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Red-faced on the Red-eye Pt. 01

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Seductive flight attendant gives a girl an ENF adventure.
11.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/09/2019
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Red-Faced on the Red-Eye Part 1

Sara boarded her first-ever international flight wearing a long, pink, scoop-back sundress a bright smile on her face, thrilled about her plans for her upcoming vacation.

The slender Irish co-ed had been invited by her American friend Rosie to spend a beach vacation together, and the two 21-year-olds decided to meet at an appealing middle point between California and Ireland: the Caribbean.

"Welcome aboard," said the blonde flight attendant as Sara bounced in off the jetway. "You certainly look excited."

"It's my first time abroad," Sara bubbled to the lovely woman, vaguely captivated by how her pink lipstick set off her well-tanned skin.

"And you're headed for the tropics - oh my, that is exciting. Well you'd better be careful or that lovely Gaelic skin of yours will get burned to a crisp. What seat are you in?"

Sara showed her boarding pass and the flight attendant directed her to the coach section at the rear of the plane with a light pat on her butt to nudge the girl along.

But Sara had a bigger reason to feel excited about her vacation than it being her first trip out of the country, or her first visit to the tropics - or even that it was the first time she'd see Rosie in nearly two years.

The two close friends had learned they happened to share a kink - they were both wannbe exhibitionists and ENF enthusiasts - so when they planned their vacation, they agreed to stay at a tiny resort that had a private, clothing-optional beach. And their plan was that every day, they would start out nude at that part of the beach, but then head into the waves and swim up the coast, far into the regular public beach, before coming out of the water and walking (or running!) back to the private beach, where they would repeat the escapade in the opposite direction.

They agreed to have all their meals at the resort's clothing-optional beachfront restaurant, and sneak off for nude strolls along the public beaches at night. Of course, being mostly exhibitionist wannabes, they both knew they would probably chicken out of most of these daring plans, but they vowed to spend as much of their vacation in the nude as they could stand.

Little did Sara know, however, that her ENF adventure would begin long before she arrived...

Her flight from Dublin was an overnight "red-eye," and Sara had long ago made a rule for herself that she had to sleep in the nude every night. So, she had resolved to take off her clothes and sleep naked under her airline blanket when the lights went out.

After boarding, Sara was delighted to find out that she didn't have a seatmate, and the only person seated across the aisle from her was a middle-aged woman who immediately popped some sleeping pills and dozed off. As the commotion of passengers boarding and stowing luggage subsided, Sara started getting excited about her upcoming antics and just couldn't wait to see how it would feel to be naked in the airline seat under the blanket. She felt the urge building, and decided to just quickly try out how it would work.

The slender college student covered herself with the blanket, then pulled the straps of her sundress down over her shoulders and quickly shimmied out of it (that was all she needed to take off since she had already decided to go "panty-free" for the whole vacation). The airline blanket easily covered her petite, 5-foot-2, 109-lbs frame, and she felt confident that her naughty secret would be safe overnight once the cabin lights went down.

But as Sara started to succumb to the heady thrill of being so very nearly naked in the crowded airline cabin, she felt an impulse to push her test run just a little bit further. That's when she made a fateful decision: to stuff her dress and flipflops into her carryon bag and put it away under the seat, out of easy reach - just for a moment - to see how it would feel.

As she zipped up the bag and tried to cram it under the forward seat, she had trouble getting it to fit. She was considering putting her dress back on and stowing the bag in the overhead bin, when she heard a woman's voice from above her.

"Tsk, tsk. No, that won't do."

Sara looked up and brushed her loose curls of mousey brown hair out of her face to see the same stunning, blonde flight attendant standing in the aisle, eying her with a mischievous smile. Sara realized too late that as she was leaning forward and struggling with her bag, the blanket had slipped, revealing her slender back all the way down to her bare butt. This tall, curvy, well-tanned woman - "Anna" by her nametag - knew that she was naked.

Before Sara could say anything, Anna reached down and grabbed her bag.

"No, we never should have let you bring this on the plane as a carryon," she said. "You'll have to check this on the jetway before we can take off. But don't get up," she said with a wink, "I'll be happy to handle it for you."

With that, Sara watched helplessly as Anna disappeared up the aisle and past the curtain towards the front of the plane with her bag - and all her clothes — and then returned with a bright red luggage-tag stub. Sara was sure that her face was even redder than the tag that the beautiful flight attendant ever-so-politely handed her.

"Be sure not to lose this, or you won't be able to collect your bag when you get off the plane."


"Don't worry, sweetie," Anna said with a wink. "If you need anything during the flight, just press the call button and I'll be here for you."

Anna then went back to the front of the coach section where she and the other flight attendant started running though the pre-flight lecture on seatbelts and flotation devices. As she went through all the motions, Anna kept looking over at the increasingly nervous girl, and smiling that devilish smile. She seemed to be maybe in her mid-thirties, but her wavy blonde hair and flawless makeup made her look to Sara more like a supermodel than an airline stewardess.

A few minutes after the safety lecture, Sara was just getting her breathing back under control when Anna suddenly appeared beside her again, making her huddle deeper under the thin blanket.

"Seatbelt?" Anna asked.

"Ah, um, yes. I'm wearing it."

"I'm sorry, you don't understand - I have to see."


"I have to visually confirm that every passenger has their seatbelt properly fastened before we can leave the gate," Anna said, twirling her finger to indicate that Sara had to pull the blanket away and expose herself.

"But... I can't... please!"

"If any passenger fails to cooperate, it could delay our takeoff and we may lose our runway slot," Anna said loudly, prompting annoyed murmurs from throughout the cabin. "I may even have to pull you right up out of that seat and eject you from the flight," she said in a lower voice as she leaned in toward Sara with a look of mock sternness. "And of course," she whispered, leaning even closer and fingering the soft blanket, "we couldn't allow you to leave the plane with airline property..."

"B-but..." said Sara meekly.

"Show me," Anna said in a whisper so soft and sultry that it made Sara moist.

Anna stood back up and smiled down at the blushing girl, who obediently slid the blanket off to show the demanding flight attendant her full, naked body - from her pert, b-cup breasts, to her narrow waist and taut stomach, to her neatly trimmed bush and long, slender legs. Sara was transfixed by Anna's piercing green eyes as they looked her up and down as if she was eyeing a delicious ice cream sundae dripping with chocolate sauce.

Sara had never imagined herself as bisexual, or even particularly curious, but feeling the heat of this beautiful woman's lustful gaze all over her nude body aroused her more than she would have ever believed possible. She sat there frozen, heart pounding, staring up helplessly at the gorgeous flight attendant, not even thinking about the dozens of oblivious strangers surrounding them just a few feet away as she brazenly presented her naked body for this captivating woman's appraisal.

She had no idea how much time had passed before Anna abruptly snapped Sara out of her erotic daze with stern look and a nod at her lap.

Mortified, Sara looked down between her legs, afraid that Anna might have spied the wetness building up there...

But no, she just wasn't wearing her seatbelt after all.

Sara frantically snapped the buckle over her slim hips and dove back under her blanket, humiliated not only by the exposure, but by how aroused it had so clearly made her. Anna just winked and gave her a lingering smirk before continuing her pre-flight routine as if nothing had happened.

After takeoff, Sara had done her best to calm down, but she remained flushed and anxious as she squirmed naked in her seat, unsure how this ill-advised escapade was going to turn out now that all of her clothes were down in the cargo hold and she was trapped for the next 12 hours naked on a plane with this beautiful and manipulative woman who knew her secret and seemed determined to torment her with it.

Eventually the cabin lights went down and so did Sara's anxiety, at least somewhat. Everybody seemed more interested in the in-flight movie than looking at her. But just as she started breathing easier, Sara heard a familiar voice.

"How is your flight experience so far?" Anna said with a grin.

"Pretty nerve-wracking, to be honest," said Sara, smiling for the first time since she lost her dress.

"Not used to flying this far?" asked Anna, leaning close again.

"Not used to flying this naked," Sara whispered, trying not to stare at the woman's fulsome cleavage.

They shared a quiet giggle and Anna's finger drifted down to the girl's exposed shoulder, swirling over her soft skin. Even though she was relatively warm under the blanket, Sara was suddenly covered in goosebumps, and her heart started racing just like it did when Anna made her expose herself completely. While she knew she was technically fully covered, Anna's touch on that small patch of bare skin - along with her wicked, knowing smile - somehow made Sara feel more naked than she had ever felt before.

And again, even though she had never seriously thought of other girls sexually before, this magnetic woman's attention felt so erotic that Sara couldn't ignore an intense attraction building inside her.

"I think I know just what you need to relieve some of this anxiety," Anna whispered in a husky voice that made the naked girl squirm, her face slowing drawing ever closer to Sara's as she looked deep into the girl's wide, blue eyes.

Feeling like she was in a dream, the quivering, mesmerized girl leaned in and closed her eyes, as if readying herself for a deep kiss.

"You need a drink," said Anna, suddenly standing.

After being aroused and then mortified by this woman for a second time, Sara both literally and figuratively melted into her seat as the seductive flight attendant sauntered back up the aisle past the curtain, leaving her naked passenger panting. But Sara was barely able to shake herself out of her erotic daze before her tormentor reappeared with a plastic cup full of red wine.

"I hope you like red. It was all I could sneak out of First Class," she said.

"I - sure, that's fine," said Sara, gratefully reaching up from under her blanket.

But rather than handing it to her, Anna quite deliberately upended the cup over Sara's blanket, dousing it with wine.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to spoil your blanket like that!" she said with mock surprise. "Don't worry, I'll get you a new one right away."

And before Sara could even react, Anna snatched up the soiled blanket and disappeared up the aisle of the darkened cabin, leaving the naked girl completely exposed just as the in-flight movie ended and the lights started to come up. Sara frantically grabbed the airline magazine and duty-free catalogue from her seat pocket, draping one over her lap, and hiding the rest of herself as best she could as she pretended to read the other.

Sara cowered behind the glossy pages for what seemed like hours as passengers got up and went forward to line up for the bathroom between Business Class and coach. She dared not make any eye contact, but Sara could tell that some of them stared at her as they passed in the aisle, and she could only hope they just assumed she was somehow legitimately dressed in some ultra-skimpy beach outfit that they couldn't quite see. They were flying to the Caribbean, after all!

After what felt like every passenger on the plane marched past her and ogled her magazine ensemble, Sara felt a wave of relief when she spied out of the corner of her eye a flight attendant's uniform at the front of the coach section. But when she looked up, it wasn't Anna with her new blanket - it was the other flight attendant, pushing the dinner-service cart.

As Anna's colleague made painfully slow progress down the aisle handing out dinner trays, Sara saw Anna start making her way behind with the drinks cart. When Sara caught her eye, Anna smiled and held up the blanket she had promised more than a half-hour ago, casually motioning that she would bring it as fast as the carts would allow, as if Sara had asked for an extra packet of peanuts rather the only possible covering for her naked body on a crowded airplane.

Sara waited anxiously, having absolutely no idea what she could possibly say to the other flight attendant when she got to her row and saw that Sara was completely and inexplicably naked.

When the dinner cart finally made it down the dozen rows to Sara's seat, the attendant's eyes widened when she saw Sara trying and failing to hide her nakedness with the magazines. Sara was paralyzed. What could she say? What possible excuse could seem remotely plausible for why she was sitting there completely nude in the middle of an airplane on a 12-hour flight?

The naked, humiliated girl was about start babbling incoherently to the older women when the flight attendant suddenly just rolled her eyes.

"Anna's at it again," she said, shaking her head. "Vegetarian or beef?"

"Um, vegetarian," Sara croaked as she blushed an even deeper shade of red than the wine Anna had dumped on her.

As the dinner cart trundled on, Anna finally arrived with the drinks - and her blanket.

"And what would you like to drink, miss?" she said brightly.

"A blanket, please," muttered Sara, resisting her urge to throw her dinner plate in Anna's face.

"Oh, is that a cocktail of some sort?" Anna taunted with feigned confusion. "What are the ingredients?"

"Can you please just give me the blanket?" Sara whispered with an earnest look that moved Anna to lean in close again.

"Well, if you want a cocktail, you know that costs extra..." she whispered suggestively.

"What? What more do you want from me?" pleaded Sara.

Anna reached out and snatched the magazine off Sara's lap, making the naked girl clutch the other even tighter against her apple breasts.

"Let me take some of this trash away for you," Anna said, holding out her hand for the last bit of covering Sara had.

Reluctantly, Sara handed over the magazine and clamped her hands over her private parts as Anna grinned triumphantly, and then silently collected the neighboring seats' magazines, as well as the safety cards and all other potential coverings from both seat pockets - leaving Sara dumbstruck and absolutely bare.

After taking an excruciatingly long moment to admire Sara's blushing nakedness, Anna finally pulled out a blanket and tossed it in the nude girl's lap. As the wicked flight attendant casually poured a cup of orange juice, Sara unfurled her new cover to find it wasn't a full blanket at all, but just a tiny piece of one - barely enough to cover her from lap to chest and tuck around her body on each side.

"Wait, this isn't a blanket - it's barely a napkin!" she said.

"Oh, you're not satisfied with this one?" Anna asked, holding the orange juice menacingly above Sara's 'napkin.' "If you like, I can take it back and bring you another - after dinner service is over..."

"No! This is fine! Please let me keep it!" Sara said quickly, fully believing that this woman was prepared to take it away and leave her there completely naked with absolutely no cover for the rest of the flight.

Sara couldn't even think about eating - her stomach was so full of butterflies already - so when Anna came back up the aisle a half hour later collecting everyone's trash, the squirming, barely covered girl dumped the untouched plate into the bag. But Anna didn't move on.

"Is the anything else I can take while I'm here?" she said teasingly, leaning over and playfully tugging on the tiny 'blanket' Sara clutched over her nakedness.

"Oh no, I'm fine!" said Sara, totally flustered.

The beautiful flight attendant leaned close again and ran her fingertips up and down Sara's now entirely bare arm, unleashing another cascade of goosebumps all over her slender body.

"I know you're loving this," Anna whispered softly in the quivering girl's ear. "This is why you took your dress of in the first place - why you put it away in your bag. You wanted this, you naughty little girl... You were hoping for something just like this, and you know it."

Anna's finger suddenly slipped under Sara's 'blanket' and flicked her stiffened nipple, making the nearly nude girl almost leap out of her seat.

"Remember, if you need anything from me tonight, just press the call button," Anna whispered in her ear as she stood up again and carried on with her duties.

The lights finally dimmed again for the night, and Sara started to relax as much as she could given her circumstances. But she couldn't stop thinking about Anna - her amazing green eyes, that wicked and beguiling smile - how this magnetic and manipulative woman seemed to see right through Sara's exhibitionist desires, and how she seemed determined to exploit them for her own amusement. What else did Anna have planned for her? What other exposures and humiliations were in store for her before they landed? And what then? With all her clothes down in the cargo hold, how would she even get off the plane? Was Anna really going to make her go get her bag wearing only this scrap of fabric that she couldn't even wrap around herself?

Sara's heart started to race again...

And... was Anna right, after all? Sara wondered - as she recalled all the embarrassments and humiliations Anna had already inflicted on her, and reflected on the excitement and deep arousal they had incited inside her - did she really want this?

Sara's fingers drifted between her legs as she replayed the moment Anna had first made her pull her blanket down and reveal her naked body, and remembered the helpless thrill she felt as that gorgeous stranger looked down at her with her devilish smile, so clearly enjoying her power to make this young, nervous girl expose herself to her so completely. Sara flushed when she pictured Anna's piercing green eyes lustily looking her naked body up and down, and she squirmed when she recalled the woman's sultry, teasing whispers in her ear.

Sara's body felt steamy under even that tiny scrap of cloth, and sweat stared to glisten on her chest as she remembered that taunting, triumphant grin after she surrendered the magazines and Anna had finally stripped her once and for all of any possible covering. And Sara relived the humiliation - and, yes, elation - of that moment as she squirmed, naked and helpless, under this beautiful woman's appreciating gaze, knowing that she depended entirely on her to provide any chance at modesty or dignity.

Sara started breathing heavier as she recalled the humbling, titillating fear she felt when she cowered under the meager scrap of cover Anna had offered, begging to be allowed to keep it, and knowing it was totally within this woman's power to take it away and leave her naked and exposed in a cabin full of strangers for the rest of the flight.

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