

He will be Too Stupid to see it!!

Shelscott45Shelscott45almost 3 years ago

I am about 80% positive that the Blackmailer is The School Security Guard.

(the Only question is How Long He has been working at the school?)

Jolene Is/was a former student (4 yrs ago), He could Also know her from buying her "drugs",...

(Jolene was just a "smoking gun"; THIS Whole Thing was ONLY about Casey!)

Also answers the question How the Blackmailer Knows Casey's school schedule,

and lying about the Teacher meeting (YES, I Believe it was a Lie) or at least a set-up for Casey to be caught.

majapromajaproabout 4 years ago

parents that literally disowned

I was very sad ;(

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Very nice story

For now i enjoy this! Keep going!

concrete666concrete666about 4 years ago

I am so happy to hear you have 28 chapters. Can't wait! :)

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